Abenaki translations list
All of the translation keys and Abenaki text currently in the game. This file is automatically generated from Valheim 0.220.3 using the JotunnDoc mod found on our GitHub.
Key A-M | Abenaki Text |
$#piece_sapcollector_check | Check extractor |
$alternate_key_label | Alternate function: + |
$ammo_arrows | pakwaal |
$ammo_bolts | bolts |
$ammo_turretbolt | Black Metal Missile |
$ammo_turretboltwood | Wooden Missile |
$ancient_chest | Ancient Coffin |
$animal_fish | Namas |
$animal_fish1 | Môlamagws |
$animal_fish10 | Northern Salmon |
$animal_fish11 | Magmafish |
$animal_fish12 | Pufferfish |
$animal_fish2 | Kwenoza |
$animal_fish3 | Kchiwlôwimagw |
$animal_fish4 | Tetra |
$animal_fish5 | Trollfish |
$animal_fish6 | Giant Herring |
$animal_fish7 | Grouper |
$animal_fish8 | Coral Cod |
$animal_fish9 | Anglerfish |
$base_item_modifier | Base item stamina use |
$biome_ashlands | Skwedaibegwiki |
$biome_blackforest | Pezowakamigokw |
$biome_darklands | Pezgaaki |
$biome_deepnorth | Peponki |
$biome_edge | Machiki |
$biome_forest | Kpiwi |
$biome_heath | Msaskikokik |
$biome_meadows | Pamskodal |
$biome_mistlands | Ahlabipikônkial |
$biome_mountain | Wajo |
$biome_ocean | Mamilisobagwa |
$biome_plains | Mskodal |
$biome_swamp | Megoakw |
$boss_hive_end | We are dispersed. |
$boss_hive_start | We have gathered. |
$button_a | A |
$button_b | B |
$button_back | Back |
$button_lalt | L-Alt |
$button_lb | LB |
$button_lcommand | L-Command |
$button_lctrl | L-Ctrl |
$button_ls | LS |
$button_lshift | L-Shift |
$button_mouse0 | Mouse-1 |
$button_mouse1 | Mouse-2 |
$button_mouse2 | Mouse-3 |
$button_ps_a | ✕ |
$button_ps_b | ○ |
$button_ps_back | Share |
$button_ps_lb | L1 |
$button_ps_ls | L3 |
$button_ps_rb | R1 |
$button_ps_rs | R3 |
$button_ps_start | Options |
$button_ps_x | ▫ |
$button_ps_y | △ |
$button_ralt | R-Alt |
$button_rb | RB |
$button_rcommand | R-Command |
$button_rctrl | R-Ctrl |
$button_return | Return |
$button_rs | RS |
$button_rshift | R-Shift |
$button_space | Space |
$button_start | Start |
$button_x | X |
$button_y | Y |
$caption_absorbingproj | absorbing projectile |
$caption_agreeing | agreeing |
$caption_alerted | alerted |
$caption_altar_empowered | Altar empowered |
$caption_arriving | arriving |
$caption_atgeir | Atgeir |
$caption_attacking | attacking |
$caption_awakening | awakening |
$caption_axe | Axe |
$caption_barking | barking |
$caption_biting | biting |
$caption_blockedattack | Attack blocked |
$caption_blocking | blocking |
$caption_born | being born |
$caption_bow | Bow |
$caption_breakingapart | breaking apart |
$caption_breathingfire | breathing fire |
$caption_bubbling | bubbling |
$caption_building | building |
$caption_burningfood | burning food |
$caption_burp | Burping |
$caption_burrowing | burrowing |
$caption_bye | saying goodbye |
$caption_calling | calling |
$caption_callingforaid | calling for aid |
$caption_casting | casting |
$caption_castingmagic | casting |
$caption_castingspell | casting a spell |
$caption_catchfire | Something catching fire |
$caption_cawing | cawing |
$caption_charging | charging |
$caption_chittering | chittering |
$caption_closing | closing |
$caption_creaking | creaking |
$caption_destroyed | destroyed |
$caption_dispersing | dispersing |
$caption_dodging | dodging |
$caption_donecooking | done cooking |
$caption_doorclose | Door closing |
$caption_dooropen | Door opening |
$caption_drawn | being drawn |
$caption_droppingitem | dropping an item |
$caption_dying | dying |
$caption_eating | eating |
$caption_exploding | exploding |
$caption_explosion | Explosion |
$caption_firework_explode | Firework exploding |
$caption_firing | firing |
$caption_fizzling | fizzling |
$caption_food_burnt | Food burnt |
$caption_food_done | Food cooked |
$caption_fueladded | Object being refueled |
$caption_gateclose | Gate closing |
$caption_gateopen | Gate opening |
$caption_gettinghit | getting hit |
$caption_ghostnoises | whooshing |
$caption_groaning | groaning |
$caption_growing | growing |
$caption_growling | growling |
$caption_grumbling | grumbling |
$caption_grunting | grunting |
$caption_healing | healing |
$caption_hello | greeting |
$caption_hit | striking |
$caption_hitting | hitting |
$caption_howling | howling |
$caption_hurt | hurt |
$caption_iceshatter | Ice shattering |
$caption_inhaling | inhaling |
$caption_itemcrafted | Item crafted |
$caption_jumping | jumping |
$caption_knife | Knife |
$caption_laughing | laughing |
$caption_levelup | Skill increased! |
$caption_lightingfire | lighting fire |
$caption_linebreak | line snapping |
$caption_loaded | loaded |
$caption_meteor_exploding | Meteor exploding |
$caption_moving | moving |
$caption_opening | opening |
$caption_parried | Attack parried |
$caption_platform_crumbling | Lava platform crumbling |
$caption_platform_rising | Platform rising |
$caption_player | Player |
$caption_portalopen | Portal opening |
$caption_potion | Potion consumed |
$caption_projexploding | projectile exploding |
$caption_puking | Puking |
$caption_punching | Punching |
$caption_rattling | rattling |
$caption_ravencaw | Raven cawing |
$caption_ravenflap | Raven flapping |
$caption_recharging | recharging |
$caption_refilled | refilled |
$caption_refueled | refueled |
$caption_reloading | reloading |
$caption_repaired | Item repaired |
$caption_rising | rising |
$caption_rockdestroyed | Rock breaking |
$caption_ruminating | ruminating |
$caption_screeching | screeching |
$caption_seagull | Seagull |
$caption_shaking | shaking |
$caption_shattering | shattering |
$caption_shedding | shedding |
$caption_shivering | shivering |
$caption_shouting | shouting |
$caption_shuttingdown | shutting down |
$caption_sighing | sighing |
$caption_snarling | snarling |
$caption_spear | Spear |
$caption_spinning | spinning |
$caption_spitexploding | spit exploding |
$caption_spitting | spitting |
$caption_splashing | splashing |
$caption_sputtering | sputtering |
$caption_squawking | squawking |
$caption_startup | starting up |
$caption_stomping | stomping |
$caption_summoning | summoning |
$caption_sweeping | sweeping |
$caption_swiping | swiping |
$caption_swung | being swung |
$caption_takingdamage | taking damage |
$caption_takingoff | taking off |
$caption_talking | talking |
$caption_throwing | throwing |
$caption_thunder | Distant thunder |
$caption_tilling | tilling |
$caption_trading | is pleased with a trade |
$caption_treefall | Tree falling |
$caption_used | used |
$charredfortress | Charred Fortress |
$chat_entermessage | Enter chat message |
$chat_entertext | Awigham... |
$chat_kill | Nhlazi |
$chat_resetspawn | Wskito psanaka |
$chat_shout | Kôgôlwa |
$chat_whisper | Kigimôdwa |
$customization_beard01 | Kweni 1 |
$customization_beard02 | Kweni 2 |
$customization_beard03 | Taakwa 1 |
$customization_beard04 | Taakwa 2 |
$customization_beard05 | Lôbagena 1 |
$customization_beard06 | Lôbagena 2 |
$customization_beard07 | Taakwa 3 |
$customization_beard08 | Kepagi 1 |
$customization_beard09 | Lôbagena 3 |
$customization_beard10 | Lôbagena 4 |
$customization_beard11 | Thick 2 |
$customization_beard12 | Royal 1 |
$customization_beard13 | Royal 2 |
$customization_beard14 | Braided 5 |
$customization_beard15 | Short 4 |
$customization_beard16 | Stonedweller |
$customization_beard17 | Neat |
$customization_beard18 | Royal 3 |
$customization_beard19 | Bushy |
$customization_beard20 | Spiky |
$customization_beard21 | Short 5 |
$customization_hair01 | Môwna 1 |
$customization_hair02 | Môwna 2 |
$customization_hair03 | Lôbagena 1 |
$customization_hair04 | Môwna 3 |
$customization_hair05 | Taakwa 1 |
$customization_hair06 | Kweni 1 |
$customization_hair07 | Môwna 4 |
$customization_hair08 | Taakwa 2 |
$customization_hair09 | Pskada 1 |
$customization_hair10 | Pskada 2 |
$customization_hair11 | Lôbagena 2 |
$customization_hair12 | Lôbagena 3 |
$customization_hair13 | Lôbagena 4 |
$customization_hair14 | Psakada 3 |
$customization_hair15 | Pulled Back Curls |
$customization_hair16 | Gathered Braids |
$customization_hair17 | Neat Braids |
$customization_hair18 | Royal Braids |
$customization_hair19 | Curls 1 |
$customization_hair20 | Curls 2 |
$customization_hair21 | Twin Buns |
$customization_hair22 | Single Bun |
$customization_hair23 | Short Curls |
$customization_hair24 | Shaved and Braided |
$customization_hair25 | Single Bun 2 |
$customization_hair26 | Short Locs |
$customization_hair27 | Braids of Strength |
$customization_hair28 | Merchant's Braid |
$customization_hair29 | Loose 2 |
$customization_hair30 | Loose 3 |
$customization_hair31 | Gathered Locs |
$customization_nobeard | Mamasagidegwa |
$customization_nohair | Mamasagôdep |
$deadspeak_bonemass | Wliwni, migakawinno. Niuna almôwzohodidep yo alôgihlôk ôda n'kizi sôgnawinabpnop wzômi nôwat. Chaga n'bagihlabna... |
$deadspeak_eikthyr | Kia nihlaihitza? Toji k'piwseso ta nokinôgwezian… Hla Odin wskebi wagito ni n'hagaga ato ni kanwa asmatta ôdahaji pezowakgamigw kitanokkw... |
$deadspeak_elder | Papiwsesit, pagakaniya ta oskanitigan, k'wagalôgnelopba paki piwtetek! Chaga n'kskwipiwaaskedahla. Padagosalawi li Gitakwamek... |
$deadspeak_fader | I followed a false destiny, and it gave me nothing but ruin. Forgive me, my love... |
$deadspeak_fish_shared1 | Don't worry. Be happy. |
$deadspeak_fish_shared2 | Take me to the river... Drop me in the water... |
$deadspeak_fish1 | I'm a perch, not a bass! |
$deadspeak_fish10 | Once I was free to jump upstream. But no longer. |
$deadspeak_fish11 | Please lay me to rest by the fire... |
$deadspeak_fish12 | Have you seen my friend around? Her name is Anika. |
$deadspeak_fish2 | You're supposed to put heads on a pike, not put a pike on a wall... |
$deadspeak_fish3 | I've got this tune stuck in my head... |
$deadspeak_fish4 | It's so cold... And dark... But I like it that way. |
$deadspeak_fish5 | Stop it with the baiting already! |
$deadspeak_fish6 | What's that nasty smell? Surely it couldn't be me! |
$deadspeak_fish7 | I'm dead but not gone. Won't you free me from this cursed purgatory? |
$deadspeak_fish8 | Do you ever wonder what lurks in the deepest parts of the ocean? Don't. It's better not to know. |
$deadspeak_fish9 | Do you see the light? It beckons you... |
$deadspeak_hive | You think you beat us? Think again... We are still, and forever will be the hive - and the hive is unbeatable. |
$deadspeak_moder | Kôdaka ali pôlôbaian, Kia awaasi Odina! Alizibkitabaldaa machihlôga, ni kanwa nigik yanegisosak askwa pahamiwi... |
$deadspeak_queen | Tell Odin that my kin will bring forth another... A monarch never dies. |
$deadspeak_yagluth | K'nôji kizi nanakôdtôgweziaza ato, papiwsesid? K'wawaldam ato kassta kizi nihlegwezia, wagtahôgwezia, miwyalegwezia, chegasôgwzia, ta agwankahôgwzia? Ôda kia natamabok, ni ôdaki kia matanaskiwi. |
$dream_ashlands01 | You awaken within a dream of dark skies and boiling clouds. Night on the mountaintop, a rough cloak pulled tight around you. Thunder tears the sky and a rain of hot embers pours through the rift, destroying your dream body in an instant… |
$dream_ashlands02 | In your sleep, you crouch in the middle of a vast and gloomy cavern while a huge beast prowls in circles around you, dragging the darkness behind it. Emerald flames flicker at its edges and the growl of its throat lingers long into the waking day… |
$dream_ashlands03 | You dream of eating roast hog at a feast. It is a simple and delicious meal. If only all dreams could be like this. |
$dream_ashlands04 | Nine maidens in robes of white dance barefoot at midnight. Nine wolves hunt a white hart in the greenwood. Nine bells ring out on the mountainside and you awake. |
$dream_bonemass01 | K'nespokwsinôk nguedatgua chibaiyak chitamigoak wôwiwni kd'abonemek ali kwilawatohodit walabedak ta kizôwzilit lli kagui kdak padôgiohok alômiwi kik ni w'zawigedanô paki towipegwahlôkil pakholit niga wd'akwainô. |
$dream_eikthyr01 | K'legwasi bmômahlaan giwi mskodak, olôwkw ôptakadak ali wôbiskwedak. ahasasiokastôgwezid paki padôgiika kwelbiwi kiak niganwa toji kwelbôbian, ôda kagui ainokkw. K'tokihla, k'lawôgan ôptega alômiwi k'dolkak. |
$dream_elder01 | Illegwasian, ni zôkhapzegatakwamika nikôniwi kiak, ôpetawiwikwihlôk abaziak paki wôbaksisagen, tôni ali pzegatak kôdtowo alakwsak. Wskwaadenek, mamsegilek askanak wiwniwihlôk pôgwas... |
$dream_mistlands01 | In your dream, you walk through a hall of smiling warriors and gracious maidens. You join with their mirth until you realise that you are naked and the small bronze shield you are carrying is not enough to cover your shame. You greet the morning with gratitude. |
$dream_mistlands02 | Dark-eyed Loki approaches you in your dream and gifts you a ring for each hand. He tells you that as long as they stay on your fingers, you will never hear an insulting word again. You wake with your fingers in your ears. |
$dream_mistlands03 | You climb a winding staircase, curled tightly within a tall tower, until you arrive at the top and look out over an endless forest. The wind blows green waves across the tree-tops and beneath the surface, dark shapes stir... |
$dream_moder01 | K'legwasi pôzijidoan bamadenika, mziwi Valheim nagwiwi kiak. Ali adebigwahlôan ta kamwian tklômseniwi, pazgwen kôkchi pzegatak pitawijidoo kiak ta kisosek. Ni pzegiwi wd'idamen: Kwilawi. |
$dream_random01 | K'legwasi pazgwen sibo enni takwôkijoak, chitôiwi zôkhigenol pônigikkil alômiwi kik… |
$dream_random02 | K'nikônihla k'migakawinnomikok mina, ôptchi wawmadaman k'mitôgwesga w'tmahigan alômiwi keljik. K'toki tôni aliga aodikwazimek wskijiwi kd'azebaskedonek… |
$dream_random03 | Kwani legwasian, kd'abi chebiwi skwedak ni alômiwi kchi agwanidaganek, alitôgek nôbi ali awanigik wawalmat. W'sizegowô paki pegda ta k'wanaldamawônal aliwizohodit, ni kanwa ôaik ali mikwalmat olabedok… |
$dream_random04 | K'ska ktolagwi'wskidwolagok tôni ali sawigedak nebik, atali ziwaninebi towbagiazo nikôniwi kiak ta ali naojigik kahakwizak wiagtôgwajik spemiwi. Kwaniwi adojiwi alegwasian, k'mikwaldam aligek alôwzimek ni kik atali nigihogan. |
$dream_random05 | K'legwasi pazgwen kchi abazi bmosa mziwi ôlitbakki. Papasia naoji w'pskaôtkwenal bemakadakil kdakil anigekil. |
$dream_random06 | Amidst the crash of arms, on the dark and glimmering plain of sleep, a face swells snarling before you. Your shield arm hangs limp, your spear is broken. You welcome the cold blade when it comes. From a dream of death, you awaken to death itself. |
$dream_random07 | You dream you are lying on your back in a meadow, gazing upward at the clouds. Your name is nothing, your mind is free of thought. But there is a warm hand in yours. In the dream, you are laughing. But when you awaken, you find your face damp with tears. |
$dream_random08 | On a boat carved from dark wood, beneath ragged sails, you lie with your arms folded across your chest. Blurred faces, like thumbprints on the darkness, croon familiar songs as they push you out to float on a sea as black and flat as glass. |
$dream_random09 | You lie on the battlefield, dreaming eyes turned upward to a sky veiled by smoke. The calls of your warriors grow fainter and your eyes close for a second time. Great talons slide beneath you and you feel yourself rising, lifted from your body like a babe from its crib… |
$dream_random10 | You fall into the deep well of sleep and dream only of darkness. |
$dream_random11 | You dream of a bright hall filled with gracious warriors and fair maidens. The air hums with song, the boards groan under the weight of steaming dishes, the mead flows like water. You awake slowly with the laughter still ringing in your ears… |
$dream_random12 | You sleep in fits and fretful dreams, the weight of the nightmare heavy on your chest. When morning comes, you greet it with relief. |
$dream_random13 | Sleep is a river and dreams are live fish. You wake in the morning with your net empty. |
$dream_random14 | You dream you are hunting with your companions, running high over green hills and down through mist-haunted valleys. Ahead of you, your prey stumbles and you leap forward, sinking your teeth into warm flesh. When you wake, the taste of metal lingers in your mouth. |
$dream_random15 | You dream you are walking in a snowy wood when you come upon a naked child, sitting against a tree with his eyes closed but his chest moving to breathe. As you kneel beside him, you know he has been sleeping here for many centuries, waiting for you. When you touch his shoulder, you both awaken. |
$dream_random16 | You dream of a mighty bear, sleeping deep below the earth in the winter of the world. It turns in its sleep, folds upon folds of flesh and fur. It has no head, no limbs. A vast mass of bear flesh, mercifully quiet. |
$dream_random17 | You fall asleep planning your next day's labor and in your dreams you complete it, hewing wood, foraging for food and hunting after swift deer. You return home exhausted but happy, only to awaken and find the day is still ahead of you... |
$dream_yagluth01 | Alômiwi almôsagok aik wizôwimôniagwanakhodiganika, niga kd'azitgwakagôbikhogon nikôniwi pazgo tabaldak tônwa agwanlôgwaozit. Gawimek ibidaki agwanlôgwawan, k'hlego ilmannipaskagenem nida agwanlôgwawan. Ilekôgôlôwaan niga k'tokin. |
$dvergr_buff | Dvergr power |
$dvergr_buff_description | You are infused with a strange Dvergr power which increases your strength. |
$enemy_abomination | Abomination |
$enemy_asksvin | Asksvin |
$enemy_asksvin_hatchling | Asksvin Hatchling |
$enemy_babyseeker | Seeker Brood |
$enemy_bat | Madagenihlas |
$enemy_blob | Blob |
$enemy_blobelite | Oozer |
$enemy_bloblava | Lava Blob |
$enemy_blobtar | Growth |
$enemy_boar | Biges |
$enemy_boarpiggy | Pigsis |
$enemy_bonemass | Bonemass |
$enemy_bonemawserpent | Bonemaw |
$enemy_boss_bonemass_deathmessage | The Mass ceases its writhing |
$enemy_boss_bonemass_spawnmessage | The Mass is moving |
$enemy_boss_dragon_deathmessage | Moder is in tears |
$enemy_boss_dragon_spawnmessage | Moder is enraged |
$enemy_boss_fader_alertmessage | The Emerald Flame ignites |
$enemy_boss_fader_deathmessage | The Emerald Flame is extinguished |
$enemy_boss_goblinking_deathmessage | Kizalô Yagluth wjejakw |
$enemy_boss_goblinking_spawnmessage | Yagluth's twisted soul has been summoned |
$enemy_boss_queen_alertmessage | The Queen wants it all |
$enemy_boss_queen_deathmessage | Long live the Queen |
$enemy_charred | Charred |
$enemy_charred_archer | Charred Marksman |
$enemy_charred_grunt | Charred Grunt |
$enemy_charred_mage | Charred Warlock |
$enemy_charred_melee | Charred Warrior |
$enemy_charred_melee_Dyrnwyn | <color=orange>Lord Reto |
$enemy_charred_melee_Fader | Summoned Charred Warrior |
$enemy_charred_twitcher | Charred Twitcher |
$enemy_charred_twitcher_summoned | Summoned Twitcher |
$enemy_charredspawnercross | Effigy of Malice |
$enemy_charredtwitcherspawner | Monument of Torment |
$enemy_chicken | Chicken |
$enemy_deathsquito | Kskwipegwes |
$enemy_deer | Nolka |
$enemy_dragon | Moder |
$enemy_drake | Sikwlaihla |
$enemy_draugr | Draugr |
$enemy_draugrelite | Draugr elite |
$enemy_draugrspawner | Body Pile |
$enemy_dvergr | Dvergr Rogue |
$enemy_dvergr_mage | Dvergr Mage |
$enemy_dvergrs | Dvergr |
$enemy_eikthyr | Eikthyr |
$enemy_fader | Fader |
$enemy_fader_codename | The Emerald Flame |
$enemy_fallenvalkyrie | Fallen Valkyrie |
$enemy_fenring | Fenring |
$enemy_fenringcultist | Cultist |
$enemy_fenringcultist_hildir | <color=orange>Geirrhafa |
$enemy_gdking | The Elder |
$enemy_gemgoblin | Riktig Fuling |
$enemy_ghost | Chibai |
$enemy_gjall | Gjall |
$enemy_goblin | Fuling |
$enemy_goblin_hildir | <color=orange>Zil |
$enemy_goblinbrute | Fuling berserker |
$enemy_goblinbrute_hildir | <color=orange>Thungr |
$enemy_goblinbrute_hildircombined | <color=orange>Zil & Thungr |
$enemy_goblinking | Yagluth |
$enemy_goblinshaman | Fuling medawlinnoit |
$enemy_greydwarf | Wibgwipiwsesit |
$enemy_greydwarfbrute | Wibgwipiwsessi kinôbait |
$enemy_greydwarfshaman | Wibgwipiwsessi medawlinnoit |
$enemy_greydwarfspawner | Greydwarfiwazesa |
$enemy_greyling | Wibgwisimisid |
$enemy_hare | Hare |
$enemy_hen | Ahamo |
$enemy_kvastur | Kvastur |
$enemy_kvastur_lore | A witch's companion must be made of sturdy stuff. |
$enemy_leech | Pabaskw |
$enemy_lox | Lox |
$enemy_loxcalf | Loxis |
$enemy_mistile | Mistile |
$enemy_morgen | Morgen |
$enemy_neck | Neck |
$enemy_seeker | Seeker |
$enemy_seekerbrute | Seeker Soldier |
$enemy_seekerqueen | The Queen |
$enemy_serpent | Sobagwiskogba |
$enemy_skeleton | Chibaiakw |
$enemy_skeleton_summoned | Skelett |
$enemy_skeletonfire | <color=orange>Brenna |
$enemy_skeletonpoison | Matalkô akwajabit |
$enemy_skeletonspawner | Evil Bone Pile |
$enemy_stonegolem | Kloskapskw |
$enemy_summonedroot | Summoned Root |
$enemy_summonedtroll | Summoned Troll |
$enemy_surtling | Surtling |
$enemy_tick | Tick |
$enemy_troll | Giwakwa |
$enemy_ulv | Ulv |
$enemy_volture | Volture |
$enemy_wolf | Môlsem |
$enemy_wolfcub | Môlsemis |
$enemy_wraith | Sigwachibai |
$error_alreadyconnected | Kizi ônkawiwi |
$error_banned | Askamimiwyalômek |
$error_cantrestorebackup | Can't restore backup! |
$error_cantrestoremeta | Can't restore meta file! |
$error_disconnected | Kadaka |
$error_failedconnect | Ôda kizi ônkawiw |
$error_incompatibleversion | Ôda tagedatta nôbi |
$error_kicked | You have been kicked from the server. |
$error_needslocalupdatetojoin | You're running an older version of Valheim that is incompatible with this server. Please update your game to join this server. |
$error_needsserverupdatetojoin | This server is running an older version of Valheim that is incompatible with your version. |
$error_nosuitablebackupfound | No suitable backup was found! |
$error_password | Paligek ikôlklozwôgan |
$error_platformexcluded | The server owner does not allow users from other platforms than their own to play on their server. |
$error_serverfull | Psanakwta |
$error_worldfileload | Error loading world file. Check backups! |
$event_bats_end | The cauldron calms |
$event_bats_start | You stirred the cauldron |
$event_bonemassarmy_end | Matawanesen |
$event_bonemassarmy_start | Majimôgwat lagwiwi wjihlôk megoakok |
$event_boss01_end | Kizalô Eikthyr |
$event_boss01_start | Tokô Eikthyr |
$event_boss02_end | Kizalô Elder |
$event_boss02_start | Tokô Elder |
$event_boss03_end | Kizalô Bonemass |
$event_boss03_start | Tokô Bonemass |
$event_boss04_end | Kizalô Moder |
$event_boss04_start | Tokô Moder |
$event_boss05_end | Kizalô King Yagluth |
$event_boss05_start | Tokô Yagluth kinjamesid |
$event_caves_end | The howls fade |
$event_caves_start | Howls echo from the depths... |
$event_charredarmy_end | The army retreats |
$event_charredarmy_start | The undead army marches |
$event_charredspawnerarmy_start | The dead have been summoned |
$event_charrespawnerarmy_end | The dead lie still once more |
$event_eikthyrarmy_end | The creatures are calming down |
$event_eikthyrarmy_start | Eikthyr rallies the creatures of the forest |
$event_foresttrolls_end | The shaking begins to fade |
$event_foresttrolls_start | Ôptchikamigapoda |
$event_gdkingarmy_end | The forest rests again |
$event_gdkingarmy_start | The forest is moving... |
$event_gemgoblin_end | You got 'em |
$event_gemgoblin_start | Get 'em! |
$event_ghosts_end | They have been banished, for now... |
$event_ghosts_start | You feel a chill down your spine... |
$event_gjallarmy_end | Good bye Gjall |
$event_gjallarmy_start | What's up, Gjall?! |
$event_goblinarmy_end | Polwak nigik menôsajik |
$event_goblinarmy_start | K'kadonalogok nigik menôsajik |
$event_hildirboss1_end | She got burnt |
$event_hildirboss1_start | She's hot on your tail! |
$event_hildirboss2_end | You can chill out |
$event_hildirboss2_start | You get the chills... |
$event_hildirboss3_end | You broke the code...again |
$event_hildirboss3_start | They were bros, man |
$event_moderarmy_end | The cold wind is gone |
$event_moderarmy_start | Tkelômsen wjihla wajok |
$event_seekerarmy_end | The search is over |
$event_seekerarmy_start | They sought you out |
$event_skeletons_end | Chibaiakoak sawiaodoak |
$event_skeletons_start | A skeleton surprise! |
$event_surtlings_end | Ôptchi matawanesen |
$event_surtlings_start | Pegdaapskwimôgwat towiwi... |
$event_wolves_end | Akwadialimek |
$event_wolves_start | K'kadonalegw... |
$faderlocation_bellholder | Bell Holder |
$feedback_bug | Aweskôwzid |
$feedback_feedback | Palnam |
$feedback_idea | Mikawidahôzi |
$feedback_send | Bejidaka |
$feedback_subject | Weji |
$feedback_text | Awigham |
$feedback_topic | Palnam |
$fish1_description | A tasty whitemeat fish. |
$fish10_description | This fish likes the water to be almost freezing cold. |
$fish11_description | Some say this fish lays its eggs directly in molten lava! |
$fish12_description | Tasty when cooked right, but the flavour has a bit of a sting. |
$fish2_description | A freshwater fish that needs a lot of seasoning. |
$fish3_description | Chicken of the sea... |
$fish4_description | Spending its whole life in the dark, it has no need for eyes. |
$fish5_description | This fish is a nuisance in the local streams. |
$fish6_description | Fermented, this fish will smell worse than the swamp it came from. |
$fish7_description | Best served with lots of carbs! |
$fish8_description | It has seen some things... Some very haunting things... |
$fish9_description | The dangling light makes it easier to see that pretty little face! |
$guardianstone_bonemass_desc | Ôbamakwit, gikinam kzidal Aliwskidosa n'posknigannaikok Ngwedômkwaki pôgwoskanal K'pemadenasinolbnaji machinawôganek |
$guardianstone_eikthyr_desc | Wd'askanmak paki alnahlagwi pskaôtkwenal w'wagitonowal senal ta w'talaginaalaôwô wajoa W'kazak padôgitôgwak Tôni ali wlôdowa kikinlômsen |
$guardianstone_fader_desc | A father noble and proud He soared through skies of fire Then madness lowered its shroud And warped his heart's desire |
$guardianstone_hook_activate | Tokinala pawhigan |
$guardianstone_hook_alreadyactive | Current power |
$guardianstone_hook_deactivate | Ponaka pawhigan |
$guardianstone_hook_name | Pôladakanôbitahigan |
$guardianstone_hook_power_activate | Toko |
$guardianstone_hook_power_deactivate | Ponialô |
$guardianstone_moder_desc | Mkaza welegwanak agômhlodawôt kizosa ta pôgwasa Penôdawa wajok atali nigawesena wjihla Talimelisjo lebatasin paki ali sôglonga k'pedegiwikwimôgonna wigiak mina |
$guardianstone_name | Pagitnigaapskw |
$guardianstone_theelder_desc | Nitamabit kpiwi, Sôgmô abazik Tabaldak atali w'zidal wigijik W'wajapkomak tali minawigijik Odanakeza tali aik W'madagenwôga w'wios w'pakaganwôkga w'makwbagak |
$guardianstone_thequeen_desc | Born in armour Mother of many Queen without crown Ruler beneath |
$guardianstone_trophyplaced | K'patniga Pagitowinnoid |
$guardianstone_yagluth_desc | Nôwat sawakiza kinjameswasolkwôn Nagwiwi ligwagiatsokw Nikwôbi aikiza ôdatta agwejanokkw Ôdagaki kizi machino w'jejakw |
$heightmap_issue_message | To fix a critical issue with the world map not being in sync, small parts of worlds for some players will be changed. Any structures built close to those areas may potentially break. We try our best to ensure that these issues do not happen, but sometimes it’s unavoidable and we are truly sorry for any inconvenience. |
$hud_addpin | Kinawitiga |
$hud_altplace | Pildowikamek |
$hud_altplacement | Alternative placement mode: |
$hud_autopickup | Auto-pickup |
$hud_build | Olito |
$hud_building | Kiztôzik |
$hud_building2 | Heavy Build |
$hud_buildmenu | Kizi wlitôzik |
$hud_copypiece | Nôbiton |
$hud_crafting | Kottlatôzik |
$hud_crossoffpin | Cross off pin |
$hud_cyclesnap | Cycle snapping |
$hud_eitrrequired | Eitr required |
$hud_emotes_blowkiss | Blow kiss |
$hud_emotes_bow | Bow |
$hud_emotes_challenge | Challenge |
$hud_emotes_cheer | Cheer |
$hud_emotes_comehere | Come here |
$hud_emotes_cower | Cower |
$hud_emotes_cry | Cry |
$hud_emotes_dance | Dance |
$hud_emotes_despair | Despair |
$hud_emotes_flex | Flex |
$hud_emotes_headbang | Headbang |
$hud_emotes_kneel | Kneel |
$hud_emotes_laugh | Laugh |
$hud_emotes_nonono | No no no |
$hud_emotes_point | Point |
$hud_emotes_roar | Roar |
$hud_emotes_shrug | Shrug |
$hud_emotes_sit | Sit |
$hud_emotes_thumbsup | Thumbs up |
$hud_emotes_wave | Wave |
$hud_equipping | K'nasto |
$hud_feasts | Feasts |
$hud_food | Food |
$hud_furniture | Wigwômilôjwôganal |
$hud_hidden_messagehud_notification | HUD disabled. To enable, press Ctrl + F3 |
$hud_hidden_messagehud_notification_gamepad | HUD disabled. To enable, press |
$hud_hidemap | Kôdaka aki pilaskw |
$hud_hidepin | Toggle pins |
$hud_itemstucktar | It is stuck in the tar |
$hud_loadingrequired | Weapon not loaded |
$hud_mapday | Kisokw |
$hud_maxsummonsreached | Your Dead Raiser is not strong enough to control more summons. |
$hud_maxsummonsreached_greenroots | Your Staff of the Wild is not strong enough to control more summons. |
$hud_maxsummonsreached_trollstav | Your Trollstav is not strong enough to control more summons. |
$hud_meads | Mead |
$hud_misc | Kdak |
$hud_namepin | Name your pin |
$hud_nothingtobuild | Ôda kagui wlitôzik |
$hud_off | Off |
$hud_on | On |
$hud_pet | Sopto |
$hud_pin_hildir1 | Smouldering Tomb |
$hud_pin_hildir2 | Howling Cavern |
$hud_pin_hildir3 | Sealed Tower |
$hud_ping | Ping |
$hud_place | Ponôzik |
$hud_powernotready | Pawhigan asma ôda katahlowi |
$hud_publicpos | Kinôgwi kdakik |
$hud_ready | Katahôzo |
$hud_reloading | Loading |
$hud_remove | Kadôzik |
$hud_removepin | Kôtto |
$hud_rename | Rename |
$hud_repair | Wlidebiton |
$hud_require | Aiyagô |
$hud_rotate | Ligwaka |
$hud_saddle_already | already has a saddle |
$hud_saddle_ready | is ready for a ride |
$hud_saddle_remove | Remove saddle |
$hud_sharedmap | Cartography Table |
$hud_showmap | Namithlia aki pilaskw |
$hud_snappoint_attach | Attach |
$hud_snappoint_bottom | Bottom |
$hud_snappoint_center | Center |
$hud_snappoint_corner | Corner |
$hud_snappoint_edge | Edge |
$hud_snappoint_end | End |
$hud_snappoint_inner | Inner |
$hud_snappoint_mid | Mid |
$hud_snappoint_top | Top |
$hud_switchcategory | Pilowihlak aliwi |
$hud_switchitem | Pilowihiga |
$hud_tame | Nidazo |
$hud_tamecheck | Pabachido |
$hud_tamedone | kizi nkajiôwzo |
$hud_tamefollow | nôbosa |
$hud_tamefrightened | Chajibihla |
$hud_tamehappy | Pôwôzo |
$hud_tamehungry | Kadopo |
$hud_tameinprogress | Ôpchinkajiôwzo |
$hud_tamelove | k'kezalmegw |
$hud_tamelove2 | loves you a lot |
$hud_tamelove3 | cuddles you |
$hud_tameness | Kassi nagajihlok |
$hud_tamestay | ôao |
$hud_unequipping | Kadahôzik |
$hud_wild | Awaassoo |
$hud_zoom | Kassikchinôgwak |
$hud_zoom_in_out | Zoom out/in |
$info_label | Info |
$interface_leftarrow | < |
$interface_rightarrow | > |
$invalid_keybind_header | Invalid Input |
$invalid_keybind_text | This action can't be bound to selected key |
$inventory_activeeffects | Active effects |
$inventory_blunt | Alabagitahôzik |
$inventory_chop | Alisôbkwaik |
$inventory_craftbutton | Kottlato |
$inventory_crafting | Kottlatôzik |
$inventory_craftingprog | Kottlatôzik |
$inventory_damage | Kassta wagasanowik |
$inventory_dmgmod | Tôni pilowihlôk wagasanômek |
$inventory_drop | Drop |
$inventory_fire | Skweda |
$inventory_frost | Sikwla |
$inventory_full | K'psanto awadnigaan |
$inventory_immune | Pizwi |
$inventory_lightning | Psakwlaazoid |
$inventory_logs | Idôzik |
$inventory_logs_new | New unlocks in message log. |
$inventory_maxquality | Ôtalli mawigek |
$inventory_move | Môdnem |
$inventory_new | Wskigen |
$inventory_onlyoneingredient | This recipe requires only one of the shown ingredients. |
$inventory_pickaxe | Kadapskahigan |
$inventory_pickup | Wizawnem |
$inventory_pierce | Alipokjawaik |
$inventory_poison | Kagwejagi |
$inventory_pvp | Chigitawôk wji kdakik kizi nôskegoan (Friendly Fire) |
$inventory_quality | Ali wligek |
$inventory_recipes | Ôhônkakottlatôzikkil |
$inventory_repairbutton | Wlidebito kagui |
$inventory_resistant | Ikôdôzik |
$inventory_selectedgp | Pagitowinnoid w'pawhigan megneman |
$inventory_siege | Siege |
$inventory_skills | Ntatwôganal |
$inventory_slash | Alsôwaik |
$inventory_spirit | Niwaskw |
$inventory_split | Chebahla |
$inventory_splitstack | Chajabna |
$inventory_stackall | Place stacks |
$inventory_stationlevel | Ali wligek adalikistôzik (Wlito kassimawiwawôganal waji kizi wawapsatôzik) |
$inventory_stationlevelreq | Aiyagô kassimawikistôzik |
$inventory_style | Alinôgwad |
$inventory_tabs | Change window |
$inventory_takeall | Odnem mziwi |
$inventory_texts | Valheim wawitatasimek |
$inventory_totalskill | Mziwi ntatimek |
$inventory_transfer | Transfer |
$inventory_trophies | Pôladakahiganal |
$inventory_upgrade | Mawikha wji $1 li $2 |
$inventory_upgradebutton | Mawikha |
$inventory_use | Awaka/Nasto |
$inventory_veryresistant | Ikôdôzik pita |
$inventory_veryweak | Sasibigen pita |
$inventory_weak | Sasibigen |
$item_amber | Begoapskw |
$item_amber_description | <color=yellow>Ôwadika |
$item_amberpearl | Begoapskwis |
$item_amberpearl_description | <color=yellow>Ôwadika |
$item_ancientroot | Ancient Root |
$item_ancientroot_empty | The ancient root seems all dried up |
$item_ancientroot_full | The ancient root is pulsating with energy |
$item_ancientroot_half | The ancient root's glow is fading |
$item_ancientseed | Nônegôni oskanimen |
$item_ancientseed_description | Kikajiwi k'tawagok, kizi nodam kigimôdwazoso alômiwi... |
$item_armor | Ikôdigan |
$item_arrow_bronze | Wadamôôbamahlagw tiskwôdi |
$item_arrow_bronze_description | Pahami kzigihlo ôdaki mazipskw, chijigwizo nihlôd. |
$item_arrow_carapace | Carapace Arrow |
$item_arrow_carapace_description | Heavy and pointy, this one's gonna hurt. |
$item_arrow_charred | Charred Arrow |
$item_arrow_charred_description | This arrow has been whittled into shape from a charred femur, and it's as hard as any metal. |
$item_arrow_fire | Pskwelpakwa |
$item_arrow_fire_description | Yo tiskwôdi chegasô tôniyo kagui pogjahigowo. |
$item_arrow_flint | Mazipskw tiskwôdi |
$item_arrow_flint_description | Paskwadagenatahigan mzipskwzigwaôn. |
$item_arrow_frost | Sikwla tiskôwdi |
$item_arrow_frost_description | A shard of piercing ice. |
$item_arrow_iron | Alnahlagw tiskwôdi |
$item_arrow_iron_description | Capped with iron and flighted with dark feathers. |
$item_arrow_needle | Pokjahigan tiskwôdi |
$item_arrow_needle_description | Machikwônsak. |
$item_arrow_obsidian | Skwedaadenapskw tiskwôdi |
$item_arrow_obsidian_description | A sliver of darkness. |
$item_arrow_poison | Kagwejagi tiskwôdi |
$item_arrow_poison_description | A bitter sting from afar. |
$item_arrow_silver | Wôbiahlagwi tiskwôdi |
$item_arrow_silver_description | A needle to calm restless spirits. |
$item_arrow_wood | Pakwa |
$item_arrow_wood_description | Pakwa kezigiakw alitôzik. |
$item_askbladder | Asksvin Bladder |
$item_askbladder_description | An acidic smell still lingers. Prominently. |
$item_askhide | Asksvin Hide |
$item_askhide_description | This sturdy leather is thick, and still warm to the touch. |
$item_asksvin_egg | Asksvin Egg |
$item_asksvin_egg_description | Hard as rock, yet you can sense the presence of something inside. This should be kept warm. |
$item_asksvin_meat | Asksvin Tail |
$item_asksvin_meat_cooked | Cooked Asksvin Tail |
$item_asksvin_meat_cooked_description | This meat has a potent and mature flavour, but is very tasty when grilled right. |
$item_asksvin_meat_description | Smells a bit smokey, even when raw. |
$item_asksvincarrionneck | Asksvin Neck |
$item_asksvincarrionneck_description | A neck in its final stage of life. |
$item_asksvincarrionpelvic | Asksvin Pelvis |
$item_asksvincarrionpelvic_description | The pelvic bone of a four legged creature. |
$item_asksvincarrionribcage | Asksvin Ribcage |
$item_asksvincarrionribcage_description | These ribs have already been stripped clean of any meat. |
$item_asksvincarrionskull | Asksvin Skull |
$item_asksvincarrionskull_description | A thick skull, with room for a surprisingly large brain. |
$item_atgeir_blackmetal | Mkazahlagw atgeir |
$item_atgeir_blackmetal_description | A vicious hewing-axe of almost unbreakable black metal. |
$item_atgeir_bronze | Wadamôôbamahlagw atgeir |
$item_atgeir_bronze_description | A true warrior's tool. |
$item_atgeir_himminafl | Himminafl |
$item_atgeir_himminafl_description | It might not be a hammer, but Thor himself would still approve of this weapon. |
$item_atgeir_iron | Alnahlagw atgeir |
$item_atgeir_iron_description | Pagakanismit, paskhôdebait, nôjinihlôd. |
$item_axe_berzerkr | Berserkir Axes |
$item_axe_berzerkr_blood | Bleeding Berserkir Axes |
$item_axe_berzerkr_blood_description | The closer you are to death, the harder you are sure to hit. |
$item_axe_berzerkr_description | Let your rage take over and face the slaughter. |
$item_axe_berzerkr_lightning | Thundering Berserkir Axes |
$item_axe_berzerkr_lightning_description | Carnage spreads around you when you wield these axes, such that Thor himself would be proud. |
$item_axe_berzerkr_nature | Primal Berserkir Axes |
$item_axe_berzerkr_nature_description | Your most primal instincts take over, and the nature around you reaches out to aid you. |
$item_axe_blackmetal | Mkazahlagw tmahigan |
$item_axe_blackmetal_description | Waolitbôbatak tmahigan wlitôzo mkazahlagw ni achi askaskwakwelak. |
$item_axe_bronze | Wadamôôbamahlagw tmahigan |
$item_axe_bronze_description | Wassahlôk ta psakwelatak tmahigan, alôgihlôk paki wiagigwaowôgan. |
$item_axe_flint | Mazipskw tmahigan |
$item_axe_flint_description | Pahami kzigihlo ôdaki sen. |
$item_axe_iron | Alnahlagw tmahigan |
$item_axe_iron_description | Kezigihlo ta mlikigek, nôdkwahit widôbaa. |
$item_axe_jotunbane | Jotun Bane |
$item_axe_jotunbane_description | Not even the giants of old could weather the poisonous bite of this weapon. |
$item_axe_rusty | Rusty iron axe UNUSED |
$item_axe_rusty_description | UNUSED |
$item_axe_stone | Senitmahigan |
$item_axe_stone_description | Mômôgwigek tmahigan wji kwahakwamek. |
$item_backstab | Astahô w'beskanek |
$item_barberkit | Barber Kit |
$item_barberkit_description | A kit fit for the finest of barbers. |
$item_barley | Tlotsal |
$item_barley_description | Môwnôzik Tlotsal. |
$item_barleyflour | Tlotsalnokhigan |
$item_barleyflour_description | Wligen waji kizi abônkamek. |
$item_barleywine | Fire Resistance Barley Wine |
$item_barleywine_description | Kd'ikôlogw skweda apchiwi. |
$item_barleywinebase | Môjagek malomenbagw: Channihlôk chegazimek |
$item_barrelrings | Barrel Hoops |
$item_barrelrings_description | These metal rings are perfectly round, suitable for holding a barrel together. Just add wood! |
$item_battleaxe | Aoditemahigan |
$item_battleaxe_crystal | Crystal Battleaxe |
$item_battleaxe_crystal_description | It's see-through and tears through. |
$item_battleaxe_description | Pôpaskôdebatahigan, wiagaldôzo migakawinno. |
$item_beechseeds | Wajoimizi'oskanimenal |
$item_beechseeds_description | Kikan waji kizi wajoimizihômek. |
$item_bell | Bell |
$item_bell_description | For whom does the bell toll? |
$item_bellfragment | Bell Fragment |
$item_bellfragment_description | This ancient fragment appears to be a piece of a broken bell... |
$item_beltstrength | Megingjord |
$item_beltstrength_description | W'milôgw pamawakad msegwikwsanwôgan. |
$item_bilebag | Bilebag |
$item_bilebag_description | Caustic bile drawn from the corpse of a gjall. |
$item_bilebomb | Bile Bomb |
$item_bilebomb_description | Handle with care. |
$item_birchseeds | Maskwamoziwlômpskol |
$item_birchseeds_description | Akika waji maskwamozigimek. |
$item_blackcore | Black Core |
$item_blackcore_description | Filled to the brim with ancient power. |
$item_blackmarble | Black Marble |
$item_blackmarble_description | A block of solid stone, seamed with shifting colors. |
$item_blackmetal | Mkazahlagw |
$item_blackmetal_description | A heavy bar of dark metal. |
$item_blackmetalscrap | Mkazahlagwiyas |
$item_blackmetalscrap_description | A twisted hunk of dark metal. |
$item_blacksoup | Black Soup |
$item_blacksoup_description | A perfect balance of sweetness and acidity. |
$item_blackwood | Ashwood |
$item_blackwood_description | Wood hardened by fire and ash. |
$item_blockarmor | Block armor |
$item_blockforce | Block force |
$item_blockpower | Adligamôsanimek |
$item_bloodbag | Pagakaninoda |
$item_bloodbag_description | Ni aik alômiwi papaskok. Aie! |
$item_bloodclot | Blood Clot |
$item_bloodclot_description | Be careful not to puncture this while you carry it... |
$item_bloodpudding | Pato pata |
$item_bloodpudding_description | Bakaganiwi wlipogwad. |
$item_blueberries | Zatal |
$item_blueberries_description | Tagasiwi wlipogwaddaki. |
$item_boar_meat | Boar Meat |
$item_boar_meat_cooked | Cooked Boar Meat |
$item_boar_meat_cooked_description | An earthly taste. |
$item_boar_meat_description | |
$item_boarjerky | Boar Jerky |
$item_boarjerky_description | Lean and salty. |
$item_bolt_blackmetal | Black Metal Bolt |
$item_bolt_blackmetal_description | A sleek bolt of dark metal. |
$item_bolt_bone | Bone Bolt |
$item_bolt_bone_description | A crude bolt of yellowed bone. |
$item_bolt_carapace | Carapace Bolt |
$item_bolt_carapace_description | A heavy and solid bolt. |
$item_bolt_charred | Charred Bolt |
$item_bolt_charred_description | A sturdy bone from a forearm, shaped into a deadly bolt. |
$item_bolt_iron | Iron Bolt |
$item_bolt_iron_description | A sturdy iron missile. |
$item_bonefragments | Wskaniyasal |
$item_bonefragments_description | Kibôgwa poskwikkil wskanal. |
$item_bonemawmeat | Bonemaw Meat |
$item_bonemawmeat_cooked | Cooked Bonemaw Meat |
$item_bonemawmeat_cooked_description | The boiling sea did nothing to this meat, but grilling it over the fire has given it a delightful crisp. |
$item_bonemawmeat_description | A tasty, white fish meat. Very good for your bones! |
$item_bonemawscale | Bonemaw Scale |
$item_bonemawscale_description | It looks just like bone. Best not to question the anatomy of this creature too much... |
$item_bonemawtooth | Bonemaw Tooth |
$item_bonemawtooth_description | This has caused the death of many a brave sailor. |
$item_bow | Negemi atôbi |
$item_bow_ashlands | Ash Fang |
$item_bow_ashlands_description | Risen again from the ashes, this bow holds unyielding strength. |
$item_bow_ashlandsblood | Blood Fang |
$item_bow_ashlandsblood_description | Arrows loosed from this bow will tear into flesh with unmatched ferocity. |
$item_bow_ashlandsroot | Root Fang |
$item_bow_ashlandsroot_description | Like the twisting branch was made to seek the sun, this bow was made to seek the slaughter. |
$item_bow_ashlandsstorm | Storm Fang |
$item_bow_ashlandsstorm_description | Let your arrows fly as swift as the lightning strikes. |
$item_bow_description | Atôbi mômôgwigek wlôbamegwatdaki. |
$item_bow_draugrfang | Draugr w'melikôbidga |
$item_bow_draugrfang_description | Pzegakw msalinôphô pmiwassek wjat, mômigakamaskigen. |
$item_bow_finewood | Waolakwam atôbi |
$item_bow_finewood_description | A simple bow of strong and supple wood. |
$item_bow_huntsman | Nadialowi atôbi |
$item_bow_huntsman_description | Finely worked and strung. A huntsman's joy. |
$item_bow_snipesnap | Spinesnap |
$item_bow_snipesnap_description | Using this bow is backbreaking work but so worth it. |
$item_bread | Abôn |
$item_bread_description | Wlipogwad na abôn. |
$item_breaddough | Bread Dough |
$item_breaddough_description | Ready for the oven. |
$item_bronze | Wadamôôbamahlagw |
$item_bronze_description | Meliksani kottlahlagw wji wizôwahlagw ta papahwijwiya. |
$item_bronzenails | Wadamôôbamahlagw jilsakhiganal |
$item_bronzenails_description | Used in construction of ships and furniture. |
$item_bronzescrap | Scrap Bronze |
$item_bronzescrap_description | It's old and oxidized but can be smelted and used again. |
$item_bug_meat | Seeker Meat |
$item_bug_meat_cooked | Cooked Seeker Meat |
$item_bug_meat_cooked_description | Succulent white meat. A true delicacy. |
$item_bug_meat_description | When you crack open their shells, the meat within is tender and succulent. |
$item_candlewick | Candle Wick |
$item_candlewick_description | Steep these in something flammable for a long lasting and cosy light source. |
$item_cape_ash | Ashen Cape |
$item_cape_ash_description | Thin metal threads are woven into this cape to create an intricate pattern, like a destiny woven by the Norns themselves. |
$item_cape_asksvin | Asksvin Cloak |
$item_cape_asksvin_description | This thick cape catches the wind, not unlike the sail of a ship. |
$item_cape_deerhide | Nolkagen gwenaks |
$item_cape_deerhide_description | Rustic chic. |
$item_cape_feather | Feather Cape |
$item_cape_feather_description | Donning this cape makes you feel lighter, almost as if you could fly! |
$item_cape_linen | Malomenaks gwenaks |
$item_cape_linen_description | Ôbamakwid w'nanihlawi gwenaks. |
$item_cape_lox | Loxagen gwenaks |
$item_cape_lox_description | Gitawaasagen, kepagen ta kakinlôda. |
$item_cape_odin | Odin w'gwenaks |
$item_cape_odin_description | Odin's finest warriors deserve the finest cloth. |
$item_cape_trollhide | Kiwakwadagen gwenaks |
$item_cape_trollhide_description | Giwakwadagen jidanigen ta nokigen. |
$item_cape_wolf | Môlsemagen gwenaks |
$item_cape_wolf_description | Môlsemak ôzôlôwzoak alniwi. Yowi ibitta majalmegwezid. Nikwôbiji w'madagenga k'kzabzogw psônga. |
$item_carapace | Carapace |
$item_carapace_description | A plate of chitinous armor. |
$item_carrot | Wawisôwagwzit |
$item_carrot_description | Wigata wasawasat. |
$item_carrotseeds | Wawisôwagwzit wskanimenal |
$item_carrotseeds_description | Wigôdamana wawisôwagwzijik kikan yolil... |
$item_carrotsoup | Wawisôwagwôbo |
$item_carrotsoup_description | Olabeda ta wlipogwad tôni ali akwôbi wlitôzik wawizôgwezika. |
$item_catapult_ammo | Explosive Payload |
$item_catapult_ammo_description | Best used with a catapult. Handle with care. |
$item_catapult_training_ammo | Grausten Payload |
$item_catapult_training_ammo_description | Best used with a catapult. Make sure nothing fragile is in the way. |
$item_celestialfeather | Celestial Feather |
$item_celestialfeather_description | The only remnant of the fallen valkyrie's former self. |
$item_ceramicplate | Ceramic Plate |
$item_ceramicplate_description | No matter how hot this gets, the other side of it remains strangely cool. |
$item_chain | Alnahlagwôbi |
$item_chain_description | Ônkawi alnahlagwôbi. |
$item_chancetoapplyse | Chance to apply effect: |
$item_charcoalresin | Charcoal Resin |
$item_charcoalresin_description | The resin from a tree that was set ablaze a long time ago. It's still ready to burn some more. |
$item_charredbone | Charred Bone |
$item_charredbone_description | Followed by the distinct smell of burnt meat. |
$item_charredcogwheel | Charred Cogwheel |
$item_charredcogwheel_description | This could be used for some clever machinery... |
$item_charredskull | Charred Skull |
$item_charredskull_description | The blackened skull of a long-dead warrior. It's unlikely that a proper burial would grant them any peace. |
$item_chest_bronze | Wadamôôbamahlagwadolkahigan |
$item_chest_bronze_description | A breastplate of hammered bronze. |
$item_chest_carapace | Carapace Breastplate |
$item_chest_carapace_description | A breastplate crafted from the burnished carapace of a giant insect. |
$item_chest_dress1 | Plain Brown Dress |
$item_chest_dress1_description | A plain brown dress, worn over a blue underdress. |
$item_chest_dress10 | Simple Undyed Dress |
$item_chest_dress10_description | A simple dress for everyday wear. |
$item_chest_dress2 | Brown Dress with Shawl |
$item_chest_dress2_description | A brown dress, with a matching shawl around the shoulders. Warm and stylish! |
$item_chest_dress3 | Brown Dress with Beads |
$item_chest_dress3_description | A fancy brown dress, with beads and silver fibula brooches. Excellent for a feast! |
$item_chest_dress4 | Plain Blue Dress |
$item_chest_dress4_description | A plain blue dress, worn over a red underdress. |
$item_chest_dress5 | Blue Dress with Shawl |
$item_chest_dress5_description | A blue dress, with a green shawl around the shoulders. Warm and stylish! |
$item_chest_dress6 | Blue Dress with Beads |
$item_chest_dress6_description | A fancy blue dress, with beads and bronze fibula brooches. Excellent for a feast! |
$item_chest_dress7 | Plain Yellow Dress |
$item_chest_dress7_description | A plain yellow dress, worn over a green underdress. |
$item_chest_dress8 | Yellow Dress with Shawl |
$item_chest_dress8_description | A yellow dress, with a purple shawl around the shoulders. Warm and stylish! |
$item_chest_dress9 | Yellow Dress with Beads |
$item_chest_dress9_description | A fancy yellow dress, with beads and silver fibula brooches. Excellent for a feast! |
$item_chest_fenris | Fenris Coat |
$item_chest_fenris_description | The beast could draw deep breaths, so that its howl could be heard far across the land. |
$item_chest_flametal | Flametal Breastplate |
$item_chest_flametal_description | This fusion of mysterious flametal and charred bones serves as a protective layer more resilient than anything you could ever find in Midgard. |
$item_chest_harvester1 | Harvest Tunic |
$item_chest_harvester1_description | When working the fields, it's important to dress accordingly. A shorter tunic lets in a cool breeze. |
$item_chest_harvester2 | Harvest Dress |
$item_chest_harvester2_description | When working the fields, it's important to dress accordingly. This long dress keeps your knees covered while you work. |
$item_chest_hildir_description | Property of Hildir, please return if found. |
$item_chest_hildir1 | Hildir's Brass Chest |
$item_chest_hildir2 | Hildir's Silver Chest |
$item_chest_hildir3 | Hildir's Bronze Chest |
$item_chest_iron | Alnahlakwôbaks |
$item_chest_iron_description | Alnahlagwiaks, kd'ikôlegoji mziwi wji nidaki ôda llanokkwa ôtalli akwtahômek. |
$item_chest_leather | Madagen wôbaks |
$item_chest_leather_description | A tunic made from animal hide. |
$item_chest_mage | Eitr-weave Robe |
$item_chest_mage_ashlands | Robes of Embla |
$item_chest_mage_ashlands_description | Imbued with the power of the first sorceress, these robes will grant a boon to any who seeks to wield the ancient art of magic. |
$item_chest_mage_description | These artfully layered robes have spells and charms sewn into every seam and fold. |
$item_chest_medium_ashlands | Breastplate of Ask |
$item_chest_medium_ashlands_description | The first man in Midgard knew how to guard his most vital organs, perhaps with a breastplate just like this one. |
$item_chest_pcuirass | Pitogwônsôganadolkahigan |
$item_chest_pcuirass_description | Wligen ta tatbisanoo wji kebazogosa ni ôtalli kezigihlôwik. |
$item_chest_rags | Wôbaks |
$item_chest_rags_description | Pahami wligen ôdaki ôda kagui. |
$item_chest_root | Root Harnesk |
$item_chest_root_description | A light armor oddly woven together by ancient roots and bark. |
$item_chest_trollleather | Kiwakwaadagen wôbaks |
$item_chest_trollleather_description | Giwakwak wji zahagipsiadalômek kanwa w'madageniya jidanigen ta olabeda. |
$item_chest_tunic1 | Plain Blue Tunic |
$item_chest_tunic1_description | A plain blue tunic, brightly dyed. |
$item_chest_tunic10 | Simple Undyed Tunic |
$item_chest_tunic10_description | A simple tunic for everyday wear. |
$item_chest_tunic2 | Blue Tunic with Cape |
$item_chest_tunic2_description | A blue tunic, worn with a fashionable cape made from fine brown wool. |
$item_chest_tunic3 | Blue Tunic with Beads |
$item_chest_tunic3_description | A blue tunic worn with beads and silver jewelry. Sure to attract attention from other vikings. |
$item_chest_tunic4 | Plain Red Tunic |
$item_chest_tunic4_description | A plain red tunic, brightly dyed. |
$item_chest_tunic5 | Red Tunic with Cape |
$item_chest_tunic5_description | A red tunic, worn with a fashionable cape made from fine green wool. |
$item_chest_tunic6 | Red Tunic with Beads |
$item_chest_tunic6_description | A red tunic worn with beads and bronze jewelry. Sure to attract attention from other vikings. |
$item_chest_tunic7 | Plain Yellow Tunic |
$item_chest_tunic7_description | A plain yellow tunic, brightly dyed. |
$item_chest_tunic8 | Yellow Tunic with Cape |
$item_chest_tunic8_description | A yellow tunic, worn with a fashionable cape made from fine purple wool. |
$item_chest_tunic9 | Yellow Tunic with Beads |
$item_chest_tunic9_description | A yellow tunic worn with beads and silver jewelry. Sure to attract attention from other vikings. |
$item_chest_wolf | Wolf Hide Chestpiece |
$item_chest_wolf_description | Môlsemagen wôbaks, olabeda ta pizwagamigonôgwad. Ikôlowo apchiwi tkagek. |
$item_chicken_egg | Wôwan |
$item_chicken_egg_cold | (Too cold) |
$item_chicken_egg_description | Keep it warm to see what comes out.. but what came first, really? |
$item_chicken_egg_stacked | (Can not grow in stack) |
$item_chicken_egg_warm | (Warm) |
$item_chicken_meat | Chicken Meat |
$item_chicken_meat_cooked | Cooked Chicken Meat |
$item_chicken_meat_cooked_description | It tastes like chicken. |
$item_chicken_meat_description | All chickens bear the ancestral curse of being delicious. |
$item_chitin | Sôgaadagen |
$item_chitin_description | Sôgaadageniya. |
$item_cloudberries | Asokwimenak |
$item_cloudberries_description | Ôwado sakhiwi. |
$item_club | Kwalôm |
$item_club_description | A crude but useful weapon. |
$item_coal | Mkaza |
$item_coal_description | Mkazao. |
$item_coin | Môni |
$item_coin_description | Wizôwimôni. |
$item_coins | Môniak |
$item_coins_description | <color=yellow>Ôwadika |
$item_copper | Wizôwahlagw |
$item_copper_description | Pôgui wizôwahlagwapskwis kiztak. |
$item_copperore | Wizôwahlagwapskw |
$item_copperore_description | Wskigek wizôwahlagw. Aiyagô wjidô Wjidoahlagwigamigok. |
$item_copperscrap | Copper Scrap |
$item_copperscrap_description | One person's scrap is another person's treasure. |
$item_crafter | Kizitôzigilk |
$item_crossbow_arbalest | Arbalest |
$item_crossbow_arbalest_description | A slow but powerful weapon. |
$item_crossbow_ripper | Ripper |
$item_crossbow_ripper_blood | Wound Ripper |
$item_crossbow_ripper_blood_description | Ready to rend your enemies to pieces. |
$item_crossbow_ripper_description | Rips your foes apart, simple as that. |
$item_crossbow_ripper_lightning | Storm Ripper |
$item_crossbow_ripper_lightning_description | The bolts will tear through your enemies like a particularly nasty gale. |
$item_crossbow_ripper_nature | Root Ripper |
$item_crossbow_ripper_nature_description | If the bolt doesn't pin your foe in place, the roots surging up from the ground surely will. |
$item_cryptkey | Megoakw pkwesakhigan |
$item_cryptkey_description | Pagaiwi agwankaham pakwsazeskowik, mômajimôgwad pita. |
$item_crystal | Ahazaapskw |
$item_crystal_description | Psigahazaapskw wji alômiwi molôkkik. |
$item_cultivator | Lakapodigan |
$item_cultivator_description | Kikawinnoi awakôgan wji lakahômek. |
$item_curedsquirrelhamstring | Cured Squirrel Hamstring |
$item_curedsquirrelhamstring_description | Elastic and strong. This tendon must have come from a quick and agile animal. |
$item_current | Current |
$item_damagemultiplierhp | Damage increased per health missing |
$item_damagemultipliertotal | Damage increase based on total health missing |
$item_dandelion | Sokwipskwasawôn |
$item_dandelion_description | Sokwipskwasawôn. |
$item_deer_meat | Deer Meat |
$item_deer_meat_cooked | Cooked Deer Meat |
$item_deer_meat_cooked_description | All that running paid off. |
$item_deer_meat_description | |
$item_deerhide | Nolkaagen |
$item_deerhide_description | Nolkak wgizagen. |
$item_deerstew | Nolkaôbo |
$item_deerstew_description | Fall-apart tender. |
$item_deflection | Abichisaniwi |
$item_deflection_OLD | Ôzowatôzik |
$item_demister | Wisplight |
$item_demister_description | A bound wisp to guide you through the thickest of mists. |
$item_destructible_gucksack | Guck Sack |
$item_destructible_unstablelavarock | Unstable Lava Rock |
$item_dlc | DLC kaguiya |
$item_dragonegg | Kôgitaskokôwan |
$item_dragonegg_description | Pahami tkwigek alinôgwad, nolemakanto wji alômiwi. |
$item_dragontear | Gitaskokwi nsebigwowôn |
$item_dragontear_description | Mômejessala nesbigwowôn kbadek Gitaskokek wji, ônihlôjizelegenôzi ali medawisanitak. |
$item_drink | Drink |
$item_durability | Machiwi |
$item_dvergrkey | Sealbreaker |
$item_dvergrkey_description | An object used to break a Dverger seal. |
$item_dvergrkeyfragment | Sealbreaker Fragment |
$item_dvergrkeyfragment_description | A fragment of a Dvergr sealbreaker. |
$item_dvergrneedle | Dvergr Extractor |
$item_dvergrneedle_description | Looks like a perfect piece for piercing something... |
$item_dvergrtankard | Dvergr Tankard |
$item_dvergrtankard_description | It can hold a lot of mead! |
$item_Dyrnwyn_blade | Dyrnwyn Blade Fragment |
$item_Dyrnwyn_blade_description | Parts of an old blade. If all the pieces were reassembled it could likely be made whole. |
$item_Dyrnwyn_hilt | Dyrnwyn Hilt Fragment |
$item_Dyrnwyn_hilt_description | The hilt of a long forgotten sword. Perhaps it could be reforged if one had all the pieces... |
$item_Dyrnwyn_tip | Dyrnwyn Tip Fragment |
$item_Dyrnwyn_tip_description | This shard of metal looks like the tip of a sword. One might be able to reforge the blade if more pieces are found... |
$item_eat | Eat |
$item_egg_cooked | Cooked Egg |
$item_egg_cooked_description | Sunny side up! |
$item_eitr | Refined Eitr |
$item_eitr_description | This is the stuff of life, the poison that consumes itself. The Dvergr refine it to use in their esoteric designs. |
$item_eitrregen_modifier | Eitr regen |
$item_eitruse | Use eitr |
$item_elderbark | Chibaiysakw |
$item_elderbark_description | Nônegôni ta sôgli walagaiya. |
$item_entrails | Mlagwejial |
$item_entrails_description | A slimy length of something's insides. |
$item_eyescream | Eyescream |
$item_eyescream_description | Crispy cool and creamy. |
$item_fader_drop | Fader Relic |
$item_fader_drop_description | The mystical power will be revealed another day. |
$item_falldamage | Fall damage |
$item_feastashlands | Ashlands Gourmet Bowl |
$item_feastashlands_description | It's hard to tell whether the steam coming off of this dish is because it's freshly cooked or because of the asksvin meat in it. Either way, the spiced meat together with the vineberries and fiddlehead sprouts is so delicious that it doesn't matter! |
$item_feastblackforest | Black Forest Buffet Platter |
$item_feastblackforest_description | You won't be able to resist this platter of delights from the Black Forest! Venison sirloin steaks are served together with spiced thistles and carrots, and the whole meal is tied together with delicious jams. Just have one more bite! |
$item_feaster | Serving Tray |
$item_feaster_description | Set the table with whatever food and drink you fancy, and impress your guests with a delicious feast. <color=yellow>Once a feast has been eaten of, it won't return any resources if dismantled. |
$item_feaster_remove_description | <color=yellow>Once a feast has been eaten of, it won't return any resources if dismantled. |
$item_feastmeadows | Whole Roasted Meadow Boar |
$item_feastmeadows_description | A boar that has been roasted to perfection, glazed and served atop a bed of greens, with additional cuts of meat on the side. A feast like this is sure to fill your stomach and brighten your day! |
$item_feastmistlands | Mushrooms Galore á la Mistlands |
$item_feastmistlands_description | The time has come for mushroom enthusiasts to rejoice! Try different kinds of mushrooms, mushroom marinated seeker meat and mushroom-filled misthare, and don't miss out on the tasty sap dressing. |
$item_feastmountains | Hearty Mountain Logger's Stew |
$item_feastmountains_description | Gather around this steaming pot full of deliciousness and warm yourselves up again after a day out in the cold. The usually tough and chewey wolf meat has become tender enough to practically melt in your mouth, and the onions and carrots are made even tastier with exciting spices. |
$item_feastoceans | Sailor's Bounty |
$item_feastoceans_description | Fish, fish, and more fish! And also serpent meat, cut to look like fish! Explore the flavours of the Ocean, along with some grilled greens for those still practicing their sea legs. |
$item_feastplains | Plains Pie Picnic |
$item_feastplains_description | There's nothing plain about this feast! Enjoy pies and loaves fresh from the oven, both sweet and savoury, and experience the culinary equivalent of a hug. |
$item_feastswamps | Swamp Dweller's Delight |
$item_feastswamps_description | Who knew that leeches were edible? With the correct preparation (lots of cooking and lots of seasoning) you will be able to serve them in this feast for the culinary brave. For those who have a sensitive stomach, there are also tasty skewers of sausages and turnips on the side. |
$item_feathers | Migwenok |
$item_feathers_description | Kibôgwasis migwenok. |
$item_fiddleheadfern | Fiddlehead |
$item_fiddleheadfern_description | Veggies with a twist! |
$item_fierysvinstew | Fiery Svinstew |
$item_fierysvinstew_description | This musty stew is a necessity on every adventurer's menu. |
$item_finewood | Waolakwam |
$item_finewood_description | Wdowiabazi wliliktahigawôgan wji. |
$item_fircone | Kokokhaôkwi'olômpskw |
$item_fircone_description | Kikan waji kizi kokokhaôkwigihômek. |
$item_fireworkrocket_blue | Blue Fireworks |
$item_fireworkrocket_cyan | Cyan Fireworks |
$item_fireworkrocket_description | This rocket's blasting off again! |
$item_fireworkrocket_green | Green Fireworks |
$item_fireworkrocket_purple | Purple Fireworks |
$item_fireworkrocket_red | Red Fireworks |
$item_fireworkrocket_white | Basic Fireworks |
$item_fireworkrocket_yellow | Yellow Fireworks |
$item_fish_cooked | Namasiya kizit |
$item_fish_cooked_description | Wlipogwadis na namasiya pegdak. |
$item_fish_raw | Wski namas |
$item_fish_raw_description | Wlômanoo. |
$item_fishandbread | Fish 'n' Bread |
$item_fishandbread_description | Bounty from both land and sea. |
$item_fishandbreaduncooked | Uncooked Fish 'n' Bread |
$item_fishingbait | Wlômanoik |
$item_fishingbait_ashlands | Hot Fishing Bait |
$item_fishingbait_ashlands_description | Some fish already like it where the waters are warm, and this bait brings the temperature close to boiling. |
$item_fishingbait_cave | Cold Fishing Bait |
$item_fishingbait_cave_description | This bait doesn't look like much, but it's a treat to fish that live where it's cold and dark. |
$item_fishingbait_deepnorth | Frosty Fishing Bait |
$item_fishingbait_deepnorth_description | It's not very nutritious, so the only fish that'll take this bait are the ones that are used to just eating ice. |
$item_fishingbait_description | Alni Dvergri wlômanoik. Chawapniganakwam chajabônkohlatôzik. |
$item_fishingbait_forest | Mossy Fishing Bait |
$item_fishingbait_forest_description | Dead trolls in the forest often attract a fish or two, speed up the process with this bait! |
$item_fishingbait_mistlands | Misty Fishing Bait |
$item_fishingbait_mistlands_description | A bait to guide the fish to you through shrouded waters. |
$item_fishingbait_ocean | Heavy Fishing Bait |
$item_fishingbait_ocean_description | This bait sinks deep, deep enough to lure the fish swimming along the very bottom of the sea. |
$item_fishingbait_plains | Stingy Fishing Bait |
$item_fishingbait_plains_description | You're not immune to deathsquito bites, and the fish here aren't immune to this snack! |
$item_fishingbait_swamp | Sticky Fishing Bait |
$item_fishingbait_swamp_description | It might smell foul, but the fish drawn to this bait are used to so much worse. |
$item_fishingrod | Chawapenigan |
$item_fishingrod_description | Standard issue dvergr fishing rod. |
$item_fishwraps | Namasiya abônikok |
$item_fishwraps_description | Namasiya ta abôn, kdak kaguiiya achowaldamôn? |
$item_fistweapon_fenris | Flesh Rippers |
$item_fistweapon_fenris_description | If claws work for wolves, why not for a viking? |
$item_flametal | Chegsahlagw |
$item_flametal_description | According to legend, this metal was used by the gods themselves to craft powerful weapons. |
$item_flametal_old | Ancient Metal |
$item_flametal_old_description | A withered metal from ancient times. No one knows what it was once used for. |
$item_flametalore | Flametal Ore |
$item_flametalore_description | Wlabedamamgwzo nspiwi pildowahlagwi kôjoak pmiwassijik. Aiyagô wjidô wjidoahlagwigamigok. |
$item_flametalore_old | Glowing Metal Ore |
$item_flax | Malomen |
$item_flax_description | Wskitagwiya wjihla malomenek. |
$item_flint | Mazipskw |
$item_flint_description | Can be shaped into sharp blades. |
$item_food | Mijowôgan |
$item_food_duration | Kwanosaik |
$item_food_eitr | Eitr |
$item_food_health | Kassôwziegoan |
$item_food_regen | Anawisano |
$item_food_stamina | Nkagômahlôk |
$item_fragrantbundle | Fragrant Bundle |
$item_fragrantbundle_description | These plants carry a strong but pleasant scent. However, it's possible that not all creatures agree... |
$item_freezegland | Kalajadezi |
$item_freezegland_description | Yo medawadezi ôai ôtalli wlikzabezowôgan. |
$item_freshseaweed | Fresh Seaweed |
$item_freshseaweed_description | The saltwater scent of this plant makes you think of the wide open ocean. |
$item_gemstone_blue | Iolite |
$item_gemstone_blue_description | Light is reflected sharply off of this gem, or does it come from within the stone itself? |
$item_gemstone_green | Jade |
$item_gemstone_green_description | This gem pulses with energy, almost as if it were a living thing. |
$item_gemstone_red | Bloodstone |
$item_gemstone_red_description | You wonder how many deals have been made to appease this gem. How many palms have bled onto it in exchange for its power? |
$item_goblintotem | Fuling w'doodam |
$item_goblintotem_description | Channels the ancient power of Yagluth. |
$item_grausten | Grausten |
$item_grausten_description | Porous yet sturdy. |
$item_greydwarfeye | Greydwarf wsizegoga |
$item_greydwarfeye_description | The milky eyeball of a Greydwarf. |
$item_guck | Guck |
$item_guck_description | Alimôgwat paki bitahla namas. |
$item_hammer | Malto |
$item_hammer_description | Yo nspiwi keljik, k'kizi msalto melikikazin ta nospi wakwôlodiganal. |
$item_hardantler | Sôgli askan |
$item_hardantler_description | A piece of very hard antlers. |
$item_hare_meat | Hare Meat |
$item_hare_meat_cooked | Cooked Hare Meat |
$item_hare_meat_cooked_description | Stringy but flavorful. |
$item_hare_meat_description | The meat of a hare is scant but toothsome. |
$item_healthhitreturn | Health returned on hit |
$item_healthuse | Use health |
$item_heat_modifier | Heat resistance |
$item_helmet_bronze | Wadamôôbamahlagwikask |
$item_helmet_bronze_description | This will help to keep your brains inside your skull. |
$item_helmet_bronzehorned | Askankask |
$item_helmet_bronzehorned_description | A bronze helmet with attached horns for extra awesomeness. |
$item_helmet_carapace | Carapace Helmet |
$item_helmet_carapace_description | People might say you look like a giant ant. But they will only say it once. |
$item_helmet_drake | Sikwlaihlaikask |
$item_helmet_drake_description | An elaborate and finely-crafted helm. |
$item_helmet_dverger | Dverger askolkôwnsis |
$item_helmet_dverger_description | Askamiwassanigad ni kizi nspinigaan wji kwilawôdôzik alômigamikok. |
$item_helmet_fenris | Fenris Hood |
$item_helmet_fenris_description | The eyes of the beast were wise and knowing, so that it could measure the strength of a warrior in one glance. |
$item_helmet_fishinghat | Fishing Hat |
$item_helmet_fishinghat_description | This catchy hat may only be reeled in by the most seasoned adventurers. |
$item_helmet_flametal | Flametal Helmet |
$item_helmet_flametal_description | While you're wearing this helmet, your enemies will think twice before trying to bite your head off. |
$item_helmet_hat1 | Blue Tied Headscarf |
$item_helmet_hat1_description | A blue practical headscarf. |
$item_helmet_hat10 | Simple Purple Cap |
$item_helmet_hat10_description | A simple yet fashionable purple cap. |
$item_helmet_hat2 | Green Twisted Headscarf |
$item_helmet_hat2_description | A fancy green headscarf. |
$item_helmet_hat3 | Brown Fur Cap |
$item_helmet_hat3_description | A warm fur cap, made from the finest leather. |
$item_helmet_hat4 | Extravagant Green Cap |
$item_helmet_hat4_description | A warm cap for special occasions. |
$item_helmet_hat5 | Simple Red Cap |
$item_helmet_hat5_description | A simple yet fashionable red cap. |
$item_helmet_hat6 | Yellow Tied Headscarf |
$item_helmet_hat6_description | A practical yellow headscarf. |
$item_helmet_hat7 | Red Twisted Headscarf |
$item_helmet_hat7_description | A fancy red headscarf. |
$item_helmet_hat8 | Grey Fur Cap |
$item_helmet_hat8_description | A warm fur cap, made from the finest wool. |
$item_helmet_hat9 | Extravagant Orange Cap |
$item_helmet_hat9_description | A warm cap for special occasions. |
$item_helmet_iron | Alnahlagwikask |
$item_helmet_iron_description | A helm of polished iron, fit for a hero. |
$item_helmet_leather | Madagenikask |
$item_helmet_leather_description | A hood of toughened leather. |
$item_helmet_mage | Eitr-weave Hood |
$item_helmet_mage_ashlands | Hood of Embla |
$item_helmet_mage_ashlands_description | Even the first sorceress valued the mystique of covering one's face. It is rumoured that honouring her this way will make your spells even more powerful. |
$item_helmet_mage_description | Sorcery shows itself in the eyes, so most mages wear cowls to disguise their occult pursuits. |
$item_helmet_medium_ashlands | Hood of Ask |
$item_helmet_medium_ashlands_description | As the first man of Midgard, Ask knew it was important to not draw too much attention to himself. |
$item_helmet_midsummercrown | Midsummer Crown |
$item_helmet_midsummercrown_description | Celebrate summer with a crown woven from flowers. |
$item_helmet_odin | Odin w'pabalhad |
$item_helmet_odin_description | Odin's finest warriors deserve the finest cloth. |
$item_helmet_padded | Pitogwônsôganikask |
$item_helmet_padded_description | A snug fit, finely made. |
$item_helmet_root | Root Mask |
$item_helmet_root_description | Your head fits perfectly inside this knot of roots and bark. |
$item_helmet_strawhat | Straw Hat |
$item_helmet_strawhat_description | The perfect way to avoid sunstroke. |
$item_helmet_trollleather | Kiwakwaadagenikask |
$item_helmet_trollleather_description | Kpagen ni giwakwaagen wji awakaktôzik kanwa wlitôgwad wligenol ikôdiganal. |
$item_helmet_witchhat | Pointy Hat |
$item_helmet_witchhat_description | This hat is sure to add a bit of magical flair to any outfit. |
$item_helmet_yule | Yule askolkwôn |
$item_helmet_yule_description | A red cap in the style of house gnomes. |
$item_hide | Madagen |
$item_hide_description | Awaasagen. |
$item_hildir_divan | Divan |
$item_hildirkey_description | It seems to be missing its owner... |
$item_hildirkey1 | Hildir's Brass Key |
$item_hildirkey2 | Hildir's Silver Key |
$item_hildirkey3 | Hildir's Bronze Key |
$item_hoe | Lakahigan |
$item_hoe_description | A farmer's tool for working the earth. |
$item_honey | Ômwaimelases |
$item_honey_description | Makwônipogwat ta wigatôzo. |
$item_honeyglazedchicken | Honey Glazed Chicken |
$item_honeyglazedchicken_description | Grilled to perfection. Makes both eyes and mouths water. |
$item_honeyglazedchickenuncooked | Uncooked Honey Glazed Chicken |
$item_iron | Alnahlakw |
$item_iron_description | Pôgwi alnahlagwapskwis kiztak. |
$item_ironnails | Alnahlagw jilsakhiganal |
$item_ironnails_description | Needed for advanced construction projects. |
$item_ironore | Alnahlakwapskw |
$item_ironore_description | Wskigek alnahlakw. Aiyagô wjidô Wjidoahlagwigamigok. |
$item_ironpit | Iron Pit |
$item_ironpit_description | An empty vessel waiting to be filled with firewood and kindling. |
$item_ironscrap | Alnahlagwiyas |
$item_ironscrap_description | Negôni ta agwôgwahlagwiwi kizidaki wjidô ni minawikakton. |
$item_jotunpuffs | Jotun Puffs |
$item_jotunpuffs_description | Swollen with magic, these golden orbs bubble from the ground where the Jotun fell. |
$item_juteblue | Blue Jute |
$item_juteblue_description | Made from natural fibers and dvergr hair. |
$item_jutered | Red Jute |
$item_jutered_description | A sturdy, rough fabric. |
$item_knife_blackmetal | Mkazahlagw chakwakw |
$item_knife_blackmetal_description | Psegasit w'chakwakw mlikigek ta kezigihlôk. |
$item_knife_butcher | Butcher Knife |
$item_knife_butcher_description | A butcher's knife designed specifically for slaughtering tamed animals. |
$item_knife_chitin | Askônôgwak chigitwahiganw |
$item_knife_chitin_description | Chakwakw wjihlôk molôkiwi. |
$item_knife_copper | Wizôwahlagw chakwakw |
$item_knife_copper_description | A glittering copper knife. |
$item_knife_flint | Mazipskwi chakwakw |
$item_knife_flint_description | Sharpened flint. A reliable tool. |
$item_knife_silver | Silver Knife |
$item_knife_silver_description | A savage piece of pain. |
$item_knife_skollandhati | Skoll and Hati |
$item_knife_skollandhati_description | Stab once for those who've betrayed you, and twice for those you hate. |
$item_knockback | Ali kwagwenôzik |
$item_kvastur_description | A witch's best friend. |
$item_lantern | Dvergr Lantern |
$item_lantern_description | A simple torch would just be so old fashioned. |
$item_lavabomb | Basalt Bomb |
$item_lavabomb_description | With enough heat, it solidifies upon explosion. |
$item_leatherscraps | Madageniyasal |
$item_leatherscraps_description | Kibôgwasis madageniyasisal. |
$item_legs_bronze | Wadamôôbamahlagwikôdiganal |
$item_legs_bronze_description | Bronze greaves to shield your legs. |
$item_legs_carapace | Carapace Greaves |
$item_legs_carapace_description | Leg guards of a rigid carapace. |
$item_legs_fenris | Fenris Leggings |
$item_legs_fenris_description | The legs of the beast were lean and strong, so that it could leap great strides. |
$item_legs_flametal | Flametal Greaves |
$item_legs_flametal_description | Heavy trousers insulate against the heat, while solid greaves keep your shins safe from low blows. |
$item_legs_iron | Alnahlagwikôdal |
$item_legs_iron_description | Iron greaves to protect your legs. |
$item_legs_leather | Madagen adawigôbimek |
$item_legs_leather_description | Kedowizipkwazos losaan. |
$item_legs_mage | Eitr-weave Trousers |
$item_legs_mage_ashlands | Trousers of Embla |
$item_legs_mage_ashlands_description | Whether or not the first sorceress actually wore trousers exactly like these, we can never know. |
$item_legs_mage_description | The trousers worn by mages are always especially tight. Discomfort fuels the focus that is needed for magic... |
$item_legs_medium_ashlands | Trousers of Ask |
$item_legs_medium_ashlands_description | The first man to roam Midgard preferred to tread lightly. Wearers of these trousers could learn a thing or two from him. |
$item_legs_pgreaves | Pitogwônsôganikôdigan |
$item_legs_pgreaves_description | Expertly crafted leg protection. |
$item_legs_rags | Adawigôbimek |
$item_legs_rags_description | A simple remedy for nudity. |
$item_legs_root | Root Leggings |
$item_legs_root_description | A light armor oddly woven together by ancient roots and bark. |
$item_legs_trollleather | Giwakwaadagen adawigôbimek |
$item_legs_trollleather_description | Leggings of tough troll hide. |
$item_legs_wolf | Môlsem ikôdizoskwigen |
$item_legs_wolf_description | Shaggy breeches of wolfskin. |
$item_limitfallspeed | Limit fall speed |
$item_linenthread | Malomentagiya |
$item_linenthread_description | A fine linen thread made out of a strong flax filament. |
$item_loxmeat | Loxiya |
$item_loxmeat_cooked | Loxiya kizit |
$item_loxmeat_cooked_description | Kchi pagazigan wlawagw, wlipimek Valhalla wji! |
$item_loxmeat_description | A raw slab of marbled meat. |
$item_loxpelt | Loxagen |
$item_loxpelt_description | A heavy pelt of thick, musty fur. |
$item_loxpie | Loxiya pata |
$item_loxpie_description | Break the crust to release a cloud of fragrant steam. Delicious! |
$item_loxpie_uncooked | Unbaked Lox Pie |
$item_loxpie_uncooked_description | Ready for the oven. |
$item_mace_bronze | Wadamôôbamahlagw gwalôm |
$item_mace_bronze_description | A headache on a stick. |
$item_mace_eldner | Flametal Mace |
$item_mace_eldner_blood | Bloodgeon |
$item_mace_eldner_blood_description | The blood all but soaks into this mace, and it always yearns for more. |
$item_mace_eldner_description | Dense yet spiked flametal, perfect for bashing enemy faces in. |
$item_mace_eldner_lightning | Storm Star |
$item_mace_eldner_lightning_description | Particularly effective on cloudy mornings. |
$item_mace_eldner_nature | Klossen |
$item_mace_eldner_nature_description | If the force of your blow isn't enough to knock your enemies to the ground, perhaps the primal roots will hold them down for you. |
$item_mace_iron | Alnahlagkw gwalôm |
$item_mace_iron_description | Aspilja alnahlagw wsijiwi wsitakok. |
$item_mace_needle | Kôgw |
$item_mace_needle_description | A deadly weapon, bristling with fiendish spikes. |
$item_mace_silver | Frostner |
$item_mace_silver_description | The dead fear silver. Remind them why. |
$item_magecap | Magecap |
$item_magecap_description | The delicate blue magecaps crackle like nerve-endings with sorcerous vitality. |
$item_magicallystuffedmushroom | Stuffed Mushroom |
$item_magicallystuffedmushroom_description | Bursting with magical flavour. |
$item_magicallystuffedmushroomuncooked | Uncooked Stuffed Mushroom |
$item_mandible | Mandible |
$item_mandible_description | The hand of man could hardly design a more perfect weapon. |
$item_marinatedgreens | Marinated Greens |
$item_marinatedgreens_description | It's spicy, it's chewy, it's sweet… This mad dish tickles your tongue as well as your mind. |
$item_mashedmeat | Mashed Meat |
$item_mashedmeat_description | Leftover meat can actually be pretty tasty if you just mash it right! |
$item_mead_bugrepellent | Anti-Sting Concoction |
$item_mead_bugrepellent_description | The perfect drink for a day in the Plains. |
$item_mead_bzerker | Berserkir Mead |
$item_mead_bzerker_description | Something poisonous stirs within, brewed to the point where its potential can finally be harnessed. But be careful to let the beast out... |
$item_mead_eitr_lingering | Lingering Eitr Mead |
$item_mead_eitr_lingering_description | Increases eitr regeneration. |
$item_mead_eitr_minor | Minor Eitr Mead |
$item_mead_eitr_minor_description | Restores eitr. |
$item_mead_frostres | Wawilômwabagw channihlôk kwaskajimek |
$item_mead_frostres_description | Protects against the cold. |
$item_mead_hasty | Tonic of Ratatosk |
$item_mead_hasty_description | The squirrel must be quick on its feet as it runs up and down the trunk of the world tree. Although it no longer visits Valheim, there are still those who remember it... |
$item_mead_hp_lingering | Lingering Healing Mead |
$item_mead_hp_lingering_description | Increases health regeneration. |
$item_mead_hp_major | Major Healing Mead |
$item_mead_hp_major_description | Restores health. |
$item_mead_hp_medium | Pahami anawôwzi wawilômwabagw |
$item_mead_hp_medium_description | Anapwipto amalsimek. |
$item_mead_hp_minor | Tagasiwi akwanawôwzibagw |
$item_mead_hp_minor_description | Anawipto amalsimek. |
$item_mead_lightfoot | Lightfoot Mead |
$item_mead_lightfoot_description | This bottle is full, yet it feels like it weighs almost nothing at all. |
$item_mead_poisonres | Wawilômwabagw channihlôk kagwejagigek |
$item_mead_poisonres_description | Kd'ikôlogw kagwejagi apchiwi. |
$item_mead_stamina_lingering | Lingering Stamina Mead |
$item_mead_stamina_lingering_description | Increases stamina regeneration. |
$item_mead_stamina_medium | Wawilômwabagw pahami ôtwaolinasak |
$item_mead_stamina_medium_description | Anawipto nkagômahlômek. |
$item_mead_stamina_minor | Wawilômwabagw tagasiwi ôtwaolinasak |
$item_mead_stamina_minor_description | Anawipto nkagômahlômek. |
$item_mead_strength | Mead of Troll Endurance |
$item_mead_strength_description | What creature can carry more than a troll? Why, a viking with this drink of course! |
$item_mead_swimmer | Draught of Vananidir |
$item_mead_swimmer_description | You feel invigorated just by holding this, as the ocean beckons you to come for a swim. |
$item_mead_tamer | Brew of Animal Whispers |
$item_mead_tamer_description | It smells like a pigsty. Likely the taste won't be much better. |
$item_mead_tasty | Wigata mead |
$item_mead_tasty_description | The nectar of the Gods, divine mead. |
$item_mead_trollpheromones | Love Potion |
$item_mead_trollpheromones_description | An intense musk permeates the air around this bottle. |
$item_meadbase_description | Aiyagô bitahlômek. |
$item_meadbasebugrepellent | Mead Base: Anti-Sting |
$item_meadbasebzerker | Mead base: Berserkir |
$item_meadbaseeitr | Mead Base: Minor Eitr |
$item_meadbaseeitr_lingering | Mead Base: Lingering Eitr |
$item_meadbasefrostresist | Môjagen wawilômwabagw: Channihlôk sikwla |
$item_meadbasehasty | Mead base: Ratatosk |
$item_meadbasehealth | Môjagen wawilômwabagw: Tagasiwi anawisano |
$item_meadbasehealth_lingering | Mead Base: Lingering Health |
$item_meadbasehealth_major | Mead Base: Major Healing |
$item_meadbasehealth_medium | Môjagen wawilômwabagw: pahami anawôwzi |
$item_meadbaselightfoot | Mead Base: Lightfoot |
$item_meadbasepoisonresist | Môjagen wawilômwabagw: Channihlôk kagwejagigek |
$item_meadbasestamina | Môjatak wawilômwabagw: Tagasiwi kassi nkagômahlômek |
$item_meadbasestamina_lingering | Mead Base: Lingering Stamina |
$item_meadbasestamina_medium | Môjatak wawilômwabagw: pahami waolinasak |
$item_meadbasestrength | Mead Base: Troll Endurance |
$item_meadbaseswimmer | Mead Base: Vananidir |
$item_meadbasetamer | Mead Base: Animal Whispers |
$item_meadbasetasty | Môjagen wawilômwabagw: Wigata |
$item_meat_cooked | Mkwejazigan |
$item_meat_cooked_description | Roasted on the bone, fit for a feast. |
$item_meat_raw | Wskawakw |
$item_meat_raw_description | A raw piece of meat, cook it for a tasty treat. |
$item_meat_rotten | Rotten Meat |
$item_meat_rotten_description | There are maggots crawling in the meat. It smells awful. |
$item_meatplatter | Meat Platter |
$item_meatplatter_description | Battle fuel. |
$item_meatplatteruncooked | Uncooked Meat Platter |
$item_mechanicalspring | Mechanical Spring |
$item_mechanicalspring_description | A mysterious contraption built by the Dvergr. Used to build traps. |
$item_mincemeatsauce | Minced Meat Sauce |
$item_mincemeatsauce_description | Chunks of goodness in a thick gravy. |
$item_mistharesupreme | Misthare Supreme |
$item_mistharesupreme_description | One of life's Great Pleasures. |
$item_mistharesupremeuncooked | Uncooked Misthare Supreme |
$item_moltencore | Molten Core |
$item_moltencore_description | Potent energy swirls within, ready to be unleashed. |
$item_morgenheart | Morgen Heart |
$item_morgenheart_description | It's hard to believe it has ever beaten. |
$item_morgensinew | Morgen Sinew |
$item_morgensinew_description | Chewy. |
$item_movement_modifier | Movement speed |
$item_mushroom_bzerker | Toadstool |
$item_mushroom_bzerker_description | Some say you can eat everything you find in the forest. That is not the case with this mushroom. |
$item_mushroomblue | Wlôwagwôdawas |
$item_mushroomblue_description | Pmiolôwiwassen nokiwi. |
$item_mushroomcommon | Agwôdawas |
$item_mushroomcommon_description | Bounty of the forest. |
$item_mushroomomelette | Mushroom Omelette |
$item_mushroomomelette_description | A delicious omelette with an earthy aftertaste. |
$item_mushroomyellow | Wizôwagwôdawas |
$item_mushroomyellow_description | An energetic glowing mushroom. |
$item_necktail | Neck ozogenaga |
$item_necktail_description | Ôda kizi wskipowi wlipodaki kizida. |
$item_necktailgrilled | Neck wzogenaga kistak |
$item_necktailgrilled_description | Yo wlipogwad, mkazaiadeboka wios ni sobagwiwaskwipogwzo ta mskiko. |
$item_needle | Pokjahigan |
$item_needle_description | The pointy end of a Deathsquito. |
$item_noteleport | Can't be teleported |
$item_oakseeds | Wachilal |
$item_oakseeds_description | Akika waji wachilmezigimek. |
$item_obsidian | Skwedaadenapskw |
$item_obsidian_description | Pzegata skwedadeniya. |
$item_onehanded | Negwedeljiwi |
$item_onion | Winos |
$item_onion_description | A crunchy and spicy taste. |
$item_onionseeds | Onion Seeds |
$item_onionseeds_description | Plant to grow a healthy onion. |
$item_onionsoup | Onion Soup |
$item_onionsoup_description | Deliciously rich. |
$item_ooze | Ooze |
$item_ooze_description | Mattalkô ta agwôgimôgwad. Wji kagui achowaldaman? |
$item_oozebomb | Ooze pôpaskhigan |
$item_oozebomb_description | The stench is unbearable... |
$item_parrybonus | Kakaswi abichisaniwi |
$item_parts | psigia |
$item_pickable_barley | Tlotsal |
$item_pickable_bogiron | Meskagok alnahlagw |
$item_pickable_branch | Psaôtkwen |
$item_pickable_hairstrands | Fenris Hair |
$item_pickable_meatpile | Meat Pile |
$item_pickable_meteorite | Wesôgenait |
$item_pickable_obsidian | Skwedaadenapskw |
$item_pickable_skeletalremains | Skeletal Remains |
$item_pickable_sulfurrock | Sulfur Rock |
$item_pickaxe_antler | Askanikadapskahigan |
$item_pickaxe_antler_description | Yo awakôgan tabi zôgelak wji ôtalli zôgelapskol poskwapskwnôzik. |
$item_pickaxe_blackmetal | Black Metal Pickaxe |
$item_pickaxe_blackmetal_description | A good strong pick of glistening dark metal. |
$item_pickaxe_bronze | Wadamôôbamahlagw kadapskahigan |
$item_pickaxe_bronze_description | A good bronze pick. Can break very hard rocks. |
$item_pickaxe_iron | Alnahlagw kadapskahigan |
$item_pickaxe_iron_description | A sturdy tool of hardened iron. |
$item_pickaxe_stone | Senikadapskahigan |
$item_pickaxe_stone_description | Seniyai kadapskahigan. |
$item_pinecone | Koai'olômpskw |
$item_pinecone_description | Kikan waji kizi koaigihômek. |
$item_piquantpie | Piquant Pie |
$item_piquantpie_description | It takes some time and effort to make this pie, but the taste is well worth it. |
$item_piquantpie_uncooked | Uncooked Piquant Pie |
$item_pot_shard_description | A fragment of something brittle. |
$item_pot_shard_green | Pot Shard |
$item_powdereddragonegg | Powdered Dragon Eggshells |
$item_powdereddragonegg_description | Dragon egg is a hard and difficult material to work with, yet here it has been ground to a fine, glittering dust... |
$item_proustitepowder | Proustite Powder |
$item_proustitepowder_description | This unstable powder packs great potential. |
$item_pukeberries | Segagimenal |
$item_pukeberries_description | Allows the consumer to quickly evacuate any misplaced meal and start anew. |
$item_pungentpebble_description | An earthy odour clings to these dried lumps. It's best to not think too hard about what they are. |
$item_pungentpebbles | Pungent Pebbles |
$item_quality | Alwligek |
$item_queen_drop | Queen Drop |
$item_queen_drop_description | Placeholder item for Seeker Queen item drop. |
$item_queenbee | Wawilômwai Tabaldak |
$item_queenbee_description | Tabaldak wji wawilômwak! |
$item_queensjam | Minôbo |
$item_queensjam_description | Wlipogwijik gottladak zatal ta zegweskimenak. |
$item_raspberries | Segweskimenak |
$item_raspberries_description | Makwônipogwat ta achi wlipogwat. |
$item_repairlevel | Kassimawiwi adalianawiptôzik |
$item_resin | Pego |
$item_resin_description | Kelijagiwi pego wligek wji alômigokamek. Chegaska nigaji mannikazadan. |
$item_roastedcrustpie | Roasted Crust Pie |
$item_roastedcrustpie_description | This dessert keeps you going all day long. |
$item_roastedcrustpie_uncooked | Uncooked Roasted Crust Pie |
$item_root | Wajapk |
$item_root_description | An old root from an ancient tree stump. It feels both flexible and durable at the same time. |
$item_roundlog | Alômakwam |
$item_roundlog_description | Ôtali wligen wji abaziwigwôm wikazimek. |
$item_royaljelly | Royal Jelly |
$item_royaljelly_description | Jelly fit for kings and queens. |
$item_ruby | Mkwahazaapskw |
$item_ruby_description | <color=yellow>Ôwadika |
$item_saddleasksvin | Asksvin Saddle |
$item_saddleasksvin_description | The back of an asksvin is rather lumpy, so you'll need a saddle if you want to ride one. |
$item_saddlelox | Lox Saddle |
$item_saddlelox_description | Use on a lox to be able to ride it. |
$item_salad | Salad |
$item_salad_description | Fresh, crisp leaves. |
$item_sap | Wskidakwam |
$item_sap_description | Sacred blood from the Great Tree. |
$item_sausages | Potinak |
$item_sausages_description | Wlipogwat ônkawiwi kakawakw. |
$item_scalehide | Scale Hide |
$item_scalehide_description | A pelt of glittering scales. |
$item_scorchingmedley | Scorching Medley |
$item_scorchingmedley_description | A varied diet is important, so why not try this vegetarian option? |
$item_scythe | Scythe |
$item_scythe_description | The right tool makes the task at hand so much easier. |
$item_scythehandle | Scythe Handle |
$item_scythehandle_description | A sturdy base for a tool. |
$item_seekeraspic | Seeker Aspic |
$item_seekeraspic_description | A quivering jelly with a taste like gentle electricity. |
$item_seekerqueen_drop | Majestic Carapace |
$item_seekerqueen_drop_description | Her majesty's will was hard and unrelenting, but this piece of carapace is perhaps even more so. |
$item_serpentmeat | Gitaskokiya |
$item_serpentmeat_description | Sobagwiskokiya pagazigan, namasimôgwad. |
$item_serpentmeatcooked | Skokiya kizit |
$item_serpentmeatcooked_description | Kizit sobagwiskokiya pagazigan, wlimôgwad. |
$item_serpentscale | Skoki'walagazoa |
$item_serpentscale_description | Psakwela paki alahlagw wjihlôk Sobagoskokeba. |
$item_serpentstew | Skokôbo |
$item_serpentstew_description | Alimôgwat paki wawilômwaimlases ta skok... |
$item_seteffect | Set effect |
$item_sharpeningstone | Kitadowôgan |
$item_sharpeningstone_description | A whetstone wheel ready to spin. |
$item_shield_banded | Kelegajwanôgan |
$item_shield_banded_description | Banded with hoops of iron, a true warrior's companion. |
$item_shield_blackmetal | Mkazahlagwajwanôgan |
$item_shield_blackmetal_description | Wjiwlitô ôtalli mlikahlagw, kiziga kebazogosa achi ôtalli kezigihlôwik. |
$item_shield_blackmetal_tower | Kchi mkazahlagwajwanôgan |
$item_shield_blackmetal_tower_description | A tower shield of gleaming dark metal. |
$item_shield_bonetower | Bone Tower Shield |
$item_shield_bonetower_description | The bones of dead warriors make for a good protection. |
$item_shield_bronzebuckler | Wadamôôbamahlagw ajwanôganis |
$item_shield_bronzebuckler_description | Ajwanôgan psakwelatak, wligen wji kebazogosoowik pazgo ala ato niznol tmokwatahiganal. |
$item_shield_carapace | Carapace Shield |
$item_shield_carapace_description | The almost unbreakable carapace of your enemies makes an excellent shield. |
$item_shield_carapacebuckler | Carapace Buckler |
$item_shield_carapacebuckler_description | The skull of a seeker is solid but not heavy, which makes it perfect for a small and agile shield. |
$item_shield_flametal | Flametal Shield |
$item_shield_flametal_description | The shield is and always will be a viking's most important weapon. |
$item_shield_flametal_tower | Flametal Tower Shield |
$item_shield_flametal_tower_description | The best defence is a great defence. |
$item_shield_iron_square | Alnahlagwajwanôgan |
$item_shield_iron_square_description | An iron sword-breaker, tile of the battle-wall. |
$item_shield_iron_tower | Kchi alnahlagwajwanôgan |
$item_shield_iron_tower_description | A tall shield of strong iron. |
$item_shield_ironbuckler | Iron Buckler |
$item_shield_ironbuckler_description | Its lightness and curved center makes it excellent for deflecting attacks. |
$item_shield_knight | Knight shield UNUSED |
$item_shield_knight_description | A wooden shield reinforced with iron. UNUSED |
$item_shield_serpentscale | Gitaskok walagaiya ajwanôgan |
$item_shield_serpentscale_description | Ajwanôgan meliksanigek ali wlitôzo walagazoak nôbi ali sôzadaboldimek. |
$item_shield_silver | Silver Shield |
$item_shield_silver_description | A shield of radiant silver. |
$item_shield_wood | Abazajwanôgan |
$item_shield_wood_description | Alni abazajwanôgan. |
$item_shield_woodtower | Kchi abazajwanôgan |
$item_shield_woodtower_description | Akwinôgwezo ta tkgwigwi abazajwanôgan. |
$item_shieldcore | Shield Core |
$item_shieldcore_description | A protective force within is ready to be unleashed. |
$item_shocklatesmoothie | Muckshake |
$item_shocklatesmoothie_description | Wakes you up! |
$item_silver | Ôwadiwôbahlagw |
$item_silver_description | Pôgui ôwadiwôbahlagwapskwis kiztak. |
$item_silvernecklace | Wôbihlagw mozôbi |
$item_silvernecklace_description | <color=yellow>Ôwadika |
$item_silverore | Ôwadiwôbahlagwapskw |
$item_silverore_description | Wskigek ôwadiwôbahlagw. Aiyagô wjidô Wjidoahlagwigamigok. |
$item_sizzlingberrybroth | Sizzling Berry Broth |
$item_sizzlingberrybroth_description | This soup settles in your stomach with an almost tingly sensation. |
$item_sledge_demolisher | Demolisher |
$item_sledge_demolisher_description | This mighty sledge yearns to wreak havoc. |
$item_sledge_iron | Alnahlagw kitchi malto |
$item_sledge_iron_description | A mighty hammer, worthy of a champion. |
$item_smokebomb | Smoke Bomb |
$item_smokebomb_description | Everyone knows you can't breathe in the smoke. |
$item_smokepuff | Smoke Puff |
$item_smokepuff_description | Hopefully it tastes better after cooking. |
$item_softtissue | Soft Tissue |
$item_softtissue_description | It still fizzes softly with ancient memories. |
$item_sparkler | Sparkler |
$item_sparkler_description | It's a stick that sparkles. Pretty! |
$item_sparklingshroomshake | Sparkling Shroomshake |
$item_sparklingshroomshake_description | Perhaps it's not the best flavour to start the day with, but it will give you the boost you need. |
$item_spear_ancientbark | Nônegonsakw enigakw |
$item_spear_ancientbark_description | Kneskaldam alinôgwak, enigakw yo meliksanigen ta ôtalli wlitmôbakiwi. |
$item_spear_bronze | Wadamôôbamahlagw enigakw |
$item_spear_bronze_description | A sturdy spear with a head of burnished bronze. |
$item_spear_carapace | Carapace Spear |
$item_spear_carapace_description | Sharpened to jagged perfection, this spear is sure to be deadly. |
$item_spear_chitin | Awskônôgwak astahigan |
$item_spear_chitin_description | Sobagw w'moskwaldamwôgan. |
$item_spear_flint | Mazipskwenigakw |
$item_spear_flint_description | Kwildahôana wji mattahômek, pajidakoj k'pedinooid na nihlôd. |
$item_spear_splitner | Splitnir |
$item_spear_splitner_blood | Splitnir the Bleeding |
$item_spear_splitner_blood_description | A small sacrifice must be made for every battle... |
$item_spear_splitner_description | Split your enemies' hearts in two. |
$item_spear_splitner_lightning | Splitnir the Storming |
$item_spear_splitner_lightning_description | Let the crack of thunder split the air. |
$item_spear_splitner_nature | Splitnir the Primal |
$item_spear_splitner_nature_description | Nature's forces burst through the ground wherever this spear strikes. |
$item_spear_wolffang | Mzizegwôbnigakw |
$item_spear_wolffang_description | Amochka illnad, wa môlsem w'ibidga mskanagwôd. |
$item_spiceashlands | Fiery Spice Powder |
$item_spiceashlands_description | Whatever spices have been used in this blend, they must come from someplace hot. And as if that wasn't enough, they have also been dried and smoked before being ground into a fine powder. |
$item_spiceforests | Woodland Herb Blend |
$item_spiceforests_description | Thyme and marjoram carefully harvested and dried, before being mixed together. This blend will turn even the most basic of ingredients into a delicious feast. |
$item_spicemistlands | Herbs of the Hidden Hills |
$item_spicemistlands_description | A good herbalist knows exactly where to go to find ramsons, but she won't tell you the secrets of her trade! Still, if you have the coin for it you may treat yourself to this blend of finely harvested ramson bulbs and leaves. |
$item_spicemountains | Mountain Peak Pepper Powder |
$item_spicemountains_description | Only the most seasoned herbalist can find the pepperwood tree and harvest its leaves and bark. After careful preparation it's ready to be added to food, and is sure to give it some warming heat. |
$item_spiceoceans | Seafarer's Herbs |
$item_spiceoceans_description | The sour tang of sorrel, mixed with something the herbalist would rather not disclose, is well suitable for fish. Any fisherfolk worth their salt would do well to keep this blend near, in case of a good catch! |
$item_spiceplains | Grasslands Herbalist Harvest |
$item_spiceplains_description | This blend utilises all aspects of the lovage plant, a rarity in the tenth world. Roots, leaves and seeds have all been gathered, and then mixed together in the perfect quantity. |
$item_spicymarmalade | Spicy Marmalade |
$item_spicymarmalade_description | Sugary honey perfectly balanced with tangy fronds and tart berries. |
$item_staff_lightning | Dundr |
$item_staff_lightning_description | What happens next may shock you. |
$item_staffclusterbomb | Staff of Fracturing |
$item_staffclusterbomb_description | Only those with patience and focus will be able to harness the true power of this staff. |
$item_stafffireball | Staff of Embers |
$item_stafffireball_description | The sweltering heat of Muspelheim seems almost pathetic when compared to what this staff can do... |
$item_staffgreenroots | Staff of the Wild |
$item_staffgreenroots_description | Ancient natural forces lie curled and dormant within this staff, ready to be unleashed. |
$item_stafficeshards | Staff of Frost |
$item_stafficeshards_description | A staff as cold as the three-year winter that will herald the end of times. |
$item_stafflaser | Frostthrower Staff |
$item_stafflaser_description | Quite chilly... |
$item_staffredlightning | Dundr |
$item_staffredlightning_description | What happens next may shock you. |
$item_staffredtroll | Trollstav |
$item_staffredtroll_description | Summons a raging beast to cause death and destruction. |
$item_staffshield | Staff of Protection |
$item_staffshield_description | For a slight blood offering it will protect the caster in a magical shell. |
$item_staffskeleton | Dead Raiser |
$item_staffskeleton_description | Sacrifice a bit of blood to raise the dead. Upgrade the skull to spawn multiple skeletons, and increase your blood magic to make them stronger. |
$item_stagbreaker | Wagayôbahigan |
$item_stagbreaker_description | Baskhôdebahigan tabinôgwat niwaskok wji! Tagamogana nigaji k'wawmadamen... |
$item_staminahold | Draw stamina |
$item_staminause | Use stamina |
$item_stone | Sen |
$item_stone_description | Seni. |
$item_sulfurstone | Sulfur |
$item_sulfurstone_description | Smells like rotten eggs. |
$item_surtlingcore | Surtling wjejakwapskw |
$item_surtlingcore_description | Pakholoi ponsôzik alômiwi. |
$item_sword_blackmetal | Mkazahlagw tmokwatahigan |
$item_sword_blackmetal_description | Kagui machinaiya enni wlinôgwak, askaskwiwassopsakwela. |
$item_sword_bronze | Wadamôôbamahlagw tmokwatahigan |
$item_sword_bronze_description | Pagakanismid, kidôba kadawesmit. |
$item_sword_dyrnwyn | Dyrnwyn |
$item_sword_dyrnwyn_description | The sword that was broken is whole once more. Its flames burn hot, fuelled by the memories of ancient warriors. |
$item_sword_fire | Dyrnwyn |
$item_sword_fire_description | Kadakodam, sisiskwedoo ta sawsesego askamiskweda, ajalitbihlôk tmokwatahigan. |
$item_sword_iron | Alnahlagw tmokwatahigan |
$item_sword_iron_description | Sasgatagw nansawiwi pmôzwôganek ta machinawôganek sebôsa yo tmokwatahiganek. |
$item_sword_krom | Krom |
$item_sword_krom_description | As deadly as it is shiny, and it's very shiny. |
$item_sword_mistwalker | Mistwalker |
$item_sword_mistwalker_description | The faint glow seems to slice through the mist. |
$item_sword_niedhogg | Nidhögg |
$item_sword_niedhogg_blood | Nidhögg the Bleeding |
$item_sword_niedhogg_blood_description | If you bleed, your foes are sure to do so as well. |
$item_sword_niedhogg_description | Named after the evil dragon that dwells by the roots of the world tree, this sword heralds doom for those who cross its path. |
$item_sword_niedhogg_lightning | Nidhögg the Thundering |
$item_sword_niedhogg_lightning_description | The power of lightning dances along the blade of this sword, a promise of the pain to come. |
$item_sword_niedhogg_nature | Nidhögg the Primal |
$item_sword_niedhogg_nature_description | Tangle your foes in roots, like the namesake of this blade. |
$item_sword_silver | Ôwadiwôbahlagw tmokwatahigan |
$item_sword_silver_description | Ôttali pôgwi wji mziwi chebahlagol, ôda kagui agwejagak kizi ozôlôwzo. |
$item_sword_slayer | Slayer |
$item_sword_slayer_blood | Brutal Slayer |
$item_sword_slayer_blood_description | If it bleeds, you can kill it. |
$item_sword_slayer_description | This mighty blade thirsts for the blood of foes. |
$item_sword_slayer_lightning | Scourging Slayer |
$item_sword_slayer_lightning_description | The lightning bound into this blade is erratic, ever searching for something to strike. |
$item_sword_slayer_nature | Primal Slayer |
$item_sword_slayer_nature_description | The blade works in tandem with the primal forces of the world, seeking death and slaughter. |
$item_tamedonly | Can only hurt tamed creatures. |
$item_tankard | Tankard |
$item_tankard_anniversary | Horn of Celebration |
$item_tankard_anniversary_description | Negwejigaden wji papaiôagwa... Skål! |
$item_tankard_description | Skål! |
$item_tankard_odin | Odin wd'askanikwats |
$item_tankard_odin_description | Odin's finest warriors deserve the finest drinks. |
$item_tar | Mkazajag |
$item_tar_description | A sticky lump of tar. |
$item_thistle | Kôwiz |
$item_thistle_description | Wlinôgwat astawaddaki. |
$item_thunderstone | Thunder Stone |
$item_thunderstone_description | It is crackling with energy. |
$item_tin | Papahwijwiya |
$item_tin_description | Pôgwi papahwijwiyaapskwis kiztak. |
$item_tinore | Papahwijwiyaapskw |
$item_tinore_description | Wskigek papahwijwiya. Aiyagô wjidô Wjidoahlagwigamigok. |
$item_torch | Wassakwhlanigan |
$item_torch_description | Padowo wassasao ta olabeda; gwagwakôwo pzegatak. |
$item_total | Kakassi |
$item_trollhide | Kiwakwadagen |
$item_trollhide_description | Kepagen ta kadaagen. Niga kagui wji Giwakwa toji zahagigoak nihlôgwajik. |
$item_trophy_abomination | Abomination Trophy |
$item_trophy_abomination_description | It's been dead so long that it started living again. |
$item_trophy_abomination_lore | It's been dead so long that it started living again. |
$item_trophy_asksvin | Asksvin Trophy |
$item_trophy_asksvin_description | Don't let yourself be fooled by the friendly smile, for it could easily bite your arm off. |
$item_trophy_asksvin_lore | A mighty beast, but now it shall roam no more. |
$item_trophy_blob | Blob pôldakahigan |
$item_trophy_blob_description | Majijagimôgwat ta kelijagiya. |
$item_trophy_blob_lore | Majijagimôgwat ta kelijagiya. |
$item_trophy_boar | Biges pôladakahigan |
$item_trophy_boar_description | Bigesôdepga wlinôgwaziba tômô wigwômek. |
$item_trophy_boar_lore | Bigesôdepga wlinôgwaziba tômô wigwômek. |
$item_trophy_bonemass | Bonemass pôladakahigan |
$item_trophy_bonemass_description | Oskanal ta agwejagiiya, adowiwi ali ni kagui ôda kizi namitôzinnok. Patniga pagitnigaapskoikok wji. |
$item_trophy_bonemass_lore | Negônoskaniya ta mkazakijagiya, chagaki sôgnawabo. |
$item_trophy_bonemaw | Bonemaw Trophy |
$item_trophy_bonemaw_description | A skull made up of dense bone, as dangerous as it is protective. |
$item_trophy_bonemaw_lore | These jagged teeth had been the death of many a seafarer, before the beast finally met its own end. |
$item_trophy_brutebro | Thungr Trophy |
$item_trophy_brutebro_description | Not so tough now. |
$item_trophy_brutebro_lore | The younger of two brothers. Jealous of his brother's magic. |
$item_trophy_charredarcher | Marksman Trophy |
$item_trophy_charredarcher_description | These legs could hold infinite power. |
$item_trophy_charredarcher_lore | This soldier marches no more. |
$item_trophy_charredmage | Warlock Trophy |
$item_trophy_charredmage_description | A warm glow seems to almost emanate from within. Handle with care. |
$item_trophy_charredmage_lore | If you listen closely, you can still hear the faint hum of magic. |
$item_trophy_charredmelee | Warrior Trophy |
$item_trophy_charredmelee_description | Fractures line this skull, as if it has taken many hits over the years. |
$item_trophy_charredmelee_lore | Even in death, its gaze is unrelenting. |
$item_trophy_cultist | Cultist Trophy |
$item_trophy_cultist_description | The fire in its eyes has still not burned out. |
$item_trophy_cultist_hildir | Geirrhafa Trophy |
$item_trophy_cultist_hildir_description | He's giving you an icy stare. |
$item_trophy_cultist_hildir_lore | Isolated from his kin for embracing the white frost instead of resisting it. |
$item_trophy_cultist_lore | The fire in its eyes has still not burned out. |
$item_trophy_deathsquito | Kskwipegwes pôladakahigan |
$item_trophy_deathsquito_description | Wskebi machinaik, askwatta ôda k'wigôdamw kagalneman. |
$item_trophy_deathsquito_lore | Wskebi machinaik, askwatta ôda k'wigôdamw kagalneman. |
$item_trophy_deer | Nolka pôladakahigan |
$item_trophy_deer_description | Wladial ni ganwa kd'achowaldam paami wligek Nolkaga waji kizi pidigaa Valhallok. |
$item_trophy_deer_lore | Wladial ni ganwa kd'achowaldam paami wligek Nolkaga waji kizi pidigaa Valhallok. |
$item_trophy_dragonqueen | Moder pôladakahigan |
$item_trophy_dragonqueen_description | Gitaskokôdep, walinôgwad amochka ali klajihlak kizi machinak. Patniga pagitnigaapskoikok wji. |
$item_trophy_dragonqueen_lore | Ahôtawigen nônegônikkil wesmiganal, w'dupga yowi wji msalmachinajik machiwi ali namihodiza. |
$item_trophy_draugr | Draugr pôladakahigan |
$item_trophy_draugr_description | Klabido w'don môji kikimôdwada nibôiwi... |
$item_trophy_draugr_lore | Klabido w'don môji kikimôdwada nibôiwi... |
$item_trophy_draugrelite | Draugr Elite pôladakahigan |
$item_trophy_draugrelite_description | K'pawanalogw ali mkuiwassekil w'sizegol matôbowikil. |
$item_trophy_draugrelite_lore | K'pawanalogw ali mkuiwassekil w'sizegol matôbowikil. |
$item_trophy_dvergr | Dvergr Trophy |
$item_trophy_dvergr_description | It's frankly a little troubling that you would consider hanging these on your wall... |
$item_trophy_dvergr_lore | Such fine braids! |
$item_trophy_eikthyr | Eikthyr pôladakahigan |
$item_trophy_eikthyr_description | Yo temôdebga atalijoan pawisanwôgan. Patniga pagitnigaapskoikok. |
$item_trophy_eikthyr_lore | Nônegweji kinjames kpiwi. K'kchidahômôk tôni kassi msagijik wd'askanak. |
$item_trophy_elder | Elder pôladakahigan |
$item_trophy_elder_description | Yo temôdebga atalijoan pawisanwôgan. Patniga pagitnigaapskoikok. |
$item_trophy_elder_lore | Amochka illnad, wiagigwaonôgwezo ali kimiwawidahôzik. |
$item_trophy_fader | Fader Trophy |
$item_trophy_fader_description | The green dragon, corrupted beyond redemption. Offer him to the sacrificial stones. |
$item_trophy_fader_lore | Only tatters remained of his sane mind. Perhaps it was a mercy to kill him. |
$item_trophy_fallenvalkyrie | Fallen Valkyrie Trophy |
$item_trophy_fallenvalkyrie_description | Though she is dead, she yearns for the blood to flow. |
$item_trophy_fallenvalkyrie_lore | Once a fierce and noble being, before she was warped into a harbinger of terror. |
$item_trophy_fenring | Fenring pôladakahigan |
$item_trophy_fenring_description | Nizijibigid: Papasigi sanôbai papasigi môlsemi. Klajihla wsiginôgwak. |
$item_trophy_fenring_lore | Nizijibigid: Papasigi sanôbai papasigi môlsemi. Klajihla wsiginôgwak. |
$item_trophy_foresttroll | Sakhakwa pôladakahigan |
$item_trophy_foresttroll_description | Nônegôni tbaskhodiganak msalowiak wskijiwi yo kapagadagenek. |
$item_trophy_foresttroll_lore | Nônegôni tbaskhodiganak msalowiak wskijiwi yo kapagadagenek. |
$item_trophy_frosttroll | Sikwla giwakwa pôladakahigan |
$item_trophy_frosttroll_description | Askwa yolil msizegol ligwadakkil ta psakwelakkil ali nôbi chekelasijik. Akwi wzômi spikôbokan... |
$item_trophy_frosttroll_lore | Askwa yolil msizegol ligwadakkil ta psakwelakkil ali nôbi chekelasijik. Akwi wzômi spikôbokan... |
$item_trophy_gjall | Gjall Trophy |
$item_trophy_gjall_description | Hopefully it won't float away. |
$item_trophy_gjall_lore | Hopefully it won't float away. |
$item_trophy_goblin | Fuling pôladakahigan |
$item_trophy_goblin_description | Askaskageniya asigeligek môwnak wiwniwi nisnol pzegakkil akwalemikkil msizegwikok. |
$item_trophy_goblin_lore | Askaskageniya asigeligek môwnak wiwniwi nisnol pzegakkil akwalemikkil msizegwikok. |
$item_trophy_goblinbrute | Fuling berserker pôladakahigan |
$item_trophy_goblinbrute_description | Yo kôkchiôdepga tkwigen paki kwinnapska. |
$item_trophy_goblinbrute_lore | Yo kôkchiôdepga tkwigen paki kwinnapska. |
$item_trophy_goblinking | Yagluth pôladakahigan |
$item_trophy_goblinking_description | The crownless head of a dead king. Offer it to the Sacrificial Stones. |
$item_trophy_goblinking_lore | Nôngweji, w'sizegol askwa babômihla ta wd'azebaskedonal kimôdwa... |
$item_trophy_goblinshaman | Fuling medewlinnoid pôladakahigan |
$item_trophy_goblinshaman_description | Minawiki k'nihlôp, ôdaga k'kizi chanemowen ali wiagigwao ataliwi w'pakôgazbaskedonek... |
$item_trophy_goblinshaman_lore | Minawiki k'nihlôp, ôdaga k'kizi chanemowen ali wiagigwao ataliwi w'pakôgazbaskedonek... |
$item_trophy_greydwarf | Greydwarf pôladakahigan |
$item_trophy_greydwarf_description | Asakwamiwi, Greydwarf w'temôdebga. |
$item_trophy_greydwarf_lore | Asakwamiwi, Greydwarf w'temôdebga. |
$item_trophy_greydwarfbrute | Greydwarf Akwsenad pôladakahigan |
$item_trophy_greydwarfbrute_description | K'tôtagamô tetôbawoz kasta waji kizi gadôdebaan yo môsagadepga whagak. |
$item_trophy_greydwarfbrute_lore | K'tôtagamô tetôbawoz kasta waji kizi gadôdebaan yo môsagadepga whagak. |
$item_trophy_greydwarfshaman | Greydwarf medewlinnoid pôladakahigan |
$item_trophy_greydwarfshaman_description | Wskebi pmôwzowikhozok toji wlinsato mazaôtkwenema mziwi wskigikkil... |
$item_trophy_greydwarfshaman_lore | Wskebi pmôwzowikhozok toji wlinsato mazaôtkwenema mziwi wskigikkil... |
$item_trophy_growth | Growth Trophy |
$item_trophy_growth_description | A black and sticky mess. |
$item_trophy_growth_lore | A black and sticky mess. |
$item_trophy_hare | Hare Trophy |
$item_trophy_hare_description | These are said to bring luck. But not for their original owner. |
$item_trophy_hare_lore | These are said to bring luck. But not for their original owner. |
$item_trophy_hatchling | Sikwlaihla pôldakahigan |
$item_trophy_hatchling_description | Alemiwi wawinajogwezid. |
$item_trophy_hatchling_lore | Alemiwi wawinajogwezid. |
$item_trophy_leech | Pabaskw pôladakahigan |
$item_trophy_leech_description | Ôlawi pezagwaiwi, yoga madagen lômpskaôzo mkguigek ta mkazawigek. |
$item_trophy_leech_lore | Ôlawi pezagwaiwi, yoga madagen lômpskaôzo mkguigek ta mkazawigek. |
$item_trophy_lox | Lox pôladakahigan |
$item_trophy_lox_description | Gitawaasôdepga, kepagaweswadagen. |
$item_trophy_lox_lore | Gitawaasôdepga, kepagaweswadagen. |
$item_trophy_morgen | Morgen Trophy |
$item_trophy_morgen_description | The waking nightmare has met its end. |
$item_trophy_morgen_lore | Only the most twisted of minds could summon such a creature. |
$item_trophy_neck | Neck pôladakahigan |
$item_trophy_neck_description | Yolil msizegol ta kôkzighlikkil melikôbidal agwanka ali sôgnawaskit wa katolôkwsisga. |
$item_trophy_neck_lore | Yolil msizegol ta kôkzighlikkil melikôbidal agwanka ali sôgnawaskit wa katolôkwsisga. |
$item_trophy_seeker | Seeker Trophy |
$item_trophy_seeker_brute | Seeker Soldier Trophy |
$item_trophy_seeker_brute_description | The head of a fallen champion. |
$item_trophy_seeker_brute_lore | The head of a fallen champion. |
$item_trophy_seeker_description | Less delicate than they look. The leather of the wings catches the firelight as if remembering flight. |
$item_trophy_seeker_lore | Less delicate than they look. The leather of the wings catches the firelight as if remembering flight. |
$item_trophy_seekerqueen | The Queen Trophy |
$item_trophy_seekerqueen_description | She has seen enough. Offer it to the Sacrificial Stones. |
$item_trophy_seekerqueen_lore | She has seen enough. |
$item_trophy_serpent | Gitaskog pôladakahigan |
$item_trophy_serpent_description | W'walagazomak ksiniwassahlak, nidaki askwa wassatagenol w'sizegol. |
$item_trophy_serpent_lore | W'walagazomak ksiniwassahlak, nidaki askwa wassatagenol w'sizegol. |
$item_trophy_sgolem | Kloskapskw pôladakahigan |
$item_trophy_sgolem_description | Yo ahazaapskwika kiziba wlinôgwak tali kd'alsaktak alômpskaôzik. |
$item_trophy_sgolem_lore | Yo ahazaapskwika kiziba wlinôgwak tali kd'alsaktak alômpskaôzik. |
$item_trophy_shamanbro | Zil Trophy |
$item_trophy_shamanbro_description | In the choice of 'ride or die', he picked the latter. |
$item_trophy_shamanbro_lore | The elder brother. Wished he had his brother's strength. |
$item_trophy_skeleton | Chibaiakw pôladakahigan |
$item_trophy_skeleton_description | Wiagigwao ali tatbinôgwat ni chibaiyôdepga niga k'mikwaldamôgw ni aliji achowi pajitbihlôk machinaan. |
$item_trophy_skeleton_hildir | Brenna Trophy |
$item_trophy_skeleton_hildir_description | Still burning, somehow. |
$item_trophy_skeleton_hildir_lore | Her rage burned so hot it stayed with her after death. |
$item_trophy_skeleton_lore | Wiagigwao ali tatbinôgwat ni chibaiyôdepga niga k'mikwaldamôgw ni aliji achowi pajitbihlôk machinaan. |
$item_trophy_skeletonpoison | Matalkô akwajatakil pôldakahigan |
$item_trophy_skeletonpoison_description | Chibaiôdep matalkôk ta majimôgwad. Ôda k'wawaldamowen wji kagui nanawaldaman... |
$item_trophy_skeletonpoison_lore | Chibaiôdep matalkôk ta majimôgwad. Ôda k'wawaldamowen wji kagui nanawaldaman... |
$item_trophy_surtling | Surtling pôladakahigan |
$item_trophy_surtling_description | Wiwnisawô wôbiskwedol, ôtakazo paki skwediyasimis. |
$item_trophy_surtling_lore | Wiwnisawô wôbiskwedol, ôtakazo paki skwediyasimis. |
$item_trophy_tick | Tick Trophy |
$item_trophy_tick_description | It's a conversation piece... |
$item_trophy_tick_lore | It's a conversation piece... |
$item_trophy_troll | Kiwakwa pôladakahigan |
$item_trophy_troll_description | Nônegôni tbaskhodiganak msalowiak wskijiwi yo kapagadagenek. |
$item_trophy_troll_lore | Nônegôni tbaskhodiganak msalowiak wskijiwi yo kapagadagenek. |
$item_trophy_ulv | Ulv Trophy |
$item_trophy_ulv_description | A rugged tail from a not so good boy. |
$item_trophy_ulv_lore | A rugged tail from a not so good boy. |
$item_trophy_volture | Volture Trophy |
$item_trophy_volture_description | It's like a vulture, but it thrives in volcanic climates. |
$item_trophy_volture_lore | Its watchful eyes still seem to search for cadavers to feast upon. |
$item_trophy_wolf | Môlsem pôladakahigan |
$item_trophy_wolf_description | Klajihla ali machinad, w'piasso ligwagiadok môwôbaksozik ta pazgwen sôgnawimegi askwa alômiwi w'kwedôganek. |
$item_trophy_wolf_lore | Klajihla ali machinad, w'piasso ligwagiadok môwôbaksozik ta pazgwen sôgnawimegi askwa alômiwi w'kwedôganek. |
$item_trophy_wraith | Sigwachibai pôladakahigan |
$item_trophy_wraith_description | Môlchibaiapelagna, ibi pawilegwatasi illi pôgwas. |
$item_trophy_wraith_lore | Môlchibaiapelagna, ibi pawilegwatasi illi pôgwas. |
$item_turnip | Chanaps |
$item_turnip_description | Pazgwen chanaps. |
$item_turnipseeds | Chanaps oskanimenal |
$item_turnipseeds_description | Kizkikan yolil lakapodikik. |
$item_turnipstew | Chanapsôbo |
$item_turnipstew_description | Nutritious and restorative. |
$item_turretbolt | Black Metal Missile |
$item_turretbolt_description | These thick missiles can punch through the hide of even the toughest foes. |
$item_turretbolt_flametal | Flametal Missile |
$item_turretbolt_flametal_description | Forged from one of the hardest metals in all of Valheim, this missile is sure to hold off your enemies. |
$item_turretboltwood | Wooden Missile |
$item_turretboltwood_description | Sturdy wooden missiles that can provide a tough defense against foes. |
$item_twohanded | Nizeljial |
$item_value | Alôwadik |
$item_vineberry | Vineberry Cluster |
$item_vineberry_description | These juicy berries are both sour and sweet. |
$item_vineberryseeds | Vineberry Seeds |
$item_vineberryseeds_description | Looks like they could crumble at any moment. |
$item_vinegreenseeds | Ivy Seeds |
$item_vinegreenseeds_description | These unassuming seeds can grow into vines that might overtake entire buildings. |
$item_volture_meat | Volture Meat |
$item_volture_meat_cooked | Cooked Volture Meat |
$item_volture_meat_cooked_description | A chewy and somewhat dry meat. Some seasoning would probably make it taste better, but it'll fill your stomach regardless. |
$item_volture_meat_description | Given that this bird feasts on all kinds of things, you'd better cook its meat before you even think about eating it. |
$item_voltureegg | Volture Egg |
$item_voltureegg_description | Warm to the touch, and full of protein. |
$item_weight | Kassitekwigwan |
$item_wishbone | Pawioskan |
$item_wishbone_description | Wa nônegôni wskan w'mikwaldamenal atali lawgwiwi msalok wanaldak. |
$item_wisp | Wisp |
$item_wisp_description | It keeps whispering jibberish... |
$item_witheredbone | Matalkôwskan |
$item_witheredbone_description | Kôkchit askwan, wlômpskw paki negôniakw. |
$item_wolf_meat | Môlsemiya |
$item_wolf_meat_cooked | Cooked Wolf Meat |
$item_wolf_meat_cooked_description | A wild taste. |
$item_wolf_meat_description | |
$item_wolf_skewer | Wolf Skewer |
$item_wolf_skewer_description | Dripping with taste. |
$item_wolfclaw | Fenris Claw |
$item_wolfclaw_description | It is hard and sharp like iron. |
$item_wolffang | Môlsem w'bidga |
$item_wolffang_description | Askwa kezigihlik. |
$item_wolfhairbundle | Fenris Hair |
$item_wolfhairbundle_description | A bundle of thick, rough hair. It has a strong smell. |
$item_wolfjerky | Wolf Jerky |
$item_wolfjerky_description | Chewy and full of flavor. |
$item_wolfpelt | Môlsemagen |
$item_wolfpelt_description | A pelt of shaggy fur. |
$item_wood | Abazi |
$item_wood_description | Wligek abazi wji kizitôzik. |
$item_yagluththing | Torn Spirit |
$item_yagluththing_description | The remains of Yagluth, a twisted spirit torn between this world and the next. |
$item_yggdrasilporridge | Yggdrasil Porridge |
$item_yggdrasilporridge_description | Made with sap from the great tree. Even a mouthful imparts a warm glow to your whole body. |
$item_yggdrasilwood | Yggdrasil Wood |
$item_yggdrasilwood_description | Godflesh, wood from the Great Tree. |
$item_ymirremains | Ymiriya |
$item_ymirremains_description | The earthy remains of the giant Ymir. |
$keyboard_ChatInput | Enter message |
$keyboard_FilterField | Enter filter |
$language_abenaki | Alnôbaôdwawôgan* |
$language_bulgarian | български* |
$language_chinese | 简体中文 |
$language_chinese_trad | 繁體中文 |
$language_croatian | Croatian* |
$language_czech | Čeština* |
$language_danish | Dansk* |
$language_dutch | Nederlands |
$language_english | English |
$language_estonian | Estonian* |
$language_finnish | Suomi* |
$language_french | Français |
$language_georgian | ქართული* |
$language_german | Deutsch |
$language_greek | Ελληνικά* |
$language_hindi | हिन्दी* |
$language_hungarian | Magyar* |
$language_icelandic | íslenska* |
$language_italian | Italiano* |
$language_japanese | 日本語 |
$language_korean | 한국어 |
$language_latvian | Latviski* |
$language_lithuanian | Lietuvių kalba* |
$language_macedonian | македонски* |
$language_norwegian | Norsk* |
$language_polish | Polski |
$language_portuguese_brazilian | Português (Brasil) |
$language_portuguese_european | Português europeu* |
$language_romanian | Romanian* |
$language_russian | Русский |
$language_serbian | Serbian* |
$language_slovak | Slovenčina* |
$language_spanish | Español |
$language_swedish | Svenska* |
$language_thai | ไทย* |
$language_turkish | Türkçe |
$language_ukrainian | українська |
$loading_healthwarning | A very small percentage of individuals may experience epileptic seizures when exposed to certain visual images, including light patterns or flashing lights that may appear in video games or other video content. Exposure to certain patterns or backgrounds on a computer screen, or while playing video games, may induce an epileptic seizure in these individuals. Certain conditions may induce previously undetected epileptic symptoms even in persons who have no history of prior seizures or epilepsy. |
$loading_healthwarning2 | If you, or anyone in your family, have an epileptic condition, consult your physician prior to playing Valheim. If you experience any of the following symptoms while playing - dizziness, altered vision, eye or muscle twitches, loss of awareness, disorientation, any involuntary movement, or convulsions - discontinue IMMEDIATELY and consult your physician before resuming use of Valheim. |
$loading_savenotification | This game has an autosave feature. Please don't turn off the game or console when you see the autosave icon. |
$loadscreen_tip01 | Akwi wanaldamokan môwikhôzik adalikiztôzikil, kskwihiganal, ta ikôlaksak. |
$loadscreen_tip02 | Michinana ni ôjigenol tôni kassôwzian ta kassi nkagômahlaan. Gwagwaji tatbikhô nasijebigen mijowôgan. |
$loadscreen_tip03 | Mawikhôzikil noskitoowik pildowi kdakil kagwessol wlitôzik waji kizi mawikhôan ayhiman. |
$loadscreen_tip04 | Wlitowôgan mahôwiyawijebigek: nôdkwahigamek, nôdapskenigamek, nôdalhagokamek, ta nôdadebokwamek. |
$loadscreen_tip05 | Ôdahaji nigikhôzowiak apcikozijik pasojiwi wlitôzikkil (nôbi. adalkiztôzik, kônskwedaal, bmiwi.) |
$loadscreen_tip06 | Sitting is the safest way to travel while on a boat. |
$loadscreen_tip07 | Wjitta atoji papaiyôana Valheimek, k'gwagwajiba sen ta abazisal wskitgamigw waji kizi wlitoan nitamatak k'awakôgan. |
$loadscreen_tip08 | Majidahôzwôgan sahosaana kwajek nibôiwi... |
$loadscreen_tip09 | Awakakto atôbi wji ali nolkakamek wji ngemikkil wiosal ta madagenol. |
$loadscreen_tip10 | Plojiwitta mômôgwikazi! |
$loadscreen_tip11 | Pildowigek aliwagasanokil mliksanigenol naoji apchigôbijik wji ôdaki kdagik. Kôdak, Wibgwipiwsesijik zokwisanoak atali lagwiwi skwedak. |
$loadscreen_tip12 | Atoji kizi k'psanakap, akwi wanaldamokan tabaldôzik. |
$loadscreen_tip13 | Awakaktoana chakwakol ta atôbiak waji kizi noskotahôan nigaji pahami k'wagasanônak. |
$loadscreen_tip14 | Migwenika sipsikok. Ôaok pasojiwi kik kwani majgizgak. |
$loadscreen_tip15 | Hugin na kôgôgw u ida waji kizi witamogan. |
$loadscreen_tip16 | Naoji awakiyaal aiyagô pahami wligen awakôgan wji kizi maanigamek. |
$loadscreen_tip17 | Ôdabinana ni pahami kd'anawipton kd'lôwzowôgan ta kassi kizi nkagômahlaan. |
$loadscreen_tip18 | Wizôwikkil agizowôganal k'namithlegw nôdasanowik, wibguikkil agizowôganal k'namithlegw apchisanowik. |
$loadscreen_tip19 | Lakahigan kizi abagikhô aki ali enni ngemikhowik waji kizi wikkazimek. |
$loadscreen_tip20 | Wlito pazgwen wakôlikws waji kizi patnigaan tkwikkil pahami kwaniwi. |
$loadscreen_tip21 | Awakakto nodkwahakwiotahôgan waji kizi wlokwahigamek. |
$loadscreen_tip22 | Kizi meskam papahwijwiya ta wizôwahlagw alômiwi Pezowakamigokoikok. |
$loadscreen_tip23 | Kwilawôdam alnimenal ta agwôdawasak. Psanjaghogokji. |
$loadscreen_tip24 | Kwilawôdam alnimenal ta agwôdawasak. Psanjaghogokji. |
$loadscreen_tip25 | If no arrow has been manually selected when using a bow, arrows are automatically selected in ascending order beginning from the leftmost column and going right. |
$location_dvergrboss | Infested Citadel |
$location_dvergrtown | Infested Mine |
$location_enter | Pidiga |
$location_exit | Sahosa |
$location_forestcave | Kiwakwagamigw |
$location_forestcrypt | Chibaisagwiki |
$location_mausoleum | Tomb of Lord Reto |
$location_morgenhole | Putrid Hole |
$location_mountaincave | Frost Caves |
$location_sunkencrypt | Kwetawjagiposkeniganigamigw |
$lore_ashlands_random01 | Know, child unborn, that this was once the greatest kingdom in all Valheim. Here lived the Sons and Daughters of the King of the Emerald Flame. Beneath his wing, we knew strength and security. In his sight, we grew like green shoots. Now we set this stone among rubble and turn our backs on the land of our birth. May future ages take warning from us. |
$lore_ashlands_random02 | In the forests of the far North, our scouts came across a sleeping boy, sitting naked in the deep snow with his back to a tree. They wrapped him in furs and brought him back to the king, asleep all the while with only his eyelids moving. We named him the Winter Child and we took him to be a good omen. May the gods have mercy on fools. |
$lore_ashlands_random03 | It was known throughout the land that the two would often sit together as if in talk, the king coiled about the sleeping child with his face close, straining to catch any murmured words. Nobody knew what passed between them but all saw the change in the king. Justice flared into wrath and caution deepened into fear. Laws were passed that must be broken and each time the lawbreakers were punished more harshly. Tyranny came in a spiral, like a great storm. |
$lore_ashlands_random04 | When the King of the Emerald Flame flew away to visit the wizard king of the Fulings, his own thegns rose against him and torched the palace with the Winter Child inside. All of us who were alive at that time heard the shriek that sounded for the nine days of the fire and echoed in the city's streets for many weeks longer. Those were the last good days any of us knew, before the return of our king. |
$lore_ashlands_random05 | When the king saw the charred remains of his great hall, he swore to show his foes a fire far greater than the little spark they had kindled. With his breath, he razed our city to the ground and then brought war to all the land. Some of the people stayed faithful to the king but many sought to quench his fury. Brothers fought against brothers, sisters against sisters. The Kingdom of the Emerald Flame tore itself apart. Now only these charred ruins remain, within which not even the dead can find rest. |
$lore_ashlands_random06 | The stones tell of a great tragedy in this land, many centuries ago. It is hard to believe the creature who stalks this ruined city was once a noble beast and a wise king. Yet we will not stay our hands on this account. When we kill him, we will count it a mercy. |
$lore_ashlands_random07 | I have not been happy for more than a day in any place since I came here but this place is the worst of all. Most things are on fire and the fishing is not good. These are the words of Ulf. |
$lore_ashlands_random08 | The pure fire of a grand drake has the power to give life and quicken the dead earth. Once, they blessed the land and seas with their cleansing flame, bringing new life wherever they passed. But for those who are burned by a drake's fire, the blessing is a curse. They are killed and quickened at the same time, caught forever between death and life. Such are the unfortunate souls who wander this ruined land, with flames for flesh and agony in every moment. They cannot be destroyed, only pitied. |
$lore_ashlands_random09 | If the tales are true, the gods long ago abandoned this world. The King of the Emerald Flame was the closest to a god we knew but our prayers to him have turned to ashes in our mouths. This is the last of our strongholds and in the morning we will die defending it. We offer no more prayers and wish only for clean, free deaths, unburned by the flame. |
$lore_ashlands_random10 | It is folly for the free folk to say they need no gods. Nobody needs gods and the gods need no one. They owe nothing to men. But still the wise will seek the powerful as vines will seek a mighty tree to climb. We give our swords to the King of the Emerald Flame because without him there is only death. |
$lore_ashlands_random11 | War is a fire And men are fuel. When the heart-blaze kindles Their bodies are dry wood. |
$lore_ashlands_random12 | I am Astrid of the Long Arm. I came here after much hardship to fight the beast and break the curse that keeps me here. The raven has returned a memory to me and it will not let me rest. I will die as many times as I need to die to see my son again. |
$lore_ashlands_random13 | I have watched many warriors throw themselves against the beast again and again, losing a little of their will each time until their beds lie empty. If this is my fate, so be it. These are the words of Björn, who was once a farmer. |
$lore_blackforest_random01 | Wlinsato nigik môlôgakwamak, wlinsato pôgui pzegatak. Pzegahlôgwihlôk, ni toji ôai pasojiwi k'skwedak. |
$lore_blackforest_random02 | Alômiwi kik, wajapkol latagnikadoak wskijiwi kchi latagnigahiganek. Wikwtaghamenôna pazgwen niga k'wiktaghamenal mziwi. Kawhakwamega pazgoa abazia, niga mziwi abazial wawaldôkkil. Wawalmogana, pazgoit losat, nigaji k'gwilawahogon. |
$lore_blackforest_random03 | Nd'aip Haralad, sanôba wjihlak senojiwi. Ôda n'mikwaldamw ôda kagui wji gwanôwzinôna ataliwi nanôwikik niadakki migakawinnoid. Legwesia, ni n'namitonal kasstahok w'sizegwwô. N'bona yo sen kwinôgwiga n'wizwôgan aik. |
$lore_blackforest_random04 | Ôai u, mikwalô Ulfga, agihamod wsijiwi yo senek askwa ôda kagui nd'laldamdaki idôzik. |
$lore_blackforest_random05 | Olinsato Nônegôniaoid. Kôgôkoak idak nôwat Nônegôniaoid zôghigekiza ni kchikwam Yggdrasil agmatta ni achi w'wawisaniokiza bami sanôbak ta abaziak widôbaidiza. Nikwôbi akwaldoak ta na Nônegôniaoid apchigôbo lagwiwi Niwaskok agmôwôtta. Odin w'miwyalô u tali ali ni palôbaolikiza molôjapkatadaki. |
$lore_blackforest_random06 | Niuna tônwa pmowamôhôdit ali ni Valkyrijik, ôda natamabid kik. N'namitonaltta nilil kchi alômsagol alômiwi ta wd'odanawô wagihlôkil. Tatbigenji achow pajitbihlôk ato niuna wji? |
$lore_blackforest_random07 | Tôbawôz aobanik nigik awaasak miwyalegot Odina yo akik atojiwi natamia kassogweniwi pamôbagnôt. Tôbawôs niwaskok ta majawaasak wzômi kezalzoak waji kitawômek. Agwa ato nônegôniaoijik kpiwi kikimosadit Wajo w'igawesa w'magazemek ali bemihlak. Noskitoji tojiwi pahami namitoa. |
$lore_blackforest_random08 | The trolls of Midgard may be fading from your memory, as indeed they are from all the race of man. Few and forlorn, they crouch in damp caves and gnaw on the bones of the weak and foolhardy. The will of Odin has pushed them back into the dark places. But in Valheim they have flourished. It has been centuries since any in Midgard saw the great trolls stamp flat the land and bring down the trees for joy. Look upon this great and noble sight, wanderers in a strange land! Then take to your heels and run... |
$lore_blackforest_random09 | Raised by the Old Man of the Forest from seeds of sin, the greydwarfs clothe themselves in the human forms they once knew, but there is no longer any warmth in their hearts. They live now only to serve the Elder and to protect the wood. Do not let pity for them stay your hand. |
$lore_blackforest_random10 | Awani nigik kilowôwôikok nihlikawinnozsa, kskwalôgoazôt, adagôbas? Awani alômichoskabeskwanaza wijiaa? Awani kadama chijisahi wji wigawessa w'pedinikok ni w'chegaskan kemodnawôjik w'wigwômal? Wlaldam ni wligek ôda kizi mziwi mikwaldamokkw. Azi kilowôwôikok meliksanit migakawinnoid, ta migakawinnoijik w'jejakol ôdatta pakiginokkil. Odingaki k'magogwô minawôwzowôgan... Kwesihô Wmitôgwes mziwi! |
$lore_blackforest_random11 | Look to the sky where mighty Yggdrasil reaches out, called by the Forsaken Ones to join itself once more with this wayward world. It is a glorious sight but a dreadful one. For as the great tree bends out across the void, its branches strain and crack, felt in the remaining nine worlds as quakings of the earth, great storms and holy fires. The Forsaken must be slain and balance restored. |
$lore_blackforest_random12 | Astrid will not look at me twice. I leave this stone to honour great Freya. O goddess, grant me a beard like Bjorn's that I might win her heart! |
$lore_blackforest_random13 | I have been reborn many times in this world. I have died again and again only to awaken in my own house. Yet still I wonder how many more times I will return like this. Frida was taken by a serpent and her bed lies empty still. Bjarni was bitten in half by a troll and neither half has been seen since... All around are the ruins of those who came before us but where are the hands that built them? Perhaps, when a warrior loses the will to remain here, they can no longer return... |
$lore_bonemass | ADEBOKA AKWEJATAKIL |
$lore_caveman01 | The depths of the cave promised me riches. Down turns out, is easier than up. The lake helped best it could, but it could only do so much. It took me strength to not empty it completely, to leave you weary traveler a chance just as I had. I hope you came here more prepared than I. If not, there is room here next to me, to just lay down and.. rest. |
$lore_caveman02 | This cliff I climbed in in hopes of reaching the top. Regretfully the cave was too deep. ... Back here again considering the jump. Alas, the coward I am is climbing back down. |
$lore_cavepainting_label | Ancient Cave Markings |
$lore_dragonqueen | PAGITNIGA WIJÔNAK |
$lore_drake | Wawaldamoch tonwa agimid wji nigik Gitsikwlaskogak, ôtalli pazgo nigik nônegôni wadôpakihlôjik Ymira zôkhigijik atojiwi w'hagak. Sikwlaihlak ôtalliga alni alijibigijik nigik Gitsikwlaskogak, nôbahlasak nanawalmôhôdid zôkhigwezilijik wji. Wigawôjiwi k'namihôkji ni tali tasakwabijik senikok waji kizi ikôdamodit w'wôwanôwal. Nigaki, nigik skwahlak pahami kchigoak ni achi nadawanôgwezijik, neskazidahôzodaki nsôzwinnoihlajik. |
$lore_drake_label | Wawaldak: Sikwlaihla |
$lore_draugr | Nôwad agwa, wligoak ta pôlôbaok u akik Valheim wigihidit. Tagwagwikazoak msalgamigw toji gwanak ta spigwagek lagwiwi li spemkik ta asokok. Ni achi bemikassoak tôni ali w'penôdawanô alômkik waji kiziba meskamihidit ôwadiahlagol. Alidaki pôlôbaoihidit tônyo enni nkhlegot. Migakôdoak apchiwi kchi niwaskwijik, Aesirijik ta Vanirijik, kizihalazoak. Ni Odin w'wagalokanal adaliwi lagwiwi wd'odanawal, niga Loki w'talipon w'gadapskwgamigol skwedak. Thor wagaloka w'msalgamigwô ta Freya awaka siwan waji kizi akikat tojiwi wd'akiwô. Nikwôbi kôgassijagigaden. Ôda awani w'waldamôssinal tonwa w'lintowôganawal ni nawa ni aki anigek tojiwi ataliwi wigihidit. Ganwa ôda kizi machihlôdikw nigik pôlôbaijik aodijik atojiwi ni ni mataodowôganek. Wikwiwi piahlak niga ni piahlôk babamigwezid, majimiwi minaosak ali Draugr, majigijik pmosawinnoijik nônegônisawawôganikok. Awaasak nôbi agwôgwahlagwijik ta palôbaldaijik. Kiziahlô, agwankahô, mikwalawamô ni alak nigik ali machinadit. |
$lore_draugr_label | Wawaldak: Draugr |
$lore_dvergr_label | Munin: Dvergr |
$lore_dvergr_text | Take care, warrior. You've happened upon an outpost of the forlorn Dvergr clans, long since separated from their kin in Nidavellir. Trapped here they still toil, expecting reprieve that will never come. It is a sad fate... |
$lore_dvergrhalls_label | Munin: Dvergr homes |
$lore_dvergrhalls_text | These are the Dvergrhomes, built long ago in a gilded age... Their splendour rivalled the Golden Hall itself! Regrettably, nothing can last forever. The halls below and the treasures left within are now guarded by more sinister lodgers. |
$lore_eikthyr | NADIAL ALÔGÔMÔHÔDIT |
$lore_fader | RING HIS PRAISE |
$lore_gdking | CHEGASÔ WNIJÔNAWÔK |
$lore_giants_label | Munin: Giant remains |
$lore_giants_text | Shadows of an ancient age. The Jotunn once ruled the tenth world, until their time ran out and they were ousted by some other power. |
$lore_greydwarfs | Wawaldamdich mziwi awanigik agimihidit wji nigik Greydwarfs, kikimosajik, ôda w'jejakwiwiak. Nigihôk wji soglôngizegad ataliwi atojiwi matalkôikok. Môjagoak nôbi agwôdawasak kwajemiwi pedgwikik pegdaik. Ôda kaguiga wskijiwi w'ilaloikok ala kwelbiwi w'sizegoikok, minakwiba ôda tonitta kagui nsôamalsimega askwaba sagpôwlôt. Tojiwi nihlikawinno ala kchi zahagawagôzowinno w'jejakw matalkô alômiwi alômkik, pikwagohla ni w'wikwadiganal senal ta azakwamal u lagwiwi ait. Azakwam kpagadagenihla, ni w'lôbagenemenal azôsnaskol ali nôbi wskanihlôk. Ôdahaba kizi loso kanwaga nibôiwi ni u tojiwi kizi losa. Namihôga, kia agidamit, wibgwipiwsessijik widkamôgan kwani temokwatahigan nspiwi kiak, tagadamawôn, sôgdahlaj. Ala namithla chakwsek ali ni chajidahôgwezid. |
$lore_greydwarfs_label | Wawaldak: Wibgwipiwsessijik |
$lore_intro | Agwa nôwad, salakiwi Odin, wmitôgwes mziwi, tojiwi pazekwahagatokza akial. W'kibakôlôt wd'apchigôbijik taliwi mdala alagimgwak akik niga w'psighamenel nilil pskaôdkwenol enni anokawô apchwi Akiakwamek ali chigitawôt tôwitowasohodit miwyalômek… Kwôkwaniwi, ni aki aoskôbizo nidaki ôda machinokkw... ali msalok paiyômoo nôbi toji pkwami msadwaskadek ni sabasigan, kinjameswidebaldamwôganal zôkhihla ni tojiwi zokwihla toji Niwaskok ôda kizi namitohodikw. Pami Odin alstamid wd'apchigôbijik alemi mliksanohodid ni Odin w'kinamen nanôwikik niga w'pjidakôn w'valkryriesmak waji kizi kwilawahôhôdit ôtalli mameliksanijik. Ôlawi machinak u akik, bemôwzoikhozoak mina… …wskijiwi VALHEIMEK! |
$lore_intro_OLD | Waji kizi kinamothlowamek kwsilawian wji bidgaabian Valhallok kd'lagimegop Valheimek, ni mdala akwôbatak aki. Ibiwitta kizihalôana nigik kchi awaasak, ni Niwaskok w'kzidahômegonok. |
$lore_meadows_boartaming | Aki yo pizwadoo ta sahagigen ôzoka kiuna u padholagw pahami meliksanijik askwa. Wlitbalsi, ôbamakwid, ali ni nikôniwi kiak, na walikkil abazial, senal, peskwasawônal, ta waligijik minkôganak kipiwi. Kina na pizwagamigwipigsak ali na ôbamakwijik nilil akikok. Chibagidahôdamok skweda ta alnôba wlejial k'kizidaki agakimôk kikigtawômek. Kikimosa li agmôwôk ni mila k'michwôgan. W'môhôwôk akwizijik. |
$lore_meadows_boartaming_label | Wawaldak: Awaasbigesak |
$lore_meadows_random01 | Tôni atali msakikoika mzidal nagwiwi Niga olôkw ôpetawiwi Aikil skwedaigan ta wigwôm askamiwi |
$lore_meadows_random02 | Agwa nôwad, salakiwi Odin, wmitôgwes mziwi, tojiwi ônkawtokeza akial w'kibakôlôt Vanira, kiwakwaa, ta gdakihi negôni awaasaa negônijik pôpahami nônegôni ôdaki mziwi gedakihi. Ni tojiwi pamkannihidit lagwiwi wskitgamigw, paami piwsek awaasaa ôdaki agmôwô, beskagda nôbi pmihlôk pakholimek. K'wawinawôkji nigik namihôan. |
$lore_meadows_random03 | Wliwnidahômô Frey waji soglôn ta kizosahabid Waji zôkhikkil zôbôdawigil akiagenek Ta aladebak w'minkôganemak Wliwnidahômô Odin nawa oji madagen ta oskanak Olabedak oswadagen, pegedazôzik ataladebokamek K'pedinal alsanowikil |
$lore_meadows_random04 | Ôai, kia ôbamakwid, ni kiktawa nd'olinsatowôgan. Niuna pabajitgwesijik msalowiagwshana nikôniwi kiak, Odina n'badniganogw waji kizi alokaan achowaldak. Nikôntak ôwdis sahagi nôbi ali nsôzik pita. Wigôdamana bmôwzian, ôai yo akik ni wikazi ni tali wigian nopaiwi abazikok. Sagpôwla na askanôbaid ta akwi odamihakan wadôpakihlôjik. |
$lore_meadows_random05 | Kita Ulf kagui idak, pazgo ketmôgi abitôzoso pildowi akik. K'meskamenji wli sen ta wlakw, mziwi kagui achowaldaman wji kizi wikazian. Aiyagôjigaki apkwôgan waji kizi ikôlozian zoglônga wji. Ni adoji k'gadiji wakwôlodon waji kizi kalnôzik kd'apkwôgan. Matanaskiwi kd'achowi klôgan waji kizi sahosaan ta pidigaosaan. Ni enni Ulf wawaldak agmatta wji. Nikwôbiga ni wd'awighamenal wskijiwi ni senek waji kizi kdakihi wijokagamod. Wliwni Odin Ulfa w'jejakwiliji wji. |
$lore_meadows_random06 | Nd'aip Astrid, ajwanôganiskwa kpiwi. Ôda kagui n'wawaldamowen nd'lôwzowôganga wjitta u papaiyôna, nigaki n'pedinal mikwaldamowikil ni tmokwatahigan ni ni n'sizegol mikwaldamowikil pakwaal alizôkhihlôkil. Chaga na kôkôgw n'witamegw ta n'migakamôk nigik kchi awaasak weji Odina. |
$lore_meadows_random07 | Blue-eyed shufflers in muck, the neck are small lizards native to Valheim. Surly and mean-spirited, they will attack on sight and must be destroyed like vermin. They stay near water because the creatures of the land loathe and abhor them. Yet no creature is all bad. Their tails are delicious. |
$lore_meadows_random08 | Sisters and brothers of the shield-wall, lift up your hearts! You are the greatest warriors, chosen by the Allfather himself for your courage and valor. Now death has brought you to a land where you can remake yourselves in battle and toil, winning favor and honor from the Gods! Leave your memories to rot in Midgard along with your sins, the finest part of you is here! |
$lore_meadows_random09 | On this spot a tree fell on my head and I cursed the Gods. So I leave this stone in praise of them, that they might forgive my reckless words. |
$lore_meadows_random10 | Pause, traveler. You are well come to the last and most lawless of the Ten Worlds. In Valheim, the air is pure, the water deep and clear and the forests overflowing with bounty. Here is adventure, joy and glory for the taking! |
$lore_meadows_random11 | Psanilawômek Psanisibakhiganek Ali enigakw tkwigwek alômiwi k'eljik Ta pazgwen lintowôgan azbaskedonikok Poskwihlôdich mziwi wajok ta sobagw li ôaitta siwan sigmotôzik pazgwen kisokw nkihlego Kisosa pazgowik wlôwzimek. |
$lore_mistlands_random01 | Here lie the Jotunn, most ancient of all Odin's kin and fiercest of all his adversaries. In life they were bringers of ruin but now, in death, they nurture new growth. What is living must die, and what is dead must be born again. |
$lore_mistlands_random02 | Where the air is thick with magic And the earth is quick with life, The mist breeds wonders. |
$lore_mistlands_random03 | Trust nothing in the mist. I passed through here in a group of seven people but every time we stopped to count, we counted eight. We do not know who the eighth was, but by morning they were gone. |
$lore_mistlands_random04 | The Dvergr are the descendants of the great smiths of old, delvers in the deep earth, seekers of hidden treasure. Here in Valheim they mine the bones of the Jotunn and distill eitr, the stuff of magic. If left alone, they are happy with their own plans and care little for the lives of others, but when raised they will defend themselves. |
$lore_mistlands_random05 | The raven showed me how to make a staff that set my beard on fire. I will meddle no more with such things. Weary of mist and magic, Ulf carved this stone. Now I go to find a less troublesome place. |
$lore_mistlands_random06 | Heed the words of Ulf and do not take the hats of the short ones from their heads. They have no sense of a jest and the only cure for insulting them is to kill them. Also, their hats do not fit common heads. |
$lore_mistlands_random07 | Wanderers in fog, Where do you go? Not knowing what you were, Nor seeing where you go. |
$lore_mountains_fenring | Skawôbi pôgwasek Nibônosat gwanidbokak Nokigek wzid Kzigihlik wbid Mômannosaskid Wiwizôsagamaskid. |
$lore_mountains_fenring_label | Wawaldak: Fenring |
$lore_mountains_random01 | Naoji niuna n'meskawônnawak lagwiwi nigik li wajoikok. Nd'aibenop nisinska nikwôbidaki nisoak niuna nôniziwi. Agda ôptchi kadona, basojiwi taliwi w'lawôganek aik Draugr w'tiskwôdi. Chebiwi yo senek n'sidaldamô negemikannit tojiwi kizi machinak niji n'bidhakanga w'skwedaibegi alômiwi alômsek. Nigaji n'kwelbôbin li ôtalli wskwaadenek waji kizi kwilawahok na welegwanoid. Odin chigitawi machinaa ala medawinnohlaa ni alach. |
$lore_mountains_random02 | Yo kinawitigan atali nitamatak nia, Ulf, namihok na Gitaskiwlaihla, kwani nas akwôbtak nibek aiya Valheimek. Channosa waji kizi sahagwedjagaozit. Nolkak ta pigesak oskanawôl ta wibgwipiwsessôdep agwejatakil. Ôdahaji asma n'minawiko. |
$lore_mountains_random03 | Chanosa ta tbesta, ôbamakwit. Wskijiwi Valmehimkii ôtalli wskwaadenikok, sasibigek ta wazabilômsek. U tali nôngweji kizi nodam kdak kassichebikik odagw; naoji aodowôgan wskijiwi nanôwikik kdakik wabanogwajik ali ni wihidwôgan Valheimek odagw, ala Valkyriok ali pikagôt wskitgamigol. |
$lore_mountains_random04 | Talskamek, salakiwi n'namitop pazgo kchi sikwlaihla ôpawiwi niak ilekôdlezia lli atoji môjahlôt. Ulf na kinaskid, nd'awighamop yo asen. |
$lore_mountains_random05 | Wawaldamdich mziwi agidamodit akwi u tali wzômi ôaikidikw yolil salkôkakil enni nopaiwi ni tali wigihidt. Wajoak wd'awaasomak sagamwaskijik ta migakamaskijik, askamiwi kadopoak wios wji ni ôtalli majigoid nigik awaasak tekalômsentta. Awami kepakkil oswadagenol, wlito meliksanikkil skwedaal ta akwi Gitasikwlaiskokihla w'wôwanal aweskônemokan wigôdamana alemôwzian. |
$lore_mountains_random06 | Kchi odanal ôda nigihôzinokkw Sôgelalaweikhôzi, kia abit pildowikik Wlito wji kik li ôpetawiwi |
$lore_mountains_random07 | Nia, Astrid, nd'liponemen ni asen almiwi tôbawôz kassigadek Valheimek. Tojiwi u tali na Wmitôgwes mziwi n'klologw. Wji tokinôna angitta n'meskamenal w'klozowôganal wiwini niak wskijiwi akik, chidanaskadekil senikok. Niga ni adoji n'kezabzemenal nd'eljikok ni angitta zogbasok waji kizi hlihidit Wmitôgwes kagui chowaldak papazgwen. Kizahlô Pagitowinnoijik. Klabido w'dupwôga. Nawaji. |
$lore_mountains_random08 | Tôni adoji nitamtak tokihlaa u Valheimek, ni n'nadodmawôn Odin namithlihit. Tôni aitza? Waji kagui pabagihlôit? Kassigadek n'ginosapza madasokwatowikil ta segueskiphowai awaasak tôni ilakwilawatoa ôzidawawôganowôl. Tôni aijik niwaskok? Watta nd'anawitôgwzowôganowôm? Tôni ait Odin? Cha n'wawaldadaki. Tôni adoji mazasktahok greydwarfsak nôbi msakwiwaskol akikônek wji ala wskidaziditakawok nigik surtlingsak tahôlawi alemkadasikil, nd'alokap Odin wd'alokawôgan. Ni adoji kwagwatsanoa apchiwi pazgo gitsikwlaskog ta poskwidepza negwitezômek ni n'wawamadamen Odin ali wigôdahôzit alômiwi niak, molôgiwi ta kzalmômek. Niunatta Odin w'eljial alinnoiagw, papazgo kiuna, ta n'tbôbakwhogonnawak tôni ali alokaagw enni wd'achowaldam. |
$lore_mountains_random09 | Upon this spot, Otho and Bjorn fought a mighty duel to decide who has the finest beard. Now I, Bjorn, must carve this stone to say that the beard of Otho is as bright and beautiful as a corn-field in summer. May almighty Thor tear my own beard from my face if I lie. |
$lore_mountains_random10 | In Midgard of old, the armies of man pushed back the drakes from the mountains just as the Vanir threw down their mother and cast her into Valheim. But here they have recovered their strength and their numbers. The beat of their mighty wings echoes among the peaks. They are fierce and noble creatures, true foes worthy of battle. If they scorn to meet your blade, send your arrows to greet them. |
$lore_mountains_random11 | In these mountains I cannot throw a spear without hitting something that wants to kill me. But from the heights I have seen sunny plains where life will be easier. I go now to make my home there. These are the words of Ulf. |
$lore_mountains_random12 | Aoak nidôbaika Valheimek ganwa kd'achowi kwilawahôk k'kadonkawinnomikok. Negôniaok nidôbak, skweda-winnoak, pôgwasintowinnoijik. Ngwedatguagaden waotadialdiak niak, nikwôbi k'chowi mikogamowôna ni negôniwlestôwadin nsawiwi k'pmôwzowinnomak ta agamôwôtta. Wiagaldamak madagen wji; kd'achowi losadawôn ni. |
$lore_munin_ashlands_label | Ashlands awaits... |
$lore_munin_ashlands_text | Well fought warrior! My brother and I will feast well on this offering! Yet still there is work for your arm… In the Ashlands dark clouds blister the sky and the King stirs on his bed of embers. Until today you have only quarreled. Now you must prepare yourself for war… |
$lore_munin_label | Munin: Introduction |
$lore_munin_text | Kraa! Well met, wanderer… I am Munin, brother to Hugin. I bring greetings from the Allfather. His eye sees through mine, I carry his words beneath my tongue. Keep his ways and I will come to you again… |
$lore_plains_random01 | Tôni asma ôda soglônokkw Ôdaga asma tôni kagui anigenokkw Nigaki ni aki kizi maga ôwadik. |
$lore_plains_random02 | U tali wzômi zagpôwlezabeda wji Ulf, awani nkajiôwzo tôni ali psôn alômiwi witoikok. Wd'awighamop yo asen ni niga môjahlôn. |
$lore_plains_random03 | Sôgnawabi, kia ôbamakwit. Odin klolôd kitôgot. U tali ni madakik, pazgo nigik Pagitowinnoijik u wigit. Nônegôniao medawlinnoid, kwelegwihla ali ni wawesagit niga zigapod w'hagaga agômiwi pabômkak. Kahalatta tônwa migakawinno enna kizalôd yowi wadakemita niga na migakawinno walilawahôt Odina. |
$lore_plains_random04 | Kwahliwitta n'namihôp pazgo alakws ali ôbanahlôk ni w'banihlôn wji nibôtagigamigok li benômkahlôk. Ni adoji nawaa, ni makwiwassen kanwa tkagodaki achakwiwik. Wawasi tmokwatahiganadagen, skweda mijowôgan, pazgwen magawôgan alnahlagwiya wji Niwaskwikok! |
$lore_plains_random05 | Wli nidôba, nojokam yo sen waji kiziba mikwalamôan Harald, wlitak. N'talina nanôwikik wskijiwi aodikik nidaki nd'anawihlôn Valheimek. Askwa migakôdimek. Askaskwikik n'migaka Eikthyr na kôkchi ayôba ni tali n'gadzemôgon n'sizegoga. Pzowakamigokok n'milôn nd'ajwanôganweljiga Negôniaoit atali kpiwi ni pazgo Dragur n'bidemegon wibiwitta nagwiwi n'pigiasenikok ni askwa n'itkwaljial w'wawamadamenô naga Drugr w'tiskwôdi. Wajok n'migaka Nôbahla wigawessa ni n'sôbadamôgon n'tamikôdga toji nikwôbi nd'achowi iziganosa ôbadahonek. Nikwôbi mômejessala n'migaka pasodawiwitta. Adoji gawia, tônittaji tokoa? |
$lore_plains_random06 | Legwasia, ao pazgo kchiaowit adali ôbadgôbit ôbadahonek. Kaskak asolkwôn tasiwi w'depek. Nd'ihlegw kitawa kôgôgok zôkhalajik Odina w'klozwôganal nagwiwi w'ilaloikok niga wd'lapskahiganô waji kizi wskebi kdakihi wawalmôhôdida Odina acowaldak. Nd'achowi nihlônnawak pagitowinnoijik waji kizi meskamagw u tômô ataliwi ôwiagw Valhallok. |
$lore_plains_random07 | Alômiwi kik aikkil nônegônikassikamigwzoak wd'agwanidiganwôl. Kwanosak wjitta asma aiiakwa, tôni adoji Wmitôgwesi mziwi asma ôda môja nôji kinamowi yo ki. Pôpenôdawa waji kizi meskôzik w'ôwadikkil, ni olinsato ali ni naojigaki asma ôda wawaldamowiak machinajik. |
$lore_plains_random08 | From the mountaintop, this plains looked peaceful and pleasant. But I have found it worse than anywhere else. I always hear the buzzing of those thrice-damned insects. My beard has turned as white as snow. I will build a boat. |
$lore_plains_random09 | What joy it is to roam abroad With the wind in your hair And a blue sky before you. And what joy it is To stand tall against your foes And speak plainly to the world. And then, what joy it is To come home from your travels And find the fire still bright in the hearth. |
$lore_plains_random10 | On these plains, only the greatest survive to read my words and heed my advice. So heed me now. Great Odin is not a loving father, kind and gentle, speaking honeyed words. Nor is he a stern liege-lord, arms banded with gold, commanding his thralls on pain of death. He did not send you here to fight his foes for love or fear of him, but because his foes are your foes. His joy and honour are yours also. You will fight and win just as he once did. Sons and daughters of Odin, rejoice! |
$lore_plains_random11 | U Mskodak k'meskamenal Fulingsak adoji wigihidit, nônegônigimek enna wlitohodit kwanigamigol ta kitodanal waji kizi apchigôbihidit yalil Alnôbaktta li Odin w'sahagihôk ali pôlôbaidahôzihidit wji. Niga w'poskwamalkihôbanik Fulingsak w'migakawinnomak, wd'Ikôdiganal psigaskinahlô nôbi wakwôdes'igamigos alômiwi w'zidal ta Odin w'poskwenônal wd'odanawôl. Wibiwitta Yagluth, na kchi medawlinno, ôdahaba pakôgnôg ala poskwenô tôni ali Odina kagôwigilid. Niga Odin w'talaginahalôn ni w'talakan Yagluth w'pagaiyamal alômiwi Valheimek atali aligwagiahla ta poskwômkihlap ta mejessalajik nigik w'nôbamagawamak sasidahôzi agma wji. Nikwôbi nigik Fulings tabaldamak Valheimi Mskodal, papizwak ta wanôdaminak wibiwitta chajidahôzoak ta majilawagwzoak. Yagluthdaki wijihlôk, ôssosanwôgan ôda kizôbinokkw enni Fulingsak w'medawlinnowôk w'wikwidahômôwô w'majisanwôganwô. Môjasanigoak mina tôni ali msisasahadit akik... |
$lore_plains_random12 | Lox gitsanowai awaasak, kchi ahkipodawinoak kiwkigohodit mskodaikok Valheimek nôwad Pagitowinnoijik u miwyalôk. Nabiwi kagôwihlôk nigaji w'selegjagenanôk awanitta toji wanôdaminad ali sôkhômahla ôda ikôlôwi, ôdaki wawamadamabanik alnôba w'elji ta kizagakimegwzo waji kzalmômek mina. |
$lore_plains_random13 | Know, traveler, that while you cannot die in the world of Valheim, yet you can cease to be reborn. Many are those who have come before you to work the will of Odin, only to find their own will failing... |
$lore_queen | We sealed the door and scattered the key. Leave her be. |
$lore_surtlings | Wawaldamdich agimihidit wji nigikda Surtlingsa wajiba ôda adagnamogokkw patsolewaskihidit ni akik. Nôwat agwa, kchi maji niwaskw Surtr w'nhlegw ni w'paposkwegonôza nanatamia sanôbaa, msaloshanik kchi migakawinnoa enna ibi nôbadahômessiakwgaki. W'nôdzokwedagamhôza Surtra wikwiwi ôdatta aolikza nôbikadapskadakki w'skwedaiya. Agma skwedaiyait skweda ait azi pagaiya. Ôda kiziba idamokkw 'U Surtr wd'lidebônga' ala 'U iyotali Surtr w'skwenek' ali ni mziwi azi psigia Surtriya. Azitta mziwi w'psigiak ôaoak Surtr asma, ibiwitta nodô nolsanoak ta mikwaldamômek. Ôda kizi pazekwahagaikhôzowiak mina. Nikwôbiga n'witamenanawal yolil psigiassal Surtlings ni chaga meskamôashana, niba k'kizihalônak tahôlawi alemkadasikil ala taljeba wajapkoikok. Nôwakakji ta wigôdahôzoak ali ni kizpôwlogok ta wagalokadit. Amochkatta tojiwi machinat, yanmô madahôdoga w'gadi msaltahôk nanatamia sanôbaa wd'awôssisak. |
$lore_surtlings_label | Wawaldak: Surtlings |
$lore_swamp_random01 | Kiktamassa, Ulfis, ni akwi wikazikan atali wigian achichiwi pibganbik. Nigaji k'nônikeskôwan ta kd'abonm wissejagbagat mziwi meskaman. N'pona yo sen waji wlinsatowik, chaga nôji wikazi atli wigian nospikik. |
$lore_swamp_random02 | Akwi ôaikan, ôbamakwit. Yo awan kagwejagiawaniowi ni yo nebi majinebizoniowi. Draugrika aihidit, ni achi tônyo kagui ôdahaji liwitamowa ni tali alômiwi aik. Sahagigek akwoskanijagigowi. Olitbiosa plojiwidaki li tali kizosohot. |
$lore_swamp_random03 | K'meskam kagui kinakwla ato atali lagwiwi. Aodadagen, migakawinnoi w'mônim, mijowik skweda wji... Alnahlagwika wassahlôg wji tônwattaji kassiodnôzik! |
$lore_swamp_random04 | Kia ôzidasat niak, mikwalmawi. N'sanôbai nônegweji wawigia ni atali nanôwikii wajoikok, u n'badniganego tôni adoji nd'elidahôzin kizi pegwatoa ôdabimek ibiwitta ni n'meskamen kizi machinaa u alemiwi alôwzia Valheimek. Nd'aibenob tôbawôz asma nigik wibgwipiwsessijik u tali paiyojik. Nikwôbi Odin ôdahaji nd'lestegowi ta nilil Sobagol nd'azahego achi. Nabiwi yo sen mziwi agwejatak. |
$lore_swamp_random05 | Olinsato surtlingsak, mkazal skwedawal wji nôwat nakasahôzop kchi skwedak. Wikwinôk kassoak ni tali wôljebagok ni nopaiwidak walôbik aliwassanôzohodid. Ôai ni tali nospiwi. |
$lore_swamp_random06 | Nôwat kassategwagaden, Draugr giwosak nilil akikok ali nôbi kia nikwôbiga. Ketmôgidahômôk, ali ni chitamaboak atali nsawiwi alôwzimek ta machinamek, nagwiwi akik nôwatga wawaldamohodiza. |
$lore_swamp_random07 | Nagwiwi adalasokwat ta pibganbik Wskanaa kalolôt oskanak Madagen tônyo wawaldamak. |
$lore_swamp_random08 | For long ages, Odin's eye was turned from Valheim. Yet while the Gods ignored it, other creatures crept or fell through cracks into the forgotten world. Trolls, goblins and men found their way along these secret paths. Kingdoms rose and fell, and are buried deep beneath the ground. Walker among the dead, you tread a grave with every step. |
$lore_swamp_random09 | At this place I killed seven of the draugr and ended their long years of fighting and misery. Now who will end mine? |
$lore_swamp_random10 | I am Gudrun, no man's wife, no father's daughter. Only my name remains to me. But sometimes when I wake I feel the weight of a babe at my breast and I cry. Great Freya take pity on me. |
$lore_swamp_random11 | Fear not that the Gods have abandoned you. Valheim drifts from the world tree and the Vanir cannot come in arms to this world but still they watch from afar. Keep them ever in your mind. If your faith is strong, they may send you a sign. |
$lore_swamp_random12 | There is no death that does not bring new life. As worms feed on the battlefield, so did the great corpses of Odin's enemies bring new life to Valheim. Lesser creatures fed on their flesh, fattening themselves on the ancient magic that still clung to them. Their spirits trickled into the earth to renew the soil, or sought out new bodies for themselves. Do not scorn the dead, you who are dead yourself. |
$lore_wraith | Ôdabi, kia ôbamakwid, niga debidahômô nigik sigwachibaiyak. K'wawaldamawônana machinak migakawinnoid, niga w'psigaskinahlôn w'jejakwga toji ni ali sawijoahlôn alômiwi bemiwi akik ni w'nigikhôn wskiôwzowôgan. Yo ôzokadaki machinada tojiwi asma ôda wamnakokiza msegwisaninôgwzimek, w'jejakwgaji wzômi wazabizo ni wadagwalômsen. Niga paki pegda skwedak matlômsen. Nigaki ni zibiwi nilil mjejakwiyasisal pabajitbihla pidhozohodit pskahôdkwenikok ali kassigadek ni w'chibaiôlagwihlôhôdit enna ôgawasak alwihlômek oji ali chilaid ta kwôgwnaskid. Kiwlômsogot wiwniwi akik ali palôbaldahadit. Ibigaki ôaoak meskawôt awani askwa pmôzolid. Namihôana, nihlô ni ktmôgidahôma. |
$lore_wraith_label | Wawaldak: Sigwachibaiyak |
Key M-Z | Abenaki Text |
$mac_gamecenter_required_online_header | Sign in to Game Center for online features |
$mac_gamecenter_required_online_text | Valheim uses Game Center for authentication - sign in to Game Center and restart Valheim in order to use online features. |
$menu_acceptedinvite | You accepted an invite. |
$menu_addserver | Add server |
$menu_addserverfailed | Failed to add server! |
$menu_addserverfaileddnslookup | DNS lookup failed! |
$menu_addserverfailedincorrectformatting | The input is not a valid IP, URL or invite code! |
$menu_addserverfailedresolvejoincode | Couldn't resolve join code |
$menu_back | Pedgi |
$menu_backupcount | $1 backups |
$menu_backuprestorefailedheader | Failed to restore backup! |
$menu_backuprestorepromptheader | Restore backup? |
$menu_backuprestorepromptrecover | Deleted file $1 will be restored from $2. |
$menu_backuprestorepromptreplace | The current version of $1 will be backed up and replaced by $2. |
$menu_barber_title | Barber Station |
$menu_beard | Witwal |
$menu_blondness | Wôbihla |
$menu_cancel | Wanalda |
$menu_changelog | Changelog |
$menu_characterexist | Kizi ao awani aliwihlômek. |
$menu_characters | Characters |
$menu_checklogfile | Please check the Player.log file for more information. |
$menu_close | Kôtta |
$menu_closemenu | Kôttiga ni |
$menu_cloudsavesdisabled | You have disabled Cloud saves in your preferences. Any worlds and characters saved on the Cloud will not be visible here. Enable Cloud saves to access them again. |
$menu_cloudstoragefull | Your cloud storage is full! |
$menu_cloudstoragefullcharacterprompt | Would you like to save this character to local storage instead? |
$menu_cloudstoragefullmovingsave | To prevent data loss, save data for the current session may be moved to local storage. |
$menu_cloudstoragefulloperationfailed | This operation failed because your cloud storage is full. Please move some worlds to local storage and try again. |
$menu_cloudstoragefullworldprompt | Would you like to save this world to local storage instead? |
$menu_cloudstoragelow | Cloud storage low |
$menu_cloudstoragelownextsave | We can't guarantee future saves of your world or your character as you run low on cloud storage. Please free up some space. This can be done from 'Manage saves' in the main menu. |
$menu_cloudstorageused | Cloud storage used: $1/$2 |
$menu_collapse | Collapse |
$menu_combat | Combat |
$menu_combat_tooltip | Governs how much damage you give and take. Also governs how likely you are to encounter higher leveled enemies, and how dangerous they are. |
$menu_community | Môwkawôgan |
$menu_communityserver | Môwigamigw |
$menu_connect | Ônkowa |
$menu_connecting | Ôpchônkowa |
$menu_continue | Continue |
$menu_corruptsaverestore | This world save is corrupt. Would you like to restore it from the most recent backup? |
$menu_craft_tab | CRAFT |
$menu_credits | Wlelômek |
$menu_crossplayserver | Crossplay |
$menu_customize | Customize |
$menu_death_casual_tooltip | You do not drop equipped gear, and skills are reduced a lot less than on normal mode. |
$menu_death_easy_tooltip | You drop all items, and skills are reduced less than on normal mode. |
$menu_death_hard_tooltip | Equipped items are dropped, the rest of your inventory is lost permanently, and skills are reduced faster. |
$menu_death_hardcore_tooltip | You lose all carried items and skills permanently. |
$menu_death_normal_tooltip | You drop all items, and skills are reduced normally. |
$menu_death_veryeasy_tooltip | You drop all items, and skills are reduced a lot less than on normal mode. |
$menu_deathpenalty | Death penalty |
$menu_deathpenalty_tooltip | Governs what happens when you die. |
$menu_deleted | Deleted |
$menu_deletefailedheader | Failed to delete file! |
$menu_disallowedcharactername | Can't create a character with this name |
$menu_disallowedworldname | Can't create a world with this name |
$menu_done | Dagwagwto |
$menu_duplicatefilepromptheader | Can't move save |
$menu_duplicatefileprompttext | There's already a save with the name $1 in the destination location. |
$menu_enteripinvite | Enter IP or invite code |
$menu_entername | Liwihla |
$menu_enterpassword | Awigham ikôlklozwôgan |
$menu_enterseed | Enter Seed |
$menu_events | Raid Rate |
$menu_events_tooltip | Governs how often enemies may raid your base. |
$menu_exit | Askamosa |
$menu_exitconfirm | K'gadi akwbapi? |
$menu_expand | Expand |
$menu_favorite | Favorite |
$menu_feedback | Kizi k'meskam tônitta kagui kaspigenisal, tôni ali môlhaldahômgwakil ala pedgidahôwôgan niuna wji? Awakakto yo waji kizi pejidakamian. |
$menu_female | Phanem |
$menu_filter | Filter |
$menu_firehazards | Fire Hazards |
$menu_firehazards_tooltip | Wood can catch fire and spread throughout the whole world, not just in the Ashlands. |
$menu_friendinvite_accepted_header | Friend invite accepted |
$menu_friendinvite_accepted_text | Waiting for friend to start the game... |
$menu_friendinvite_selectcharacter_header | Accepted invite from |
$menu_friendinvite_selectcharacter_text | Please select the character you would like to use to join their game. |
$menu_friends | Nidôbak |
$menu_gamepreviewpopupheader | Valheim is in Game Preview |
$menu_gamepreviewpopuptext | Some platform- or game features might not work correctly and the game might crash. |
$menu_generating | Generating... |
$menu_hair | Wdepkwanal |
$menu_hairtone | Alatstakkil wdepkwanal |
$menu_invite_friends_macos | Invite Friends |
$menu_ipportorinvitecode | [IP/URL]:[port] or [6 digit invite code] |
$menu_joincode | Join code: $1 |
$menu_joincode_copied | Copied join code to clipboard! |
$menu_joindifferentserver | You're about to join a different server. |
$menu_joingame | Ônkowa |
$menu_joinip | Ônkowa IP |
$menu_kick_player | Do you really want to kick '$1'? |
$menu_kick_player_title | Kick player? |
$menu_legacynotice | Please note that this file is currently kept in the old file structure which could cause sync conflicts and data loss. It will be moved to the Cloud on your next save. If you have disabled Cloud saves, it will be saved in the new non-synced folder. A local backup will always be kept when files are moved. |
$menu_legacynotice_worlds | If you prefer to keep the file in an un-synced local folder, use the <color=orange>Move to local button. This is mainly recommended for dedicated servers, or if you wish to play in the same world with different accounts on the same computer. If you have manually disabled Cloud it will be moved to the new un-synced local folder. |
$menu_less | Less |
$menu_loading | Mijebikan... |
$menu_logging_in_playfab_failed_header | Could not log in to PlayFab. |
$menu_logging_in_playfab_task_header | Logging in to PlayFab... |
$menu_loginfailedtext | Failed to log in. Please make sure you are connected to the Internet. |
$menu_loginheader | Logging in to backend service... |
$menu_loginretrycountdowntext | Retrying in $1 second(s)... |
$menu_logintext | Logging in... |
$menu_loginwithplayfab_header | Log in with PlayFab |
$menu_loginwithplayfab_text | Valheim uses PlayFab to connect you with other players online. Sign in to PlayFab? This automatically creates an anonymous PlayFab account for you based on which platform you use to play on. |
$menu_logout | Pabagihlaoso |
$menu_logoutconfirm | Pabagihlaoso? |
$menu_logoutprompt | Are you sure you want to log out of the current session? |
$menu_lowdisk_block_exitanyway_header | No disk space left - Exit anyway? |
$menu_lowdisk_block_exitanyway_prompt | You do not have enough space left on the disk to save your game. Exit anyway? (Your world and character will NOT be saved!) |
$menu_lowdisk_header_block | No disk space left |
$menu_lowdisk_header_warn | Low disk space warning |
$menu_lowdisk_message_block | You do not have enough space left on the disk to save your game. Please free up disk space and try saving again. |
$menu_lowdisk_message_warn | You are running out of disk space. Your game will be saved, but please consider freeing up disk space. |
$menu_male | Sanôba |
$menu_managesaves | Manage saves |
$menu_manualsave | Save |
$menu_manualsavetime | Last save: $1m ago |
$menu_missingmetarestore | This world save is missing its meta file. Would you like to restore it from the most recent backup? |
$menu_mod_notice | You are playing a modded version of Valheim. Please note that this may change the original game experience. If you are experiencing any issues, please first uninstall all mods before reporting it. If there has been a patch recently, some mods that previously worked may be broken until they are updated. |
$menu_modifier_casual | Casual |
$menu_modifier_casual_tooltip | In casual mode combat is a lot easier, enemies will not attack you until provoked, and there are no raids on your base. Resources are more plentiful, and you will not drop items or lose skills on death. |
$menu_modifier_custom | Custom Modifiers |
$menu_modifier_default | Reset to normal |
$menu_modifier_default_tooltip | The way Valheim is meant to be played, with the intended difficulty balance. Highly recommended for your first playthrough for the best experience. |
$menu_modifier_easy | Negemiwi |
$menu_modifier_easy_tooltip | Combat is easier and there are fewer raids on your base. |
$menu_modifier_hammer | Hammer Mode |
$menu_modifier_hammer_tooltip | In hammer mode you can build all build pieces for free once you have discovered the recipe. There are no raids on your base, and enemies will not attack you until provoked. Other difficulty settings are normal. |
$menu_modifier_hard | Zahagat |
$menu_modifier_hard_tooltip | Combat is harder and monsters will raid your base more often. |
$menu_modifier_hardcore | Hardcore |
$menu_modifier_hardcore_tooltip | Combat is a lot harder and enemies will raid your base more often. When you die, all your skills and all the items you are carrying will be lost forever. You have no map and you may not use portals or exit boss dungeons while a boss is alive. |
$menu_modifier_immersive | Immersive |
$menu_modifier_immersive_tooltip | In immersive mode you have no map, and you may not use portals. You will need to use your own wits to keep track of where you are in the world! Other difficulty settings are normal. |
$menu_modifier_normal | Normal |
$menu_modifier_normal_tooltip | Normal is recommended on your first playthrough and is the most balanced overall. |
$menu_modifier_popup_text | Please note that these settings can disrupt your Valheim experience. For your first playthrough, it is highly recommended that you play with the original settings. This way you'll get to play the game as it was meant to be played. |
$menu_modifier_popup_title | Warning: World Modifiers |
$menu_modifier_veryeasy | Very Easy |
$menu_modifier_veryhard | Very Hard |
$menu_more | More |
$menu_movefailedheader | Failed to move file! |
$menu_movetocloud | Move to cloud |
$menu_movetolocal | Move to local |
$menu_muchless | Much Less |
$menu_muchmore | Much More |
$menu_name | Liwizwôgan |
$menu_ndaaccept | N'nitonem |
$menu_ndadecline | N'tazaham |
$menu_new | Pildowi |
$menu_newcharacter | Wski wskitgamigwinno |
$menu_newworld | Wski wskitgamigw |
$menu_newworldalreadyexists | World already exists! |
$menu_newworldalreadyexistsmessage | A world named $1 already exists. |
$menu_no | Ôda |
$menu_nobossportals | No boss portals |
$menu_nobossportals_tooltip | You will not be able to use portals or exit boss dungeons while a boss is active. |
$menu_nobuildcost | No Build Cost |
$menu_nobuildcost_tooltip | Build pieces require no materials build. You still need to discover recipes as per usual. |
$menu_nomap | No Map |
$menu_nomap_tooltip | You will not have access to the map or the minimap. This makes the game harder than intended. |
$menu_none | None |
$menu_noportals | No portals |
$menu_noportals_tooltip | You will not be able to use portals to teleport yourself across the world. |
$menu_ok | Ôhôô |
$menu_onlineprivilegetext | Your platform account settings prevent you from accessing online multiplayer. |
$menu_onlysameversion | You can only join servers running version $1. |
$menu_passivemobs | Passive enemies |
$menu_passivemobs_tooltip | Enemies won't attack until you provoke them. |
$menu_password | Ikôlklozwôgan |
$menu_passwordfieldempty | Zigwagen |
$menu_passwordinvalid | Paligen ikôlklozwôgan |
$menu_passwordshort | Wzômi piwigwen Ikôlklozwôgan |
$menu_playerbasedevents | Player based raids |
$menu_playerbasedevents_tooltip | Raids are based on the progress of each individual player, rather than on which bosses have been killed on the server. This setting is recommended if you want the game to be slightly friendlier to players with different progress. |
$menu_players | Player list |
$menu_pleasewait | Please wait |
$menu_portals | Portals |
$menu_portals_tooltip | Changes how portals work in the game. |
$menu_presets | Presets |
$menu_privilegerequiredheader | Platform privilege required |
$menu_public | Môwkawiki |
$menu_recent | Recent |
$menu_reloadfailed | Failed to reload saves |
$menu_remove | Kasshipodo |
$menu_removebackup | Remove backup? |
$menu_removecharacter | Kizihala? |
$menu_removeserver | Remove server? |
$menu_removeworld | Kashipoto wskitgamigw? |
$menu_resettutorial | Wanaldam agakimelak |
$menu_resettutorial_descr | Odin's ravens forgot they told you about anything! You will get every unlocked hint once again. |
$menu_resources | Resource Rate |
$menu_resources_tooltip | Governs the amount of resources you gain from the world and from enemies. |
$menu_restorebackup | Restore backup |
$menu_savefilecorrupt | The save file is corrupt! |
$menu_savesuccesfull | Save was successful! |
$menu_seed | Môjagek Aki |
$menu_selectcharacter | Kagakinawa |
$menu_selectserver | Megnem adalmôwhlômek |
$menu_selectworld | Megnem wskitgamigw |
$menu_server_info | Olinsato nsônôgwat ônkawanôna tônitta Online Server k'bapiwinnom ta w'wakasenolzizal wji. Wligen ato kizihôan kdak bapiwinno bmiwi kbapin Onlinek waji kizi ôda wanihlawan k'wakasenolzisal. Achi olinsato ali ni kiziba wanaskawôan nbakawinnoijik ta ozigôwzowinnoijik. Wlalemegw! |
$menu_server_warning | Wawôdoka |
$menu_serveroptions | World Modifiers |
$menu_serverpassword | Ikôlklozwôgan |
$menu_settings | Azwatôzik |
$menu_sex | Alhagôt |
$menu_skintone | Alinôgwak madagen |
$menu_skipcutscene | Skip Intro |
$menu_start | Môja |
$menu_startgame | Môja bapi |
$menu_startserver | Môja adalmôwhlamek |
$menu_teleportall | Portal Items |
$menu_teleportall_tooltip | Allows you to bring all items with you through portals for a more casual playstyle. This will circumvent the progression and exploration of the world as it is intended. |
$menu_textcontainsbannedword | The text contains banned words |
$menu_tryagainorrestart | Please try again or restart the game if the problem persists. |
$menu_ugcwarningheader | User generated content blocked |
$menu_ugcwarningtext | Your platform privilege settings prevent you from viewing user generated content. Text from other players will be heavily filtered. |
$menu_upgrade_tab | UPGRADE |
$menu_worldnametip | Kwinôgwi 5 tbaskhodiganal |
$menu_worlds | Worlds |
$menu_yes | Ôhôô |
$msg_added | Noskito |
$msg_alreadysynced | There is nothing new to copy |
$msg_bedenemiesnearby | Apchigôzijik kwahliwi |
$msg_bedneedroof | Cowi apkwôgan abonek |
$msg_bednofire | Chowi skweda pasojiwi abonek |
$msg_bedtooexposed | Wzômi bagadlômsen abonek |
$msg_bedwet | K'wissebaga |
$msg_biome_found | K'mikaosa $1 |
$msg_blocked | Kebhôzo |
$msg_blockedbyboss | Blocked by an evil force. |
$msg_broke | $1 wagitô |
$msg_broke_OLD | wagitô |
$msg_cantaddmore | Ôda kizi noskitow $1 |
$msg_cantconsume | Asma ôda kizi dalitamowen ni |
$msg_cantdrop | Ôda k'kizi lenasiwen |
$msg_cantoffer | Your offering is not answered |
$msg_cantopen | Ôda K'kizi towdanemowen |
$msg_cantpickup | Ôda k'kizi maagenemowen |
$msg_cantremovenow | Asmaga k'kizi kadnemowen ni |
$msg_cantsleep | Ôda kizi nôdgawiw nikwôbi |
$msg_cantuseon | Ôda k'kizi awaktowen $1 wiji $2 |
$msg_cart_incorrectposition | Not in the right position |
$msg_cart_storage | Storage |
$msg_cart_use | Use |
$msg_consumed | Consumed |
$msg_cookingstationtooweak | This cooking station is too weak for |
$msg_dlcrequired | Aiyagô DLC |
$msg_doesnotneedrepair | ôda chowaldamo anawiptôzik |
$msg_donthaveany | Ôda k'wajônemowen |
$msg_door_needkey | Kd'achowaldam pkwesakhigan: $1 |
$msg_door_usingkey | Kd'awakakto pkwesakhigan: $1 |
$msg_dropped | Lenasin |
$msg_extensionmissingstation | Kd'achowi olagwton pasôjiwi maôwigek adalikiztôzik |
$msg_fireadding | K'noskito $1 skwedak |
$msg_firenotburning | Ôda ôptakazikw |
$msg_fireportalalready | Medawiklôgan kizi ôptaloka |
$msg_fishing_catched | Nôbitaham |
$msg_fishing_hooked | Nôbita |
$msg_fishing_linebroke | Wagitô chawapniganatagw |
$msg_fishing_lost | Waniala |
$msg_fishing_wrongbait | It's not taking the bait |
$msg_food_done | Kiziba pildowipi |
$msg_goodmorning | Pahakwinôgwezian |
$msg_goodnight | Wlitebokw |
$msg_harpoon_escaped | escaped |
$msg_harpoon_harpooned | harpooned |
$msg_harpoon_linebroke | Line broke |
$msg_harpoon_released | released |
$msg_harpoon_targettoofar | Target too far |
$msg_incompleteoffering | Pkwagen pagitnigaan |
$msg_incompleteoffering_fader | The bells are not in place |
$msg_inuse | Awani kdak wd'awakakton |
$msg_invalidplacement | Ôda kizi ponôzinokkw |
$msg_isfull | K'kizi psanilawa |
$msg_itsfull | Psantôzo |
$msg_level | kassimawiwawôganal |
$msg_mapnodata | The table is empty |
$msg_mapsaved | You record your discoveries to the table |
$msg_mapsynced | You copy some discoveries from the table |
$msg_missingitem | Ôda k'wajônemowen maôwigek |
$msg_missingrequirement | Aiyagô kdak kagui |
$msg_missingstation | Nodahla chowigek adalikiztôzik |
$msg_needcultivated | Aiyagô lakapodiki |
$msg_needdirt | This area can't be cultivated |
$msg_needfire | Kd'achowi beskwelana nagwiwi ataladebokaa |
$msg_needspace | Aiyagô pahami tazawiwi |
$msg_newday | Kassogweni $1 |
$msg_newdish | New dish |
$msg_newitem | Wskigen |
$msg_newmaterial | Wskiiya |
$msg_newpiece | Pildowi kizitôzik |
$msg_newrecipe | Wskigek alikottlatôzik |
$msg_newstation | Wski adalikiztôzik |
$msg_newstation_level | Pahami wligek adalikistômek |
$msg_newtext | $1 noskitô kassiwawitatasimek |
$msg_newtrophy | Pôladakahigan kawhowanô |
$msg_nobuildzone | Medawligek u lagwiwi k'channegw |
$msg_nocookitems | Ôda kagwes k'wajônemowen kizi kistaan |
$msg_nocookroom | Ôda tabinôgwad tazawiwi |
$msg_nomore | Ôda k'kizi naskapiw $1 |
$msg_noprocessableitems | Ôda kagui k'wajônemo ni wji |
$msg_noroom | No room in inventory |
$msg_noteleport | An item prevents you from teleporting |
$msg_noteleportarea | Ibi kizi dalitôzik wiwnapskeniganikok |
$msg_notindungeon | Ôda kizitôzikw alômkik |
$msg_noturretammo | No ballista missiles |
$msg_offerdone | K'pagitnigan |
$msg_offerdone_fader | You ring the bells |
$msg_offerwrong | Ôda kagui pajidebihlo |
$msg_outof | Ôda tagana |
$msg_pin_added | K'noskito kinawitigan |
$msg_pin_exist | Kizi kinawitôzo |
$msg_portal_blocked | Kebhôzo |
$msg_privatezone | Nôji-skawôdid k'channemegw |
$msg_pvpoff | Kidôbak ôda kiztagamegowiak |
$msg_pvpon | Kidôbak kiztagamegok |
$msg_removed | Kadena |
$msg_repaired | Anawihla $1 |
$msg_ship_ladder | Lôdawôgan |
$msg_skills_lowered | K'ntatwôganal nodhlakkil |
$msg_skillup | K'mawintatôgw |
$msg_snapping | Snapping: |
$msg_snapping_auto | Auto |
$msg_snapping_manual | Manual |
$msg_softdeath | Niwaskok k'ketmôgalmegok |
$msg_sold | K'ônkohlap $1 wji $2 |
$msg_spawnpointset | Psanakahla |
$msg_stackall | Items stacked: |
$msg_stackall_hover | (Hold to stack) |
$msg_stackall_none | No items to stack |
$msg_stationneedroof | Aiyagô apkwôgan wji adalkiztôzik |
$msg_stationtooexposed | Wzômi wawilômsen |
$msg_throwinfire | K'bidhaka $1 skwedak |
$msg_toofew | Wzômi tagasiwi |
$msg_toohard | Wzômi sôglak |
$msg_turretotherammo | The ballista is already loaded with |
$msg_useonwhat | Kaguiji $1 awakaktoan? |
$msg_walk | Losa |
$msg_wontwork | Ajalitbihlôk |
$msg_worldsaveblockedonserver | The server does not have enough space left on disk to save your game. |
$msg_worldsaved | Wlahla |
$msg_worldsavedcloudstoragefull | Cloud storage full! World was moved to local storage and saved. |
$msg_worldsavewarning | World save in |
$msg_worldsavewarningonserver | The server is running out of disk space, consider clearing up space to be able to save in the future. |
$msg_wrongbiome | Ôda k'kizilagwtowen u ali kik |
$msg_wrongitem | Paligen |
$msg_wrongtool | Paligek awakôgan |
$msg_youdied | K'MACHINAP! |
$name_mistlands_bosshint | A mysterious text |
$NOT USED tutorial_stemple3_label | [NOT] USED tutorial_stemple3_label |
$NOT USED tutorial_stemple3_text | [NOT] USED tutorial_stemple3_text |
$npc_blabar | Blåbär |
$npc_bogwitch | The Bog Witch |
$npc_bogwitch_random_buy1 | Lhm! |
$npc_bogwitch_random_buy2 | Lhm gkr tlk. |
$npc_bogwitch_random_buy3 | Gkr, gkr! |
$npc_bogwitch_random_goodbye1 | Gnk. |
$npc_bogwitch_random_goodbye2 | Gnk-nk. |
$npc_bogwitch_random_goodbye3 | Nk. Ktrr! |
$npc_bogwitch_random_greet1 | Gk! |
$npc_bogwitch_random_greet2 | Kgk. |
$npc_bogwitch_random_greet3 | Krrgk. |
$npc_bogwitch_random_sell1 | Mm, lpr... |
$npc_bogwitch_random_sell2 | Lkm. |
$npc_bogwitch_random_sell3 | Kng. |
$npc_bogwitch_random_starttrade1 | Mg, lhm? |
$npc_bogwitch_random_starttrade2 | Ptl mgg. |
$npc_bogwitch_random_starttrade3 | Hk! Mg, mg. |
$npc_bogwitch_random_talk1 | Hm... |
$npc_bogwitch_random_talk2 | Mhm... |
$npc_bogwitch_random_talk3 | Ngk... |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_aggravated1 | You really shouldn't have done that! |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_aggravated2 | I'll get you for that! |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_aggravated3 | You're going down! |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_aggravated4 | I'll feed you to a bloody asksvin! |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_aggravated5 | Oh you little– |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_goodbye1 | Take care now. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_goodbye2 | Careful out there. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_goodbye3 | Until next time. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_goodbye4 | See you around. Or not. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_goodbye5 | Tettå. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_greet1 | Who goes there? |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_greet2 | A living person, huh? That's a nice change of pace. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_greet3 | Hello there. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_greet4 | Greetings. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_greet5 | Are you friend or foe? |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_private_area_alarm1 | Hey! |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_private_area_alarm2 | Stop that. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_private_area_alarm3 | Keep your hands to yourself. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_private_area_alarm4 | That's a good way to get yourself thrown into the lava. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_private_area_alarm5 | I really wouldn't do that if I were you. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk_in_faction_base1 | I should never have bet on that dice game... |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk_in_faction_base10 | I've been thinking of getting a pet. It would be nice, don't you think? |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk_in_faction_base11 | A bit of sweat is good for you, my mother always said! |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk_in_faction_base12 | Ladi dadi dadi dada. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk_in_faction_base13 | I hope the children are doing alright back home. It's been so long now since I last saw them... |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk_in_faction_base14 | When we get back home I think I'm going to pick up a new hobby. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk_in_faction_base15 | I think my boot needs mending. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk_in_faction_base16 | Ah, to feel the cool relief of mist on my face... I was a fool to leave that post behind. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk_in_faction_base17 | I wonder what discoveries tomorrow will bring. Those Whitebeards don't know what they're missing! |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk_in_faction_base18 | I could never remain stationed at just one excavation for months. Us Redbeards are meant to explore! |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk_in_faction_base19 | The Whitebeards will be jealous when they hear of our success, I'm sure! |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk_in_faction_base2 | Then again, the heat isn't too bad! |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk_in_faction_base20 | I don't care much for those smokepuff mushrooms myself. Only fit for asksvin food, really! |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk_in_faction_base3 | I saw someone run around in just their underpants and some belts, seemed nice and cool... |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk_in_faction_base4 | Those siblings had the right idea. Imagine being off on your very own business venture in a cool forest! |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk_in_faction_base5 | I wonder what we'll find out here. Surely it must be worth it. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk_in_faction_base6 | I wish I could have a nice, cool bath. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk_in_faction_base7 | What do you suppose we'll find out here? |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk_in_faction_base8 | We sure hit those charred hard yesterday, didn't we? |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk_in_faction_base9 | They used to worship the Emerald Flame in these parts. Makes you wonder what kind of patron that is... |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk1 | I think I'm going to sweat my beard off. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk10 | I could really use a mug of cold ale right now... |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk11 | When you think about it, this heat isn't worse than the heat from a good forge. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk12 | Don't forget to wipe off that sweat! Or else a morgen might smell you and decide you're its dinner. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk13 | Bloodstone, bloodstone, bloodstone, bloodstone... |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk14 | Be careful if you see a big pile of bones. It usually means one of those morgen creatures is nearby. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk15 | Those undead bastards sure hoard some pretty gemstones... |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk16 | This place is astonishing! So much land still to explore! |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk17 | It may be warm, but the discoveries we make are their own reward. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk18 | Ha! A Whitebeard would never dare to venture here. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk19 | The Whitebeards could never withstand this heat. They just don't have the stones for it! |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk2 | I was made for dwelling below ground, among the cool rocks. Not this blistering heat. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk20 | I came upon a ruin with a whole flock of asksvin yesterday! They were there to search for food, methinks. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk3 | Careful, even the water here is boiling hot. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk4 | My cousin is stationed in the lands of fog. Lucky Whitebeard... |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk5 | I wonder if there's any shade around here. Not that it'd help... |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk6 | Hm. Smells like rotten eggs. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk7 | Mind your step. My brother lost a toe to the lava a while back. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk8 | My sister tried to tame an asksvin, you know. It bit off her hand, even though they don't even eat meat! |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk9 | Vineberries, vineberries... I know I saw some around here... |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_aggravated1 | I'll show you what magic can do! |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_aggravated10 | Odin can't help you now! |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_aggravated11 | We warned you! |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_aggravated2 | Damn you to Hel! |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_aggravated3 | You really shouldn't have done that! |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_aggravated4 | Dvergr, to me! |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_aggravated5 | The boiled pork has been fried now, alright! |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_aggravated6 | I'll teach you not to mess with us! |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_aggravated7 | I'll send you to where the pipe bends! |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_aggravated8 | Human scum! |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_aggravated9 | To Nidhögg with you! |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_goodbye1 | Farewell. |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_goodbye2 | Always watch out for the gjall. |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_goodbye3 | Goodbye for now. |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_goodbye4 | Maybe we'll meet again, maybe not. |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_goodbye5 | Safe journey to you. |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_greet1 | You're taller than I remember. |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_greet2 | So you're the one who's been causing such a ruckus. |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_greet3 | Hi there. |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_greet4 | Is that a human? |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_greet5 | Hello. You've travelled a long way. |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_private_area_alarm1 | Hey! Be careful with that. |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_private_area_alarm2 | Cut that out! |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_private_area_alarm3 | None of that, stop it! |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_private_area_alarm4 | We're only good hosts as long as you're a good guest. |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_private_area_alarm5 | You're close to overstaying your welcome, Norseman. |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_private_area_alarm6 | Stop that! |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_private_area_alarm7 | If you do that again, you won't like what happens. |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_private_area_alarm8 | You're on thin ice. |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_talk_in_faction_base1 | I hope this mine isn't as infested as the last. |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_talk_in_faction_base10 | It's damp as a troll's armpit here, but at least it's not as painfully hot as the south. |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_talk_in_faction_base2 | I wonder if we can bring this shipment home soon. |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_talk_in_faction_base3 | We built these mines, you know? And now look at us... |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_talk_in_faction_base4 | Do you ever wonder what happened to Haldor? |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_talk_in_faction_base5 | Sometimes I wonder if the eitr is worth all of this. |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_talk_in_faction_base6 | I look forward to seeing what the fire will show me next. |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_talk_in_faction_base7 | Now where did I put that bottle...? |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_talk_in_faction_base8 | I swear we had a spare Extractor here somewhere... |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_talk_in_faction_base9 | Just a bit more of this mining, and then we can take it back to Myrkheim. |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_talk1 | I hope this mine isn't as infested as the last. |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_talk10 | Is it true that there's no magic in Midgard? |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_talk2 | I wonder if we can bring this shipment home soon. |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_talk3 | Do you ever wonder what happened to Haldor? |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_talk4 | Those seekers are not to be messed with... |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_talk5 | La-di-di, la-di-da... |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_talk6 | I remember yet, the giants of yore... |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_talk7 | We built these mines, you know? And now look at us... |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_talk8 | These pests have spread further than I feared. At this rate, all our old mines will be overtaken. |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_talk9 | It must be strange, being human. Imagine having to crawl through small spaces! |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_aggravated1 | I'll make you bleed! |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_aggravated10 | Into formation! |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_aggravated11 | You're going down! |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_aggravated2 | Kill the Norseman! |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_aggravated3 | Do you feel lucky? |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_aggravated4 | You'll regret this! |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_aggravated5 | You've planted your last turnip! |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_aggravated6 | I'll kick your arse! |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_aggravated7 | Enjoying shooting yourself in the foot, eh? I can help with that! |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_aggravated8 | So it's a fight you're after, then? |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_aggravated9 | I'll mop the floors with your guts! |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_goodbye1 | Until next time. |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_goodbye2 | Be careful out there! |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_goodbye3 | Goodbye then. |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_goodbye4 | Don't get lost. |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_goodbye5 | Keep that wisplight close, you don't want to lose it. |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_goodbye6 | Tettå |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_greet1 | Who goes there? |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_greet2 | Norseman. |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_greet3 | Greetings. |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_greet4 | Hello. |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_greet5 | Welcome. |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_greet6 | Åtett. |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_private_area_alarm1 | I wouldn't do that if I were you. |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_private_area_alarm2 | Keep your hands to yourself! |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_private_area_alarm3 | We were here first! |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_private_area_alarm4 | Hands off! |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_private_area_alarm5 | Touch that again and I'll chop your hand off. |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_private_area_alarm6 | I'm warning you! |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_private_area_alarm7 | We're not to be trifled with! |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_private_area_alarm8 | You'd best be real careful. Or things will go badly for you. |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_talk_in_faction_base1 | My knees are aching, but at least we have food and a warm fire. |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_talk_in_faction_base10 | I heard we're venturing down south again. Maybe I'll apply for the expedition this time. |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_talk_in_faction_base2 | If you work and keep tidy, Friday brings money. |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_talk_in_faction_base3 | This little fort is nothing compared to our strongholds at home... |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_talk_in_faction_base4 | When is it dinner time? I'm hungry. |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_talk_in_faction_base5 | Are we running out of ale? I think we're running out of ale... |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_talk_in_faction_base6 | Some repairs to this place wouldn't hurt. |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_talk_in_faction_base7 | I don't get why they didn't just take everything when they left the mines. Why leave the cores there? |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_talk_in_faction_base8 | Damned seekers smashed our black cores! Back into the deep then, I guess... |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_talk_in_faction_base9 | This world has changed so much since our people were here last. Imagine what it'll look like in another couple of centuries! |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_talk1 | You never know what you'll find out there in the mist. |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_talk10 | If we could come through to here, it makes you wonder what else might... |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_talk2 | Best be on your guard. |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_talk3 | What's Midgard like, then? I've only ever heard the tales. |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_talk4 | Do all humans look like you? You're so... Nevermind. |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_talk5 | It's easy to lose track of the days out here... |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_talk6 | Us dvergr watch out for our own kin. |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_talk7 | Blasted seekers! I wish they'd all just shrivel up and die. |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_talk8 | I almost got completely drained by a tick once... But dvergr don't die that easily. |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_talk9 | It's a bit strange to think this was all once a great battlefield... |
$npc_giveitem | Give item |
$npc_giveitem_no1 | Thanks, but I don't need that. |
$npc_giveitem_no10 | ÔDATTA! |
$npc_giveitem_no11 | I'm gonna have to say... no. |
$npc_giveitem_no12 | A definite no on that one. |
$npc_giveitem_no2 | Thanks but no. |
$npc_giveitem_no3 | Not sure what I'd do with that. |
$npc_giveitem_no4 | I wouldn't touch that with a ten foot iron beam. |
$npc_giveitem_no5 | Just...no. |
$npc_giveitem_no6 | That's not what I'm looking for. |
$npc_giveitem_no7 | You can do better than that. |
$npc_giveitem_no8 | I think you missunderstood my needs. |
$npc_giveitem_no9 | No, and no. |
$npc_haldor | Haldor |
$npc_haldor_buy01 | Waolatagakil, ôda kagwessol k'kizi meskamo ngemiwi |
$npc_haldor_buy02 | Akwi nôzenokan ôdakitta k'wlitbôji ôbankamek wji. |
$npc_haldor_buy03 | Ôlawi kizi alôbimek, k'eljialgaki ôdahaba kagui nojokamoakji. |
$npc_haldor_buy04 | Kagui yo kiziba k'wijôkamego sôsôwôsaan tagasiwi. Nigaki, ôda n'wawaldamowen wji kagui kwagwajian. |
$npc_haldor_goodbye01 | Gwagwaji ôda wzômikanniw. Nd'achowaldam wajôneman atoji machinaan. |
$npc_haldor_goodbye02 | Ni k'môjalazin. Nd'ôpchi gwagwadaloka. |
$npc_haldor_goodbye03 | Ni k'wadosan u. |
$npc_haldor_greeting01 | Nha! Kdak adia wjitta Valkyrisikok... |
$npc_haldor_greeting02 | Ô? |
$npc_haldor_greeting03 | Kagui achowaldaman? |
$npc_haldor_random_buy1 | Good choice! |
$npc_haldor_random_buy2 | That fits you! |
$npc_haldor_random_buy3 | It's yours. |
$npc_haldor_random_buy4 | Happy to do business with you. |
$npc_haldor_random_buy5 | Use it well. |
$npc_haldor_random_goodbye1 | Come again! |
$npc_haldor_random_goodbye2 | Wlinanawalmezi! |
$npc_haldor_random_goodbye3 | Don't die out there. |
$npc_haldor_random_greet1 | Hi there. |
$npc_haldor_random_greet2 | Well hello there! |
$npc_haldor_random_greet3 | Welcome to my neck of the woods, as it were. |
$npc_haldor_random_greet4 | Oh! A customer! |
$npc_haldor_random_sell1 | Good deal. |
$npc_haldor_random_sell2 | Here you go. |
$npc_haldor_random_sell3 | That's worth some gold. |
$npc_haldor_random_sell4 | I'll take it. |
$npc_haldor_random_starttrade1 | Take a look at my wares. |
$npc_haldor_random_starttrade2 | Check this stuff out! |
$npc_haldor_random_starttrade3 | I'm sure I've got what you need. |
$npc_haldor_random_starttrade4 | I've got a little bit of everything. |
$npc_haldor_random_starttrade5 | My wares aren't exactly bespoke, but they'll do the job. |
$npc_haldor_random_talk1 | I'm short for a dwarf. |
$npc_haldor_random_talk2 | Radjdadaj... |
$npc_haldor_random_talk3 | I've met your kind before. |
$npc_haldor_random_talk4 | What are you looking at? Have you never seen a dwarf before? |
$npc_haldor_random_talk5 | Halstein, did you fart again? |
$npc_haldor_random_talk6 | Mining is just so boring! Fortunately I come from a family of entrepreneurs. |
$npc_haldor_random_talk7 | I don't really go in for the fancy stuff, that's my sister's area of expertise. |
$npc_haldor_sell01 | Namitoda kagui adiaiya maaneman... |
$npc_haldor_sell02 | Aiyoo, kagui u wajônemagw? |
$npc_haldor_sell03 | N'môshagidahômdam wajônemana tônitta kagui waligek kottliwi mziwi majigek aik... |
$npc_haldor_sell04 | Namithli wajôneman. |
$npc_haldor_smalltalk01 | Mziwi k'wanihlôbna yodali. Nôwat niwaskok kwôzôboak weji Valheimek. |
$npc_haldor_smalltalk02 | Nd'elaldam wskebi aiyan waji kizi nôji nadialôanak Pagitowinnoijik ato? Walma wdamihôka agmôwô niga ôda w'wdamihôwenôk. |
$npc_haldor_smalltalk03 | Aodi, kizito, gwilawato. Mziwi machihla akwkik. |
$npc_haldor_smalltalk04 | Ôda k'pildowigowi ôdaki kdakik nikôniwi kiak, migakawinnoid. Tatebigenji ali machinaan. |
$npc_haldor_smalltalk05 | Azowôwôgan wibiwitta chebahlôwik kiuna ta awaasak. |
$npc_haldor_trade01 | Nd'achowaldam azowôwôgan, ôdagaki klolômokkw. Achowaldaman kagui ala ôda? |
$npc_haldor_trade02 | Nawa, wlestôwadida. |
$npc_haldor_trade03 | K'wlalmegwzi u nikwôbi wlidahôzia. Azowônaj. |
$npc_hallon | Hallon |
$npc_halstein | Halstein |
$npc_hildir | Hildir |
$npc_hildir_chest1_recieved | Yay, you found it! Now check out my wares! |
$npc_hildir_chest2_recieved | That one must have been a challenge, but you won't regret it! |
$npc_hildir_chest3_recieved | I didn't think you would manage that one. Colour me impressed! |
$npc_hildir_random_alreadyhavechest1 | You've already given me that. |
$npc_hildir_random_alreadyhavechest2 | Nice replica. It's not mine though. |
$npc_hildir_random_alreadyhavechest3 | Keep it. I have no use for that. |
$npc_hildir_random_alreadyhavechest4 | But...you already gave me this chest. Where did you get this? |
$npc_hildir_random_alreadyhavechest5 | That's...not mine. I guess someone really just likes my style, huh? |
$npc_hildir_random_anylockedchest1 | Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it. There's still more of my stuff out there though, if you have time. |
$npc_hildir_random_anylockedchest2 | You know, this place was more peaceful in the past. A lady could travel here without being robbed of all her things. |
$npc_hildir_random_anylockedchest3 | It's nice to have some of my stock back. But I really would appreciate it if I could get all of it. |
$npc_hildir_random_anylockedchest4 | It's not too much trouble, right? To find my stolen things. It's really sweet of you to help. |
$npc_hildir_random_anylockedchest5 | The big lox is Hallon and the small one is Blåbär. |
$npc_hildir_random_anylockedchest6 | She warned me it wasn't a good idea to go here... But I went anyway, and now part of my stock is rotting away in some dungeon. |
$npc_hildir_random_anylockedchest7 | There are rumours about you, you know? I wonder if they match reality. |
$npc_hildir_random_anylockedchest8 | Making progress, I hope? I have this fabric I'd love to see on you, but I'd need you to bring it back first. |
$npc_hildir_random_anylockedchest9 | It's nice that the shop isn't entirely empty anymore, at least. |
$npc_hildir_random_buy1 | Ooh, that'll look great on you! |
$npc_hildir_random_buy2 | That's one of my finest works. |
$npc_hildir_random_buy3 | Tailored just for you. |
$npc_hildir_random_buy4 | I had a lot of fun making this. |
$npc_hildir_random_buy5 | You've got good taste. |
$npc_hildir_random_goodbye1 | See you again soon, I hope! |
$npc_hildir_random_goodbye2 | Don't be a stranger. |
$npc_hildir_random_goodbye3 | I'll be here a while, in case you're in need of anything else. |
$npc_hildir_random_goodbye4 | Take care. |
$npc_hildir_random_greet1 | Welcome to my shop. It's a tad bit more elegant than my brother's. |
$npc_hildir_random_greet2 | Hi there. |
$npc_hildir_random_greet3 | You look like your wardrobe could do with a bit of an upgrade. |
$npc_hildir_random_greet4 | Well, well, girls, look what the neck dragged in. |
$npc_hildir_random_greet5 | Greetings, viking. |
$npc_hildir_random_lockedchest1 | Almost all of my wares, stolen! What use is a shop if it doesn't even have anything to sell? |
$npc_hildir_random_lockedchest2 | Don't try to open the chests yourself if you find them. Dwarven locks can't be picked, and the chests themselves could withstand an explosion... |
$npc_hildir_random_lockedchest3 | Do you know how frustrating it is to have so much hard work just... stolen from you? |
$npc_hildir_random_lockedchest4 | I'll sell you what I have at a discount, if you just get my things back to me. Like a finder's fee. |
$npc_hildir_random_lockedchest5 | Bring my chests back to me when you find them. I'll unlock them and we can do good business. |
$npc_hildir_random_lockedchest6 | Don't even think about keeping the chests to yourself, now that you know where they are. You can't open them without the right key. |
$npc_hildir_random_map1 | Most of my stuff was stolen from me. I've marked out where it was on the map, in case you'd like to help me look for it. |
$npc_hildir_random_map2 | If you'd help me get some things back, I'd be happy to do business with you. |
$npc_hildir_random_map3 | I'd go get my things back myself, but I'm not willing to risk losing anything else. Help a girl out? |
$npc_hildir_random_map4 | I got away, but my goods weren't so lucky. At least I know where it happened, whatever good that does me. |
$npc_hildir_random_map5 | That's where they ambushed me, the greedy little bastards. You wouldn't want to go after them for me, would you? |
$npc_hildir_random_sell1 | Sure, I'll take it. |
$npc_hildir_random_sell2 | Hm, I might be able to use that for something. |
$npc_hildir_random_sell3 | You know what they say, one person's trash is another one's treasure. |
$npc_hildir_random_sell4 | Why not? I'm sure I can pawn that off at some point. |
$npc_hildir_random_sell5 | Deal. |
$npc_hildir_random_starttrade1 | Take a look, why don't you? |
$npc_hildir_random_starttrade2 | I'm sure I've got something that'll tickle your fancy. |
$npc_hildir_random_starttrade3 | If you're looking for worms and eggs, you've come to the wrong shop. |
$npc_hildir_random_starttrade4 | Let me know if you find anything you like! |
$npc_hildir_random_starttrade5 | My wares are made out of the finest cloth. |
$npc_hildir_random_starttrade6 | You'll only find products of the highest quality in my shop, I assure you. |
$npc_hildir_random_talk1 | It's okay, you can pet the lox if you want. |
$npc_hildir_random_talk10 | As fun as these sojourns are, it'll be nice to get back home to my kin. |
$npc_hildir_random_talk2 | You know, this place was more peaceful in the past. A lady could travel here without being robbed of all her things. |
$npc_hildir_random_talk3 | The big lox is Hallon and the small one is Blåbär. |
$npc_hildir_random_talk4 | The wagon's off limits, sorry. A girl's gotta keep some trade secrets to herself. |
$npc_hildir_random_talk5 | There are rumours about you, you know? I wonder if they match reality. |
$npc_hildir_random_talk6 | I don't do repairs, sorry. |
$npc_hildir_random_talk7 | Hm... I'd love to tailor you a custom piece sometime. |
$npc_hildir_random_talk8 | Back in the day I thought about setting up shop here permanently. But there aren't really enough customers for that. |
$npc_hildir_random_talk9 | This place isn't too bad, all things considered. Maybe I'll bring someone else along next time. |
$npc_hugin | Hugin |
$npc_munin | Munin |
$npc_munin_ashlands_bellshard | Kraa! A sad memory lingers here... A faint echo in the air... Once these rang for joy to celebrate his passing but now he cannot bear the sound nor the reminder. If you seek to bring him give them voice once more. |
$npc_munin_ashlands_general01 | Kraa! Poor pickings here. Empty skulls scoured clean by the flames. Barely a trace of memory left… |
$npc_munin_ashlands_general02 | Well met little swordling! Look around you this is the Waste of the Emerald Flame… This is the end of all pride the fire that consumes itself… Tread carefully! |
$npc_munin_ashlands_general03 | Kraa! I bring a message from the Allfather. Honor is forged in flame. Strike hard upon the anvil spare not the steel! |
$npc_munin_ashlands_general04 | Kraahaha! A fellow carrion bird! Look at you picking over these poor dead remains… |
$npc_munin_ashlands_general05 | Hmmm... How do you yet live warrior? Perhaps you have found your element here in the furnace? Curious... |
$npc_munin_general01 | Kôgôgw! K'wlipaiyô ôbamakwid… Nd'eliwizi Munin, Hugina wijilid. N'bado Wmitôgwez mziwiga w'pahakwinawôganal. W'sizegwol ta niatta tôtatbigenol, ta n'badahomenal w'klozwôganal nagwiwi n'ilalok. Kiktawô enni idak nigaji n'paiyôn kiak mina… |
$npc_munin_general02 | Kôgôgw! Mziwi msizegol skawôbowikkil wada. Gitsizegol, piwisizegol, msizegwol ôpetawiwi wjihlôkkil ta msizegwol wjihlôkkil nagwiwi. Abazi w'wajônemwô msizegol achi… |
$npc_munin_general03 | Askwa kd'ozôlôwzi ato, migakawinno? Kizi N'wlikawatsin tagasiwi mijessmia wji khagak, tagasiwi adial… Nidaki Wmitôgwes mziwi wigôdahôzoji. |
$npc_munin_general04 | K'wanôbam pzgawak, kia migakawinnoid? N'namitogaki kagui wawaldaman salakiwi, ôwdik pamkannian, ta nigikeda gzaldmôan. Kdmôgi migakawinno… |
$npc_munin_general05 | Kôgôgw! Akwi wanaldamokan k'nôdakanigan, kia ôbamakwid! Mikwaldam Wmitôgwes mziwi wji kagui pjidakôgoan u tali. Cowi kizalô Pagitowinnoijik. Mikwaldam! |
$npc_munin_general06 | Kamôji, k'wlimigakawinnoihla! Olidahômek, k'lhelba toji machinaan, n'wlestôwadobna Hugin sôgnawipit k'pôjasizegoga ali mamanis ta niagaki kd'alnakasizegoga. Wlalmegodakitta! |
$npc_munin_general07 | Kôgôgw! Kiktawa na Wmitôgwes mziwi nigaji n'kizi chigihamegon anawitoa k'mikwaldiganal. K'mikwaldam alôwzian nikôniwi atoji u atali pmôwzian? Asma ôda k'mikwaldamogoo... |
$npc_munin_general08 | Ôda kizi nd'elaldamop toji kassozôwzian… Niga kwôzodôzidaki pôlôbahlaan, nidôba. Aodikial kchi wiagôwzoldin adlôgwipoldin nia wji, k'wawaldamawô tôni ali machinadit mziwi kinsanijik migakawinnojik matanaskiwi... |
$npc_munin_general09 | Kôgôgw! Cha, nodawi, ni ôdahaji kd'agwaniklolo. Nia na aliwizit Munin, ôwadiwawigamigw. N'pôdodeliabitô Wmitôgwesa mziwi ta n'kiktawô alômiwi mziwi mdala akikok. Kizi n'namihôk msaloshanik wligijik migakawinnoga zôkhihlajik ni zokwihlajik, kiagaki pazgo nigik ôtalli mliksanijik. Wawaldam Odinatta k'skawôlego... |
$npc_munin_general10 | Kôgôgw! Mitôgwesa mziwi w'pjidaka wltôgwakil! Kd'askawihogw idaman waji kizi pjidakogoan kchi lesagwôgan. Nkhlika nigik Pagitowinnoijik waji kizi niga pilkaan! |
$OLD hud_altplace | [OLD] hud_altplace |
$OLD inventory_stationlevel | [OLD] inventory_stationlevel |
$OLD inventory_stationlevelreq | [OLD] inventory_stationlevelreq |
$OLD inventory_upgrade | [OLD] inventory_upgrade |
$OLD menu_exit | [OLD] menu_exit |
$piece_ancient_pot | Ancient Pot |
$piece_armorstand | Armour Stand |
$piece_armorstand_cantattach | That item doesn't fit there |
$piece_artisan_ext1 | Artisan Press |
$piece_artisanstation | Ntatwinnôgan |
$piece_ashwood_archedwall | Ashwood Arched Wall |
$piece_ashwood_beam_1m | Ashwood Beam 1 m |
$piece_ashwood_beam_2m | Ashwood Beam 2 m |
$piece_ashwood_bed | Ashwood Bed |
$piece_ashwood_decowall | Ashwood Decorative Wall |
$piece_ashwood_decowall_divider | Ashwood Divider |
$piece_ashwood_decowall_tree | Ashwood Decorative Window |
$piece_ashwood_door | Ashwood Door |
$piece_ashwood_floor_1x1 | Ashwood Floor 1x1 |
$piece_ashwood_floor_2x2 | Ashwood Floor 2x2 |
$piece_ashwood_floor_deco | Ashwood Decorative Floor |
$piece_ashwood_halfwall | Ashwood Half Wall |
$piece_ashwood_pole_1m | Ashwood Pole 1 m |
$piece_ashwood_pole_2m | Ashwood Pole 2 m |
$piece_ashwood_quarterwall | Ashwood Quarter Wall |
$piece_ashwood_wall | Ashwood Wall |
$piece_ashwoodarch_big | Ashwood Arch |
$piece_ashwoodarch_bottom | Ashwood Bottom Arch |
$piece_ashwoodarch_top | Ashwood Top Arch |
$piece_ashwoodbeam26 | Ashwood Beam 26° |
$piece_ashwoodbeam45 | Ashwood Beam 45° |
$piece_ashwoodcross26 | Ashwood Roof Cross 26° |
$piece_ashwoodcross45 | Ashwood Roof Cross 45° |
$piece_ashwoodstair | Ashwood Stair |
$piece_ashwoodwallroof_26 | Ashwood Wall 26° |
$piece_ashwoodwallroof_26_upsidedown | Ashwood Wall 26° (Inverted) |
$piece_ashwoodwallroof_45 | Ashwood Wall 45° |
$piece_ashwoodwallroof_45_upsidedown | Ashwood Wall 45° (Inverted) |
$piece_asksvinskeleton | Asksvin Skeleton |
$piece_banner01 | Mkaza mtagen |
$piece_banner02 | Wlôwigek mtagen |
$piece_banner03 | Nosawikozik mtagen |
$piece_banner04 | Mkwigek mtawagen |
$piece_banner05 | Askaskwigek mtagen |
$piece_banner06 | Blue, Red and White Banner |
$piece_banner07 | White and Blue Striped Banner |
$piece_banner08 | Yellow Banner |
$piece_banner09 | Purple Banner |
$piece_banner10 | Orange Banner |
$piece_banner11 | White Banner |
$piece_barber | Barber Station |
$piece_barber_description | Helps you stay up to date with the latest viking fashion. |
$piece_bathtub | Hot Tub |
$piece_bed | Abon |
$piece_bed_claim | Tabalda |
$piece_bed_currentspawn | Adali psanakaa |
$piece_bed_setspawn | Psanaka |
$piece_bed_sleep | Nôdgawi |
$piece_bed_unclaimed | Ôda awani wd'abonema |
$piece_bed02 | Kôgitaskokabôn |
$piece_beehive | Wawilômwagamigw |
$piece_beehive_area | Ôda w'wigôdamowenô wawilômwak ni aki |
$piece_beehive_check | Nôdodakawôk |
$piece_beehive_extract | Wjido |
$piece_beehive_freespace | Wawilômwak cowaldak baskakaa |
$piece_beehive_happy | Wawilômwak pôwôzoak |
$piece_beehive_sleep | Wawilômwak gawolidmek |
$piece_bench01 | Pamtasakwabon |
$piece_benchlog | Taskakwabon |
$piece_blackforge | Black Forge |
$piece_blackforge_ext1 | Black Forge Cooler |
$piece_blackforge_ext2 | Vice |
$piece_blackforge_ext3 | Metal Cutter |
$piece_blackforge_ext4 | Gem Cutter |
$piece_blackmarble_arch | Black Marble Arch |
$piece_blackmarble_base1 | Black Marble Plinth |
$piece_blackmarble_base2 | Black Marble Wide Plinth |
$piece_blackmarble_basecorner | Black Marble Plinth Corner |
$piece_blackmarble_bench | Black Marble Bench |
$piece_blackmarble_bronze_head1 | Bronze Head 1 |
$piece_blackmarble_bronze_head2 | Bronze Head 2 |
$piece_blackmarble_column_1 | Black Marble Column Small |
$piece_blackmarble_column_2 | Black Marble Column Wide |
$piece_blackmarble_column_3 | Black Marble Column Tall |
$piece_blackmarble_equilateral_triangle_floor | Black Marble Floor Equilateral Triangle |
$piece_blackmarble_floor | Black Marble Floor |
$piece_blackmarble_floor_triangle | Black Marble Floor Triangle |
$piece_blackmarble_floor4x4 | Black Marble Floor 4x4 |
$piece_blackmarble_head_big1 | Black Marble Large Head 1 |
$piece_blackmarble_head_big2 | Black Marble Large Head 2 |
$piece_blackmarble_inverted_slope1x2 | Black Marble Slope (Inverted) |
$piece_blackmarble_out1 | Black Marble Cornice |
$piece_blackmarble_out2 | Black Marble Cornice Wide |
$piece_blackmarble_outcorner | Black Marble Cornice Corner |
$piece_blackmarble_slope1x2 | Black Marble Slope |
$piece_blackmarble_stair | Black Marble Stair |
$piece_blackmarble_stair_corner_left | Black Marble Stair Left |
$piece_blackmarble_stair_corner_right | Black Marble Stair Right |
$piece_blackmarble_table | Black Marble Table |
$piece_blackmarble_throne | Black Marble Throne |
$piece_blackmarble_tile_floor_1x1 | Black Marble Floor Tile Small |
$piece_blackmarble_tile_floor_2x2 | Black Marble Floor Tile Large |
$piece_blackmarble_tile_wall_1x1 | Black Marble Wall Tile Small |
$piece_blackmarble_tile_wall_2x2 | Black Marble Wall Tile Large |
$piece_blackmarble_tile_wall_2x4 | Black Marble Wall Tile Tall |
$piece_blackmarble_tip | Black Marble Quarter Spire |
$piece_blackmarble1x1 | Black Marble 1x1x1 |
$piece_blackmarble2x1x1 | Black Marble 2x1x1 |
$piece_blackmarble2x2_enforced | Enforced Black Marble |
$piece_blackmarble2x2x1 | Black Marble 2x2x1 |
$piece_blackmarble2x2x2 | Black Marble 2x2x2 |
$piece_blackwoodbench01 | Ashwood Bench |
$piece_blackwoodstack | Ashwood Stack |
$piece_BlackwoodStakewall | Ashwood Stakewall |
$piece_blastfurnace | Blast Furnace |
$piece_bone_throne | Bone Throne |
$piece_bonestack | Bone Stack |
$piece_bonfire | Msaskweda |
$piece_brazierceiling01 | Akhoda wassahlôk |
$piece_brazierfloor01 | Standing Brazier |
$piece_brazierfloor02 | Blue Standing Brazier |
$piece_candle | Resin Candle |
$piece_cartographytable | Cartography Table |
$piece_catapult_legsdown | Lower legs |
$piece_catapult_legsup | Raise legs |
$piece_catapult_placeitem | Place item |
$piece_catapult_wontfit | That doesn't fit in the catapult |
$piece_cauldron | Solôwkw |
$piece_cauldron_ext1_spice | Spice Rack |
$piece_cauldron_ext3_butchertable | Butcher's Table |
$piece_cauldron_ext4_pans | Pots and Pans |
$piece_cauldron_ext5_mortarandpestle | Mortar and Pestle |
$piece_cauldron_ext6_rollingpins | Rolling Pins and Cutting Boards |
$piece_chair | Tasakwabon |
$piece_charcoalkiln | Nôjimkazaik |
$piece_charredballista | Skugg |
$piece_charredchest | Charred Chest |
$piece_chest | Sôglipaks |
$piece_chestbarrel | Barrel |
$piece_chestblackmetal | Black Metal Chest |
$piece_chestprivate | Kôttigan |
$piece_chesttreasure | Treasure Chest |
$piece_chestwood | Paks |
$piece_clothdoor | Red Jute Curtain |
$piece_coalpile | Kibôgwa Mkazaika |
$piece_container_empty | SIGWAGEN |
$piece_container_open | Tôwdana |
$piece_cookingstation | Adaladebokamek |
$piece_cookingstation_iron | Iron Cooking Station |
$piece_craftingstation | Adalikiztôzik |
$piece_crate | Crate |
$piece_crate_long | Dvergr Component Crate |
$piece_crystalwall1x1 | Crystal Wall 1x1 |
$piece_cstand_cook | Matkazazem |
$piece_cultivate | Lakapodiga |
$piece_darkwoodarch | Darkwood Arch |
$piece_darkwoodbeam | Darkwood Beam 2 m |
$piece_darkwoodbeam_26 | Darkwood Beam 26° |
$piece_darkwoodbeam_45 | Darkwood Beam 45° |
$piece_darkwoodbeam4 | Darkwood Beam 4 m |
$piece_darkwoodchair | Darkwood Chair |
$piece_darkwooddecowall | Carved Darkwood Divider |
$piece_darkwoodgate | Darkwood Gate |
$piece_darkwoodpole | Darkwood Pole 2m |
$piece_darkwoodpole4 | Darkwood Pole 4m |
$piece_darkwoodraven | Raven Adornment |
$piece_darkwoodroof26 | Shingle Roof 26° |
$piece_darkwoodroof45 | Shingle Roof 45° |
$piece_darkwoodrooficorner | Shingle Roof Inner Corner 26° |
$piece_darkwoodrooficorner45 | Shingle Roof Inner Corner 45° |
$piece_darkwoodroofocorner | Shingle Roof Outer Corner 26° |
$piece_darkwoodroofocorner45 | Shingle Roof Outer Corner 45° |
$piece_darkwoodrooftop | Shingle Roof Ridge 26° |
$piece_darkwoodrooftop45 | Shingle Roof Ridge 45° |
$piece_darkwoodwolf | Wolf Adornment |
$piece_deposit_copper | Ôgwawizôwahlagwapskw |
$piece_deposit_obsidian | Ôgwaskwedaadenapskw |
$piece_deposit_silver | Ôgwaôwadiwôbiahlagwapskw |
$piece_deposit_silvervein | Atali wôbiahlagwapskok |
$piece_deposit_tin | Ôgwapapahwijwiyaapskw |
$piece_door_close | Kebaha |
$piece_door_open | Tôwdana |
$piece_dv_gate | Old Dvergr Gate |
$piece_dvergr_door | Dvergr Door |
$piece_dvergr_lantern | Dvergr Wall Lantern |
$piece_dvergr_lantern_pole | Dvergr Pole Lantern |
$piece_dvergr_metal_wall | Dvergr Metal Wall |
$piece_dvergr_pole | Dvergr Pole |
$piece_dvergr_sharpstakes | Dvergr Sharp Stakes |
$piece_dvergr_spiralstair | Dvergr Spiral Staircase Left |
$piece_dvergr_spiralstair_right | Dvergr Spiral Staircase Right |
$piece_dvergr_stake_wall | Dvergr Stakewall |
$piece_dvergr_woodwall | Dvergr Wall |
$piece_dvergrchest | Dvergr Treasure Chest |
$piece_eitrrefinery | Eitr Refinery |
$piece_fermenter | Atalipitahlômek |
$piece_fermenter_add | Noskito |
$piece_fermenter_exposed | Wzômi wawilômsen |
$piece_fermenter_fermenting | Ôptchibitahla |
$piece_fermenter_needroof | Requires a roof |
$piece_fermenter_ready | Kizigen |
$piece_fermenter_tap | Lagwtahigan |
$piece_fire | Skweda |
$piece_fire_fuel | Awazon |
$piece_firepit | Skweda kônek |
$piece_firepit_iron | Iron Fire Pit |
$piece_flametal_beam | Flametal Beam |
$piece_flametal_pillar | Flametal Pillar |
$piece_flametalgate | Flametal Gate |
$piece_forge | Nodahlagokaigamigw |
$piece_forge_ext1 | Podawôgan |
$piece_forge_ext2 | Nokwtahiganal |
$piece_forge_ext3 | Menonikadôgan |
$piece_forge_ext4 | Nokwtahiganis |
$piece_forge_ext5 | Tekihla |
$piece_forge_ext6 | Atali awakôganikok |
$piece_giant_bone | Petrified Bone |
$piece_giant_brain | Soft Tissue |
$piece_giant_helmet | Ancient Armour |
$piece_giant_sword | Ancient Sword |
$piece_grausten_archmedium | Grausten Medium Arch |
$piece_grausten_archsmall | Grausten Small Arch |
$piece_grausten_beammedium | Grausten Medium Beam |
$piece_grausten_beamsmall | Grausten Small Beam |
$piece_grausten_floor1x1 | Grausten Floor 1x1 |
$piece_grausten_floor2x2 | Grausten Floor 2x2 |
$piece_grausten_floor4x4 | Grausten Floor 4x4 |
$piece_grausten_pillarmedium | Grausten Medium Pillar |
$piece_grausten_pillarsmall | Grausten Small Pillar |
$piece_grausten_pillartapered | Grausten Tapered Pillar |
$piece_grausten_pillartaperedinverted | Grausten Tapered Pillar (Inverted) |
$piece_grausten_roof45 | Grausten Roof |
$piece_grausten_roof45_arch | Grausten Arched Roof |
$piece_grausten_roof45_archcorner | Grausten Arched Roof Corner |
$piece_grausten_roof45_archcorner2 | Grausten Arched Roof Corner |
$piece_grausten_roof45_corner | Grausten Roof Corner |
$piece_grausten_roof45_corner2 | Grausten Roof Corner |
$piece_grausten_stair | Grausten Stairs |
$piece_grausten_stoneladder | Grausten Steep Stairs |
$piece_grausten_wall1x2 | Grausten Wall 1x2 |
$piece_grausten_wall2x2 | Grausten Wall 2x2 |
$piece_grausten_wall4x2 | Grausten Wall 4x2 |
$piece_grausten_wallarch | Grausten Wall Arch |
$piece_grausten_wallarchinv | Grausten Wall Arch (Inverted) |
$piece_grausten_window2x2 | Grausten Window 2x2 |
$piece_grausten_window4x2 | Grausten Window 4x2 |
$piece_graustenpile | Grausten Pile |
$piece_groundtorch | Wassanmôkagôbialnahlagw |
$piece_groundtorchblue | Standing Blue-burning Iron Torch |
$piece_groundtorchdemister | Wisp Torch |
$piece_groundtorchgreen | Askaskwiwassanmôkagôbialnahlagw |
$piece_groundtorchwood | Wassanmôkagôbiakwam |
$piece_guardstone | Skawôdigan |
$piece_guardstone_activate | Tokinala |
$piece_guardstone_active | Toko |
$piece_guardstone_add | Mômôwi |
$piece_guardstone_additional | Chigitawimek |
$piece_guardstone_deactivate | Kawikha |
$piece_guardstone_description | Maga meliksanhôdôihômek kikajiwi lagwiwi ôptchi channôzo kdak Vikingsak wji kizi wlitôzik ala tôwdana klôganal. |
$piece_guardstone_inactive | Kao |
$piece_guardstone_owner | Tabaldôzo |
$piece_guardstone_remove | Pkwahôzi |
$piece_hanging_cloth_blue1 | Blue Jute Drapes |
$piece_hanging_cloth_blue2 | Blue Jute Curtain |
$piece_harvest | Harvest |
$piece_hearth | Skwedaapskw |
$piece_hexagonalgate | Hexagonal Gate |
$piece_horizontal | Horizontal |
$piece_incinerator | Obliterator |
$piece_incinerator_conversion | Thor bestows a gift upon you! |
$piece_incinerator_empty | Thor frowns upon you |
$piece_incinerator_fail | Obliterator is in use |
$piece_incinerator_success | Items obliterated! |
$piece_ironfloor | Cage Floor 2x2 |
$piece_ironfloorSmall | Cage Floor 1x1 |
$piece_irongate | Alnahlakwiklôgan |
$piece_ironwall | Cage Wall 2x2 |
$piece_ironwallSmall | Cage Wall 1x1 |
$piece_itemstand | Galnôzik |
$piece_itemstand_attach | Noskito na |
$piece_itemstand_cantattach | Ôda kizi noskitowen na |
$piece_itemstand_missingitem | Missing required item |
$piece_itemstand_take | Odnem na |
$piece_jackoturnip | Jack-o-turnip |
$piece_jute_carpet | Red Jute Carpet |
$piece_juteblue_carpet | Blue Jute Carpet |
$piece_lavalantern | Lava Lantern |
$piece_levelground | Tatbaka ki |
$piece_logbeam2 | Sasagabiyo 2m |
$piece_logbeam4 | Sasagabiyo 4m |
$piece_logpole2 | Kwenabiyo 2m |
$piece_logpole4 | Kwenabiyo 4m |
$piece_lorestone | Wawapskw |
$piece_magetable | Galdr Table |
$piece_magetable_ext | Rune Table |
$piece_magetable_ext2 | Unfading Candles |
$piece_magetable_ext3 | Feathery Wreath |
$piece_maptable_hildir | Hildir's Map Table |
$piece_maptable_hildir_use | Register chest locations |
$piece_marblepile | Black Marble Pile |
$piece_maypole | Maypole |
$piece_meadcauldron | Mead Ketill |
$piece_mistletoe | Mistletoe |
$piece_mudpile | Azeskojagowik |
$piece_noaccess | K'klahamegw |
$piece_offerbowl_bonemass | Boiling Death |
$piece_offerbowl_eikthyr | Medawlapskw |
$piece_offerbowl_fader | Altar of The Emerald Flame |
$piece_offerbowl_hive | Hive seat |
$piece_offerbowl_makeoffer | Pagiminiga |
$piece_offerbowl_offeritem | Pagiminigamen |
$piece_offerbowl_offeritem_fader | Ring the bells |
$piece_offerbowl_yagluth | Medawlapskw |
$piece_oven | Stone Oven |
$piece_oven_additem | Bake item |
$piece_path | Ôwdikham |
$piece_pavedroad | Senôwdi |
$piece_plant_healthy | Wlamalsi |
$piece_plant_nospace | Aiyagô pahami tazawiwi waji kizigimek |
$piece_plant_nosun | Aiyagô kakasokw |
$piece_plant_notcultivated | Aiyagô lakapodiki |
$piece_plant_nowall | Needs nearby wall |
$piece_plant_toocold | Too cold |
$piece_plant_toohot | Too hot |
$piece_plant_wrongbiome | Ôda kizi môjagek u ni ali kik |
$piece_portal | Medawiklôgan |
$piece_portal_connected | ÔNKAWIWI |
$piece_portal_description | Ônkawaloka kdak medawliklôgan tatebigek ali tatogatôzik. |
$piece_portal_settag | Tokakwto |
$piece_portal_stone | Portal – Stone |
$piece_portal_stone_description | The powerful energy source lets you pass through even with the most valuable of items. |
$piece_portal_tag | Tokakw |
$piece_portal_unconnected | ÔDA ÔNKAWIWI |
$piece_pot_large_cracked | Large Clay Pot |
$piece_pot_large_green | Large Green Pot |
$piece_pot_large_red | Large Red Pot |
$piece_pot_medium_cracked | Medium Clay Pot |
$piece_pot_medium_green | Medium Green Pot |
$piece_pot_medium_red | Medium Red Pot |
$piece_pot_small_cracked | Small Clay Pot |
$piece_pot_small_green | Small Green Pot |
$piece_pot_small_red | Small Red Pot |
$piece_preptable | Food Preparation Table |
$piece_pulllever | Pull lever |
$piece_queendoor | Dvergr Vault |
$piece_raise | Nospagahigan |
$piece_readmap | Read map |
$piece_register_location | K'namithlin lagwiwi |
$piece_repair | Wlidebiton |
$piece_replant | Mskikoal |
$piece_rug_asksvin | Asksvin Rug |
$piece_rug_deer | Nolkai anakôgan |
$piece_rug_hare | Hare Rug |
$piece_rug_lox | Lox anakôgan |
$piece_rug_straw | Straw |
$piece_rug_wolf | Môlsemi anakôgan |
$piece_rune_read | Agidam |
$piece_sapcollector | Sap Extractor |
$piece_sapcollector_description | Extract sap from mysterious branches. |
$piece_sapcollector_draining | Extracting |
$piece_sapcollector_drainingslow | Extracting slowly |
$piece_sapcollector_extract | Collect |
$piece_sapcollector_isfull | Psanba |
$piece_sapcollector_notconnected | Nothing to extract |
$piece_sapling_barley | Tlostsal |
$piece_sapling_carrot | Wawisôwagwzit |
$piece_sapling_carrot_description | Kika kalotsiwskanimenal waji kizi kalotsigihômek. |
$piece_sapling_flax | Malomen |
$piece_sapling_jotunpuffs | Jotun Puffs Primordia |
$piece_sapling_magecap | Magecap Primordia |
$piece_sapling_onion | Winos |
$piece_sapling_seedcarrot | Wawisôwagwzit wji wskanimenal |
$piece_sapling_seedcarrot_description | Kika wawisôwagwzit wji kizi maaneman wskanimenal. |
$piece_sapling_seedonion | Winos wji wskanimenal |
$piece_sapling_seedonion_description | Plant an onion to get more seeds. |
$piece_sapling_seedturnip | Chanaps wji wskanimenal |
$piece_sapling_seedturnip_description | Kika channaps wji kizi maaneman wskanimenal. |
$piece_sapling_turnip | Chanaps |
$piece_sapling_vineash | Ashvine |
$piece_sapling_vineash_description | Needs something to cling to. |
$piece_sapling_vinegreen | Ivy |
$piece_sapling_vinegreen_description | Needs something to cling to. |
$piece_sconce | Wassanigan |
$piece_secretdoor | Hidden Door |
$piece_sharpstakes | Astamsakwanal |
$piece_shieldgenerator | Shield Generator |
$piece_shieldgenerator_add | Add bones |
$piece_shieldgenerator_charging | Charging |
$piece_shieldgenerator_description | Creates a shield to protect against weather and incoming projectiles. Fuelled by bones of any kind. |
$piece_shieldgenerator_fuelname | bones |
$piece_shieldgenerator_ready | Armed and ready |
$piece_shieldgenerator_use | Activate |
$piece_shieldgenerator_waiting | Needs fuel |
$piece_ship_ladder | Lôdawôgan |
$piece_ship_rudder | Wlokwahiga |
$piece_sign | Tbaskhodigan |
$piece_sign_input | Awigham |
$piece_skullpile | Pile of Skulls |
$piece_smelter | Wjidoahlagwigamigw |
$piece_smelter_add | Noskito |
$piece_smelter_additem | Noskiton |
$piece_smelter_empty | Zigwagen |
$piece_smelter_ready | Matkada |
$piece_smelter_reqroof | Cowi apkwamek |
$piece_spinningwheel | Latagenigahigan |
$piece_stakewall | Msawakwôldoakwan |
$piece_stonearch | Lôgihlaapskw |
$piece_stonecutter | Adalapskenigamek |
$piece_stonefloor2x2 | Bsigapskwikok 2x2 |
$piece_stonefloor4x4 | Bsigapskwikok 4x4 |
$piece_stonepile | Kibôgwa senal |
$piece_stonepillar | Jidokaapskw |
$piece_stonestair | Senadasamalkin |
$piece_stonethrone | Stone Throne |
$piece_stonewall1x1 | Senwakwôlodo 1x1 |
$piece_stonewall2x1 | Senwakwôlodo 2x1 |
$piece_stonewall4x2 | Senwakwôlodo 4x2 |
$piece_stool | Kwanitasakwabon |
$piece_table | Tawipodi |
$piece_table_oak | Long Heavy Table |
$piece_table_round | Round Table |
$piece_tarpile | Tar Barrel |
$piece_throne01 | Kôgôgw tasakwabon |
$piece_tombstone | Talinat |
$piece_tombstone_recovered | K'mzenem mina |
$piece_toofar | Wzômi nopaiwi |
$piece_trap | Tlaps |
$piece_trap_arm | Arm trap |
$piece_trap_armed | Armed |
$piece_trap_cooldown | Trap is not ready yet |
$piece_treasure_pile | Coin Pile |
$piece_treasure_stack | Coin Stack |
$piece_turret | Ballista |
$piece_turret_addammo | Add missile |
$piece_turret_armed | Armed and ready |
$piece_turret_description | Defensive structure that shoots missiles at anything that gets in its way. |
$piece_turret_noammo | No ammunition |
$piece_turret_target | Target: |
$piece_turret_target_everything | everything |
$piece_turret_target_set | Set target with trophy |
$piece_turret_target_set_msg | Ballista targets |
$piece_UnstableMine | Unstable Mine |
$piece_upgrade | mawiwawôgan |
$piece_use | Awaka |
$piece_useitem | Awakakton |
$piece_vegvisir | Vegvisir |
$piece_vertical | Vertical |
$piece_windmill | Sokwesnokhigan |
$piece_wisplure | Wisp Fountain |
$piece_wisplure_description | Attracts wisps. They mostly come at night... mostly. |
$piece_wisplure_full | The wisps are dancing |
$piece_wisplure_light | The wisps demand darkness |
$piece_wisplure_nospace | The wisps want more open space |
$piece_wisplure_ok | The wisps are coming |
$piece_woodbeam1 | Sasagakwam 1m |
$piece_woodbeam2 | Sasagakwam 2m |
$piece_woodbeam26 | Sasagakwam 26° |
$piece_woodbeam45 | Sasagakwam 45° |
$piece_woodcorestack | Corewood Stack |
$piece_wooddoor | Abazklôgan |
$piece_wooddragon | Wood Dragon Adornment |
$piece_woodfence | Wiwnidigan |
$piece_woodfinestack | Finewood Stack |
$piece_woodfloor1x1 | Bsigakw 1x1 |
$piece_woodfloor2x2 | Bsigakw 2x2 |
$piece_woodgate | Abazilabolial |
$piece_woodironbeam | Sasagabazialnahlagwakwam |
$piece_woodironbeam_26 | Wood Iron Beam 26° |
$piece_woodironbeam_45 | Wood Iron Beam 45° |
$piece_woodironpole | Kwanabazialnahlagwakwam |
$piece_woodledge | Sagadalakwam |
$piece_woodlog26 | Log Beam 26° |
$piece_woodlog45 | Log Beam 45° |
$piece_woodpole | Gwenakwam 1m |
$piece_woodpole2 | Kwenakwam 2m |
$piece_woodroof26 | Mskikoiyai apkwôgan 26° |
$piece_woodroof45 | Mskikoiyai apkwôgan 45° |
$piece_woodrooficorner | Mskikoiyai i-wawiapkwôgan 26° |
$piece_woodrooficorner45 | Mskikoiyai i-wawiapkwôgan 45° |
$piece_woodroofocorner | Mskikoiyai o-wawiapkwôgan 26° |
$piece_woodroofocorner45 | Mskikoiyai i-wawiapkwôgan 45° |
$piece_woodrooftop | Mskikoiyai ôtawigan 26° |
$piece_woodrooftop45 | Mskikoiyai ôtawigan 45° |
$piece_woodstack | Kibôgwa abazial |
$piece_woodstair | Abazadasamalkin |
$piece_woodstepladder | Abazilôdawôgan |
$piece_woodwall | Abaziwagôlosen |
$piece_woodwallhalf | Psigia abaziwakwôlodo |
$piece_woodwallquarter | Wood Wall 1x1 |
$piece_woodwallroof | Abaziwakwôlodo 26° |
$piece_woodwallroof_upsidedown | Wood Wall 26° (Inverted) |
$piece_woodwallroof45 | Abaziwakwôlodo 45° |
$piece_woodwallroof45_upsidedown | Wood Wall 45° (Inverted) |
$piece_woodwallrooftop | Chibatekwa abazapkwôgan 26° |
$piece_woodwallrooftop45 | Chibatekwa abazapkwôgan 45° |
$piece_woodwindowshutter | Wood Shutter |
$piece_workbench | Adalalokamek |
$piece_workbench_ext1 | Adalikwamek |
$piece_workbench_ext2 | Adalagenasawa |
$piece_workbench_ext3 | Adalliktahigmek |
$piece_workbench_ext4 | Awakôgan dastigan |
$piece_writemap | Record discoveries |
$piece_yggdrasilstack | Yggdrasil Wood Stack |
$piece_yulecrown | Yule Wreath |
$piece_yulegarland | Yule Garland |
$piece_yuleklapp | Yuleklapp |
$piece_yuletree | Yulemozi |
$placeofmystery | Mysterious Location |
$playfab_couldnotloadplayfabparty_header | PlayFab could not load |
$playfab_couldnotloadplayfabparty_text_linux | It is necessary for using crossplay. Make sure you have installed the dependencies necessary for PlayFab Party on Linux, listed here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/gaming/playfab/features/multiplayer/networking/linux-specific-requirements| |
$playfab_couldnotloadplayfabparty_text_linux_steamdeck | It is necessary for using crossplay. Until a fix is available, you can use the Proton Compatibility layer on your Steam Deck to access crossplay features. |
$playfab_couldnotloadplayfabparty_text_otherplatforms | It is necessary for using crossplay. If this error persists, please report it as a bug. |
$playfab_couldnotloadplayfabparty_text_windows | It is necessary for using crossplay. This is usually because you do not have Microsoft Visual C++ redistributables installed. Download here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist| |
$prop_ancienttree | Nônegonsakw |
$prop_ancienttreeroot | Nônegoniwajapkw |
$prop_ashlandstree | Scorched Tree |
$prop_beech | Wajoimizi |
$prop_beech_sapling | Wskiwajoimizi |
$prop_birch | Maskwamozi |
$prop_birch_sapling | Maskwamozis |
$prop_dragonsummoningbowl_name | Pagitnigaapskw |
$prop_eggcup | Pagitniganikwat |
$prop_eldersummoningbowl_name | Nônegôni kwat |
$prop_eldersummoningbowl_use | Chegasa |
$prop_fir | Kokokhaôkw |
$prop_fir_sapling | Wski kokokhaôkw |
$prop_oak | Anaskemezi |
$prop_oak_sapling | Wachilmezis |
$prop_offerbowl_makeoffer | Pagitniga |
$prop_pine | Koa |
$prop_pine_sapling | Koasis |
$prop_treelog | Biyo |
$prop_treestump | Pokwjanakw |
$prop_yggashoot | Yggdrasil Shoot |
$radial_all | All |
$radial_armor_utility | Armor & Utilities |
$radial_back | Back |
$radial_close | Close |
$radial_consumables | Consumables |
$radial_drop | Drop |
$radial_drop_multiple | Drop Multiple |
$radial_emotes | Emotes |
$radial_half | Half |
$radial_hammer | Equip Hammer |
$radial_handitems | Hand Items |
$radial_hold | (Hold) |
$radial_hotbar | Hotbar |
$radial_interact | Use/Open |
$radial_speed_fast | Fast |
$radial_speed_medium | Medium |
$radial_speed_off | Off |
$radial_speed_slow | Slow |
$radial_weapons_tools | Weapons & Tools |
$raven_interact | Klola |
$rock_abyssalbarnacle | Abyssal Barnacle |
$rotate_build_mode | Rotate (build mode) |
$se_ashlandsmediumarmorseteffect_name | Ask's Endurance |
$se_ashlandsmediumarmorseteffect_tooltip | A lighter armour lets you move more freely, every move requiring less energy. |
$se_attackstamina | Attack stamina usage |
$se_beltstrength_start | K'paamasanimalsi |
$se_beltstrength_tooltip | Increase max carry weight. |
$se_blockstamina | Block stamina usage |
$se_bonemass_name | Bonemass |
$se_bonemass_start | Bonemass w'jejakwa nikwôbiga kd'abitôgw. |
$se_bonemass_tooltip | Resistance vs physical damage. |
$se_burning_name | K'chegazi |
$se_burning_start | K'chegazi |
$se_burning_tooltip | Chegasôzi! |
$se_cold_name | K'wawinajo |
$se_cold_repeat | K'wawinajo |
$se_cold_start | K'wawinajo |
$se_cold_stop | Kd'awazi |
$se_cold_tooltip | Nodôiwi kassôwzian ta kassi nkagômahlaan. |
$se_coldres_name | Channihlôk tkagek |
$se_corpserun_name | Ôbijibaosa |
$se_corpserun_tooltip | K'kizi paamikagômahla ta nodô k'kizi wagasanigwezi. |
$se_cozy_name | Wlitbamalsi |
$se_cozy_start | K'wlitebamalsi |
$se_demister_start | You release the bound wisp |
$se_dodgestamina | Dodge stamina usage |
$se_eikthyr_name | Eikthyr |
$se_eikthyr_start | K'tokinalô Eikthyr w'pawhigan. |
$se_eikthyr_tooltip | Your ability to run and jump is improved. |
$se_eitr | Eitr |
$se_eitrregen | Eitr regen |
$se_encumbered_name | Wzômi tkwigwi |
$se_encumbered_repeat | K'wzômi awala |
$se_encumbered_start | K'wzômi awala |
$se_encumbered_tooltip | K'wzômi awala ni ôda kizi kakezihloa. |
$se_fader_name | Fader |
$se_fader_start | The Emerald Flame still burns |
$se_fader_tooltip | Increases strength and speed. |
$se_fenringseteffect_name | Fenris blessing |
$se_fenringseteffect_tooltip | The Fenris armor makes you quick on your feet so you can pass through fire, and your fists feel the power of the beast. |
$se_fire_name | Skweda |
$se_fire_tooltip | Awaziwi ali skwedak wlabedek. |
$se_fishinghat_description | Vikings want you, fish fear you. |
$se_freezing_name | K'kwaskwajo |
$se_freezing_repeat | K'kwaskwajoji |
$se_freezing_start | K'kwaskwajo |
$se_freezing_stop | Pahami kd'awazi |
$se_freezing_tooltip | K'ôptchi sokwaskaji. Ni nawa ôdahaji kd'anawiptowen kd'lôwzwôgan ni nodôiwi tôni kassi nkagômahlaan. |
$se_frost_name | Sikwla |
$se_frost_tooltip | You suffer from hypothermia. |
$se_frostres_name | Channihlôk sikwla |
$se_frostres_tooltip | You are protected against the cold. |
$se_harpooned_name | Astawô |
$se_harpooned_tooltip | K'astahegw. |
$se_harvesterseteffect_name | Harvester |
$se_harvesterseteffect_tooltip | Wearing the right clothes makes the chores easier. |
$se_health | Kassôwzian |
$se_healthpotionmedium_name | Anawôwzibagw |
$se_healthpotionminor_name | Tagasiwi anawôwzibagw |
$se_healthregen | Anawisano |
$se_healthupgrade_name | Ôjigen kassôwzian |
$se_healthupgrade_stop | K'pahamasanimalsi |
$se_immobilized | Immobilized |
$se_immobilized_tooltip | You are stuck |
$se_jumpheight | Jump height |
$se_jumplength | Jump length |
$se_jumpstamina | Tôni kassi kizigedaan |
$se_lightfooteffect_name | Lightfoot |
$se_lightning_name | Psakwlaazo |
$se_lightning_tooltip | Lightning damage. |
$se_mageseteffect_name | Eitr-infused |
$se_mageseteffect_tooltip | You are one with the eitr. (increased regen. + elemental magic skill) |
$se_max_carryweight | Ôtalli kizi padnigamek |
$se_mead_name | Wawilômwabagw |
$se_moder_name | Moder |
$se_moder_start | Moder still cries |
$se_moder_tooltip | Always tailwind when sailing. |
$se_noisemod | Sakpatôgwad |
$se_poison_name | Kagwejagi |
$se_poison_start | K'majinebizonhogw |
$se_poison_tooltip | Alikagwejagisanimek. |
$se_poisonres_name | Channihlôk kagwejagigek |
$se_potion_barleywine_tooltip | Nodô k'wagsanogw chegazimek. |
$se_potion_bugrepellent_tooltip | The fresh scent of this potion will keep away certain unwanted companions. |
$se_potion_bzerker_tooltip | For a short while, you fight with the ferocity of a mad and frenzied creature. |
$se_potion_eitrlingering_tooltip | Eitr regeneration over time. |
$se_potion_eitrminor_tooltip | Eitr over time. |
$se_potion_frostresist_tooltip | You are protected against the cold. |
$se_potion_hasty_tooltip | Magic fills you, letting you move quicker than ever before. |
$se_potion_healthlingering_tooltip | Health regeneration over time. |
$se_potion_healthmajor_tooltip | Health over time. |
$se_potion_healthmedium_tooltip | Anawôwzi gwaniwi. |
$se_potion_healthminor_tooltip | Anawôwzi gwaniwi. |
$se_potion_lightfoot_tooltip | You feel lighter, almost like you could jump all the way to the branches of Yggdrasil itself. |
$se_potion_poisonresist_tooltip | Nodô k'wagsanogw majinebizonowik. |
$se_potion_staminalingering_tooltip | Stamina regeneration over time. |
$se_potion_staminamedium_tooltip | Anawipto nkagômahlômek plojiwi. |
$se_potion_staminaminor_tooltip | Anawipto plojiwi kassi nkagômahlômek. |
$se_potion_start | K'ojesmi |
$se_potion_strength_tooltip | Incredible strength courses through you, but only for a time... |
$se_potion_swimmer_tooltip | Bring the power of the sea-god with you as you brave the waves. |
$se_potion_tamer_tooltip | Animals will be less reluctant to accept you into their flock. |
$se_potion_tasty_tooltip | Nodôiwi kassôwzian ta kassi nkagômahlaan. |
$se_potion_trollpheromones_tooltip | All is fair in love and war. |
$se_puke_name | K'majilawa |
$se_puke_start | Kd'akwamalsi |
$se_puke_tooltip | You don't feel so well and can't hold your food down. |
$se_queen_name | The Queen |
$se_queen_start | The Queen's power breaks free |
$se_queen_tooltip | Faster mining and increased eitr regeneration. |
$se_rested_comfort | K'wlitbalzi |
$se_rested_name | K'ôdabi |
$se_rested_start | K'wlidebimalsi |
$se_rested_stop | K'sawimalsi |
$se_rested_tooltip | Ôdabimalsi, k'paamanawipton kd'lôwzowôgan ta kassi nkagômahlaan. |
$se_resting_name | K'ôpchiôdabi |
$se_resting_start | K'ôdabi |
$se_resting_tooltip | Kd'ôdabi nikwôbi, ni wji pahami kd'anawipton kd'lôwzowôgan ta kassi kizi nkagômahlaan. |
$se_rootseteffect_name | Improved archery |
$se_rootseteffect_tooltip | The ancient roots help you focus your bow skill. |
$se_runstamina | Tôni kassi nkagômahlômek |
$se_shelter_name | Ôgawasi |
$se_shelter_start | K'ôgawasi |
$se_shelter_stop | Bagadlômsen |
$se_shelter_tooltip | You are sheltered from the weather. |
$se_shield | Magic barrier |
$se_shield_damage | Damage absorption (based on skill): |
$se_shield_description | A magical shield that absorbs damage. |
$se_shield_ttl | Time: |
$se_slimed_name | Slimed |
$se_slowfall_name | Feather fall |
$se_slowfall_tooltip | What is gravity but an effect of entropy? |
$se_smoked_name | Pegdak |
$se_smoked_start | You can't breathe in the smoke! |
$se_smoked_tooltip | Breathing smoke is unhealthy. |
$se_sneakmod | Kimosa |
$se_sneakstamina | Sneak stamina usage |
$se_softdeath_name | Ôda k'wanaldamw kassi natotan |
$se_softdeath_tooltip | Machinôna niga ôda k'wanihlôn ntatwôganal. |
$se_spirit_name | Niwaskw |
$se_spirit_tooltip | Pahami k'wagasanôk chibaiyaskijik. |
$se_stamina | Wlinasawôgan |
$se_staminapotion_name | Nkagômahlôbagw |
$se_staminaregen | Ôbinkagômahlôk |
$se_staminaupgrade_name | Ôjigek tôni kassi nkagômahlômek |
$se_staminaupgrade_stop | K'pahamasanimalsi |
$se_swimstamina | Swim stamina usage |
$se_tared_name | Tarred |
$se_tared_start | You are covered in sticky tar |
$se_tared_tooltip | The sticky tar is slowing you down. |
$se_theelder_name | The Elder |
$se_theelder_start | The Elder's power surges through you |
$se_theelder_tooltip | Pahami plojiwi psighakwamek. |
$se_trollseteffect_name | Kimiwi |
$se_trollseteffect_tooltip | Pahami kikimosaikhaan. |
$se_warm_name | Awazi |
$se_warm_start | K'wlabedamalsi |
$se_warm_tooltip | K'wlabedamalsi. |
$se_wet_name | Wissebaga |
$se_wet_repeat | K'wissebaga |
$se_wet_start | K'wissebaga |
$se_wet_stop | K'pakwsazihla |
$se_wet_tooltip | Nodôiwi kassôwzian ta kassi kizi nkagômahlaan. |
$se_windrun_name | Wind Run |
$se_windrun_tooltip | Increases run speed and greatly reduced stamina use when running with the wind. Let the wind guide you to victory! |
$se_wishbone_name | Pawioskan |
$se_wishbone_start | You can sense hidden objects |
$se_wishbone_tooltip | K'wijokamegw waji kizi meskamezian. Losa ni lagwiwi kakaswi kinakwlaazo. |
$se_yagluth_name | Yagluth |
$se_yagluth_start | The cosmic powers of Yagluth |
$se_yagluth_tooltip | Resistance vs magic damage and lightning damage. |
$settings_accessibility | Accessibility |
$settings_account | Account |
$settings_altkeys | (Alt buttons) |
$settings_altplace | Pildowiwlagwto |
$settings_animateradial | Animate Radial |
$settings_animateradial_descr | Adds animations when opening and closing the radial, and when selecting an element. |
$settings_antialiasing | Anti-Aliasing |
$settings_apply | Ntona |
$settings_attack | Akwtaha |
$settings_audio | Alkwazik |
$settings_autobackup | Auto-backup history |
$settings_autobackup_descr | Choose how many historic saves will be stored for you. |
$settings_automatic | Automatic |
$settings_autopickup | Toggle auto-pickup |
$settings_autorun | Kagômahlôd |
$settings_autorun_descr | After triggering sprint, the character will continue sprinting until coming to a halt or running out of stamina. |
$settings_backward | Wazwawi |
$settings_barber_look | Look around |
$settings_bigpicturetext | * Gamepad text input boxes and chat are only available when playing in the Big Picture Mode. |
$settings_block | Ikôlzi |
$settings_bloom | Bloom |
$settings_buildcat | Kassikagek |
$settings_buildmenu | Msalijebak |
$settings_buildnext | Nakwaltak |
$settings_buildprev | Atsagema |
$settings_ca | Chromatic Aberration |
$settings_camera_sensitivity | Camera sensitivity |
$settings_camerashake | Camera Shake |
$settings_camerashake_descr | Adds a camera shake when the character has taken damage. |
$settings_cameratilt | Immersive camera |
$settings_cameratilt_descr | When sailing, camera movement is affected by the waves. |
$settings_camzoom | Zoom in/out view |
$settings_camzoomin | Zoom in view |
$settings_camzoomout | Zoom out view |
$settings_chat | Chat |
$settings_close_radial | Close Radial Menu / Emote Wheel |
$settings_cloud_storage_warning | Setting the backups to a high value involves the risk of running out of storage. |
$settings_cloudsave | Cloud save |
$settings_continousmusic | Almintomek |
$settings_controller_classic | Classic |
$settings_controller_default | Console |
$settings_controls | Alimôjahazik |
$settings_crouch | Nebônosa |
$settings_deleteplayfab_task_header | Deleting PlayFab account... |
$settings_deleteplayfabaccount | Delete PlayFab account |
$settings_deleteplayfabaccount_failure | Could not delete PlayFab account. Reason: |
$settings_deleteplayfabaccount_ingamewarning | Can't delete PlayFab account while in a world. Please go to the main menu in order to delete your account. |
$settings_deleteplayfabaccount_not_logged_in | You are not logged in to PlayFab |
$settings_deleteplayfabaccount_success | PlayFab account deleted successfully! |
$settings_deleteplayfabaccount_text | Are you sure you want to delete your PlayFab account and all associated data? Your worlds, characters, and any User-Generated Content such as buildings will NOT be removed. You can easily create a new account next time you try to access online services inside Valheim. |
$settings_detailedparticlesystems | Detailed Particle Systems |
$settings_distantshadows | Distant shadows |
$settings_dodge | Kimi miwosa |
$settings_dof | Depth of Field (DOF) |
$settings_double_tap | Double Tap |
$settings_double_tap_descr | Quickly tapping the stick towards the same element twice will interact with it. |
$settings_draw | Wikwena |
$settings_fishingcast | Cast |
$settings_fishingpull | Pull |
$settings_flick_interact | Flick Interact |
$settings_flick_interact_descr | Quickly moving the stick towards an element will interact with it. |
$settings_forward | Ôdosa |
$settings_fpslimit | Framerate limit |
$settings_fullscreen | Fullscreen |
$settings_gamepadenabled | Gamepad Enabled |
$settings_gameplay | Gameplay |
$settings_glyphs | Glyphs |
$settings_glyphs_ps | Alternative glyphs |
$settings_gp | Pagitowinnoid w'pawhigan |
$settings_graphic_mode | Graphic mode |
$settings_graphics | Alinôgwak |
$settings_guicale_note | Minimum screen resolution 2560x1440 |
$settings_guiscale | Scale GUI |
$settings_hide | Alinôgwak Kskwihigan |
$settings_high | Msalok |
$settings_hotbarright | Cycle hotbar |
$settings_hotbaruse | Use hotbar item |
$settings_hoverselectspd | Hover Select Speed |
$settings_hoverselectspd_descr | How quickly an element is selected when hovering over it. Set to Off to disable hover selection. |
$settings_infinite | Naska. |
$settings_inventory | Awadnigaan |
$settings_invert_camera_x | Invert camera X axis |
$settings_invert_camera_y | Invert camera Y axis |
$settings_invertcamera | Invert camera |
$settings_invertmouse | Mouse Ôbojgelimek |
$settings_joysens | Gamepad sensitivity |
$settings_jump | Ligeda |
$settings_keyboardmouse | Keyboard & Mouse |
$settings_langchange_community | Môwakwôgan Ônkawôdokawômek |
$settings_langchange_notice | Game restart is required when changing language. |
$settings_language | Lôdwawôgan |
$settings_left | Pôjiwi |
$settings_legacysave | Legacy save |
$settings_lights | Particle Lights |
$settings_localsave | Local save |
$settings_lod | Draw Distance/Level of Detail |
$settings_look | Look |
$settings_low | Tagaswak |
$settings_map | Aki pilaskw |
$settings_mapzoom | Zoom in/out minimap |
$settings_mastervol | Volume |
$settings_medium | Nôwiwi |
$settings_menu | Menu |
$settings_minimapzoomin | Zoom minimap |
$settings_misc | Kdak |
$settings_motionblur | Motion Blur |
$settings_mousesens | Mouse Sensitivity |
$settings_move | Move |
$settings_musicvol | Music Volume |
$settings_native | Native |
$settings_nextsnap | Next snap point |
$settings_open_emote_wheel | Open Emote Wheel |
$settings_open_radial | Open Radial Menu |
$settings_persistentbackbtn | Persistent Back Button |
$settings_persistentbackbtn_descr | When scrolling through a radial menu with multiple pages, the top-most element will always be a back button. |
$settings_place | Ponôzik |
$settings_playfab_timed_out_header | PlayFab timed out! Make sure you are connected to the internet. |
$settings_pointlights | Active point lights |
$settings_pointlightshadows | Active point light shadows |
$settings_presskey | Press a key |
$settings_prevsnap | Previous snap point |
$settings_quality_mode_balanced | Balanced |
$settings_quality_mode_balanced_description | Balanced mode compromises between performance and quality. |
$settings_quality_mode_custom | Custom |
$settings_quality_mode_customized | Customized |
$settings_quality_mode_not_supported | *Please set your device to support 120Hz graphic output. |
$settings_quality_mode_performance | Performance |
$settings_quality_mode_performance_description | Performance mode favors smooth gameplay with higher frame rate. |
$settings_quality_mode_quality | Quality |
$settings_quality_mode_quality_description | Quality mode favors the game's good looks over frame rate. |
$settings_quality_mode_very_low | Very low |
$settings_quality_mode_very_low_description | Very poor quality, but can be played on a weak system. |
$settings_quickselect | Right-Click Build Selection |
$settings_quickselect_descr | Enables build piece selection with the right mouse button. |
$settings_radial | Radial Menu |
$settings_radialback | Back (Radial) |
$settings_radialclose | Close (Radial) |
$settings_radialinteract | Interact (Radial) |
$settings_radialsecondaryinteract | Drop (Radial) |
$settings_reducebg | Reduce background performance |
$settings_reducebg_descr | When the game is not in focus, e.g. while minimized, it will use less resources. |
$settings_reduceflashinglights | Reduce flashing lights |
$settings_reduceflashinglights_descr | Reduces the strength of lightning effects. |
$settings_remove | Wagaloka |
$settings_renderscale | Render scale |
$settings_renderscale_descr | Resolution of the game elements other than UIs. Can be used either or both to increase performance or create a more retro look. |
$settings_requirerestart | Aiyagô mina môjaan |
$settings_res | Resolution |
$settings_resetcontrols | Reset Controls |
$settings_resok | Maôwidahôdam? |
$settings_right | Alnakaiwi |
$settings_rotate | Rotate |
$settings_run | Kezômahla |
$settings_secondaryattack | Pildowitaha |
$settings_sfxvol | Effect Volume |
$settings_shadowquality | Ali ôgawasid |
$settings_shipcameratilt | Immersive Ship Camera |
$settings_show_button_hints | Show button hints |
$settings_show_button_hints_descr | Activates more tooltips informing you about controls in the menus. |
$settings_showgamepadmap | Show gamepad |
$settings_showkeyhints | Namithlin Key Hints |
$settings_sit | Abi |
$settings_softpart | Soft Particles |
$settings_spiral_normal | Normal |
$settings_spiral_off | Off |
$settings_spiral_slight | Slight |
$settings_spiraleffect | Spiral Effect |
$settings_spiraleffect_descr | Determines instensity of the spiral effect. When scrolling through a radial menu with multiple pages, elements next to the selected one will be scaled and moved to create a spiral-staircase-like effect. If turned off, the elements will only fade in and out. OBS! Requires Animate Radial to be enabled. |
$settings_ssao | SSAO |
$settings_sunshafts | Sun Shafts |
$settings_swap_triggers | Swap triggers |
$settings_tesselation | Tessellation |
$settings_test | Gwagwaji |
$settings_toggle_attack_towards_look_direction | Attack towards look direction |
$settings_toggle_attack_towards_look_direction_tooltip | If off, attacks will instead be made in the direction the camera is facing. |
$settings_togglehud | Toggle HUD |
$settings_togglerun | Toggle sprint |
$settings_tutorialsenabled | Enable raven hints |
$settings_tutorialsenabled_descr | Odin will send his ravens to advise you in your adventures. |
$settings_unlimited | Unlimited |
$settings_use | Awaka |
$settings_useradial | Use Radial |
$settings_useradial_descr | Enables the use of a radial menu for inventory navigation. |
$settings_vegetation | Vegetation Quality |
$settings_veryhigh | Ôtalli |
$settings_vsync | VSync |
$settings_walk | Aligek losaan |
$settings_zoomin | Kassikchinôgwahla |
$settings_zoomout | Kassipiwnôgwahla |
$sfx_arrow_hit | Arrow thunking |
$sfx_bird_death | Bird dying |
$sfx_crow_idle | Crow cawing |
$sfx_piercing_dmg | Weapon piercing |
$sfx_ship_impact | Ship impact |
$sfx_wishbone_closer | ringing sharper |
$sfx_wishbone_far | giving off a dull ring |
$sfx_wishbone_further | ringing with a low tone |
$sfx_wishbone_med | ringing |
$sfx_wishbone_near | ringing sharply |
$ship_ashlandocean_warning | The sizzling waters are eating through your hull, turn back! |
$ship_cargo | Cargo |
$ship_holdfast | Pmaskiakwam |
$ship_karve | Karve |
$ship_longship | Gwenolagw |
$ship_longship_ashlands | Drakkar |
$ship_raft | Pkwaholagw |
$skill_axes | Temahigenal |
$skill_axes_description | Kasswagasanôan nspi temahiganal. |
$skill_blacksmithing | Nôdalhagokamek |
$skill_blocking | Ikôlzimek |
$skill_blocking_description | Tôni kassi wagasanowik k'neskikhô awakaktoan awakôgan ala ajwanôgan. |
$skill_bloodmagic | Blood Magic |
$skill_bloodmagic_description | Damage, eitr and health drain when using blood magic. |
$skill_bows | Atôbiak |
$skill_bows_description | Kasswagasanôan nspi atôbiak. |
$skill_clubs | Kwalômal |
$skill_clubs_description | Kasswagasanôan nspi kwalômal. |
$skill_cooking | Kissôzik |
$skill_cooking_description | Cooking speed, serving tray wear and chance for bonus yields. |
$skill_crafting | Crafting |
$skill_crafting_description | Crafting speed, hammer wear and building stamina use. |
$skill_crossbows | Crossbows |
$skill_crossbows_description | Accuracy and damage with crossbows. |
$skill_elementalmagic | Elemental Magic |
$skill_elementalmagic_description | Damage and eitr usage when using elemental magic. |
$skill_farming | Farming |
$skill_farming_description | Stamina use, cultivator wear, harvest radius and chance for bonus yields. |
$skill_firemagic | Fire Magic |
$skill_firemagic_description | Awigham |
$skill_fishing | Fishing |
$skill_fishing_description | Stamina drain and pull speed when fishing. |
$skill_frostmagic | Frost Magic |
$skill_frostmagic_description | Write something |
$skill_jump | Ligedawôgan |
$skill_jump_description | Aligedaan. |
$skill_knives | Chakwakol |
$skill_knives_description | Kasswagasanôan nspi chakwakol. |
$skill_pickaxes | Kadapskahiganal |
$skill_pickaxes_description | Kasswagasanôan nspi kadapskahiganal. |
$skill_polearms | Kwanastahiganal |
$skill_polearms_description | Kasswagasanôan nspi kwanenigakol. |
$skill_ride | Riding |
$skill_ride_description | Animal speed and stamina drain. |
$skill_run | Kezômahlawôgan |
$skill_run_description | Tôni kassi wizôiwi ta kassi nkagômahlaan. |
$skill_shields | Ajwanôganal |
$skill_shields_description | not used. |
$skill_sneak | Gimosawôgan |
$skill_sneak_description | Tôni kassi kimosamek ta nkagômahlômek. |
$skill_spears | Enigakol |
$skill_spears_description | Kasswagasanôan nspi enigakol. |
$skill_swim | Tekasmiwôgan |
$skill_swim_description | Tôni kassi sôglalôdamek. |
$skill_swords | Tmokwatahiganal |
$skill_swords_description | Kasswagasanôan nspi tmokwatahiganal. |
$skill_unarmed | Paskildaiwi |
$skill_unarmed_description | Kasswagasanôan atoji baskildaiwi. |
$skill_woodcutting | Psighakwawôgan |
$skill_woodcutting_description | Alsanigek k'temahigan tôtagemôa abaziak. |
$skill_woodworking | Liktahigawôgan |
$store_buy | Manohom |
$store_sell | Ônkohlato |
$store_topic | Ônkohlaigamiw |
$tamed_name_01 | Your best pal |
$text_mistlands_bosshint | The gate is sealed. The key is scattered and hidden, deep in the mines, so it might never again be unsealed. The gate is sealed. |
$text_player_arrived | I have arrived! |
$tool_batteringram | Battering Ram |
$tool_cart | Wakôligws |
$tool_catapult | Catapult |
$tutorial_altar_label | Hugin: Pagitowinnoapskol |
$tutorial_altar_text | K'meskamen atali kizi wikwimôan pazgo Pagitowinnoijik. Pagiminiga maôwigek pagiminigan pagitnigaapskok niga w'paiyônji. Wlinsatoga, Pagitowinnoijik ôda negemizowiak. Wlito ôtalli awakôgan, sawa k'pôpahami wligek ikôdigan, ta achi wamipi asma migakômok. |
$tutorial_altar_topic | Wikwimô na awaas |
$tutorial_artisan_extension_label | Hugin: Artisan press |
$tutorial_artisan_extension_text | Now you'll be able to craft ceramic tiles, which have excellent heat insulation. You'll need them if you're to travel southwards! |
$tutorial_artisan_extension_topic | A new tool |
$tutorial_ashlandocean_label | Hugin: Boiling waters |
$tutorial_ashlandocean_text | It seems you have ventured to the boiling waters of the south. As you surely noted, this can be a deadly pursuit. To traverse these waters you will need to build something sturdier if you dont want to sleep with the fishes. |
$tutorial_ashlandocean_topic | Ahoy! |
$tutorial_ashlands_label | Hugin: Ashlands |
$tutorial_ashlands_text | You have discovered the Ashlands, the very hottest parts of the tenth world. Here, water boils without a cauldron, and anything flammable can be set alight with just a spark. Be careful! |
$tutorial_ashlands_topic | Keep a cool head! |
$tutorial_bathtub_text | Jump in, the water's nice and warm! |
$tutorial_batteringram_label | Hugin: Battering ram |
$tutorial_batteringram_text | The enemy fortresses are built from sturdy stuff. You'll need machines like this one if you're to break through their walls. |
$tutorial_batteringram_topic | A powerful siege engine |
$tutorial_bed_label | Hugin: Wligabimek |
$tutorial_bed_text | Chakwsi kd'abonek niji k'tokon ali wlamalsia ta ginlôzia. Kdak kagui ali kiziba mawitoa tojiwi wigia wlitôzikkil paksal meniwi. K'kizi wlahla tônitta kagui pasek. <color=yellow> Wlidahôzimek majimiwi akwjagadakil awakôganal ta ayhimal, ali wskebiba kaguitta majilosaik li kiak illakannian... |
$tutorial_bed_topic | Nawajiwi sawit tonwa wji! |
$tutorial_bellfragment_label | Munin: Bell fragment |
$tutorial_bellfragment_topic | A fragment of the past |
$tutorial_blackforest_label | Hugin: Pezowakamigokw |
$tutorial_blackforest_text | K'naodosa alômiwi Pezowakamigokok. U tali kizi nsônôgwad pita walma kizi katahlôwenana. Gwagwadsanoziga, kizahlô Eikthur. |
$tutorial_blackforest_topic | U môji! U tali nsôzik |
$tutorial_bosstrophy_label | Hugin: Pagitowinnoid pôladakahigan |
$tutorial_bosstrophy_text | Wazwala li pagitnigaapskoikok k'pagitowinnôdepga ni k'milôn ali pagitnigek waji kizi walilawahôan Niwaskok. |
$tutorial_bosstrophy_topic | Waligek, migakawinno! |
$tutorial_cold_label | Hugin: Tkawôgan |
$tutorial_cold_text | Nibôiwi tklôgwihla ala achi wissebaganôna ato, ni atoji k'wawinajonji. Pahami nodôhla sahagi kassi kizi chitôosamek. Meskam mômôgwikôn pasojiwi skwedak tojiwi pajidebihlôka. |
$tutorial_cold_topic | Wlinsato alkisgak |
$tutorial_crypt_label | Hugin: Alômkial |
$tutorial_crypt_text | Kizi meskamenal msal alômikigamigol babômiwi mdala akwôbtak akik. Mikolawadwôgan ni nôwat atoji, wigawôjiwi aik msalok ôwadikkil wji nônegôniwinnoikok. Mikwaldam batôzik pazgwen wassakwhlanigan! |
$tutorial_crypt_topic | Kagui ôwadik alômiwi |
$tutorial_death_label | Hugin: Machinawôgan |
$tutorial_death_text | Adassiwi awani k'nihlego, <color=yellow>k'wanaldamôssinalji ntatwôganal ni achi k'palnemenal k'kagakiyal atalinaan. Liwlaldamana nikwôbi aian k'wigwômek ni nd'laldamen <color=yellow>psanakaantôdaka u wigian. |
$tutorial_death_topic | K'kskwategw! |
$tutorial_dvergr_label | Hugin: Dvergr |
$tutorial_dvergr_text | Kra-kraaa! Stubborn fools! The Dvergr will tolerate strangers and vagrants but they are quick to anger should you upset them... Which I am sure you will manage to do sooner or later. |
$tutorial_dvergrhalls_label | Hugin: Dvergr homes |
$tutorial_dvergrhalls_text | As I am sure my lesser brother tells you, the halls beyond are very impressive... Just try not to get lost in the winding tunnels and secret passageways will you? |
$tutorial_eitr | It seems you have had a sip from an Yggdrasil branch, and I bet you found it to your liking. Those fun colored lights you may see spinning around you might not all be in your head anymore. Just don't make it a habit. There may be some long term effects that are anything but magical. |
$tutorial_eitr_label | Hugin: Eitr |
$tutorial_eitr_text | The mists permeate all that live and grow in these lands, and now it is a part of you as well. With eitr you will be able to cast all sorts of powerful spells. Try to find more eitr-infused ingredients to increase your ability. |
$tutorial_food_label | Hugin: Mijowôgan |
$tutorial_food_text | K'meskamen pazgwen wji samissizian. Michi waji kizi ôjitoan kd'lôwzowôgan ta wlinasawôgan. Wlinsato, k'kadopi mina, toji gwagwaji pôpilowipi. |
$tutorial_food_topic | Wigataiya! |
$tutorial_food2_text | You have found a snack, consume it to stave off hunger. Some food types are better for your health and indirectly affect how much damage you can block before becoming staggered, and others will fortify your stamina. Then there are also some that is all-around beneficial! Be aware that before long you will grow hungry again, so try to always have at least a couple of different meals ready. |
$tutorial_giants_label | Hugin: Giant remains |
$tutorial_giants_text | Kraa! Pick their bones and break their domes! |
$tutorial_guardstone_label | Hugin: Skawôdigan |
$tutorial_guardstone_text | Skawôdigan maga meliksanhôtôihômek ôptchi channôzo kdak Vikingsak wji kizi wlitôzik. Ni achiga atsakhowo mziwi klôganal ta paksal aik lagwiwi. |
$tutorial_guardstone_topic | K'kisito skawôdigan |
$tutorial_haldor | Rumor has it that some traders have found themselves into the tenth world. If you find yourself in need of special commodities you might want to seek them out. One of them should be somewhere in a forest such as this. I'm terribly sorry I can't be of more help... you'll have to keep an eye out. |
$tutorial_haldor_label | Hugin: Trader Haldor |
$tutorial_haldor_topic | Well met, adventurer… |
$tutorial_hammer_label | Hugin: Malto |
$tutorial_hammer_text | Awakaktôzik yo awakôgan waji kizi wlitôzik melikikazin ta nospi wakwôlodiganal kassi nôbi wajoak. Wlito <color=yellow>Adalalokamek waji kizi môjidôzik, ni k'kizi wliton kdakil kagwessol. |
$tutorial_hammer_topic | K'kizito Malto |
$tutorial_hildir | I've heard that a trader was seen in an area not unlike this one. She is an odd character indeed, but may have very special goods for sale. However, rumor has it that her stocks have been raided. She might need a helping hand, and you are starting to look fairly capable by now. |
$tutorial_hildir_label | Hugin: Trader Hildir |
$tutorial_hildir_topic | Why, hello there. |
$tutorial_hildirdungeon | I have a feeling that this place could be more challenging than one might expect. |
$tutorial_hildirdungeon_label | Mysterious Location |
$tutorial_hildirdungeon_topic | Watch your step, warrior. |
$tutorial_hoe_label | Hugin: Lakahigan |
$tutorial_hoe_text | Ni awakôgan waji kizi nodkahigamek, kiziba idam lakahigan ta malto widôbaikkil. Awakakto ni lakahigan waji kizi tazneman naoji aki ala lôgihlaan ni aki. Pahami ngemi wikazimek wskijiwi tatbigek akik! |
$tutorial_hoe_topic | K'kizito lakahigan |
$tutorial_hunger_label | Hugin: Kadopowôgan |
$tutorial_hunger_text | Wamipimek <color=yellow>ôtalli kezôwadigek Viking migakawinnoid wji, amochkatta alimachinôwzijik. Psanilawana ni aidawiwi ali meliksanamalsian ta ali kizi chajigôosaan. K'kizi meskam mijwôgan mziwi wskitgamikok, ni msaliwi k'kizi adeboka <color=yellow>Adaladebokamek. |
$tutorial_hunger_topic | Kd'achowipi kagui |
$tutorial_hunger2_text | Consuming food is of <color=yellow>utmost importance to a viking warrior, even in the afterlife. Food can be found everywhere in the world, and a great deal of it can be prepared at a <color=yellow>Cooking station. There are three types of food; One increases health, one fortifies stamina, and then there's also a combination of both. Choose your diet based on your needs! |
$tutorial_inventory_label | Hugin: Awadnigaan |
$tutorial_inventory_text | Aiyagô wlitoan msalok. Yo ôzoka ali ni ngalôan nanôwikik, kd'achowi minawi mikwaldamôssinal ni allak kaguiiya. Okwaskwô maagena tônitta kagui waji kizi ni mikwaldaman, pakalmegweziagaki. Nijia pahami piwsseso ôdaki nia, liwizit Munin, n'ihlego kizi <color=yellow>Abazi ta Sen awakahadit waji Senitemahigan wlitôzik. |
$tutorial_inventory_topic | Kina kagui awajoalaan |
$tutorial_magetable_label | Hugin: Galdr table |
$tutorial_magetable_text | Trying your hand at scrying the runes are you? I'm impressed, sorcerer! Charms and conjurations will take their toll. If you wish to master the arts you must find appropriate sustenance. As it happens, the parts around here are looking ripe with all sorts of delicious new ingredients to gather. Lucky you! |
$tutorial_maptable_label | Hugin: Cartography table |
$tutorial_maptable_text | With this table you can record and share your explorations of the tenth world. Use the toolbox to record your progress and take a look at this large map to copy what others have explored. |
$tutorial_maptable_topic | Record your exploration |
$tutorial_ore_label | Hugin: Ahlagwapskol |
$tutorial_ore_text | Wskahlagwapskw aiyagô wjitôgwezo <color=yellow>Wjidoahlagwigamigwwaji kizi wlôgiatoan <color=yellow>Nodahlagokaigamigw. Waji kizi Wjidoahlagwigamigw aiyagô <color=yellow>Surtling wjejakwapskw. Kwilawato adali pezgadak alômkik. |
$tutorial_ore_topic | K'meskam ôgwaapskwiya |
$tutorial_pickaxe_label | Hugin: Wôlapskwhigan |
$tutorial_pickaxe_text | Pezowakamigokw msalok ôwadapskwika aik, niga tojiwi k'kizi meskam wizôwahlagw alômiwi akik ta papahwijwiya senojiwi. Cha nôdtaham ni aki! |
$tutorial_pickaxe_topic | K'kizito kadapskahigan |
$tutorial_portal_label | Hugin: Medawiklôganal |
$tutorial_portal_text | Medawiklôganal wligenol waji kizi kiwkannômek paliwi tômô wskitkamigok. Kahalaki, kizi kd'achowikap kedak agômiwi achi, ni aidawiwi k'nôbiwihlôn, ni adoji yalil ônkawadihlôn! |
$tutorial_portal_topic | Kd'achowika medawiklôgan |
$tutorial_random1 | Kôgôgw! |
$tutorial_random2 | Kikôniwôbikwsos na... |
$tutorial_random3 | Wlekisgad... |
$tutorial_random4 | Busy, warrior? I can come back later... |
$tutorial_random5 | Please come and listen. |
$tutorial_random6 | Kraa? Kaaaw! |
$tutorial_randomevent_label | Hugin: Noskophômek |
$tutorial_randomevent_text | Awaasak k'migakamegokji ni tali wigian nônegwejiwi. Wibiwitta ali ni meliksanian ôda k'pakaldamikhogowi zakozia. Wlito meliki wakwôlodo achi waji kizi ôlebmôwzia! |
$tutorial_randomevent_topic | K'migakamegok |
$tutorial_randomimp1 | Kwai migakawinno. |
$tutorial_randomimp2 | Wlipaiyô. |
$tutorial_randomimp3 | N'bado wltôgwak. |
$tutorial_randomimp4 | I have a tale or two to tell. |
$tutorial_randomimp5 | Kraa? Kaaaw! |
$tutorial_randomimp6 | Harken! |
$tutorial_shield_label | Hugin: Shield |
$tutorial_shield_text | A shield allows you to block incoming damage. If your timing is perfect, the enemy may also be <color=yellow>parried. Be careful though, if you block too many hits you will become <color=yellow>staggered. The amount of damage you can block before becoming staggered depends on your maximum health, so if you plan on tanking a lot of damage you should eat food that increases your health. Heavier shields will block more damage but will also slow you down. |
$tutorial_shield_topic | You have crafted a shield |
$tutorial_shieldgenerator_label | Hugin: Shield generator |
$tutorial_shieldgenerator_text | Kraa! This should keep away whatever the sky might throw at you. |
$tutorial_shieldgenerator_topic | Means of protection |
$tutorial_smelter_label | Hugin: Wjidoahlagwigamigw |
$tutorial_smelter_text | Bonem k'wskahlagol alômiwi ni wjidoahlagwigamigw wajikizi wjidoan pôgui kassahlagwapskwisal tônyo niga k'kizi awakaktonal Nodahlagokaigamigok. Aiyagô <color=yellow>Mkazal waji kizi pskwelanôzik wjidoahlagwigamigw. Wlito Mkazakôgan ni ponem abazial waji kizi wlitoan mkazal. |
$tutorial_smelter_topic | K'kizto wjidoahlagwigamigw |
$tutorial_start_label | Hugin: Idamoso |
$tutorial_start_text | Agwa: gwagwadto kiwikwilosdôzik wskijiwi lakaa. Naoji kagui akwôbi senal, abazial, ta mazipskwiyal kizi mahagnôzikil ni lawakaktôzo waji kizi kiztôzikil. Waji kizi pasôbian awadnigaan ta kiztoan kiktaham $KEY_Inventory. |
$tutorial_start_topic | Pahakwinôgwezian Walheimek |
$tutorial_stemple1_label | Hugin: Pahakwinôgwezian |
$tutorial_stemple1_text | Nd'eliwizi Hugin, u nd'lagimegop waji kizi nôji-namithlit illakannian. Gitapskw wiwniwi kiak pagatnigaapskol. Papazgwen ôgawatak Pagitowinnoijik enna kd'achowi nihlak waji kizi Spemkik alihlôan. |
$tutorial_stemple1_topic | Wlibaiyô mdala akwôbtak akik, migakawinno |
$tutorial_stemple2_label | Hugin: Vegvisirs |
$tutorial_stemple2_text | Yo ôzoka Odin nôwad w'sissaakamenal yolil medawlapskol nôbi kinawitiganal alagwenamegoan lagwiwi taliwi Pagitowinnoijik. Pahami pabachitonôna yolil senal, ni k'kikinohomôgon Eikthyra adali wjihlakik, nadialwawok <color=yellow>nitamabit. Tojiwiga meliksanit gitawaas, kd'achowi maôwikatahôzi waji kizi kizihalak. |
$tutorial_stemple2_topic | Yo sen Vegvisiri |
$tutorial_stemple4_label | Hugin: Kizialô Eikthyr |
$tutorial_stemple4_text | K'milegon Eikthyr w'pawhigan, awakakto ali toji aiyagô. K'taladialô nakwaltak Pezowakamigokok. Nôji ni kwilawôdam bemiwi ni kik, ni meskam ôwadikkil enni wanihlakkil. The Elder kd'askawihogw! |
$tutorial_stemple4_topic | Odin wigôdamit |
$tutorial_tissueref_label | Hugin: Eitr refinery |
$tutorial_tissueref_text | Warrior, what kind of contraption is this?! It looks dangerous... There is a grinding funnel up here, I wonder what you will put into it. |
$tutorial_weight_label | Hugin: Nkagôwalômek |
$tutorial_weight_text | Wzômi pmeniganana nigaji k'mômmannihlôn channiwi ali kassi kizi nkagômahlaan. |
$tutorial_weight_topic | K'wzômi pemeniga! |
$tutorial_wishbone_label | Hugin: Pawioskan |
$tutorial_wishbone_text | Linôgwak pazgwen nilil kassônkaw wskanal kôttak alômiwi yo wskanigamiok Pawioskan aikza. Aik msegwikwsanwôgan alômiwi yo oskanek enni kikinohomegan kôttakkil alômiwi akik. Knamithlegw wôbahlagwkial, ni achiga k'kizi namithlegon kdak ôwadikkil... |
$tutorial_wishbone_topic | Bonemass k'milegon magawôgan |
$tutorial_wispattractor_label | Hugin: Wisp fountain |
$tutorial_wispattractor_text | A strange edifice indeed. I wonder what it will attract. Let us just perch here for a while and see what happens... Warrior, I am bored. Besides, it is not my job to babysit the likes of you long into the night... Just be vigilant and I'm sure you will be rewarded. |
$tutorial_workbench_label | Hugin: Adalalokamek |
$tutorial_workbench_text | Adalalokamek kizi wlitoan <color=yellow>kdakil kagwesol ta achi kizi wlitoan kwaskwai <color=yellow>wikazihiganal awakaktonôna ni Malto. |
$tutorial_workbench_topic | K'kizi wlito Adalalokamek |
$tutorial_yggroot_label | Hugin: Yggdrasil roots |
$tutorial_yggroot_text | Kraa! Although severed from the trunk, I can see that magic still lingers in the roots of the old ash. Needless to say, no weapon of your design will be able to break the bark. You need something better, fashioned by more capable hands. |
$wolf_statue | Fenris Shrine |
$xbox_error_crossplayprivilege | Your platform privilege settings prevent you from playing on servers that allow crossplay with other platforms. |
$xbox_menu_resolve_privilege | Resolve privilege issue? |
$xbox_settings_controller_layout | Controller layout |
$xbox_settings_gamepad | Controller |
$xbox_settings_joysens | Controller sensitivity |