Dutch translations list
All of the translation keys and Dutch text currently in the game. This file is automatically generated from Valheim 0.220.3 using the JotunnDoc mod found on our GitHub.
Key A-M | Dutch Text |
$#piece_sapcollector_check | Check extractor |
$alternate_key_label | Alternate function: + |
$ammo_arrows | pijlen |
$ammo_bolts | bolts |
$ammo_turretbolt | Black Metal Missile |
$ammo_turretboltwood | Wooden Missile |
$ancient_chest | Ancient Coffin |
$animal_fish | Vis |
$animal_fish1 | Baars |
$animal_fish10 | Northern Salmon |
$animal_fish11 | Magmafish |
$animal_fish12 | Pufferfish |
$animal_fish2 | Snoek |
$animal_fish3 | Tonijn |
$animal_fish4 | Tetra |
$animal_fish5 | Trollfish |
$animal_fish6 | Giant Herring |
$animal_fish7 | Grouper |
$animal_fish8 | Coral Cod |
$animal_fish9 | Anglerfish |
$base_item_modifier | Base item stamina use |
$biome_ashlands | Ashlands |
$biome_blackforest | Zwarte bos |
$biome_darklands | Darklands |
$biome_deepnorth | Diepe noorden |
$biome_edge | Rand van de wereld |
$biome_forest | Bos |
$biome_heath | Hitte |
$biome_meadows | Weiden |
$biome_mistlands | Mistlanden |
$biome_mountain | Berg |
$biome_ocean | Oceaan |
$biome_plains | Vlakten |
$biome_swamp | Moeras |
$boss_hive_end | We are dispersed. |
$boss_hive_start | We have gathered. |
$button_a | A |
$button_b | B |
$button_back | Back |
$button_lalt | Alt links |
$button_lb | LB |
$button_lcommand | L-Command |
$button_lctrl | Ctrl links |
$button_ls | LS |
$button_lshift | Shift links |
$button_mouse0 | Muis-1 |
$button_mouse1 | Muis-2 |
$button_mouse2 | Muis-3 |
$button_ps_a | ✕ |
$button_ps_b | ○ |
$button_ps_back | Share |
$button_ps_lb | L1 |
$button_ps_ls | L3 |
$button_ps_rb | R1 |
$button_ps_rs | R3 |
$button_ps_start | Options |
$button_ps_x | ▫ |
$button_ps_y | △ |
$button_ralt | Alt rechts |
$button_rb | RB |
$button_rcommand | R-Command |
$button_rctrl | Ctrl rechts |
$button_return | Terug |
$button_rs | RS |
$button_rshift | Shift rechts |
$button_space | Spatiebalk |
$button_start | Start |
$button_x | X |
$button_y | Y |
$caption_absorbingproj | absorbing projectile |
$caption_agreeing | agreeing |
$caption_alerted | alerted |
$caption_altar_empowered | Altar empowered |
$caption_arriving | arriving |
$caption_atgeir | Atgeir |
$caption_attacking | attacking |
$caption_awakening | awakening |
$caption_axe | Axe |
$caption_barking | barking |
$caption_biting | biting |
$caption_blockedattack | Attack blocked |
$caption_blocking | blocking |
$caption_born | being born |
$caption_bow | Bow |
$caption_breakingapart | breaking apart |
$caption_breathingfire | breathing fire |
$caption_bubbling | bubbling |
$caption_building | building |
$caption_burningfood | burning food |
$caption_burp | Burping |
$caption_burrowing | burrowing |
$caption_bye | saying goodbye |
$caption_calling | calling |
$caption_callingforaid | calling for aid |
$caption_casting | casting |
$caption_castingmagic | casting |
$caption_castingspell | casting a spell |
$caption_catchfire | Something catching fire |
$caption_cawing | cawing |
$caption_charging | charging |
$caption_chittering | chittering |
$caption_closing | closing |
$caption_creaking | creaking |
$caption_destroyed | destroyed |
$caption_dispersing | dispersing |
$caption_dodging | dodging |
$caption_donecooking | done cooking |
$caption_doorclose | Door closing |
$caption_dooropen | Door opening |
$caption_drawn | being drawn |
$caption_droppingitem | dropping an item |
$caption_dying | dying |
$caption_eating | eating |
$caption_exploding | exploding |
$caption_explosion | Explosion |
$caption_firework_explode | Firework exploding |
$caption_firing | firing |
$caption_fizzling | fizzling |
$caption_food_burnt | Food burnt |
$caption_food_done | Food cooked |
$caption_fueladded | Object being refueled |
$caption_gateclose | Gate closing |
$caption_gateopen | Gate opening |
$caption_gettinghit | getting hit |
$caption_ghostnoises | whooshing |
$caption_groaning | groaning |
$caption_growing | growing |
$caption_growling | growling |
$caption_grumbling | grumbling |
$caption_grunting | grunting |
$caption_healing | healing |
$caption_hello | greeting |
$caption_hit | striking |
$caption_hitting | hitting |
$caption_howling | howling |
$caption_hurt | hurt |
$caption_iceshatter | Ice shattering |
$caption_inhaling | inhaling |
$caption_itemcrafted | Item crafted |
$caption_jumping | jumping |
$caption_knife | Knife |
$caption_laughing | laughing |
$caption_levelup | Skill increased! |
$caption_lightingfire | lighting fire |
$caption_linebreak | line snapping |
$caption_loaded | loaded |
$caption_meteor_exploding | Meteor exploding |
$caption_moving | moving |
$caption_opening | opening |
$caption_parried | Attack parried |
$caption_platform_crumbling | Lava platform crumbling |
$caption_platform_rising | Platform rising |
$caption_player | Player |
$caption_portalopen | Portal opening |
$caption_potion | Potion consumed |
$caption_projexploding | projectile exploding |
$caption_puking | Puking |
$caption_punching | Punching |
$caption_rattling | rattling |
$caption_ravencaw | Raven cawing |
$caption_ravenflap | Raven flapping |
$caption_recharging | recharging |
$caption_refilled | refilled |
$caption_refueled | refueled |
$caption_reloading | reloading |
$caption_repaired | Item repaired |
$caption_rising | rising |
$caption_rockdestroyed | Rock breaking |
$caption_ruminating | ruminating |
$caption_screeching | screeching |
$caption_seagull | Seagull |
$caption_shaking | shaking |
$caption_shattering | shattering |
$caption_shedding | shedding |
$caption_shivering | shivering |
$caption_shouting | shouting |
$caption_shuttingdown | shutting down |
$caption_sighing | sighing |
$caption_snarling | snarling |
$caption_spear | Spear |
$caption_spinning | spinning |
$caption_spitexploding | spit exploding |
$caption_spitting | spitting |
$caption_splashing | splashing |
$caption_sputtering | sputtering |
$caption_squawking | squawking |
$caption_startup | starting up |
$caption_stomping | stomping |
$caption_summoning | summoning |
$caption_sweeping | sweeping |
$caption_swiping | swiping |
$caption_swung | being swung |
$caption_takingdamage | taking damage |
$caption_takingoff | taking off |
$caption_talking | talking |
$caption_throwing | throwing |
$caption_thunder | Distant thunder |
$caption_tilling | tilling |
$caption_trading | is pleased with a trade |
$caption_treefall | Tree falling |
$caption_used | used |
$charredfortress | Charred Fortress |
$chat_entermessage | Enter chat message |
$chat_entertext | Tekst invoeren… |
$chat_kill | Zelfmoord |
$chat_resetspawn | Terugkeerpunt resetten |
$chat_shout | Roepen |
$chat_whisper | Fluisteren |
$customization_beard01 | Lang 1 |
$customization_beard02 | Lang 2 |
$customization_beard03 | Kort 1 |
$customization_beard04 | Kort 2 |
$customization_beard05 | Gevlochten 1 |
$customization_beard06 | Gevlochten 2 |
$customization_beard07 | Kort 3 |
$customization_beard08 | Dik 1 |
$customization_beard09 | Gevlochten 3 |
$customization_beard10 | Gevlochten 4 |
$customization_beard11 | Thick 2 |
$customization_beard12 | Royal 1 |
$customization_beard13 | Royal 2 |
$customization_beard14 | Braided 5 |
$customization_beard15 | Short 4 |
$customization_beard16 | Stonedweller |
$customization_beard17 | Neat |
$customization_beard18 | Royal 3 |
$customization_beard19 | Bushy |
$customization_beard20 | Spiky |
$customization_beard21 | Short 5 |
$customization_hair01 | Paardenstaart 1 |
$customization_hair02 | Paardenstaart 2 |
$customization_hair03 | Gevlochten 1 |
$customization_hair04 | Paardenstaart 3 |
$customization_hair05 | Kort 1 |
$customization_hair06 | Lang 1 |
$customization_hair07 | Paardenstaart 4 |
$customization_hair08 | Kort 2 |
$customization_hair09 | Zijscheiding 1 |
$customization_hair10 | Zijscheiding 2 |
$customization_hair11 | Gevlochten 2 |
$customization_hair12 | Gevlochten 3 |
$customization_hair13 | Gevlochten 4 |
$customization_hair14 | Zijscheiding 3 |
$customization_hair15 | Pulled Back Curls |
$customization_hair16 | Gathered Braids |
$customization_hair17 | Neat Braids |
$customization_hair18 | Royal Braids |
$customization_hair19 | Curls 1 |
$customization_hair20 | Curls 2 |
$customization_hair21 | Twin Buns |
$customization_hair22 | Single Bun |
$customization_hair23 | Short Curls |
$customization_hair24 | Shaved and Braided |
$customization_hair25 | Single Bun 2 |
$customization_hair26 | Short Locs |
$customization_hair27 | Braids of Strength |
$customization_hair28 | Merchant's Braid |
$customization_hair29 | Loose 2 |
$customization_hair30 | Loose 3 |
$customization_hair31 | Gathered Locs |
$customization_nobeard | Geen baard |
$customization_nohair | Geen haar |
$deadspeak_bonemass | Bedankt, krijger. Ons, die in deze vorm hebben geleefd, werd al te lang de vrede van de dood ontzegd. Nu vertrekken we… |
$deadspeak_eikthyr | Dus jij was mijn dood? Je lijkt zo klein, zo zacht… Vertel Odin dat hij deze vorm heeft gebroken, maar dat de wildernis zich nooit zal onderwerpen aan zijn heerschappij… |
$deadspeak_elder | Klein ding van bloed en beenderen, jou had ik als een twijgje moeten kunnen breken! Nu zal ik hier verdorren en sterven; laat de grote boom mij meenemen… |
$deadspeak_fader | I followed a false destiny, and it gave me nothing but ruin. Forgive me, my love... |
$deadspeak_fish_shared1 | Don't worry. Be happy. |
$deadspeak_fish_shared2 | Take me to the river... Drop me in the water... |
$deadspeak_fish1 | I'm a perch, not a bass! |
$deadspeak_fish10 | Once I was free to jump upstream. But no longer. |
$deadspeak_fish11 | Please lay me to rest by the fire... |
$deadspeak_fish12 | Have you seen my friend around? Her name is Anika. |
$deadspeak_fish2 | You're supposed to put heads on a pike, not put a pike on a wall... |
$deadspeak_fish3 | I've got this tune stuck in my head... |
$deadspeak_fish4 | It's so cold... And dark... But I like it that way. |
$deadspeak_fish5 | Stop it with the baiting already! |
$deadspeak_fish6 | What's that nasty smell? Surely it couldn't be me! |
$deadspeak_fish7 | I'm dead but not gone. Won't you free me from this cursed purgatory? |
$deadspeak_fish8 | Do you ever wonder what lurks in the deepest parts of the ocean? Don't. It's better not to know. |
$deadspeak_fish9 | Do you see the light? It beckons you... |
$deadspeak_hive | You think you beat us? Think again... We are still, and forever will be the hive - and the hive is unbeatable. |
$deadspeak_moder | Houd je trots in toom, wezen van Odin! Mijn lange heerschappij mag dan ten einde zijn, wie na mij komt zal nog groter zijn… |
$deadspeak_queen | Tell Odin that my kin will bring forth another... A monarch never dies. |
$deadspeak_yagluth | Kom je je verkneukelen, klein ding? Weet je wel hoe vaak ik ben gedood, gebroken, verbannen, verbrand, en begraven? Jij bent noch de eerste, noch zul je de laatste zijn. |
$dream_ashlands01 | You awaken within a dream of dark skies and boiling clouds. Night on the mountaintop, a rough cloak pulled tight around you. Thunder tears the sky and a rain of hot embers pours through the rift, destroying your dream body in an instant… |
$dream_ashlands02 | In your sleep, you crouch in the middle of a vast and gloomy cavern while a huge beast prowls in circles around you, dragging the darkness behind it. Emerald flames flicker at its edges and the growl of its throat lingers long into the waking day… |
$dream_ashlands03 | You dream of eating roast hog at a feast. It is a simple and delicious meal. If only all dreams could be like this. |
$dream_ashlands04 | Nine maidens in robes of white dance barefoot at midnight. Nine wolves hunt a white hart in the greenwood. Nine bells ring out on the mountainside and you awake. |
$dream_bonemass01 | Je droomt van honderd geesten die je bed omringen, op zoek naar warmte en leven, tot diep onder de grond iets klopt en ze opspringen als kruimels op een trommelvel... en verdwijnen. |
$dream_eikthyr01 | Je droom dat je door een weide rent; de lucht lijkt te branden. Achter je klinkt het gedonder van hoeven, maar wanneer je je omdraait zie je niets. Met zwaar kloppend hart ontwaak je. |
$dream_elder01 | In je droom zie je het bos voor je opstijgen en worden de bomen als een mantel omhoog getrokken, de donkere massa de sterren verhullend. Op de piek van de berg omsluit een groot gewei de maan… |
$dream_mistlands01 | In your dream, you walk through a hall of smiling warriors and gracious maidens. You join with their mirth until you realise that you are naked and the small bronze shield you are carrying is not enough to cover your shame. You greet the morning with gratitude. |
$dream_mistlands02 | Dark-eyed Loki approaches you in your dream and gifts you a ring for each hand. He tells you that as long as they stay on your fingers, you will never hear an insulting word again. You wake with your fingers in your ears. |
$dream_mistlands03 | You climb a winding staircase, curled tightly within a tall tower, until you arrive at the top and look out over an endless forest. The wind blows green waves across the tree-tops and beneath the surface, dark shapes stir... |
$dream_moder01 | Je droomt dat je over de bergtoppen vliegt, en heel Valheim zich onder je uitstrekt. Terwijl je in de kou salto's vliegt en naar beneden duikt, zweeft een grote vorm je voorbij en blokkeert de zon. In de duisternis spreekt het tot je: zoek me. |
$dream_random01 | Je droomt van een rivier die heuvelopwaarts stroomt, en groene scheuten die de aarde induiken... |
$dream_random02 | Je loopt wederom aan het hoofd van je krijgers, je vaders bijl in je hand; een gewichtig wapen. Met een oorlogskreet op je lippen ontwaak je... |
$dream_random03 | In je droom zit je naast een vuur in een grote hal, omgeven door bekende stemmen. Hun gezichten vervagen als rook, hun namen blijven je ontgaan, maar de warmte van hun herinnering blijft... |
$dream_random04 | Je staat op de boeg van een varend schip, en de zoute zee strekt zich voor je uit, terwijl de meeuwen die boven je vliegen vrolijk krijsen. Verwikkeld in je droom herinner je je hoe het was om te leven in je geboorteland. |
$dream_random05 | Je droomt van een grote boom die door de nacht reikt. De ene helft van zijn takken branden, de andere helft is bedekt met groene bladeren. |
$dream_random06 | Amidst the crash of arms, on the dark and glimmering plain of sleep, a face swells snarling before you. Your shield arm hangs limp, your spear is broken. You welcome the cold blade when it comes. From a dream of death, you awaken to death itself. |
$dream_random07 | You dream you are lying on your back in a meadow, gazing upward at the clouds. Your name is nothing, your mind is free of thought. But there is a warm hand in yours. In the dream, you are laughing. But when you awaken, you find your face damp with tears. |
$dream_random08 | On a boat carved from dark wood, beneath ragged sails, you lie with your arms folded across your chest. Blurred faces, like thumbprints on the darkness, croon familiar songs as they push you out to float on a sea as black and flat as glass. |
$dream_random09 | You lie on the battlefield, dreaming eyes turned upward to a sky veiled by smoke. The calls of your warriors grow fainter and your eyes close for a second time. Great talons slide beneath you and you feel yourself rising, lifted from your body like a babe from its crib… |
$dream_random10 | You fall into the deep well of sleep and dream only of darkness. |
$dream_random11 | You dream of a bright hall filled with gracious warriors and fair maidens. The air hums with song, the boards groan under the weight of steaming dishes, the mead flows like water. You awake slowly with the laughter still ringing in your ears… |
$dream_random12 | You sleep in fits and fretful dreams, the weight of the nightmare heavy on your chest. When morning comes, you greet it with relief. |
$dream_random13 | Sleep is a river and dreams are live fish. You wake in the morning with your net empty. |
$dream_random14 | You dream you are hunting with your companions, running high over green hills and down through mist-haunted valleys. Ahead of you, your prey stumbles and you leap forward, sinking your teeth into warm flesh. When you wake, the taste of metal lingers in your mouth. |
$dream_random15 | You dream you are walking in a snowy wood when you come upon a naked child, sitting against a tree with his eyes closed but his chest moving to breathe. As you kneel beside him, you know he has been sleeping here for many centuries, waiting for you. When you touch his shoulder, you both awaken. |
$dream_random16 | You dream of a mighty bear, sleeping deep below the earth in the winter of the world. It turns in its sleep, folds upon folds of flesh and fur. It has no head, no limbs. A vast mass of bear flesh, mercifully quiet. |
$dream_random17 | You fall asleep planning your next day's labor and in your dreams you complete it, hewing wood, foraging for food and hunting after swift deer. You return home exhausted but happy, only to awaken and find the day is still ahead of you... |
$dream_yagluth01 | In een kamer vol gouden wandtapijten kniel je voor de troon van een gesluierde koning. Slaap is slechts een masker, zegt hij, en tilt langzaam zijn sluier op. Schreeuwend ontwaak je. |
$dvergr_buff | Dvergr power |
$dvergr_buff_description | You are infused with a strange Dvergr power which increases your strength. |
$enemy_abomination | Abomination |
$enemy_asksvin | Asksvin |
$enemy_asksvin_hatchling | Asksvin Hatchling |
$enemy_babyseeker | Seeker Brood |
$enemy_bat | Bat |
$enemy_blob | Blob |
$enemy_blobelite | Oozer |
$enemy_bloblava | Lava Blob |
$enemy_blobtar | Gezwel |
$enemy_boar | Everzwijn |
$enemy_boarpiggy | Varken |
$enemy_bonemass | Bottenmassa |
$enemy_bonemawserpent | Bonemaw |
$enemy_boss_bonemass_deathmessage | The Mass ceases its writhing |
$enemy_boss_bonemass_spawnmessage | The Mass is moving |
$enemy_boss_dragon_deathmessage | Moder is in tears |
$enemy_boss_dragon_spawnmessage | Moder is enraged |
$enemy_boss_fader_alertmessage | The Emerald Flame ignites |
$enemy_boss_fader_deathmessage | The Emerald Flame is extinguished |
$enemy_boss_goblinking_deathmessage | Yagluth's soul has been defeated |
$enemy_boss_goblinking_spawnmessage | Yagluth's twisted soul has been summoned |
$enemy_boss_queen_alertmessage | The Queen wants it all |
$enemy_boss_queen_deathmessage | Long live the Queen |
$enemy_charred | Charred |
$enemy_charred_archer | Charred Marksman |
$enemy_charred_grunt | Charred Grunt |
$enemy_charred_mage | Charred Warlock |
$enemy_charred_melee | Charred Warrior |
$enemy_charred_melee_Dyrnwyn | <color=orange>Lord Reto |
$enemy_charred_melee_Fader | Summoned Charred Warrior |
$enemy_charred_twitcher | Charred Twitcher |
$enemy_charred_twitcher_summoned | Summoned Twitcher |
$enemy_charredspawnercross | Effigy of Malice |
$enemy_charredtwitcherspawner | Monument of Torment |
$enemy_chicken | Chicken |
$enemy_deathsquito | Doodsmug |
$enemy_deer | Hert |
$enemy_dragon | Moder |
$enemy_drake | IJsdraak |
$enemy_draugr | Draugr |
$enemy_draugrelite | Elite Draugr |
$enemy_draugrspawner | Body Pile |
$enemy_dvergr | Dvergr Rogue |
$enemy_dvergr_mage | Dvergr Mage |
$enemy_dvergrs | Dvergr |
$enemy_eikthyr | Eikthyr |
$enemy_fader | Fader |
$enemy_fader_codename | The Emerald Flame |
$enemy_fallenvalkyrie | Fallen Valkyrie |
$enemy_fenring | Fenring |
$enemy_fenringcultist | Cultist |
$enemy_fenringcultist_hildir | <color=orange>Geirrhafa |
$enemy_gdking | De Oudere |
$enemy_gemgoblin | Riktig Fuling |
$enemy_ghost | Spook |
$enemy_gjall | Gjall |
$enemy_goblin | Loeder |
$enemy_goblin_hildir | <color=orange>Zil |
$enemy_goblinbrute | Loederberserker |
$enemy_goblinbrute_hildir | <color=orange>Thungr |
$enemy_goblinbrute_hildircombined | <color=orange>Zil & Thungr |
$enemy_goblinking | Yagluth |
$enemy_goblinshaman | Fuling sjamaan |
$enemy_greydwarf | Greydwarf |
$enemy_greydwarfbrute | Brute Greydwarf |
$enemy_greydwarfshaman | Greydwarf Sjamaan |
$enemy_greydwarfspawner | Greydwarf Nest |
$enemy_greyling | Greyling |
$enemy_hare | Hare |
$enemy_hen | Hen |
$enemy_kvastur | Kvastur |
$enemy_kvastur_lore | A witch's companion must be made of sturdy stuff. |
$enemy_leech | Leech |
$enemy_lox | Lox |
$enemy_loxcalf | Hossenkalf |
$enemy_mistile | Mistile |
$enemy_morgen | Morgen |
$enemy_neck | Neck |
$enemy_seeker | Seeker |
$enemy_seekerbrute | Seeker Soldier |
$enemy_seekerqueen | The Queen |
$enemy_serpent | Serpent |
$enemy_skeleton | Skelet |
$enemy_skeleton_summoned | Skelett |
$enemy_skeletonfire | <color=orange>Brenna |
$enemy_skeletonpoison | Walgelijke restanten |
$enemy_skeletonspawner | Evil Bone Pile |
$enemy_stonegolem | Stenen golem |
$enemy_summonedroot | Summoned Root |
$enemy_summonedtroll | Summoned Troll |
$enemy_surtling | Merkwaardig |
$enemy_tick | Tick |
$enemy_troll | Trol |
$enemy_ulv | Ulv |
$enemy_volture | Volture |
$enemy_wolf | Wolf |
$enemy_wolfcub | Wolvenjong |
$enemy_wraith | Spook |
$error_alreadyconnected | Al verbonden |
$error_banned | Verbannen |
$error_cantrestorebackup | Can't restore backup! |
$error_cantrestoremeta | Can't restore meta file! |
$error_disconnected | Verbinding verbroken |
$error_failedconnect | Verbinding mislukt |
$error_incompatibleversion | Niet-compatibele versie |
$error_kicked | You have been kicked from the server. |
$error_needslocalupdatetojoin | You're running an older version of Valheim that is incompatible with this server. Please update your game to join this server. |
$error_needsserverupdatetojoin | This server is running an older version of Valheim that is incompatible with your version. |
$error_nosuitablebackupfound | No suitable backup was found! |
$error_password | Onjuist wachtwoord |
$error_platformexcluded | The server owner does not allow users from other platforms than their own to play on their server. |
$error_serverfull | Server is vol |
$error_worldfileload | Error loading world file. Check backups! |
$event_bats_end | The cauldron calms |
$event_bats_start | You stirred the cauldron |
$event_bonemassarmy_end | De geur is weg |
$event_bonemassarmy_start | Een smerige geur uit het moeras |
$event_boss01_end | Eikthyr is verslagen |
$event_boss01_start | Eikthyr is ontwaakt |
$event_boss02_end | De Oudere is verslagen |
$event_boss02_start | De Oudere is ontwaakt |
$event_boss03_end | Bottenmassa is verslagen |
$event_boss03_start | Bottenmassa is ontwaakt |
$event_boss04_end | Moder is verslagen |
$event_boss04_start | Moder is ontwaakt |
$event_boss05_end | Koning Yagluth is verslagen |
$event_boss05_start | Koning Yagluth is ontwaakt |
$event_caves_end | The howls fade |
$event_caves_start | Howls echo from the depths... |
$event_charredarmy_end | The army retreats |
$event_charredarmy_start | The undead army marches |
$event_charredspawnerarmy_start | The dead have been summoned |
$event_charrespawnerarmy_end | The dead lie still once more |
$event_eikthyrarmy_end | De wezens kalmeren |
$event_eikthyrarmy_start | Eikthyr roept de wezens uit het bos bijeen |
$event_foresttrolls_end | Het schudden ebt weg |
$event_foresttrolls_start | De grond schudt |
$event_gdkingarmy_end | Het bos rust weer |
$event_gdkingarmy_start | Het bos beweegt… |
$event_gemgoblin_end | You got 'em |
$event_gemgoblin_start | Get 'em! |
$event_ghosts_end | They have been banished, for now... |
$event_ghosts_start | You feel a chill down your spine... |
$event_gjallarmy_end | Good bye Gjall |
$event_gjallarmy_start | What's up, Gjall?! |
$event_goblinarmy_end | De horde trekt zich terug |
$event_goblinarmy_start | De horde valt aan |
$event_hildirboss1_end | She got burnt |
$event_hildirboss1_start | She's hot on your tail! |
$event_hildirboss2_end | You can chill out |
$event_hildirboss2_start | You get the chills... |
$event_hildirboss3_end | You broke the code...again |
$event_hildirboss3_start | They were bros, man |
$event_moderarmy_end | De koude wind is weg |
$event_moderarmy_start | Een koude wind blaast uit de bergen |
$event_seekerarmy_end | The search is over |
$event_seekerarmy_start | They sought you out |
$event_skeletons_end | Skeletten zijn het vechten beu |
$event_skeletons_start | Skeletverrassing |
$event_surtlings_end | De geur neemt af |
$event_surtlings_start | De geur van zwavel vult de lucht… |
$event_wolves_end | De jacht is voorbij |
$event_wolves_start | Er wordt op je gejaagd… |
$faderlocation_bellholder | Bell Holder |
$feedback_bug | Fout |
$feedback_feedback | Feedback |
$feedback_idea | Idee |
$feedback_send | Versturen |
$feedback_subject | Onderwerp |
$feedback_text | Schrijf iets |
$feedback_topic | Feedback |
$fish1_description | A tasty whitemeat fish. |
$fish10_description | This fish likes the water to be almost freezing cold. |
$fish11_description | Some say this fish lays its eggs directly in molten lava! |
$fish12_description | Tasty when cooked right, but the flavour has a bit of a sting. |
$fish2_description | A freshwater fish that needs a lot of seasoning. |
$fish3_description | Chicken of the sea... |
$fish4_description | Spending its whole life in the dark, it has no need for eyes. |
$fish5_description | This fish is a nuisance in the local streams. |
$fish6_description | Fermented, this fish will smell worse than the swamp it came from. |
$fish7_description | Best served with lots of carbs! |
$fish8_description | It has seen some things... Some very haunting things... |
$fish9_description | The dangling light makes it easier to see that pretty little face! |
$guardianstone_bonemass_desc | Zwerver, kijk toch naar benee Je staat hier op ons graf Naar onder de grond slepen we je mee en naar je doem, als straf |
$guardianstone_eikthyr_desc | Een gewei gemaakt van ijzer Brengt berg en rots ten val Hoeven als een donderslag Zijn stem een stormgeschal |
$guardianstone_fader_desc | A father noble and proud He soared through skies of fire Then madness lowered its shroud And warped his heart's desire |
$guardianstone_hook_activate | Kracht activeren |
$guardianstone_hook_alreadyactive | Current power |
$guardianstone_hook_deactivate | Kracht loslaten |
$guardianstone_hook_name | Trofeehaak |
$guardianstone_hook_power_activate | Geactiveerd |
$guardianstone_hook_power_deactivate | Losgelaten |
$guardianstone_moder_desc | Zwarte vleugels over zon en maan Daar komt onze moeder aan Ziedaar, ze huilt haar tranendal En roept ons naar huis van overal |
$guardianstone_name | Offersteen |
$guardianstone_theelder_desc | Heerser van het bos, koning van het woud Heer voor al zijn protegees Wortels groeiend waar steden waren Drinkt hij hun bloed, en eet hun vlees |
$guardianstone_thequeen_desc | Born in armour Mother of many Queen without crown Ruler beneath |
$guardianstone_trophyplaced | Verlatene geofferd |
$guardianstone_yagluth_desc | Ooit droeg deze vorst een kroon Onder de lucht met rood geverfd Nu rest ons niets van wat hij was Behalve zijn geest die nimmer sterft |
$heightmap_issue_message | Om het probleem op te lossen van het niet synchroon lopen van de wereldkaart, zijn kleine gedeeltes van wereld voor sommige spelers anders. Gebouwen in de buurt van die gebieden kunnen mogelijk breken. We doen ons uiterste best om deze problemen te corrigeren, maar soms is het onvermijdelijk en het spijt ons oprecht voor het ongemak. |
$hud_addpin | Markering toevoegen |
$hud_altplace | Wisselen vastklikken / opties |
$hud_altplacement | Alternative placement mode: |
$hud_autopickup | Autom. oppakken |
$hud_build | Bouwen |
$hud_building | Bouwen |
$hud_building2 | Heavy Build |
$hud_buildmenu | Bouwmenu |
$hud_copypiece | Copy |
$hud_crafting | Productie |
$hud_crossoffpin | Cross off pin |
$hud_cyclesnap | Cycle snapping |
$hud_eitrrequired | Eitr required |
$hud_emotes_blowkiss | Blow kiss |
$hud_emotes_bow | Bow |
$hud_emotes_challenge | Challenge |
$hud_emotes_cheer | Cheer |
$hud_emotes_comehere | Come here |
$hud_emotes_cower | Cower |
$hud_emotes_cry | Cry |
$hud_emotes_dance | Dance |
$hud_emotes_despair | Despair |
$hud_emotes_flex | Flex |
$hud_emotes_headbang | Headbang |
$hud_emotes_kneel | Kneel |
$hud_emotes_laugh | Laugh |
$hud_emotes_nonono | No no no |
$hud_emotes_point | Point |
$hud_emotes_roar | Roar |
$hud_emotes_shrug | Shrug |
$hud_emotes_sit | Sit |
$hud_emotes_thumbsup | Thumbs up |
$hud_emotes_wave | Wave |
$hud_equipping | Uitrusten |
$hud_feasts | Feasts |
$hud_food | Food |
$hud_furniture | Meubilair |
$hud_hidden_messagehud_notification | HUD disabled. To enable, press Ctrl + F3 |
$hud_hidden_messagehud_notification_gamepad | HUD disabled. To enable, press |
$hud_hidemap | Kaart verbergen |
$hud_hidepin | Toggle pins |
$hud_itemstucktar | Het zit vast in het teer |
$hud_loadingrequired | Weapon not loaded |
$hud_mapday | Dag |
$hud_maxsummonsreached | Your Dead Raiser is not strong enough to control more summons. |
$hud_maxsummonsreached_greenroots | Your Staff of the Wild is not strong enough to control more summons. |
$hud_maxsummonsreached_trollstav | Your Trollstav is not strong enough to control more summons. |
$hud_meads | Mead |
$hud_misc | Diversen |
$hud_namepin | Name your pin |
$hud_nothingtobuild | Niets om te bouwen |
$hud_off | Uit |
$hud_on | Aan |
$hud_pet | Aaien |
$hud_pin_hildir1 | Smouldering Tomb |
$hud_pin_hildir2 | Howling Cavern |
$hud_pin_hildir3 | Sealed Tower |
$hud_ping | Pingen |
$hud_place | Plaatsen |
$hud_powernotready | Kracht niet klaar |
$hud_publicpos | Zichtbaar voor andere spelers |
$hud_ready | Klaar |
$hud_reloading | Loading |
$hud_remove | Verwijderen |
$hud_removepin | Markering verwijderen |
$hud_rename | Hernoemen |
$hud_repair | Repareren |
$hud_require | Nodig |
$hud_rotate | Draaien |
$hud_saddle_already | heeft al een zadel |
$hud_saddle_ready | is klaar voor een ritje |
$hud_saddle_remove | Zadel verwijderen |
$hud_sharedmap | Cartografietafel |
$hud_showmap | Kaart weergeven |
$hud_snappoint_attach | Attach |
$hud_snappoint_bottom | Bottom |
$hud_snappoint_center | Center |
$hud_snappoint_corner | Corner |
$hud_snappoint_edge | Edge |
$hud_snappoint_end | End |
$hud_snappoint_inner | Inner |
$hud_snappoint_mid | Mid |
$hud_snappoint_top | Top |
$hud_switchcategory | Andere categorie |
$hud_switchitem | Ander item |
$hud_tame | Temmen |
$hud_tamecheck | Checken |
$hud_tamedone | is getemd |
$hud_tamefollow | volgt je |
$hud_tamefrightened | Bang |
$hud_tamehappy | Blij |
$hud_tamehungry | Hongerig |
$hud_tameinprogress | Acclimatiseert |
$hud_tamelove | houd van je |
$hud_tamelove2 | loves you a lot |
$hud_tamelove3 | cuddles you |
$hud_tameness | Tamheid |
$hud_tamestay | blijft |
$hud_unequipping | Uitdoen |
$hud_wild | Wild |
$hud_zoom | Zoomen |
$hud_zoom_in_out | Zoom out/in |
$info_label | Info |
$interface_leftarrow | < |
$interface_rightarrow | > |
$invalid_keybind_header | Invalid Input |
$invalid_keybind_text | This action can't be bound to selected key |
$inventory_activeeffects | Actieve effecten |
$inventory_blunt | Bot |
$inventory_chop | Hakken |
$inventory_craftbutton | Maken |
$inventory_crafting | Productie |
$inventory_craftingprog | Aan het maken |
$inventory_damage | Schade |
$inventory_dmgmod | Schademodificator |
$inventory_drop | Drop |
$inventory_fire | Vuur |
$inventory_frost | Vorst |
$inventory_full | Inventaris is vol |
$inventory_immune | Immuun |
$inventory_lightning | Bliksem |
$inventory_logs | Berichtenlog |
$inventory_logs_new | New unlocks in message log. |
$inventory_maxquality | Max. kwaliteit |
$inventory_move | Verplaatsen |
$inventory_new | Nieuw voorwerp |
$inventory_onlyoneingredient | This recipe requires only one of the shown ingredients. |
$inventory_pickaxe | Houweel |
$inventory_pickup | Oppakken |
$inventory_pierce | Doorboring |
$inventory_poison | Gif |
$inventory_pvp | Schade oplopen van andere spelers (PvP) |
$inventory_quality | Kwaliteit |
$inventory_recipes | Recepten |
$inventory_repairbutton | Een item repareren |
$inventory_resistant | Weerstand |
$inventory_selectedgp | Gekozen verlatenenkracht |
$inventory_siege | Siege |
$inventory_skills | Vaardigheden |
$inventory_slash | Sneden |
$inventory_spirit | Geest |
$inventory_split | Splitsen |
$inventory_splitstack | Stapel splitsen |
$inventory_stackall | Place stacks |
$inventory_stationlevel | Stationslevel (verhoog door verbeteringen te bouwen) |
$inventory_stationlevelreq | Vereist stationslevel |
$inventory_style | Stijl |
$inventory_tabs | Change window |
$inventory_takeall | Alles pakken |
$inventory_texts | Valheim-compendium |
$inventory_totalskill | Totale vaardigheid |
$inventory_transfer | Transfer |
$inventory_trophies | Trofeeën |
$inventory_upgrade | Upgrade $1-kwaliteit naar $2 |
$inventory_upgradebutton | Upgraden |
$inventory_use | Gebruiken/uitrusten |
$inventory_veryresistant | Hoge weerstand |
$inventory_veryweak | Erg zwak |
$inventory_weak | Zwak |
$item_amber | Amber |
$item_amber_description | <color=yellow>Waardevol |
$item_amberpearl | Amberparel |
$item_amberpearl_description | <color=yellow>Waardevol |
$item_ancientroot | Ancient Root |
$item_ancientroot_empty | The ancient root seems all dried up |
$item_ancientroot_full | The ancient root is pulsating with energy |
$item_ancientroot_half | The ancient root's glow is fading |
$item_ancientseed | Oeroud zaad |
$item_ancientseed_description | Als je het bij je oor houdt, hoor je erbinnen iets zachtjes fluisteren… |
$item_armor | Harnas |
$item_arrow_bronze | Bronzen pijl |
$item_arrow_bronze_description | Scherper dan vuursteen, een slanke brenger des doods. |
$item_arrow_carapace | Carapace Arrow |
$item_arrow_carapace_description | Heavy and pointy, this one's gonna hurt. |
$item_arrow_charred | Charred Arrow |
$item_arrow_charred_description | This arrow has been whittled into shape from a charred femur, and it's as hard as any metal. |
$item_arrow_fire | Vuurpijl |
$item_arrow_fire_description | Deze pijl brandt wat hij doorboort. |
$item_arrow_flint | Vuurstenen pijl |
$item_arrow_flint_description | Een huiddoorboorder met een vuurstenen punt. |
$item_arrow_frost | Vorstpijl |
$item_arrow_frost_description | Een scherf doorborend ijs. |
$item_arrow_iron | IJzeren pijl |
$item_arrow_iron_description | Een ijzeren punt en donkere veren aan het uiteinde. |
$item_arrow_needle | Naaldpijl |
$item_arrow_needle_description | De laatste hechting. |
$item_arrow_obsidian | Obsidiaanpijl |
$item_arrow_obsidian_description | Een stukje duisternis. |
$item_arrow_poison | Gifpijl |
$item_arrow_poison_description | Een bittere steek van een afstand. |
$item_arrow_silver | Zilveren pijl |
$item_arrow_silver_description | Een naald die rusteloze geesten doorboort. |
$item_arrow_wood | Houten pijl |
$item_arrow_wood_description | Een pijl van verscherpt hout. |
$item_askbladder | Asksvin Bladder |
$item_askbladder_description | An acidic smell still lingers. Prominently. |
$item_askhide | Asksvin Hide |
$item_askhide_description | This sturdy leather is thick, and still warm to the touch. |
$item_asksvin_egg | Asksvin Egg |
$item_asksvin_egg_description | Hard as rock, yet you can sense the presence of something inside. This should be kept warm. |
$item_asksvin_meat | Asksvin Tail |
$item_asksvin_meat_cooked | Cooked Asksvin Tail |
$item_asksvin_meat_cooked_description | This meat has a potent and mature flavour, but is very tasty when grilled right. |
$item_asksvin_meat_description | Smells a bit smokey, even when raw. |
$item_asksvincarrionneck | Asksvin Neck |
$item_asksvincarrionneck_description | A neck in its final stage of life. |
$item_asksvincarrionpelvic | Asksvin Pelvis |
$item_asksvincarrionpelvic_description | The pelvic bone of a four legged creature. |
$item_asksvincarrionribcage | Asksvin Ribcage |
$item_asksvincarrionribcage_description | These ribs have already been stripped clean of any meat. |
$item_asksvincarrionskull | Asksvin Skull |
$item_asksvincarrionskull_description | A thick skull, with room for a surprisingly large brain. |
$item_atgeir_blackmetal | Zwartmetalen atgeir |
$item_atgeir_blackmetal_description | Een brute hakbijl van een bijna onbreekbaar zwart metaal. |
$item_atgeir_bronze | Bronzen atgeir |
$item_atgeir_bronze_description | Gereedschap van een echte krijger. |
$item_atgeir_himminafl | Himminafl |
$item_atgeir_himminafl_description | It might not be a hammer, but Thor himself would still approve of this weapon. |
$item_atgeir_iron | IJzeren atgeir |
$item_atgeir_iron_description | Bloeddrinker, schedelkraker, doodsbrenger. |
$item_axe_berzerkr | Berserkir Axes |
$item_axe_berzerkr_blood | Bleeding Berserkir Axes |
$item_axe_berzerkr_blood_description | The closer you are to death, the harder you are sure to hit. |
$item_axe_berzerkr_description | Let your rage take over and face the slaughter. |
$item_axe_berzerkr_lightning | Thundering Berserkir Axes |
$item_axe_berzerkr_lightning_description | Carnage spreads around you when you wield these axes, such that Thor himself would be proud. |
$item_axe_berzerkr_nature | Primal Berserkir Axes |
$item_axe_berzerkr_nature_description | Your most primal instincts take over, and the nature around you reaches out to aid you. |
$item_axe_blackmetal | Zwartmetalen bijl |
$item_axe_blackmetal_description | Een bijl die perfect in balans is, en gesmeed met een duister metaal met een smaragden glans. |
$item_axe_bronze | Bronzen bijl |
$item_axe_bronze_description | Een glimmend en gepolijst bijlvlak, gekromd als een glimlach. |
$item_axe_flint | Vuurstenen bijl |
$item_axe_flint_description | Scherper dan steen. |
$item_axe_iron | IJzeren bijl |
$item_axe_iron_description | Scherp en sterk. Een ware vriend van de houthakker. |
$item_axe_jotunbane | Jotun Bane |
$item_axe_jotunbane_description | Not even the giants of old could weather the poisonous bite of this weapon. |
$item_axe_rusty | Rusty iron axe UNUSED |
$item_axe_rusty_description | UNUSED |
$item_axe_stone | Stenen bijl |
$item_axe_stone_description | Een primitieve bijl om bomen mee te vellen. |
$item_backstab | Ruggensteek |
$item_barberkit | Barber Kit |
$item_barberkit_description | A kit fit for the finest of barbers. |
$item_barley | Gerst |
$item_barley_description | Een bundel gerst. |
$item_barleyflour | Gerstemeel |
$item_barleyflour_description | Goed voor het bakken van brood. |
$item_barleywine | Gerstewijn van de vuurbestendigheid |
$item_barleywine_description | Beschermt je iets tegen vuur. |
$item_barleywinebase | Gerstewijnbasis: vuurbestendigheid |
$item_barrelrings | Barrel Hoops |
$item_barrelrings_description | These metal rings are perfectly round, suitable for holding a barrel together. Just add wood! |
$item_battleaxe | Strijdbijl |
$item_battleaxe_crystal | Kristallen strijdbijl |
$item_battleaxe_crystal_description | Doorzichtig en doorklievend. |
$item_battleaxe_description | Schedelsplijter, een genot voor iedere krijger. |
$item_beechseeds | Beukennoten |
$item_beechseeds_description | Steek ze in de grond, dan komt er later een beuk uit. |
$item_bell | Bell |
$item_bell_description | For whom does the bell toll? |
$item_bellfragment | Bell Fragment |
$item_bellfragment_description | This ancient fragment appears to be a piece of a broken bell... |
$item_beltstrength | Megingjord |
$item_beltstrength_description | Geeft de drager bovenmenselijke krachten. |
$item_bilebag | Bilebag |
$item_bilebag_description | Caustic bile drawn from the corpse of a gjall. |
$item_bilebomb | Bile Bomb |
$item_bilebomb_description | Handle with care. |
$item_birchseeds | Berkennoten |
$item_birchseeds_description | Steek ze in de grond, dan komt er later een berk uit. |
$item_blackcore | Black Core |
$item_blackcore_description | Filled to the brim with ancient power. |
$item_blackmarble | Black Marble |
$item_blackmarble_description | A block of solid stone, seamed with shifting colors. |
$item_blackmetal | Zwart metaal |
$item_blackmetal_description | Een zware staaf zwart metaal. |
$item_blackmetalscrap | Zwartmetaalschroot |
$item_blackmetalscrap_description | Een verwrongen bonk donker metaal. |
$item_blacksoup | Zwarte soep |
$item_blacksoup_description | Een perfecte balans van zoet en zuur. |
$item_blackwood | Ashwood |
$item_blackwood_description | Wood hardened by fire and ash. |
$item_blockarmor | Blokkeerpantser |
$item_blockforce | Blokkeersterkte |
$item_blockpower | Blokkeerkracht |
$item_bloodbag | Bloedzak |
$item_bloodbag_description | De inhoud van een bloedzuiger. Vies! |
$item_bloodclot | Blood Clot |
$item_bloodclot_description | Be careful not to puncture this while you carry it... |
$item_bloodpudding | Bloedworst |
$item_bloodpudding_description | Een worstappeltje voor de bloeddorst. |
$item_blueberries | Bosbessen |
$item_blueberries_description | Klein maar lekker. |
$item_boar_meat | Zwijnenvlees |
$item_boar_meat_cooked | Gekookt zwijnenvlees |
$item_boar_meat_cooked_description | Een aardse smaak. |
$item_boar_meat_description | |
$item_boarjerky | Gedroogd zwijnenvlees |
$item_boarjerky_description | Mager en zout. |
$item_bolt_blackmetal | Black Metal Bolt |
$item_bolt_blackmetal_description | A sleek bolt of dark metal. |
$item_bolt_bone | Bone Bolt |
$item_bolt_bone_description | A crude bolt of yellowed bone. |
$item_bolt_carapace | Carapace Bolt |
$item_bolt_carapace_description | A heavy and solid bolt. |
$item_bolt_charred | Charred Bolt |
$item_bolt_charred_description | A sturdy bone from a forearm, shaped into a deadly bolt. |
$item_bolt_iron | Iron Bolt |
$item_bolt_iron_description | A sturdy iron missile. |
$item_bonefragments | Bottenfragmenten |
$item_bonefragments_description | Een stapel versplinterde botten. |
$item_bonemawmeat | Bonemaw Meat |
$item_bonemawmeat_cooked | Cooked Bonemaw Meat |
$item_bonemawmeat_cooked_description | The boiling sea did nothing to this meat, but grilling it over the fire has given it a delightful crisp. |
$item_bonemawmeat_description | A tasty, white fish meat. Very good for your bones! |
$item_bonemawscale | Bonemaw Scale |
$item_bonemawscale_description | It looks just like bone. Best not to question the anatomy of this creature too much... |
$item_bonemawtooth | Bonemaw Tooth |
$item_bonemawtooth_description | This has caused the death of many a brave sailor. |
$item_bow | Primitieve boog |
$item_bow_ashlands | Ash Fang |
$item_bow_ashlands_description | Risen again from the ashes, this bow holds unyielding strength. |
$item_bow_ashlandsblood | Blood Fang |
$item_bow_ashlandsblood_description | Arrows loosed from this bow will tear into flesh with unmatched ferocity. |
$item_bow_ashlandsroot | Root Fang |
$item_bow_ashlandsroot_description | Like the twisting branch was made to seek the sun, this bow was made to seek the slaughter. |
$item_bow_ashlandsstorm | Storm Fang |
$item_bow_ashlandsstorm_description | Let your arrows fly as swift as the lightning strikes. |
$item_bow_description | Een primitieve, maar nuttige boog. |
$item_bow_draugrfang | Draugensnijder |
$item_bow_draugrfang_description | Donker hout gespannen met een glinsterende pees, een boosaardig ding. |
$item_bow_finewood | Fijnhouten boog |
$item_bow_finewood_description | Een eenvoudige boog van sterk, soepel hout. |
$item_bow_huntsman | Jagersboog |
$item_bow_huntsman_description | Mooi bewerkt en goed gespannen. Een genot voor iedere jager. |
$item_bow_snipesnap | Spinesnap |
$item_bow_snipesnap_description | Using this bow is backbreaking work but so worth it. |
$item_bread | Brood |
$item_bread_description | Een smakelijk brood. |
$item_breaddough | Brooddeeg |
$item_breaddough_description | Klaar voor de oven. |
$item_bronze | Brons |
$item_bronze_description | Een sterke legering van koper en tin. |
$item_bronzenails | Bronzen spijkers |
$item_bronzenails_description | Gebruikt in de scheeps- en meubelbouw. |
$item_bronzescrap | Scrap Bronze |
$item_bronzescrap_description | It's old and oxidized but can be smelted and used again. |
$item_bug_meat | Seeker Meat |
$item_bug_meat_cooked | Cooked Seeker Meat |
$item_bug_meat_cooked_description | Succulent white meat. A true delicacy. |
$item_bug_meat_description | When you crack open their shells, the meat within is tender and succulent. |
$item_candlewick | Candle Wick |
$item_candlewick_description | Steep these in something flammable for a long lasting and cosy light source. |
$item_cape_ash | Ashen Cape |
$item_cape_ash_description | Thin metal threads are woven into this cape to create an intricate pattern, like a destiny woven by the Norns themselves. |
$item_cape_asksvin | Asksvin Cloak |
$item_cape_asksvin_description | This thick cape catches the wind, not unlike the sail of a ship. |
$item_cape_deerhide | Cape van hertenleer |
$item_cape_deerhide_description | Rustieke elegantie. |
$item_cape_feather | Feather Cape |
$item_cape_feather_description | Donning this cape makes you feel lighter, almost as if you could fly! |
$item_cape_linen | Linnen cape |
$item_cape_linen_description | Een eenvoudige cape voor de reiziger. |
$item_cape_lox | Hossencape |
$item_cape_lox_description | De pels van een van de grote wezens. Dik en warm. |
$item_cape_odin | Odins cape |
$item_cape_odin_description | Odins beste krijgers verdienen de beste stof. |
$item_cape_trollhide | Cape van trollenleer |
$item_cape_trollhide_description | Trollenleer is taai en soepel. |
$item_cape_wolf | Wolfsbonten cape |
$item_cape_wolf_description | Wolven zijn van nature overlevers. Deze had gewoon pech. Nu houdt zijn huid je warm in de sneeuw. |
$item_carapace | Carapace |
$item_carapace_description | A plate of chitinous armor. |
$item_carrot | Wortel |
$item_carrot_description | Een oranje traktatie. |
$item_carrotseeds | Wortelzaden |
$item_carrotseeds_description | Plant ze als je van wortels houdt… |
$item_carrotsoup | Wortelsoep |
$item_carrotsoup_description | Een warme, smakelijke soep die hoofdzakelijk uit wortels bestaat. |
$item_catapult_ammo | Explosive Payload |
$item_catapult_ammo_description | Best used with a catapult. Handle with care. |
$item_catapult_training_ammo | Grausten Payload |
$item_catapult_training_ammo_description | Best used with a catapult. Make sure nothing fragile is in the way. |
$item_celestialfeather | Celestial Feather |
$item_celestialfeather_description | The only remnant of the fallen valkyrie's former self. |
$item_ceramicplate | Ceramic Plate |
$item_ceramicplate_description | No matter how hot this gets, the other side of it remains strangely cool. |
$item_chain | Ketting |
$item_chain_description | Een ijzeren ketting. |
$item_chancetoapplyse | Chance to apply effect: |
$item_charcoalresin | Charcoal Resin |
$item_charcoalresin_description | The resin from a tree that was set ablaze a long time ago. It's still ready to burn some more. |
$item_charredbone | Charred Bone |
$item_charredbone_description | Followed by the distinct smell of burnt meat. |
$item_charredcogwheel | Charred Cogwheel |
$item_charredcogwheel_description | This could be used for some clever machinery... |
$item_charredskull | Charred Skull |
$item_charredskull_description | The blackened skull of a long-dead warrior. It's unlikely that a proper burial would grant them any peace. |
$item_chest_bronze | Bronzen kuras |
$item_chest_bronze_description | Een borstplaat van gehamerd brons. |
$item_chest_carapace | Carapace Breastplate |
$item_chest_carapace_description | A breastplate crafted from the burnished carapace of a giant insect. |
$item_chest_dress1 | Plain Brown Dress |
$item_chest_dress1_description | A plain brown dress, worn over a blue underdress. |
$item_chest_dress10 | Simple Undyed Dress |
$item_chest_dress10_description | A simple dress for everyday wear. |
$item_chest_dress2 | Brown Dress with Shawl |
$item_chest_dress2_description | A brown dress, with a matching shawl around the shoulders. Warm and stylish! |
$item_chest_dress3 | Brown Dress with Beads |
$item_chest_dress3_description | A fancy brown dress, with beads and silver fibula brooches. Excellent for a feast! |
$item_chest_dress4 | Plain Blue Dress |
$item_chest_dress4_description | A plain blue dress, worn over a red underdress. |
$item_chest_dress5 | Blue Dress with Shawl |
$item_chest_dress5_description | A blue dress, with a green shawl around the shoulders. Warm and stylish! |
$item_chest_dress6 | Blue Dress with Beads |
$item_chest_dress6_description | A fancy blue dress, with beads and bronze fibula brooches. Excellent for a feast! |
$item_chest_dress7 | Plain Yellow Dress |
$item_chest_dress7_description | A plain yellow dress, worn over a green underdress. |
$item_chest_dress8 | Yellow Dress with Shawl |
$item_chest_dress8_description | A yellow dress, with a purple shawl around the shoulders. Warm and stylish! |
$item_chest_dress9 | Yellow Dress with Beads |
$item_chest_dress9_description | A fancy yellow dress, with beads and silver fibula brooches. Excellent for a feast! |
$item_chest_fenris | Fenris Coat |
$item_chest_fenris_description | The beast could draw deep breaths, so that its howl could be heard far across the land. |
$item_chest_flametal | Flametal Breastplate |
$item_chest_flametal_description | This fusion of mysterious flametal and charred bones serves as a protective layer more resilient than anything you could ever find in Midgard. |
$item_chest_harvester1 | Harvest Tunic |
$item_chest_harvester1_description | When working the fields, it's important to dress accordingly. A shorter tunic lets in a cool breeze. |
$item_chest_harvester2 | Harvest Dress |
$item_chest_harvester2_description | When working the fields, it's important to dress accordingly. This long dress keeps your knees covered while you work. |
$item_chest_hildir_description | Property of Hildir, please return if found. |
$item_chest_hildir1 | Hildir's Brass Chest |
$item_chest_hildir2 | Hildir's Silver Chest |
$item_chest_hildir3 | Hildir's Bronze Chest |
$item_chest_iron | IJzeren beplate maliënkolder |
$item_chest_iron_description | Een maliënkolder van ijzeren plaatjes. Weerstaat zelfs de stevigste klappen. |
$item_chest_leather | Leren tuniek |
$item_chest_leather_description | Een van dierenhuid gemaakte tuniek. |
$item_chest_mage | Eitr-weave Robe |
$item_chest_mage_ashlands | Robes of Embla |
$item_chest_mage_ashlands_description | Imbued with the power of the first sorceress, these robes will grant a boon to any who seeks to wield the ancient art of magic. |
$item_chest_mage_description | These artfully layered robes have spells and charms sewn into every seam and fold. |
$item_chest_medium_ashlands | Breastplate of Ask |
$item_chest_medium_ashlands_description | The first man in Midgard knew how to guard his most vital organs, perhaps with a breastplate just like this one. |
$item_chest_pcuirass | Gevoerd kuras |
$item_chest_pcuirass_description | Van stevige maak en sterk genoeg op zelfs de scherpste zwaarden tegen te houden. |
$item_chest_rags | Voddentuniek |
$item_chest_rags_description | Beter dan niets. |
$item_chest_root | Root Harnesk |
$item_chest_root_description | A light armor oddly woven together by ancient roots and bark. |
$item_chest_trollleather | Trolleren tuniek |
$item_chest_trollleather_description | Trollen zijn lastig te villen maar hun leer is stevig en warm. |
$item_chest_tunic1 | Plain Blue Tunic |
$item_chest_tunic1_description | A plain blue tunic, brightly dyed. |
$item_chest_tunic10 | Simple Undyed Tunic |
$item_chest_tunic10_description | A simple tunic for everyday wear. |
$item_chest_tunic2 | Blue Tunic with Cape |
$item_chest_tunic2_description | A blue tunic, worn with a fashionable cape made from fine brown wool. |
$item_chest_tunic3 | Blue Tunic with Beads |
$item_chest_tunic3_description | A blue tunic worn with beads and silver jewelry. Sure to attract attention from other vikings. |
$item_chest_tunic4 | Plain Red Tunic |
$item_chest_tunic4_description | A plain red tunic, brightly dyed. |
$item_chest_tunic5 | Red Tunic with Cape |
$item_chest_tunic5_description | A red tunic, worn with a fashionable cape made from fine green wool. |
$item_chest_tunic6 | Red Tunic with Beads |
$item_chest_tunic6_description | A red tunic worn with beads and bronze jewelry. Sure to attract attention from other vikings. |
$item_chest_tunic7 | Plain Yellow Tunic |
$item_chest_tunic7_description | A plain yellow tunic, brightly dyed. |
$item_chest_tunic8 | Yellow Tunic with Cape |
$item_chest_tunic8_description | A yellow tunic, worn with a fashionable cape made from fine purple wool. |
$item_chest_tunic9 | Yellow Tunic with Beads |
$item_chest_tunic9_description | A yellow tunic worn with beads and silver jewelry. Sure to attract attention from other vikings. |
$item_chest_wolf | Wolfharnas borststuk |
$item_chest_wolf_description | Een wambuis van wolfshuid die er warm en wild uitziet. Beschermt tegen de kou. |
$item_chicken_egg | Egg |
$item_chicken_egg_cold | (Too cold) |
$item_chicken_egg_description | Keep it warm to see what comes out.. but what came first, really? |
$item_chicken_egg_stacked | (Can not grow in stack) |
$item_chicken_egg_warm | (Warm) |
$item_chicken_meat | Chicken Meat |
$item_chicken_meat_cooked | Cooked Chicken Meat |
$item_chicken_meat_cooked_description | It tastes like chicken. |
$item_chicken_meat_description | All chickens bear the ancestral curse of being delicious. |
$item_chitin | Chitine |
$item_chitin_description | Een stukje schaaldierschaal. |
$item_cloudberries | Veenbramen |
$item_cloudberries_description | Bosgoud. |
$item_club | Knots |
$item_club_description | Primitief, maar nuttig. |
$item_coal | Kool |
$item_coal_description | Een stuk kool. |
$item_coin | Munt |
$item_coin_description | Een gouden munt. |
$item_coins | Munten |
$item_coins_description | <color=yellow>Waardevol |
$item_copper | Koper |
$item_copper_description | Een staaf van puur koper, klaar om te worden bewerkt. |
$item_copperore | Kopererts |
$item_copperore_description | Ruwe koper. Moet worden verfijnd in een smelterij. |
$item_copperscrap | Copper Scrap |
$item_copperscrap_description | One person's scrap is another person's treasure. |
$item_crafter | Gemaakt door |
$item_crossbow_arbalest | Arbalest |
$item_crossbow_arbalest_description | A slow but powerful weapon. |
$item_crossbow_ripper | Ripper |
$item_crossbow_ripper_blood | Wound Ripper |
$item_crossbow_ripper_blood_description | Ready to rend your enemies to pieces. |
$item_crossbow_ripper_description | Rips your foes apart, simple as that. |
$item_crossbow_ripper_lightning | Storm Ripper |
$item_crossbow_ripper_lightning_description | The bolts will tear through your enemies like a particularly nasty gale. |
$item_crossbow_ripper_nature | Root Ripper |
$item_crossbow_ripper_nature_description | If the bolt doesn't pin your foe in place, the roots surging up from the ground surely will. |
$item_cryptkey | Moerassleutel |
$item_cryptkey_description | Deels bedekt met aangekoekte modder en ruikt dus wat onplezierig. |
$item_crystal | Kristal |
$item_crystal_description | Een kristalscherf van diep uit de aarde. |
$item_cultivator | Ploeg |
$item_cultivator_description | Een landbouwgereedschap om de grond mee om te spitten. |
$item_curedsquirrelhamstring | Cured Squirrel Hamstring |
$item_curedsquirrelhamstring_description | Elastic and strong. This tendon must have come from a quick and agile animal. |
$item_current | Huidig |
$item_damagemultiplierhp | Damage increased per health missing |
$item_damagemultipliertotal | Damage increase based on total health missing |
$item_dandelion | Paardenbloem |
$item_dandelion_description | Een paardenbloem. |
$item_deer_meat | Hertenvlees |
$item_deer_meat_cooked | Gekookt hertenvlees |
$item_deer_meat_cooked_description | Al dat rennen heeft echt iets opgeleverd. |
$item_deer_meat_description | |
$item_deerhide | Hertenpels |
$item_deerhide_description | De schoongemaakte pels van een hert. |
$item_deerstew | Hertenstoofpot |
$item_deerstew_description | Zo mals dat het uit elkaar valt. |
$item_deflection | Pareerkracht |
$item_deflection_OLD | Deflectie |
$item_demister | Wisplight |
$item_demister_description | A bound wisp to guide you through the thickest of mists. |
$item_destructible_gucksack | Kleefselzak |
$item_destructible_unstablelavarock | Unstable Lava Rock |
$item_dlc | DLC-item |
$item_dragonegg | Drakenei |
$item_dragonegg_description | Zwaarder dan het eruitziet. Vanbinnen klinkt vaag een zoemend geluid. |
$item_dragontear | Drakentraan |
$item_dragontear_description | De laatste bevroren tranen van een draak, pulserend van de mysterieuze energie. |
$item_drink | Drink |
$item_durability | Duurzaamheid |
$item_dvergrkey | Sealbreaker |
$item_dvergrkey_description | An object used to break a Dverger seal. |
$item_dvergrkeyfragment | Sealbreaker Fragment |
$item_dvergrkeyfragment_description | A fragment of a Dvergr sealbreaker. |
$item_dvergrneedle | Dvergr Extractor |
$item_dvergrneedle_description | Looks like a perfect piece for piercing something... |
$item_dvergrtankard | Dvergr Tankard |
$item_dvergrtankard_description | It can hold a lot of mead! |
$item_Dyrnwyn_blade | Dyrnwyn Blade Fragment |
$item_Dyrnwyn_blade_description | Parts of an old blade. If all the pieces were reassembled it could likely be made whole. |
$item_Dyrnwyn_hilt | Dyrnwyn Hilt Fragment |
$item_Dyrnwyn_hilt_description | The hilt of a long forgotten sword. Perhaps it could be reforged if one had all the pieces... |
$item_Dyrnwyn_tip | Dyrnwyn Tip Fragment |
$item_Dyrnwyn_tip_description | This shard of metal looks like the tip of a sword. One might be able to reforge the blade if more pieces are found... |
$item_eat | Eat |
$item_egg_cooked | Cooked Egg |
$item_egg_cooked_description | Sunny side up! |
$item_eitr | Refined Eitr |
$item_eitr_description | This is the stuff of life, the poison that consumes itself. The Dvergr refine it to use in their esoteric designs. |
$item_eitrregen_modifier | Eitr regen |
$item_eitruse | Use eitr |
$item_elderbark | Oeroude bast |
$item_elderbark_description | Een zeer oud maar stevig materiaal. |
$item_entrails | Ingewanden |
$item_entrails_description | De slijmerige inhoud van een wezen. |
$item_eyescream | IJsco-oog |
$item_eyescream_description | Knapperig koud en romig. |
$item_fader_drop | Fader Relic |
$item_fader_drop_description | The mystical power will be revealed another day. |
$item_falldamage | Fall damage |
$item_feastashlands | Ashlands Gourmet Bowl |
$item_feastashlands_description | It's hard to tell whether the steam coming off of this dish is because it's freshly cooked or because of the asksvin meat in it. Either way, the spiced meat together with the vineberries and fiddlehead sprouts is so delicious that it doesn't matter! |
$item_feastblackforest | Black Forest Buffet Platter |
$item_feastblackforest_description | You won't be able to resist this platter of delights from the Black Forest! Venison sirloin steaks are served together with spiced thistles and carrots, and the whole meal is tied together with delicious jams. Just have one more bite! |
$item_feaster | Serving Tray |
$item_feaster_description | Set the table with whatever food and drink you fancy, and impress your guests with a delicious feast. <color=yellow>Once a feast has been eaten of, it won't return any resources if dismantled. |
$item_feaster_remove_description | <color=yellow>Once a feast has been eaten of, it won't return any resources if dismantled. |
$item_feastmeadows | Whole Roasted Meadow Boar |
$item_feastmeadows_description | A boar that has been roasted to perfection, glazed and served atop a bed of greens, with additional cuts of meat on the side. A feast like this is sure to fill your stomach and brighten your day! |
$item_feastmistlands | Mushrooms Galore á la Mistlands |
$item_feastmistlands_description | The time has come for mushroom enthusiasts to rejoice! Try different kinds of mushrooms, mushroom marinated seeker meat and mushroom-filled misthare, and don't miss out on the tasty sap dressing. |
$item_feastmountains | Hearty Mountain Logger's Stew |
$item_feastmountains_description | Gather around this steaming pot full of deliciousness and warm yourselves up again after a day out in the cold. The usually tough and chewey wolf meat has become tender enough to practically melt in your mouth, and the onions and carrots are made even tastier with exciting spices. |
$item_feastoceans | Sailor's Bounty |
$item_feastoceans_description | Fish, fish, and more fish! And also serpent meat, cut to look like fish! Explore the flavours of the Ocean, along with some grilled greens for those still practicing their sea legs. |
$item_feastplains | Plains Pie Picnic |
$item_feastplains_description | There's nothing plain about this feast! Enjoy pies and loaves fresh from the oven, both sweet and savoury, and experience the culinary equivalent of a hug. |
$item_feastswamps | Swamp Dweller's Delight |
$item_feastswamps_description | Who knew that leeches were edible? With the correct preparation (lots of cooking and lots of seasoning) you will be able to serve them in this feast for the culinary brave. For those who have a sensitive stomach, there are also tasty skewers of sausages and turnips on the side. |
$item_feathers | Veren |
$item_feathers_description | Een klein hoopje veren. |
$item_fiddleheadfern | Fiddlehead |
$item_fiddleheadfern_description | Veggies with a twist! |
$item_fierysvinstew | Fiery Svinstew |
$item_fierysvinstew_description | This musty stew is a necessity on every adventurer's menu. |
$item_finewood | Fijn hout |
$item_finewood_description | Hout van hoge kwaliteit, voor het fijnere timmerwerk. |
$item_fircone | Sparkegel |
$item_fircone_description | Steek dit in de grond, dan komt er later een spar uit. |
$item_fireworkrocket_blue | Blue Fireworks |
$item_fireworkrocket_cyan | Cyan Fireworks |
$item_fireworkrocket_description | This rocket's blasting off again! |
$item_fireworkrocket_green | Green Fireworks |
$item_fireworkrocket_purple | Purple Fireworks |
$item_fireworkrocket_red | Red Fireworks |
$item_fireworkrocket_white | Basic Fireworks |
$item_fireworkrocket_yellow | Yellow Fireworks |
$item_fish_cooked | Gekookte vis |
$item_fish_cooked_description | Een smakelijk stukje gerookte vis. |
$item_fish_raw | Rauwe vis |
$item_fish_raw_description | Een mooie vangst. |
$item_fishandbread | Fish 'n' Bread |
$item_fishandbread_description | Bounty from both land and sea. |
$item_fishandbreaduncooked | Uncooked Fish 'n' Bread |
$item_fishingbait | Aas |
$item_fishingbait_ashlands | Hot Fishing Bait |
$item_fishingbait_ashlands_description | Some fish already like it where the waters are warm, and this bait brings the temperature close to boiling. |
$item_fishingbait_cave | Cold Fishing Bait |
$item_fishingbait_cave_description | This bait doesn't look like much, but it's a treat to fish that live where it's cold and dark. |
$item_fishingbait_deepnorth | Frosty Fishing Bait |
$item_fishingbait_deepnorth_description | It's not very nutritious, so the only fish that'll take this bait are the ones that are used to just eating ice. |
$item_fishingbait_description | Doorsnee aas waar de dvergr mee vissen. Hengel apart verkrijgbaar. |
$item_fishingbait_forest | Mossy Fishing Bait |
$item_fishingbait_forest_description | Dead trolls in the forest often attract a fish or two, speed up the process with this bait! |
$item_fishingbait_mistlands | Misty Fishing Bait |
$item_fishingbait_mistlands_description | A bait to guide the fish to you through shrouded waters. |
$item_fishingbait_ocean | Heavy Fishing Bait |
$item_fishingbait_ocean_description | This bait sinks deep, deep enough to lure the fish swimming along the very bottom of the sea. |
$item_fishingbait_plains | Stingy Fishing Bait |
$item_fishingbait_plains_description | You're not immune to deathsquito bites, and the fish here aren't immune to this snack! |
$item_fishingbait_swamp | Sticky Fishing Bait |
$item_fishingbait_swamp_description | It might smell foul, but the fish drawn to this bait are used to so much worse. |
$item_fishingrod | Hengel |
$item_fishingrod_description | Standaardhengel van de dvergr. |
$item_fishwraps | Viswraps |
$item_fishwraps_description | Brood en vis, wat wil je nou nog meer? |
$item_fistweapon_fenris | Flesh Rippers |
$item_fistweapon_fenris_description | If claws work for wolves, why not for a viking? |
$item_flametal | Vlammetaal |
$item_flametal_description | De pure, glimmende kern van een meteoriet. |
$item_flametal_old | Ancient Metal |
$item_flametal_old_description | A withered metal from ancient times. No one knows what it was once used for. |
$item_flametalore | Flametal Ore |
$item_flametalore_description | Het voelt warm aan en bevat gloeiende aderen van een vreemd metaal. Moet worden verfijnd in een smelterij. |
$item_flametalore_old | Glowing Metal Ore |
$item_flax | Vlas |
$item_flax_description | Niet-gesponnen vezels van een vlasplant. |
$item_flint | Vuursteen |
$item_flint_description | Kan worden omgevormd tot scherpe lemmeten. |
$item_food | Voedsel |
$item_food_duration | Duur |
$item_food_eitr | Eitr |
$item_food_health | Gezondheid |
$item_food_regen | Genezing |
$item_food_stamina | Conditie |
$item_fragrantbundle | Fragrant Bundle |
$item_fragrantbundle_description | These plants carry a strong but pleasant scent. However, it's possible that not all creatures agree... |
$item_freezegland | Bevriezingsklier |
$item_freezegland_description | Dit mysterieuze orgaan blijft perfect op temperatuur. |
$item_freshseaweed | Fresh Seaweed |
$item_freshseaweed_description | The saltwater scent of this plant makes you think of the wide open ocean. |
$item_gemstone_blue | Iolite |
$item_gemstone_blue_description | Light is reflected sharply off of this gem, or does it come from within the stone itself? |
$item_gemstone_green | Jade |
$item_gemstone_green_description | This gem pulses with energy, almost as if it were a living thing. |
$item_gemstone_red | Bloodstone |
$item_gemstone_red_description | You wonder how many deals have been made to appease this gem. How many palms have bled onto it in exchange for its power? |
$item_goblintotem | Loedertotem |
$item_goblintotem_description | Een geleider van de oerkrachten van Yagluth. |
$item_grausten | Grausten |
$item_grausten_description | Porous yet sturdy. |
$item_greydwarfeye | Grijze dwergoog |
$item_greydwarfeye_description | De melkachtige oogbal van een grijze dwerg. |
$item_guck | Kleefsel |
$item_guck_description | Ruikt naar gefermenteerde vis. |
$item_hammer | Hamer |
$item_hammer_description | Met dit in je hand kun je grootse huizen en stevige vestingwerken bouwen. |
$item_hardantler | Hard gewei |
$item_hardantler_description | En stuk erg hard gewei. |
$item_hare_meat | Hare Meat |
$item_hare_meat_cooked | Cooked Hare Meat |
$item_hare_meat_cooked_description | Stringy but flavorful. |
$item_hare_meat_description | The meat of a hare is scant but toothsome. |
$item_healthhitreturn | Health returned on hit |
$item_healthuse | Use health |
$item_heat_modifier | Heat resistance |
$item_helmet_bronze | Bronzen helm |
$item_helmet_bronze_description | Dit helpt om je hersens veilig in je schedel te houden. |
$item_helmet_bronzehorned | Gehoornde bronzen helm |
$item_helmet_bronzehorned_description | Bronzen helm met extra hoorns, want dat is extra tof. |
$item_helmet_carapace | Carapace Helmet |
$item_helmet_carapace_description | People might say you look like a giant ant. But they will only say it once. |
$item_helmet_drake | Kleine ijsdraakhelm |
$item_helmet_drake_description | Een bewerkte helm, zeer verfijnd vakmanschap. |
$item_helmet_dverger | Dvergerdiadeem |
$item_helmet_dverger_description | Een draagbare en eeuwigdurende lichtbron voor de kerkeravonturier. |
$item_helmet_fenris | Fenris Hood |
$item_helmet_fenris_description | The eyes of the beast were wise and knowing, so that it could measure the strength of a warrior in one glance. |
$item_helmet_fishinghat | Fishing Hat |
$item_helmet_fishinghat_description | This catchy hat may only be reeled in by the most seasoned adventurers. |
$item_helmet_flametal | Flametal Helmet |
$item_helmet_flametal_description | While you're wearing this helmet, your enemies will think twice before trying to bite your head off. |
$item_helmet_hat1 | Blue Tied Headscarf |
$item_helmet_hat1_description | A blue practical headscarf. |
$item_helmet_hat10 | Simple Purple Cap |
$item_helmet_hat10_description | A simple yet fashionable purple cap. |
$item_helmet_hat2 | Green Twisted Headscarf |
$item_helmet_hat2_description | A fancy green headscarf. |
$item_helmet_hat3 | Brown Fur Cap |
$item_helmet_hat3_description | A warm fur cap, made from the finest leather. |
$item_helmet_hat4 | Extravagant Green Cap |
$item_helmet_hat4_description | A warm cap for special occasions. |
$item_helmet_hat5 | Simple Red Cap |
$item_helmet_hat5_description | A simple yet fashionable red cap. |
$item_helmet_hat6 | Yellow Tied Headscarf |
$item_helmet_hat6_description | A practical yellow headscarf. |
$item_helmet_hat7 | Red Twisted Headscarf |
$item_helmet_hat7_description | A fancy red headscarf. |
$item_helmet_hat8 | Grey Fur Cap |
$item_helmet_hat8_description | A warm fur cap, made from the finest wool. |
$item_helmet_hat9 | Extravagant Orange Cap |
$item_helmet_hat9_description | A warm cap for special occasions. |
$item_helmet_iron | IJzeren helm |
$item_helmet_iron_description | Een helm van gepolijst ijzer, zeker een held waardig. |
$item_helmet_leather | Leren helm |
$item_helmet_leather_description | Een hoofddeksel van verstevigd leer. |
$item_helmet_mage | Eitr-weave Hood |
$item_helmet_mage_ashlands | Hood of Embla |
$item_helmet_mage_ashlands_description | Even the first sorceress valued the mystique of covering one's face. It is rumoured that honouring her this way will make your spells even more powerful. |
$item_helmet_mage_description | Sorcery shows itself in the eyes, so most mages wear cowls to disguise their occult pursuits. |
$item_helmet_medium_ashlands | Hood of Ask |
$item_helmet_medium_ashlands_description | As the first man of Midgard, Ask knew it was important to not draw too much attention to himself. |
$item_helmet_midsummercrown | Midsummer Crown |
$item_helmet_midsummercrown_description | Celebrate summer with a crown woven from flowers. |
$item_helmet_odin | Odins kap |
$item_helmet_odin_description | Odins beste krijgers verdienen de beste stof. |
$item_helmet_padded | Gevoerde helm |
$item_helmet_padded_description | Hij zit goed en is goed gemaakt. |
$item_helmet_root | Root Mask |
$item_helmet_root_description | Your head fits perfectly inside this knot of roots and bark. |
$item_helmet_strawhat | Straw Hat |
$item_helmet_strawhat_description | The perfect way to avoid sunstroke. |
$item_helmet_trollleather | Trolleren helm |
$item_helmet_trollleather_description | Trollenhuid is lastig om mee te werken, maar je kunt er uitzonderlijke lichaamsbescherming mee maken. |
$item_helmet_witchhat | Pointy Hat |
$item_helmet_witchhat_description | This hat is sure to add a bit of magical flair to any outfit. |
$item_helmet_yule | Joelhoed |
$item_helmet_yule_description | Een rode muts in navolging van de huiskabouters. |
$item_hide | Huid |
$item_hide_description | Een dierenhuid. |
$item_hildir_divan | Divan |
$item_hildirkey_description | It seems to be missing its owner... |
$item_hildirkey1 | Hildir's Brass Key |
$item_hildirkey2 | Hildir's Silver Key |
$item_hildirkey3 | Hildir's Bronze Key |
$item_hoe | Schoffel |
$item_hoe_description | Een gereedschap waarmee een boer de grond bewerkt. |
$item_honey | Honing |
$item_honey_description | Zoet en smakelijk. |
$item_honeyglazedchicken | Honey Glazed Chicken |
$item_honeyglazedchicken_description | Grilled to perfection. Makes both eyes and mouths water. |
$item_honeyglazedchickenuncooked | Uncooked Honey Glazed Chicken |
$item_iron | IJzer |
$item_iron_description | Een staaf van puur ijzer, klaar om bewerkt te worden. |
$item_ironnails | IJzeren spijkers |
$item_ironnails_description | Nodig voor geavanceerde bouwprojecten. |
$item_ironore | IJzererts |
$item_ironore_description | Ruwe ijzer. Moet worden verfijnd in een smelterij. |
$item_ironpit | Iron Pit |
$item_ironpit_description | An empty vessel waiting to be filled with firewood and kindling. |
$item_ironscrap | IJzerschroot |
$item_ironscrap_description | Oud en verroest, maar kan worden omgesmolten en hergebruikt. |
$item_jotunpuffs | Jotun Puffs |
$item_jotunpuffs_description | Swollen with magic, these golden orbs bubble from the ground where the Jotun fell. |
$item_juteblue | Blue Jute |
$item_juteblue_description | Made from natural fibers and dvergr hair. |
$item_jutered | Red Jute |
$item_jutered_description | A sturdy, rough fabric. |
$item_knife_blackmetal | Zwartmetalen mes |
$item_knife_blackmetal_description | Een duister lemmet, sterk en scherp. |
$item_knife_butcher | Slagersmes |
$item_knife_butcher_description | Een slagersmes dat specifiek is ontworpen voor het slachten van tamme dieren. |
$item_knife_chitin | Kloofsnijder |
$item_knife_chitin_description | Een mes uit de diepte. |
$item_knife_copper | Koperen mes |
$item_knife_copper_description | Een glimmend koperen mes. |
$item_knife_flint | Vuurstenen mes |
$item_knife_flint_description | Scherp vuursteen, een betrouwbaar gereedschap. |
$item_knife_silver | Zilveren mes |
$item_knife_silver_description | Dat gaat iemand zeker voelen. Au. |
$item_knife_skollandhati | Skoll and Hati |
$item_knife_skollandhati_description | Stab once for those who've betrayed you, and twice for those you hate. |
$item_knockback | Duweffect |
$item_kvastur_description | A witch's best friend. |
$item_lantern | Dvergr Lantern |
$item_lantern_description | A simple torch would just be so old fashioned. |
$item_lavabomb | Basalt Bomb |
$item_lavabomb_description | With enough heat, it solidifies upon explosion. |
$item_leatherscraps | Leren banden |
$item_leatherscraps_description | Een kleine hoop leren banden. |
$item_legs_bronze | Bronzen beenbeschermers |
$item_legs_bronze_description | Bewerkte bronzen scheenplaten die je benen beschermen. |
$item_legs_carapace | Carapace Greaves |
$item_legs_carapace_description | Leg guards of a rigid carapace. |
$item_legs_fenris | Fenris Leggings |
$item_legs_fenris_description | The legs of the beast were lean and strong, so that it could leap great strides. |
$item_legs_flametal | Flametal Greaves |
$item_legs_flametal_description | Heavy trousers insulate against the heat, while solid greaves keep your shins safe from low blows. |
$item_legs_iron | IJzeren scheenplaten |
$item_legs_iron_description | IJzeren scheenplaten die je benen beschermen. |
$item_legs_leather | Leren broek |
$item_legs_leather_description | Hij kraakt wat terwijl je loopt. |
$item_legs_mage | Eitr-weave Trousers |
$item_legs_mage_ashlands | Trousers of Embla |
$item_legs_mage_ashlands_description | Whether or not the first sorceress actually wore trousers exactly like these, we can never know. |
$item_legs_mage_description | The trousers worn by mages are always especially tight. Discomfort fuels the focus that is needed for magic... |
$item_legs_medium_ashlands | Trousers of Ask |
$item_legs_medium_ashlands_description | The first man to roam Midgard preferred to tread lightly. Wearers of these trousers could learn a thing or two from him. |
$item_legs_pgreaves | Gevoerde scheenplaten |
$item_legs_pgreaves_description | Vakkundig gemaakte beenbescherming. |
$item_legs_rags | Voddenbroek |
$item_legs_rags_description | Een eenvoudig geneesmiddel voor naaktheid. |
$item_legs_root | Root Leggings |
$item_legs_root_description | A light armor oddly woven together by ancient roots and bark. |
$item_legs_trollleather | Trolleren broek |
$item_legs_trollleather_description | Legging van ruige trollenhuid. |
$item_legs_wolf | Wolfharnas onderstuk |
$item_legs_wolf_description | Harige broek van wolfshuid. |
$item_limitfallspeed | Limit fall speed |
$item_linenthread | Linnen draad |
$item_linenthread_description | Een fijne linnen draad, gemaakt van sterke vlasdraadjes. |
$item_loxmeat | Hossenvlees |
$item_loxmeat_cooked | Gekookt Hossenvlees |
$item_loxmeat_cooked_description | Een groot stuk mals vlees dat niet zou misstaan in Walhalla! |
$item_loxmeat_description | Een rauw stuk doorregen vlees. |
$item_loxpelt | Hossenpels |
$item_loxpelt_description | Een volle pels dik, muf haar. |
$item_loxpie | Hossenvleespastei |
$item_loxpie_description | Breek de korst open en laat een stoomwolk vrij die zeer aanlokkelijk ruikt. Heerlijk! |
$item_loxpie_uncooked | Ongebakken hostaart |
$item_loxpie_uncooked_description | Klaar voor de oven. |
$item_mace_bronze | Bronzen strijdknots |
$item_mace_bronze_description | Hoofdpijn op een stok. |
$item_mace_eldner | Flametal Mace |
$item_mace_eldner_blood | Bloodgeon |
$item_mace_eldner_blood_description | The blood all but soaks into this mace, and it always yearns for more. |
$item_mace_eldner_description | Dense yet spiked flametal, perfect for bashing enemy faces in. |
$item_mace_eldner_lightning | Storm Star |
$item_mace_eldner_lightning_description | Particularly effective on cloudy mornings. |
$item_mace_eldner_nature | Klossen |
$item_mace_eldner_nature_description | If the force of your blow isn't enough to knock your enemies to the ground, perhaps the primal roots will hold them down for you. |
$item_mace_iron | IJzeren strijdknots |
$item_mace_iron_description | Een stuk ijzer ter grootte van je vuist op een houten steel. |
$item_mace_needle | Stekelvarken |
$item_mace_needle_description | Een dodelijk wapen bedekt met gemene stekels. |
$item_mace_silver | Vorstner |
$item_mace_silver_description | De doden vrezen zilver. Herinner ze eraan waarom dat is. |
$item_magecap | Magecap |
$item_magecap_description | The delicate blue magecaps crackle like nerve-endings with sorcerous vitality. |
$item_magicallystuffedmushroom | Stuffed Mushroom |
$item_magicallystuffedmushroom_description | Bursting with magical flavour. |
$item_magicallystuffedmushroomuncooked | Uncooked Stuffed Mushroom |
$item_mandible | Mandible |
$item_mandible_description | The hand of man could hardly design a more perfect weapon. |
$item_marinatedgreens | Marinated Greens |
$item_marinatedgreens_description | It's spicy, it's chewy, it's sweet… This mad dish tickles your tongue as well as your mind. |
$item_mashedmeat | Mashed Meat |
$item_mashedmeat_description | Leftover meat can actually be pretty tasty if you just mash it right! |
$item_mead_bugrepellent | Anti-Sting Concoction |
$item_mead_bugrepellent_description | The perfect drink for a day in the Plains. |
$item_mead_bzerker | Berserkir Mead |
$item_mead_bzerker_description | Something poisonous stirs within, brewed to the point where its potential can finally be harnessed. But be careful to let the beast out... |
$item_mead_eitr_lingering | Lingering Eitr Mead |
$item_mead_eitr_lingering_description | Increases eitr regeneration. |
$item_mead_eitr_minor | Minor Eitr Mead |
$item_mead_eitr_minor_description | Restores eitr. |
$item_mead_frostres | Vorstbestendigheidsmede |
$item_mead_frostres_description | Beschermt je tegen de kou. |
$item_mead_hasty | Tonic of Ratatosk |
$item_mead_hasty_description | The squirrel must be quick on its feet as it runs up and down the trunk of the world tree. Although it no longer visits Valheim, there are still those who remember it... |
$item_mead_hp_lingering | Lingering Healing Mead |
$item_mead_hp_lingering_description | Increases health regeneration. |
$item_mead_hp_major | Major Healing Mead |
$item_mead_hp_major_description | Restores health. |
$item_mead_hp_medium | Gemiddeld genezende mede |
$item_mead_hp_medium_description | Herstelt gezondheid. |
$item_mead_hp_minor | Licht genezende mede |
$item_mead_hp_minor_description | Herstelt gezondheid. |
$item_mead_lightfoot | Lightfoot Mead |
$item_mead_lightfoot_description | This bottle is full, yet it feels like it weighs almost nothing at all. |
$item_mead_poisonres | Gifbestendigheidsmede |
$item_mead_poisonres_description | Beschermt je iets tegen gif. |
$item_mead_stamina_lingering | Lingering Stamina Mead |
$item_mead_stamina_lingering_description | Increases stamina regeneration. |
$item_mead_stamina_medium | Gemiddelde conditiemede |
$item_mead_stamina_medium_description | Herstelt conditie. |
$item_mead_stamina_minor | Lichte conditiemede |
$item_mead_stamina_minor_description | Herstelt conditie. |
$item_mead_strength | Mead of Troll Endurance |
$item_mead_strength_description | What creature can carry more than a troll? Why, a viking with this drink of course! |
$item_mead_swimmer | Draught of Vananidir |
$item_mead_swimmer_description | You feel invigorated just by holding this, as the ocean beckons you to come for a swim. |
$item_mead_tamer | Brew of Animal Whispers |
$item_mead_tamer_description | It smells like a pigsty. Likely the taste won't be much better. |
$item_mead_tasty | Smakelijke mede |
$item_mead_tasty_description | Nectar van de goden. Heilige mede. |
$item_mead_trollpheromones | Love Potion |
$item_mead_trollpheromones_description | An intense musk permeates the air around this bottle. |
$item_meadbase_description | Moet gisten. |
$item_meadbasebugrepellent | Mead Base: Anti-Sting |
$item_meadbasebzerker | Mead base: Berserkir |
$item_meadbaseeitr | Mead Base: Minor Eitr |
$item_meadbaseeitr_lingering | Mead Base: Lingering Eitr |
$item_meadbasefrostresist | Medebasis: vorstbestendigheid |
$item_meadbasehasty | Mead base: Ratatosk |
$item_meadbasehealth | Medebasis: genezing (klein) |
$item_meadbasehealth_lingering | Mead Base: Lingering Health |
$item_meadbasehealth_major | Mead Base: Major Healing |
$item_meadbasehealth_medium | Medebasis: genezing (gemiddeld) |
$item_meadbaselightfoot | Mead Base: Lightfoot |
$item_meadbasepoisonresist | Medebasis: gifbestendigheid |
$item_meadbasestamina | Medebasis: conditie (klein) |
$item_meadbasestamina_lingering | Mead Base: Lingering Stamina |
$item_meadbasestamina_medium | Medebasis: conditie (gemiddeld) |
$item_meadbasestrength | Mead Base: Troll Endurance |
$item_meadbaseswimmer | Mead Base: Vananidir |
$item_meadbasetamer | Mead Base: Animal Whispers |
$item_meadbasetasty | Medebasis: smakelijk |
$item_meat_cooked | Gekookt vlees |
$item_meat_cooked_description | Geroosterd op het bot en klaar voor een festijn. |
$item_meat_raw | Rauw vlees |
$item_meat_raw_description | Een rauw stuk vlees. Maak het klaar zodat het iets smakelijks wordt. |
$item_meat_rotten | Rotten Meat |
$item_meat_rotten_description | There are maggots crawling in the meat. It smells awful. |
$item_meatplatter | Meat Platter |
$item_meatplatter_description | Battle fuel. |
$item_meatplatteruncooked | Uncooked Meat Platter |
$item_mechanicalspring | Mechanical Spring |
$item_mechanicalspring_description | A mysterious contraption built by the Dvergr. Used to build traps. |
$item_mincemeatsauce | Gehaktsaus |
$item_mincemeatsauce_description | Vol lekkere stukken in een dikke jus. |
$item_mistharesupreme | Misthare Supreme |
$item_mistharesupreme_description | One of life's Great Pleasures. |
$item_mistharesupremeuncooked | Uncooked Misthare Supreme |
$item_moltencore | Molten Core |
$item_moltencore_description | Potent energy swirls within, ready to be unleashed. |
$item_morgenheart | Morgen Heart |
$item_morgenheart_description | It's hard to believe it has ever beaten. |
$item_morgensinew | Morgen Sinew |
$item_morgensinew_description | Chewy. |
$item_movement_modifier | Bewegingssnelheid |
$item_mushroom_bzerker | Toadstool |
$item_mushroom_bzerker_description | Some say you can eat everything you find in the forest. That is not the case with this mushroom. |
$item_mushroomblue | Blauwe paddenstoel |
$item_mushroomblue_description | Gloeit zacht blauw. |
$item_mushroomcommon | Paddenstoel |
$item_mushroomcommon_description | Weldaad uit het bos. |
$item_mushroomomelette | Mushroom Omelette |
$item_mushroomomelette_description | A delicious omelette with an earthy aftertaste. |
$item_mushroomyellow | Gele paddenstoel |
$item_mushroomyellow_description | Een energieke gloeiende paddenstoel. |
$item_necktail | Nekkerstaart |
$item_necktail_description | Oneetbaar als hij rauw is, maar zeer smakelijk indien gekookt. |
$item_necktailgrilled | Gegrilde nekkerstaart |
$item_necktailgrilled_description | Dit hartige, op houtskool gegrilde vlees heeft een licht zeewier- en grasaroma. |
$item_needle | Naald |
$item_needle_description | Het puntige uiteinde van een doodsmug. |
$item_noteleport | Kan niet worden geteleporteerd |
$item_oakseeds | Eikels |
$item_oakseeds_description | Steek ze in de grond, dan komt er later een eik uit. |
$item_obsidian | Obsidiaan |
$item_obsidian_description | Donker vulkanisch glas. |
$item_onehanded | Eén hand |
$item_onion | Ui |
$item_onion_description | Een knapperige en pittige smaak. |
$item_onionseeds | Uienzaden |
$item_onionseeds_description | Plant dit om een gezonde ui te kweken. |
$item_onionsoup | Uiensoep |
$item_onionsoup_description | Heerlijk vol van smaak. |
$item_ooze | Slijm |
$item_ooze_description | Duidelijk verrot en het stinkt. Wat wil je hier precies mee? |
$item_oozebomb | Slijmbom |
$item_oozebomb_description | De stank is onbeschrijfelijk… |
$item_parrybonus | Pareerbonus |
$item_parts | onderdelen |
$item_pickable_barley | Gerst |
$item_pickable_bogiron | IJzeroer |
$item_pickable_branch | Tak |
$item_pickable_hairstrands | Fenris Hair |
$item_pickable_meatpile | Meat Pile |
$item_pickable_meteorite | Meteoriet |
$item_pickable_obsidian | Obsidiaan |
$item_pickable_skeletalremains | Skeletoverschot |
$item_pickable_sulfurrock | Sulfur Rock |
$item_pickaxe_antler | Geweihouweel |
$item_pickaxe_antler_description | Dit gereedschap kan zelfs de meest koppige rotsen breken. |
$item_pickaxe_blackmetal | Black Metal Pickaxe |
$item_pickaxe_blackmetal_description | A good strong pick of glistening dark metal. |
$item_pickaxe_bronze | Bronzen houweel |
$item_pickaxe_bronze_description | Een goede bronzen houweel. Kan zeer harde rotsen breken. |
$item_pickaxe_iron | IJzeren houweel |
$item_pickaxe_iron_description | Een stevig gereedschap van gehard ijzer. |
$item_pickaxe_stone | Stenen houweel |
$item_pickaxe_stone_description | Een rotsenbreker gemaakt van steen. |
$item_pinecone | Dennenappel |
$item_pinecone_description | Steek dit in de grond, dan komt er later een dennenboom uit. |
$item_piquantpie | Piquant Pie |
$item_piquantpie_description | It takes some time and effort to make this pie, but the taste is well worth it. |
$item_piquantpie_uncooked | Uncooked Piquant Pie |
$item_pot_shard_description | A fragment of something brittle. |
$item_pot_shard_green | Pot Shard |
$item_powdereddragonegg | Powdered Dragon Eggshells |
$item_powdereddragonegg_description | Dragon egg is a hard and difficult material to work with, yet here it has been ground to a fine, glittering dust... |
$item_proustitepowder | Proustite Powder |
$item_proustitepowder_description | This unstable powder packs great potential. |
$item_pukeberries | Braakbessen |
$item_pukeberries_description | Laat de eter snel een verkeerd maaltje uitstoten en opnieuw beginnen. |
$item_pungentpebble_description | An earthy odour clings to these dried lumps. It's best to not think too hard about what they are. |
$item_pungentpebbles | Pungent Pebbles |
$item_quality | Kwaliteit |
$item_queen_drop | Queen Drop |
$item_queen_drop_description | Placeholder item for Seeker Queen item drop. |
$item_queenbee | Bijenkoningin |
$item_queenbee_description | De koningin van de bijen! |
$item_queensjam | Koninginnejam |
$item_queensjam_description | De klassieke, smakelijke mix van frambozen en bosbessen. |
$item_raspberries | Frambozen |
$item_raspberries_description | Zoet en heerlijk. |
$item_repairlevel | Level reparatiestation |
$item_resin | Hars |
$item_resin_description | Plakkerige hars uit bomen, die goed isoleert. Indien aangestoken brandt het langzaam en gestaag. |
$item_roastedcrustpie | Roasted Crust Pie |
$item_roastedcrustpie_description | This dessert keeps you going all day long. |
$item_roastedcrustpie_uncooked | Uncooked Roasted Crust Pie |
$item_root | Root |
$item_root_description | An old root from an ancient tree stump. It feels both flexible and durable at the same time. |
$item_roundlog | Kernhout |
$item_roundlog_description | Perfect voor het bouwen van blokhutten. |
$item_royaljelly | Royal Jelly |
$item_royaljelly_description | Jelly fit for kings and queens. |
$item_ruby | Robijn |
$item_ruby_description | <color=yellow>Waardevol |
$item_saddleasksvin | Asksvin Saddle |
$item_saddleasksvin_description | The back of an asksvin is rather lumpy, so you'll need a saddle if you want to ride one. |
$item_saddlelox | Hossenzadel |
$item_saddlelox_description | Plaats op een hos om het dier te kunnen berijden. |
$item_salad | Salad |
$item_salad_description | Fresh, crisp leaves. |
$item_sap | Sap |
$item_sap_description | Sacred blood from the Great Tree. |
$item_sausages | Worstjes |
$item_sausages_description | Een ketting van smakelijk gerookt vlees. |
$item_scalehide | Scale Hide |
$item_scalehide_description | A pelt of glittering scales. |
$item_scorchingmedley | Scorching Medley |
$item_scorchingmedley_description | A varied diet is important, so why not try this vegetarian option? |
$item_scythe | Scythe |
$item_scythe_description | The right tool makes the task at hand so much easier. |
$item_scythehandle | Scythe Handle |
$item_scythehandle_description | A sturdy base for a tool. |
$item_seekeraspic | Seeker Aspic |
$item_seekeraspic_description | A quivering jelly with a taste like gentle electricity. |
$item_seekerqueen_drop | Majestic Carapace |
$item_seekerqueen_drop_description | Her majesty's will was hard and unrelenting, but this piece of carapace is perhaps even more so. |
$item_serpentmeat | Serpentenvlees |
$item_serpentmeat_description | Een stukje serpent. Ruikt naar vis. |
$item_serpentmeatcooked | Gekookt serpentenvlees |
$item_serpentmeatcooked_description | Een gekookt stukje serpent. Ruikt lekker. |
$item_serpentscale | Serpentenschub |
$item_serpentscale_description | De glimmende, metaalachtige schub van een grote zeeslang. |
$item_serpentstew | Serpentstoofpot |
$item_serpentstew_description | Ruikt naar honing en serpent… |
$item_seteffect | Effect van set |
$item_sharpeningstone | Slijpsteen |
$item_sharpeningstone_description | Een slijpstenen wiel, klaar om te draaien. |
$item_shield_banded | Gebonden schild |
$item_shield_banded_description | Gebonden met ijzeren ringen. De vriend van iedere krijger. |
$item_shield_blackmetal | Zwartmetalen schild |
$item_shield_blackmetal_description | Gemaakt van het sterkste metaal, en kan zelfs de dodelijkste steekwapens afweren. |
$item_shield_blackmetal_tower | Zwartmetalen scutum |
$item_shield_blackmetal_tower_description | Een scutum van glinsterend zwart metaal. |
$item_shield_bonetower | Botten scutum |
$item_shield_bonetower_description | De botten van dode krijgers zijn een prima bescherming. |
$item_shield_bronzebuckler | Bronzen beukelaar |
$item_shield_bronzebuckler_description | Een schild van gepolijst brons, goed om een wapen of twee af te weren. |
$item_shield_carapace | Carapace Shield |
$item_shield_carapace_description | The almost unbreakable carapace of your enemies makes an excellent shield. |
$item_shield_carapacebuckler | Carapace Buckler |
$item_shield_carapacebuckler_description | The skull of a seeker is solid but not heavy, which makes it perfect for a small and agile shield. |
$item_shield_flametal | Flametal Shield |
$item_shield_flametal_description | The shield is and always will be a viking's most important weapon. |
$item_shield_flametal_tower | Flametal Tower Shield |
$item_shield_flametal_tower_description | The best defence is a great defence. |
$item_shield_iron_square | IJzeren schild |
$item_shield_iron_square_description | Een ijzeren zwaardbreker, een tegel in de gevechtsmuur. |
$item_shield_iron_tower | IJzeren scutum |
$item_shield_iron_tower_description | Een hoog schild van stevig ijzer. |
$item_shield_ironbuckler | IJzeren beukelaar |
$item_shield_ironbuckler_description | Het weinige gewicht en bolvormige hart zorgen dat het uitstekend aanvallen afweert. |
$item_shield_knight | Knight shield UNUSED |
$item_shield_knight_description | A wooden shield reinforced with iron. UNUSED |
$item_shield_serpentscale | Schild van serpentschubben |
$item_shield_serpentscale_description | Een stevig schild van schubben die overlappen. |
$item_shield_silver | Silver Shield |
$item_shield_silver_description | Een schild van stralend zilver. |
$item_shield_wood | Houten schild |
$item_shield_wood_description | Een eenvoudig houten schild. |
$item_shield_woodtower | Houten scutum |
$item_shield_woodtower_description | Een onbewerkt maar zwaar houten schild. |
$item_shieldcore | Shield Core |
$item_shieldcore_description | A protective force within is ready to be unleashed. |
$item_shocklatesmoothie | Drekshake |
$item_shocklatesmoothie_description | Wakker worden! |
$item_silver | Zilver |
$item_silver_description | Een staaf van puur zilver, klaar om bewerkt te worden. |
$item_silvernecklace | Zilveren ketting |
$item_silvernecklace_description | <color=yellow>Waardevol |
$item_silverore | Zilvererts |
$item_silverore_description | Ruwe zilver. Moet worden verfijnd in een smelterij. |
$item_sizzlingberrybroth | Sizzling Berry Broth |
$item_sizzlingberrybroth_description | This soup settles in your stomach with an almost tingly sensation. |
$item_sledge_demolisher | Demolisher |
$item_sledge_demolisher_description | This mighty sledge yearns to wreak havoc. |
$item_sledge_iron | IJzeren moker |
$item_sledge_iron_description | Een machtige hamer, een kampioen waardig. |
$item_smokebomb | Smoke Bomb |
$item_smokebomb_description | Everyone knows you can't breathe in the smoke. |
$item_smokepuff | Smoke Puff |
$item_smokepuff_description | Hopefully it tastes better after cooking. |
$item_softtissue | Soft Tissue |
$item_softtissue_description | It still fizzes softly with ancient memories. |
$item_sparkler | Sparkler |
$item_sparkler_description | It's a stick that sparkles. Pretty! |
$item_sparklingshroomshake | Sparkling Shroomshake |
$item_sparklingshroomshake_description | Perhaps it's not the best flavour to start the day with, but it will give you the boost you need. |
$item_spear_ancientbark | Oeroude bastspeer |
$item_spear_ancientbark_description | Ondanks zijn knoestige uiterlijk is deze speer sterk en perfect in balans. |
$item_spear_bronze | Bronzen speer |
$item_spear_bronze_description | Een stevige speer van gepolijst brons. |
$item_spear_carapace | Carapace Spear |
$item_spear_carapace_description | Sharpened to jagged perfection, this spear is sure to be deadly. |
$item_spear_chitin | Kloofharpoen |
$item_spear_chitin_description | De wraak van de oceaan. |
$item_spear_flint | Vuurstenen speer |
$item_spear_flint_description | Als je met je blik iets de dood belooft, laat je arm dan de boodschapper zijn. |
$item_spear_splitner | Splitnir |
$item_spear_splitner_blood | Splitnir the Bleeding |
$item_spear_splitner_blood_description | A small sacrifice must be made for every battle... |
$item_spear_splitner_description | Split your enemies' hearts in two. |
$item_spear_splitner_lightning | Splitnir the Storming |
$item_spear_splitner_lightning_description | Let the crack of thunder split the air. |
$item_spear_splitner_nature | Splitnir the Primal |
$item_spear_splitner_nature_description | Nature's forces burst through the ground wherever this spear strikes. |
$item_spear_wolffang | Tandspeer |
$item_spear_wolffang_description | Zelfs dood vraagt de wolventand om vlees. |
$item_spiceashlands | Fiery Spice Powder |
$item_spiceashlands_description | Whatever spices have been used in this blend, they must come from someplace hot. And as if that wasn't enough, they have also been dried and smoked before being ground into a fine powder. |
$item_spiceforests | Woodland Herb Blend |
$item_spiceforests_description | Thyme and marjoram carefully harvested and dried, before being mixed together. This blend will turn even the most basic of ingredients into a delicious feast. |
$item_spicemistlands | Herbs of the Hidden Hills |
$item_spicemistlands_description | A good herbalist knows exactly where to go to find ramsons, but she won't tell you the secrets of her trade! Still, if you have the coin for it you may treat yourself to this blend of finely harvested ramson bulbs and leaves. |
$item_spicemountains | Mountain Peak Pepper Powder |
$item_spicemountains_description | Only the most seasoned herbalist can find the pepperwood tree and harvest its leaves and bark. After careful preparation it's ready to be added to food, and is sure to give it some warming heat. |
$item_spiceoceans | Seafarer's Herbs |
$item_spiceoceans_description | The sour tang of sorrel, mixed with something the herbalist would rather not disclose, is well suitable for fish. Any fisherfolk worth their salt would do well to keep this blend near, in case of a good catch! |
$item_spiceplains | Grasslands Herbalist Harvest |
$item_spiceplains_description | This blend utilises all aspects of the lovage plant, a rarity in the tenth world. Roots, leaves and seeds have all been gathered, and then mixed together in the perfect quantity. |
$item_spicymarmalade | Spicy Marmalade |
$item_spicymarmalade_description | Sugary honey perfectly balanced with tangy fronds and tart berries. |
$item_staff_lightning | Dundr |
$item_staff_lightning_description | What happens next may shock you. |
$item_staffclusterbomb | Staff of Fracturing |
$item_staffclusterbomb_description | Only those with patience and focus will be able to harness the true power of this staff. |
$item_stafffireball | Staff of Embers |
$item_stafffireball_description | The sweltering heat of Muspelheim seems almost pathetic when compared to what this staff can do... |
$item_staffgreenroots | Staff of the Wild |
$item_staffgreenroots_description | Ancient natural forces lie curled and dormant within this staff, ready to be unleashed. |
$item_stafficeshards | Staff of Frost |
$item_stafficeshards_description | A staff as cold as the three-year winter that will herald the end of times. |
$item_stafflaser | Frostthrower Staff |
$item_stafflaser_description | Quite chilly... |
$item_staffredlightning | Dundr |
$item_staffredlightning_description | What happens next may shock you. |
$item_staffredtroll | Trollstav |
$item_staffredtroll_description | Summons a raging beast to cause death and destruction. |
$item_staffshield | Staff of Protection |
$item_staffshield_description | For a slight blood offering it will protect the caster in a magical shell. |
$item_staffskeleton | Dead Raiser |
$item_staffskeleton_description | Sacrifice a bit of blood to raise the dead. Upgrade the skull to spawn multiple skeletons, and increase your blood magic to make them stronger. |
$item_stagbreaker | Hertenbreker |
$item_stagbreaker_description | Een wapen dat de goden waardig is! Als je hiermee geraakt wordt, ga je dat weten… |
$item_staminahold | Spanconditie |
$item_staminause | Gebruiksconditie |
$item_stone | Steen |
$item_stone_description | Een steen. Dat je het maar weet. |
$item_sulfurstone | Sulfur |
$item_sulfurstone_description | Smells like rotten eggs. |
$item_surtlingcore | Surtlingkern |
$item_surtlingcore_description | Klopt van de hitte die het vanbinnen heeft. |
$item_sword_blackmetal | Zwartmetalen zwaard |
$item_sword_blackmetal_description | Een ding dat zowel dodelijk als beeldschoon is, en in het licht iets groens heeft. |
$item_sword_bronze | Bronzen zwaard |
$item_sword_bronze_description | Een bloeddrinker. Deze vriend heeft dorst. |
$item_sword_dyrnwyn | Dyrnwyn |
$item_sword_dyrnwyn_description | The sword that was broken is whole once more. Its flames burn hot, fuelled by the memories of ancient warriors. |
$item_sword_fire | Dyrnwyrm |
$item_sword_fire_description | Eenmaal uit de schede sist het en spuwt het een ondood vuur. Een onmogelijk zwaard. |
$item_sword_iron | IJzeren zwaard |
$item_sword_iron_description | De grens tussen leven en dood loopt over de rand van dit zwaard. |
$item_sword_krom | Krom |
$item_sword_krom_description | As deadly as it is shiny, and it's very shiny. |
$item_sword_mistwalker | Mistwalker |
$item_sword_mistwalker_description | The faint glow seems to slice through the mist. |
$item_sword_niedhogg | Nidhögg |
$item_sword_niedhogg_blood | Nidhögg the Bleeding |
$item_sword_niedhogg_blood_description | If you bleed, your foes are sure to do so as well. |
$item_sword_niedhogg_description | Named after the evil dragon that dwells by the roots of the world tree, this sword heralds doom for those who cross its path. |
$item_sword_niedhogg_lightning | Nidhögg the Thundering |
$item_sword_niedhogg_lightning_description | The power of lightning dances along the blade of this sword, a promise of the pain to come. |
$item_sword_niedhogg_nature | Nidhögg the Primal |
$item_sword_niedhogg_nature_description | Tangle your foes in roots, like the namesake of this blade. |
$item_sword_silver | Zilveren zwaard |
$item_sword_silver_description | Het puurste metaal, en niets onreins is er tegen bestand. |
$item_sword_slayer | Slayer |
$item_sword_slayer_blood | Brutal Slayer |
$item_sword_slayer_blood_description | If it bleeds, you can kill it. |
$item_sword_slayer_description | This mighty blade thirsts for the blood of foes. |
$item_sword_slayer_lightning | Scourging Slayer |
$item_sword_slayer_lightning_description | The lightning bound into this blade is erratic, ever searching for something to strike. |
$item_sword_slayer_nature | Primal Slayer |
$item_sword_slayer_nature_description | The blade works in tandem with the primal forces of the world, seeking death and slaughter. |
$item_tamedonly | Kan alleen tamme wezens pijn doen. |
$item_tankard | Bierpul |
$item_tankard_anniversary | Horn of Celebration |
$item_tankard_anniversary_description | One year since we arrived... Skål! |
$item_tankard_description | Schol! |
$item_tankard_odin | Odins medehoorn |
$item_tankard_odin_description | Odins beste krijgers verdienen de beste drank. |
$item_tar | Teer |
$item_tar_description | Een kleverige klont teer |
$item_thistle | Distel |
$item_thistle_description | Prachtig maar prikkelbaar. |
$item_thunderstone | Bliksemsteen |
$item_thunderstone_description | Knettert van de energie. |
$item_tin | Blik |
$item_tin_description | Een staaf van puur tin, klaar om bewerkt te worden. |
$item_tinore | Tinerts |
$item_tinore_description | Ruwe tin. Moet worden verfijnd in een smelterij. |
$item_torch | Toorts |
$item_torch_description | Brengt je licht en warmte en houd de duisternis op afstand. |
$item_total | Totaal |
$item_trollhide | Trollenhuid |
$item_trollhide_description | Een dikke, stevige huid. Daarom zijn trollen dus zo moeilijk te doden. |
$item_trophy_abomination | Abomination Trophy |
$item_trophy_abomination_description | It's been dead so long that it started living again. |
$item_trophy_abomination_lore | It's been dead so long that it started living again. |
$item_trophy_asksvin | Asksvin Trophy |
$item_trophy_asksvin_description | Don't let yourself be fooled by the friendly smile, for it could easily bite your arm off. |
$item_trophy_asksvin_lore | A mighty beast, but now it shall roam no more. |
$item_trophy_blob | Kloddertrofee |
$item_trophy_blob_description | Een stinkende, kleverige massa. |
$item_trophy_blob_lore | Een stinkende, kleverige massa. |
$item_trophy_boar | Zwijntrofee |
$item_trophy_boar_description | Deze zwijnskop is voor ieder huis een mooie versiering. |
$item_trophy_boar_lore | Deze zwijnskop is voor ieder huis een mooie versiering. |
$item_trophy_bonemass | Bottenmassatrofee |
$item_trophy_bonemass_description | Beenderen en kleverige drab die bijeen wordt gehouden door een ongeziene kracht. Bied het aan als offer bij de Offerstenen. |
$item_trophy_bonemass_lore | Een zootje zwarte grond en oude beenderen die nu gelukkig stil zijn. |
$item_trophy_bonemaw | Bonemaw Trophy |
$item_trophy_bonemaw_description | A skull made up of dense bone, as dangerous as it is protective. |
$item_trophy_bonemaw_lore | These jagged teeth had been the death of many a seafarer, before the beast finally met its own end. |
$item_trophy_brutebro | Thungr Trophy |
$item_trophy_brutebro_description | Not so tough now. |
$item_trophy_brutebro_lore | The younger of two brothers. Jealous of his brother's magic. |
$item_trophy_charredarcher | Marksman Trophy |
$item_trophy_charredarcher_description | These legs could hold infinite power. |
$item_trophy_charredarcher_lore | This soldier marches no more. |
$item_trophy_charredmage | Warlock Trophy |
$item_trophy_charredmage_description | A warm glow seems to almost emanate from within. Handle with care. |
$item_trophy_charredmage_lore | If you listen closely, you can still hear the faint hum of magic. |
$item_trophy_charredmelee | Warrior Trophy |
$item_trophy_charredmelee_description | Fractures line this skull, as if it has taken many hits over the years. |
$item_trophy_charredmelee_lore | Even in death, its gaze is unrelenting. |
$item_trophy_cultist | Cultist Trophy |
$item_trophy_cultist_description | The fire in its eyes has still not burned out. |
$item_trophy_cultist_hildir | Geirrhafa Trophy |
$item_trophy_cultist_hildir_description | He's giving you an icy stare. |
$item_trophy_cultist_hildir_lore | Isolated from his kin for embracing the white frost instead of resisting it. |
$item_trophy_cultist_lore | The fire in its eyes has still not burned out. |
$item_trophy_deathsquito | Doodsmugtrofee |
$item_trophy_deathsquito_description | Al is dit ding dood, toch raak je het liever niet aan. |
$item_trophy_deathsquito_lore | Al is dit ding dood, toch raak je het liever niet aan. |
$item_trophy_deer | Herttrofee |
$item_trophy_deer_description | Een mooi exemplaar, maar je zult meer moeten doden dan alleen een hert om Walhalla in te mogen. |
$item_trophy_deer_lore | Een mooi exemplaar, maar je zult meer moeten doden dan alleen een hert om Walhalla in te mogen. |
$item_trophy_dragonqueen | Modertrofee |
$item_trophy_dragonqueen_description | Een drakenkop die zelf in de dood nog iets majesteitelijks uitstraalt. Bied het aan als offer bij de Offerstenen. |
$item_trophy_dragonqueen_lore | Bedekt met oeroude littekens was dit hoofd het laatste wat talloze krijgers vlak voor hun dood zagen. |
$item_trophy_draugr | Draugentrofee |
$item_trophy_draugr_description | Bind de mond dicht als die 's nachts begint te fluisteren… |
$item_trophy_draugr_lore | Bind de mond dicht als die 's nachts begint te fluisteren… |
$item_trophy_draugrelite | Draugenelitetrofee |
$item_trophy_draugrelite_description | De dode, roodgloeiende ogen staren je aan, en je botten trillen. |
$item_trophy_draugrelite_lore | De dode, roodgloeiende ogen staren je aan, en je botten trillen. |
$item_trophy_dvergr | Dvergr Trophy |
$item_trophy_dvergr_description | It's frankly a little troubling that you would consider hanging these on your wall... |
$item_trophy_dvergr_lore | Such fine braids! |
$item_trophy_eikthyr | Eikthyrtrofee |
$item_trophy_eikthyr_description | Dit afgehakte hoofd straalt kracht uit. Bied het aan als offer bij de Offerstenen. |
$item_trophy_eikthyr_lore | Eens de koning van het woud. De grootte van het gewei is zeer indrukwekkend. |
$item_trophy_elder | De Oudere-trofee |
$item_trophy_elder_description | Dit afgehakte hoofd straalt kracht uit. Bied het aan als offer bij de Offerstenen. |
$item_trophy_elder_lore | Zelfs dood lijkt de grijns een geheime kennis uit te stralen. |
$item_trophy_fader | Fader Trophy |
$item_trophy_fader_description | The green dragon, corrupted beyond redemption. Offer him to the sacrificial stones. |
$item_trophy_fader_lore | Only tatters remained of his sane mind. Perhaps it was a mercy to kill him. |
$item_trophy_fallenvalkyrie | Fallen Valkyrie Trophy |
$item_trophy_fallenvalkyrie_description | Though she is dead, she yearns for the blood to flow. |
$item_trophy_fallenvalkyrie_lore | Once a fierce and noble being, before she was warped into a harbinger of terror. |
$item_trophy_fenring | Fenringtrofee |
$item_trophy_fenring_description | Half wolf en half mens, een gezicht dat is vastgezet in een grauw van pijn. |
$item_trophy_fenring_lore | Half wolf en half mens, een gezicht dat is vastgezet in een grauw van pijn. |
$item_trophy_foresttroll | Bostroltrofee |
$item_trophy_foresttroll_description | De leerachtige huid bevat vervaagde sporen van oeroude symbolen. |
$item_trophy_foresttroll_lore | De leerachtige huid bevat vervaagde sporen van oeroude symbolen. |
$item_trophy_frosttroll | Vorsttroltrofee |
$item_trophy_frosttroll_description | De ogen fonkelen nog vol zilverige vlekken. Kijk er maar niet te lang in… |
$item_trophy_frosttroll_lore | De ogen fonkelen nog vol zilverige vlekken. Kijk er maar niet te lang in… |
$item_trophy_gjall | Gjall Trophy |
$item_trophy_gjall_description | Hopefully it won't float away. |
$item_trophy_gjall_lore | Hopefully it won't float away. |
$item_trophy_goblin | Loedertrofee |
$item_trophy_goblin_description | Losse, groene huidplooien rond een paar donkere, haatdragende ogen. |
$item_trophy_goblin_lore | Losse, groene huidplooien rond een paar donkere, haatdragende ogen. |
$item_trophy_goblinbrute | Loederberserkertrofee |
$item_trophy_goblinbrute_description | Het enorme, gepokte gezicht is zo zwaar als een rots. |
$item_trophy_goblinbrute_lore | Het enorme, gepokte gezicht is zo zwaar als een rots. |
$item_trophy_goblinking | Yagluthtrofee |
$item_trophy_goblinking_description | Het kroonloze hoofd van een dode koning. |
$item_trophy_goblinking_lore | Soms bewegen de ogen nog steeds, en fluisteren de lippen stil… |
$item_trophy_goblinshaman | Loedersjamaantrofee |
$item_trophy_goblinshaman_description | Zelfs al is hij dood, toch heeft hij nog zo'n wetende grijns op z'n tronie… |
$item_trophy_goblinshaman_lore | Zelfs al is hij dood, toch heeft hij nog zo'n wetende grijns op z'n tronie… |
$item_trophy_greydwarf | Grijze dwergtrofee |
$item_trophy_greydwarf_description | Het mossige, afgehakte hoofd van een Grijze dwerg. |
$item_trophy_greydwarf_lore | Het mossige, afgehakte hoofd van een Grijze dwerg. |
$item_trophy_greydwarfbrute | Grijze dwergbruuttrofee |
$item_trophy_greydwarfbrute_description | Het koste zeven slagen om dit knoestige hoofd van het lichaam te scheiden. |
$item_trophy_greydwarfbrute_lore | Het koste zeven slagen om dit knoestige hoofd van het lichaam te scheiden. |
$item_trophy_greydwarfshaman | Grijze dwergsjamaantrofee |
$item_trophy_greydwarfshaman_description | Het kan terugkomen, dus zorg dat je nieuwe scheuten bijtijds verwijdert… |
$item_trophy_greydwarfshaman_lore | Het kan terugkomen, dus zorg dat je nieuwe scheuten bijtijds verwijdert… |
$item_trophy_growth | Gezweltrofee |
$item_trophy_growth_description | Een kleverige zwarte bende. |
$item_trophy_growth_lore | A black and sticky mess. |
$item_trophy_hare | Hare Trophy |
$item_trophy_hare_description | These are said to bring luck. But not for their original owner. |
$item_trophy_hare_lore | These are said to bring luck. But not for their original owner. |
$item_trophy_hatchling | Kleine ijsdraaktrofee |
$item_trophy_hatchling_description | Nog steeds koud om aan te raken. |
$item_trophy_hatchling_lore | Nog steeds koud om aan te raken. |
$item_trophy_leech | Bloedzuigertrofee |
$item_trophy_leech_description | Slijmerig, ja, maar achterop de huid staat een mooi rood-zwart patroon. |
$item_trophy_leech_lore | Slijmerig, ja, maar achterop de huid staat een mooi rood-zwart patroon. |
$item_trophy_lox | Hossentrofee |
$item_trophy_lox_description | De kop van een gigantisch beest, bedekt met een dikke vacht. |
$item_trophy_lox_lore | De kop van een gigantisch beest, bedekt met een dikke vacht. |
$item_trophy_morgen | Morgen Trophy |
$item_trophy_morgen_description | The waking nightmare has met its end. |
$item_trophy_morgen_lore | Only the most twisted of minds could summon such a creature. |
$item_trophy_neck | Nekkertrofee |
$item_trophy_neck_description | De kraaloogjes en messenscherpe tanden zijn geen goede uitdrukking van de doorgaans kalme natuur van deze kleine hagedis. |
$item_trophy_neck_lore | De kraaloogjes en messenscherpe tanden zijn geen goede uitdrukking van de doorgaans kalme natuur van deze kleine hagedis. |
$item_trophy_seeker | Seeker Trophy |
$item_trophy_seeker_brute | Seeker Soldier Trophy |
$item_trophy_seeker_brute_description | The head of a fallen champion. |
$item_trophy_seeker_brute_lore | The head of a fallen champion. |
$item_trophy_seeker_description | Less delicate than they look. The leather of the wings catches the firelight as if remembering flight. |
$item_trophy_seeker_lore | Less delicate than they look. The leather of the wings catches the firelight as if remembering flight. |
$item_trophy_seekerqueen | The Queen Trophy |
$item_trophy_seekerqueen_description | She has seen enough. Offer it to the Sacrificial Stones. |
$item_trophy_seekerqueen_lore | She has seen enough. |
$item_trophy_serpent | Serpenttrofee |
$item_trophy_serpent_description | De schubben zijn wat vaal geworden, maar de ogen glinsteren nog. |
$item_trophy_serpent_lore | De schubben zijn wat vaal geworden, maar de ogen glinsteren nog. |
$item_trophy_sgolem | Stenen golemtrofee |
$item_trophy_sgolem_description | Deze kristallen rotsformatie zou niet misstaan op je vloer. |
$item_trophy_sgolem_lore | Deze kristallen rotsformatie zou niet misstaan op je vloer. |
$item_trophy_shamanbro | Zil Trophy |
$item_trophy_shamanbro_description | In the choice of 'ride or die', he picked the latter. |
$item_trophy_shamanbro_lore | The elder brother. Wished he had his brother's strength. |
$item_trophy_skeleton | Skelettrofee |
$item_trophy_skeleton_description | De uitdrukkingsloze grijns van de schedel doet je denken aan de onontkoombaarheid van de dood. |
$item_trophy_skeleton_hildir | Brenna Trophy |
$item_trophy_skeleton_hildir_description | Still burning, somehow. |
$item_trophy_skeleton_hildir_lore | Her rage burned so hot it stayed with her after death. |
$item_trophy_skeleton_lore | De uitdrukkingsloze grijns van de schedel doet je denken aan de onontkoombaarheid van de dood. |
$item_trophy_skeletonpoison | Ranzige restentrofee |
$item_trophy_skeletonpoison_description | Een smerige, verrotte schedel. Je weet niet zeker waarom je die hebt gehouden… |
$item_trophy_skeletonpoison_lore | Een smerige, verrotte schedel. Je weet niet zeker waarom je die hebt gehouden… |
$item_trophy_surtling | Surtlingtrofee |
$item_trophy_surtling_description | Omgeven door een vale vlam die nog steeds smeult. |
$item_trophy_surtling_lore | Omgeven door een vale vlam die nog steeds smeult. |
$item_trophy_tick | Tick Trophy |
$item_trophy_tick_description | It's a conversation piece... |
$item_trophy_tick_lore | It's a conversation piece... |
$item_trophy_troll | Troltrofee |
$item_trophy_troll_description | De leerachtige huid bevat vervaagde sporen van oeroude symbolen. |
$item_trophy_troll_lore | De leerachtige huid bevat vervaagde sporen van oeroude symbolen. |
$item_trophy_ulv | Ulv Trophy |
$item_trophy_ulv_description | A rugged tail from a not so good boy. |
$item_trophy_ulv_lore | A rugged tail from a not so good boy. |
$item_trophy_volture | Volture Trophy |
$item_trophy_volture_description | It's like a vulture, but it thrives in volcanic climates. |
$item_trophy_volture_lore | Its watchful eyes still seem to search for cadavers to feast upon. |
$item_trophy_wolf | Wolftrofee |
$item_trophy_wolf_description | Bevroren in de dood, haar bedekt met bloed, en een stille grom achterin de keel. |
$item_trophy_wolf_lore | Bevroren in de dood, haar bedekt met bloed, en een stille grom achterin de keel. |
$item_trophy_wraith | Schimtrofee |
$item_trophy_wraith_description | De afgeworpen huid van een schim, een gewaad dat alleen in het maanlicht zichtbaar is. |
$item_trophy_wraith_lore | De afgeworpen huid van een schim, een gewaad dat alleen in het maanlicht zichtbaar is. |
$item_turnip | Raap |
$item_turnip_description | Een raap. |
$item_turnipseeds | Rapenzaden |
$item_turnipseeds_description | Plant dit om een gezonde raap te kweken. |
$item_turnipstew | Rapenstoofpot |
$item_turnipstew_description | Rijk aan voedingsstoffen. Werkt herstellend. |
$item_turretbolt | Black Metal Missile |
$item_turretbolt_description | These thick missiles can punch through the hide of even the toughest foes. |
$item_turretbolt_flametal | Flametal Missile |
$item_turretbolt_flametal_description | Forged from one of the hardest metals in all of Valheim, this missile is sure to hold off your enemies. |
$item_turretboltwood | Wooden Missile |
$item_turretboltwood_description | Sturdy wooden missiles that can provide a tough defense against foes. |
$item_twohanded | Twee handen |
$item_value | Waarde |
$item_vineberry | Vineberry Cluster |
$item_vineberry_description | These juicy berries are both sour and sweet. |
$item_vineberryseeds | Vineberry Seeds |
$item_vineberryseeds_description | Looks like they could crumble at any moment. |
$item_vinegreenseeds | Ivy Seeds |
$item_vinegreenseeds_description | These unassuming seeds can grow into vines that might overtake entire buildings. |
$item_volture_meat | Volture Meat |
$item_volture_meat_cooked | Cooked Volture Meat |
$item_volture_meat_cooked_description | A chewy and somewhat dry meat. Some seasoning would probably make it taste better, but it'll fill your stomach regardless. |
$item_volture_meat_description | Given that this bird feasts on all kinds of things, you'd better cook its meat before you even think about eating it. |
$item_voltureegg | Volture Egg |
$item_voltureegg_description | Warm to the touch, and full of protein. |
$item_weight | Gewicht |
$item_wishbone | Vorkbeen |
$item_wishbone_description | Dit oude bot kent de locatie van vele vergeten dingen. |
$item_wisp | Wisp |
$item_wisp_description | It keeps whispering jibberish... |
$item_witheredbone | Versleten bot |
$item_witheredbone_description | Een gigantisch bot, knokig als oud hout. |
$item_wolf_meat | Wolvenvlees |
$item_wolf_meat_cooked | Gekookt wolvenvlees |
$item_wolf_meat_cooked_description | Een wilde smaak. |
$item_wolf_meat_description | |
$item_wolf_skewer | Wolvenspies |
$item_wolf_skewer_description | Druipt van de smaak. |
$item_wolfclaw | Fenris Claw |
$item_wolfclaw_description | It is hard and sharp like iron. |
$item_wolffang | Wolventand |
$item_wolffang_description | Nog steeds scherp. |
$item_wolfhairbundle | Fenris Hair |
$item_wolfhairbundle_description | A bundle of thick, rough hair. It has a strong smell. |
$item_wolfjerky | Gedroogd wolvenvlees |
$item_wolfjerky_description | Kauwbaar en vol smaak. |
$item_wolfpelt | Wolvenpels |
$item_wolfpelt_description | Een pels vol ruig haar. |
$item_wood | Hout |
$item_wood_description | Goed, sterk hout om mee te bouwen. |
$item_yagluththing | Torn Spirit |
$item_yagluththing_description | The remains of Yagluth, a twisted spirit torn between this world and the next. |
$item_yggdrasilporridge | Yggdrasil Porridge |
$item_yggdrasilporridge_description | Made with sap from the great tree. Even a mouthful imparts a warm glow to your whole body. |
$item_yggdrasilwood | Yggdrasil Wood |
$item_yggdrasilwood_description | Godflesh, wood from the Great Tree. |
$item_ymirremains | Ymirvlees |
$item_ymirremains_description | De stoffelijke resten van de reus Ymir. |
$keyboard_ChatInput | Enter message |
$keyboard_FilterField | Enter filter |
$language_abenaki | Alnôbaôdwawôgan* |
$language_bulgarian | български* |
$language_chinese | 简体中文 |
$language_chinese_trad | 繁體中文 |
$language_croatian | Croatian* |
$language_czech | Čeština* |
$language_danish | Dansk* |
$language_dutch | Nederlands |
$language_english | English |
$language_estonian | Estonian* |
$language_finnish | Suomi* |
$language_french | Français |
$language_georgian | ქართული* |
$language_german | Deutsch |
$language_greek | Ελληνικά* |
$language_hindi | हिन्दी* |
$language_hungarian | Magyar* |
$language_icelandic | íslenska* |
$language_italian | Italiano* |
$language_japanese | 日本語 |
$language_korean | 한국어 |
$language_latvian | Latviski* |
$language_lithuanian | Lietuvių kalba* |
$language_macedonian | македонски* |
$language_norwegian | Norsk* |
$language_polish | Polski |
$language_portuguese_brazilian | Português (Brasil) |
$language_portuguese_european | Português europeu* |
$language_romanian | Romanian* |
$language_russian | Русский |
$language_serbian | Serbian* |
$language_slovak | Slovenčina* |
$language_spanish | Español |
$language_swedish | Svenska* |
$language_thai | ไทย* |
$language_turkish | Türkçe |
$language_ukrainian | українська |
$loading_healthwarning | A very small percentage of individuals may experience epileptic seizures when exposed to certain visual images, including light patterns or flashing lights that may appear in video games or other video content. Exposure to certain patterns or backgrounds on a computer screen, or while playing video games, may induce an epileptic seizure in these individuals. Certain conditions may induce previously undetected epileptic symptoms even in persons who have no history of prior seizures or epilepsy. |
$loading_healthwarning2 | If you, or anyone in your family, have an epileptic condition, consult your physician prior to playing Valheim. If you experience any of the following symptoms while playing - dizziness, altered vision, eye or muscle twitches, loss of awareness, disorientation, any involuntary movement, or convulsions - discontinue IMMEDIATELY and consult your physician before resuming use of Valheim. |
$loading_savenotification | This game has an autosave feature. Please don't turn off the game or console when you see the autosave icon. |
$loadscreen_tip01 | Vergeet niet om je productiestations, wapens en harnassen te upgraden. |
$loadscreen_tip02 | Voedsel eten verhoogt je gezondheids- en conditievoorraad. Probeer een goede balans in je drie voedselvakjes te hebben. |
$loadscreen_tip03 | Geüpgradede stations geven je de mogelijkheid tot verschillende productieopties en laten je je uitrusting verbeteren. |
$loadscreen_tip04 | Er zijn vier productietypen: houtbewerking, metselwerk, smeden en koken. |
$loadscreen_tip05 | Vijanden zullen niet spawnen in de buurt van door spelers gebouwde objecten (zoals werkbanken, kampvuren, enz.) |
$loadscreen_tip06 | Als je per boot reist, is zitten de veiligste manier. |
$loadscreen_tip07 | Probeer bij je aankomst in Valheim stenen en takken op de grond te vinden om er je eerste wapen mee te maken. |
$loadscreen_tip08 | Er 's nachts op uitgaan is doorgaans een slecht idee… |
$loadscreen_tip09 | Op herten jagen met een afstandswapen levert je een goede bron van vlees en huid op. |
$loadscreen_tip10 | Bouw zo snel mogelijk wat rudimentaire beschutting! |
$loadscreen_tip11 | Verschillende vijanden hebben verschillende zwakheden. Grijze dwergen zijn bijvoorbeeld niet dol op vuur. |
$loadscreen_tip12 | Vergeet niet om als je een bed maakt, dat ook op te eisen. |
$loadscreen_tip13 | Val aan met messen en bogen terwijl je sluipt voor een grote schadebonus. |
$loadscreen_tip14 | Vogels zijn een goede bron van veren. Als het slecht weer is, blijven ze dicht bij de grond. |
$loadscreen_tip15 | Hugin de raaf heeft nuttige hints voor je. |
$loadscreen_tip16 | Voor het oogsten van bepaalde hulpbronnen heb je betere uitrusting nodig. |
$loadscreen_tip17 | Uitgerust zijn betekent dat je conditie en gezondheid sneller herstelt. |
$loadscreen_tip18 | Gele schadecijfers staan voor een zwakte, grijze staan voor bestendigheid. |
$loadscreen_tip19 | De schoffel maakt de grond effen, waardoor het makkelijker is om er gebouwen op te bouwen. |
$loadscreen_tip20 | Bouw een kar om zware goederen over lange afstand te verplaatsen. |
$loadscreen_tip21 | Boten kun je besturen door de stuurspaan te bewegen. |
$loadscreen_tip22 | Tin en koper vind je in het zwarte bos. |
$loadscreen_tip23 | Je kunt kaartmarkeringen filteren op type door met de rechtermuisknop erop te klikken. (richtingsknop rechts) |
$loadscreen_tip24 | Je kunt kaartmarkeringen filteren op type door met de rechtermuisknop erop te klikken. (richtingsknop rechts) |
$loadscreen_tip25 | If no arrow has been manually selected when using a bow, arrows are automatically selected in ascending order beginning from the leftmost column and going right. |
$location_dvergrboss | Infested Citadel |
$location_dvergrtown | Infested Mine |
$location_enter | Binnengaan |
$location_exit | Verlaten |
$location_forestcave | Trollengrot |
$location_forestcrypt | Grafkamers |
$location_mausoleum | Tomb of Lord Reto |
$location_morgenhole | Putrid Hole |
$location_mountaincave | Frost Caves |
$location_sunkencrypt | Verzonken crypten |
$lore_ashlands_random01 | Know, child unborn, that this was once the greatest kingdom in all Valheim. Here lived the Sons and Daughters of the King of the Emerald Flame. Beneath his wing, we knew strength and security. In his sight, we grew like green shoots. Now we set this stone among rubble and turn our backs on the land of our birth. May future ages take warning from us. |
$lore_ashlands_random02 | In the forests of the far North, our scouts came across a sleeping boy, sitting naked in the deep snow with his back to a tree. They wrapped him in furs and brought him back to the king, asleep all the while with only his eyelids moving. We named him the Winter Child and we took him to be a good omen. May the gods have mercy on fools. |
$lore_ashlands_random03 | It was known throughout the land that the two would often sit together as if in talk, the king coiled about the sleeping child with his face close, straining to catch any murmured words. Nobody knew what passed between them but all saw the change in the king. Justice flared into wrath and caution deepened into fear. Laws were passed that must be broken and each time the lawbreakers were punished more harshly. Tyranny came in a spiral, like a great storm. |
$lore_ashlands_random04 | When the King of the Emerald Flame flew away to visit the wizard king of the Fulings, his own thegns rose against him and torched the palace with the Winter Child inside. All of us who were alive at that time heard the shriek that sounded for the nine days of the fire and echoed in the city's streets for many weeks longer. Those were the last good days any of us knew, before the return of our king. |
$lore_ashlands_random05 | When the king saw the charred remains of his great hall, he swore to show his foes a fire far greater than the little spark they had kindled. With his breath, he razed our city to the ground and then brought war to all the land. Some of the people stayed faithful to the king but many sought to quench his fury. Brothers fought against brothers, sisters against sisters. The Kingdom of the Emerald Flame tore itself apart. Now only these charred ruins remain, within which not even the dead can find rest. |
$lore_ashlands_random06 | The stones tell of a great tragedy in this land, many centuries ago. It is hard to believe the creature who stalks this ruined city was once a noble beast and a wise king. Yet we will not stay our hands on this account. When we kill him, we will count it a mercy. |
$lore_ashlands_random07 | I have not been happy for more than a day in any place since I came here but this place is the worst of all. Most things are on fire and the fishing is not good. These are the words of Ulf. |
$lore_ashlands_random08 | The pure fire of a grand drake has the power to give life and quicken the dead earth. Once, they blessed the land and seas with their cleansing flame, bringing new life wherever they passed. But for those who are burned by a drake's fire, the blessing is a curse. They are killed and quickened at the same time, caught forever between death and life. Such are the unfortunate souls who wander this ruined land, with flames for flesh and agony in every moment. They cannot be destroyed, only pitied. |
$lore_ashlands_random09 | If the tales are true, the gods long ago abandoned this world. The King of the Emerald Flame was the closest to a god we knew but our prayers to him have turned to ashes in our mouths. This is the last of our strongholds and in the morning we will die defending it. We offer no more prayers and wish only for clean, free deaths, unburned by the flame. |
$lore_ashlands_random10 | It is folly for the free folk to say they need no gods. Nobody needs gods and the gods need no one. They owe nothing to men. But still the wise will seek the powerful as vines will seek a mighty tree to climb. We give our swords to the King of the Emerald Flame because without him there is only death. |
$lore_ashlands_random11 | War is a fire And men are fuel. When the heart-blaze kindles Their bodies are dry wood. |
$lore_ashlands_random12 | I am Astrid of the Long Arm. I came here after much hardship to fight the beast and break the curse that keeps me here. The raven has returned a memory to me and it will not let me rest. I will die as many times as I need to die to see my son again. |
$lore_ashlands_random13 | I have watched many warriors throw themselves against the beast again and again, losing a little of their will each time until their beds lie empty. If this is my fate, so be it. These are the words of Björn, who was once a farmer. |
$lore_blackforest_random01 | Pas op de diepe bomen, pas op het ware duister. Blijf dicht bij je vuur als de nacht valt. |
$lore_blackforest_random02 | Onder de grond vlechten de wortels van het bos zich samen tot één groot spinnenweb. Pluk een enkele draad en het hele web beweegt. Hak een enkele boom om, en het hele bos zal het weten. Maak je bekend aan Hij Die Loopt, en hij zal je opzoeken. |
$lore_blackforest_random03 | Ik was Harald, een man van de kust. Ik weet niets meer van mijn leven in Midgard, behalve dat ik een krijger was. In mijn dromen zie ik de gezichten van de mensen die ik om heb gebracht. Ik laat deze steen achter zodat mijn naam in ieder geval niet vergeten wordt. |
$lore_blackforest_random04 | Rust hier en gedenk Ulf, die met eigen hand in deze steen heeft gekerfd, maar niets kon verzinnen om te vertellen. |
$lore_blackforest_random05 | Pas op de Oude. Volgens de raven was hij in voorbije eeuwen een spruit van de grootse Yggdrasil zelve, en een wijze kracht in de dagen waarin mensen en bomen vrienden waren. Nu veracht hij de bijl en verzet hij zich tegen de werken van de goden zelve. Odin heeft hem hierheen verbannen om zijn trots, maar hij heeft diepe wortels. |
$lore_blackforest_random06 | Wij die hier door de Walkuren heen zijn gebracht zijn niet de eerste mensen van dit land. Ik heb met eigen ogen de grote hallen onder de grond gezien en de ruïnes die ooit hun steden waren. Wacht ons eenzelfde lot? |
$lore_blackforest_random07 | Zeven wezens werden naar deze wereld verbannen door de machtige Odin in de begindagen van zijn koningschap. Zeven goden en monsters die te trots waren om zijn juk te dragen. Ik heb de stappen van de Ouden in het bos gehoord en heb gehurkt in de schaduw gezeten van de bergmoeder in haar vlucht. Van de anderen weet ik weinig. Als ik meer heb gezien, zal ik het aan deze steen toevoegen. |
$lore_blackforest_random08 | The trolls of Midgard may be fading from your memory, as indeed they are from all the race of man. Few and forlorn, they crouch in damp caves and gnaw on the bones of the weak and foolhardy. The will of Odin has pushed them back into the dark places. But in Valheim they have flourished. It has been centuries since any in Midgard saw the great trolls stamp flat the land and bring down the trees for joy. Look upon this great and noble sight, wanderers in a strange land! Then take to your heels and run... |
$lore_blackforest_random09 | Raised by the Old Man of the Forest from seeds of sin, the greydwarfs clothe themselves in the human forms they once knew, but there is no longer any warmth in their hearts. They live now only to serve the Elder and to protect the wood. Do not let pity for them stay your hand. |
$lore_blackforest_random10 | Which among you was a murderer, a kin-slayer, a renegade? Who turned a blade in their brother's back? Who tore babes from their mothers' arms, set fire to the houses of the plundered? Consider it a blessing that you remember nothing. Each among you is a great warrior, and warriors' souls are never clean. But Odin has gifted you a second chance... Praise the Allfather! |
$lore_blackforest_random11 | Look to the sky where mighty Yggdrasil reaches out, called by the Forsaken Ones to join itself once more with this wayward world. It is a glorious sight but a dreadful one. For as the great tree bends out across the void, its branches strain and crack, felt in the remaining nine worlds as quakings of the earth, great storms and holy fires. The Forsaken must be slain and balance restored. |
$lore_blackforest_random12 | Astrid will not look at me twice. I leave this stone to honour great Freya. O goddess, grant me a beard like Bjorn's that I might win her heart! |
$lore_blackforest_random13 | I have been reborn many times in this world. I have died again and again only to awaken in my own house. Yet still I wonder how many more times I will return like this. Frida was taken by a serpent and her bed lies empty still. Bjarni was bitten in half by a troll and neither half has been seen since... All around are the ruins of those who came before us but where are the hands that built them? Perhaps, when a warrior loses the will to remain here, they can no longer return... |
$lore_bonemass | KOOK HUN RESTEN |
$lore_caveman01 | The depths of the cave promised me riches. Down turns out, is easier than up. The lake helped best it could, but it could only do so much. It took me strength to not empty it completely, to leave you weary traveler a chance just as I had. I hope you came here more prepared than I. If not, there is room here next to me, to just lay down and.. rest. |
$lore_caveman02 | This cliff I climbed in in hopes of reaching the top. Regretfully the cave was too deep. ... Back here again considering the jump. Alas, the coward I am is climbing back down. |
$lore_cavepainting_label | Ancient Cave Markings |
$lore_dragonqueen | OFFER HAAR NAGESLACHT |
$lore_drake | Wie dit leest, wees je bewust van de ijswormen, een van de oudste wezens die voort zijn gekomen uit Ymirs lichaam. De meest gebruikelijke vorm van deze worm zijn de kleine ijsdraken, de mannetjes die zorgen voor het nageslacht. Meestal zie je ze zitten bij rotsnesten, hun eieren bewakend. Daarentegen zijn de vrouwtjes veel groter en bieden een indrukwekkende aanblik, maar zijn een vicieuze vijand indien men ze nijdig maakt. |
$lore_drake_label | Kennis: Kleine ijsdraken |
$lore_draugr | Vele eeuwen geleden huisde Valheim een ras van trotse en nobele mensen. Ze bouwden magnifieke torens die het wolkendek raakten, en groeven diep in de aarde voor hun kostbare metalen. Hun trots was echter ook hun ondergang. Ze daagden de goden uit en trokken ten strijde tegen de Aesir en de Vanir, en vernietigden zo zichzelf. Odin de Grote verpletterde hun steden en Loki vulde hun mijnen met vuur. Machtige Thor brak hun torens af en Freya vulde hun velden vol zoute tranen. Nu zijn ze honderden jaren diep gezonken. Er zijn geen liederen waarin hun verhalen worden bezongen, en de aarde heeft hun steden opgeslokt. Hun trots kan echter niet volledig worden weggevaagd, en de krijgers die in die laatste strijd vochten geven zich niet over tot hun lichamen tot stof zijn geworden, en het stof wordt weggeblazen. Ze keren terug als draugen, goddeloze wezens in oeroude harnassen, wezens van roest en wanhoop. Breek ze, begraaf ze, laat ze weten dat ze dood zijn. |
$lore_draugr_label | Kennis: Draugen |
$lore_dvergr_label | Munin: Dvergr |
$lore_dvergr_text | Take care, warrior. You've happened upon an outpost of the forlorn Dvergr clans, long since separated from their kin in Nidavellir. Trapped here they still toil, expecting reprieve that will never come. It is a sad fate... |
$lore_dvergrhalls_label | Munin: Dvergr homes |
$lore_dvergrhalls_text | These are the Dvergrhomes, built long ago in a gilded age... Their splendour rivalled the Golden Hall itself! Regrettably, nothing can last forever. The halls below and the treasures left within are now guarded by more sinister lodgers. |
$lore_eikthyr | JAAG OP ZIJN NAASTEN |
$lore_fader | RING HIS PRAISE |
$lore_gdking | VERBRAND HUN JONGEN |
$lore_giants_label | Munin: Giant remains |
$lore_giants_text | Shadows of an ancient age. The Jotunn once ruled the tenth world, until their time ran out and they were ousted by some other power. |
$lore_greydwarfs | Wie mij leest, wees je bewust van de grijze dwergen die rondsluipen in het duister, de ziellozen. Uit rot en regen geboren schieten ze als paddenstoelen uit de dampende grond. Op hun tongen en achter hun ogen zit niets, en wie zonder vrees is, doet er alsnog goed aan hen te vrezen. Wanneer de ziel van een moordenaar of grote zondaar wegrot onder de grond, vormt die een holle cyste die rotsen, hout en mos aantrekt. Verzamelde turf wordt vlees, riet wordt tot bot gevlochten, en lompen worden huid. Het zou niet moeten lopen, maar 's nachts loopt het alsnog. Als jij, die dit leest, er een ziet, en je hebt je zwaard ter hand, doorsteek hem dan en laat hem vrij. Of laat hem je toorts voelen, want hij vreest de vlammen. |
$lore_greydwarfs_label | Kennis: Grijze dwergen |
$lore_intro | Lang geleden verenigde Alvader Odin de werelden. Hij versloeg zijn vijanden en veroordeelde ze tot de tiende wereld, en spleet daarna de takken die hun gevangenis verbond met de wereldboom, waardoor het afdreef, zonder anker, een verbannen plek… Al eeuwen verkeert deze plek onwennig in ruste, maar stierf niet… IJstijden gingen voorbij, en koninkrijken kwamen en gingen buiten het zicht van de goden. Toen Odin hoorde dat zijn vijanden wederom sterker werden, keerde hij zich tot Midgard en stuurde zijn Walkuren om op de slagvelden te zoeken naar de beste krijger. Dood voor de wereld zou deze persoon worden herboren… …in VALHEIM! |
$lore_intro_OLD | Om te bewijzen dat jij waardig genoeg bent om Valhalla binnen te treden, ben je gestuurd naar Valheim, de 10e Noorse wereld. Alleen door het verslaan van de machtige wezens van dit land kan je de gunst van de goden winnen. |
$lore_meadows_boartaming | Dit land is hard en wild, maar wie hierheen is gebracht, is nog harder. Laat je geruststellen door de gaven voor je, reiziger, het goede hout en steen, het fruit en de bloemen van het bos. Zoek ook naar de wilde zwijnen die dit land hun thuis noemen. Ze vrezen vuur en de mensenhand, maar kunnen leren gehoorzamen. Ga kalm op ze af en deel je voedsel met ze. Wortels uit de grond zijn een genot voor hen. |
$lore_meadows_boartaming_label | Kennis: Zwijnen |
$lore_meadows_random01 | Waar het gras groeit En de lucht blauw is Zal er altijd een verwelkomend haarvuur zijn |
$lore_meadows_random02 | Eeuwen geleden, toen Alvader Odin de werelden verenigde, versloeg hij de Vanir, de reuzen en wezens die ouder waren dan alle andere. De sterksten onder hen konden niet worden gedood en werden in plaats daarvan de Verlatenen, die voor eeuwig werden verbannen naar Valheim. Waar hun voeten de aarde raken, springen mindere wezens op als kruimels op een trommelvel. Wie ze ziet, herkent ze. |
$lore_meadows_random03 | Geef dank aan Frey voor de regen en de zon. Voor de scheuten die de aarde ontspruiten En het fruit op de takken Geef dank aan Odin voor vlees en bloed Voor de rook van het kookvuur, de warme pels En de kracht in je arm |
$lore_meadows_random04 | Wacht, reiziger, en luister naar mijn waarschuwing. Velen zijn je voorgegaan, hier gebracht door Odins wil om voor hem te arbeiden. Het pad voor je is zwaar en vol gevaren. Als je leven je lief is, blijf dan in deze weiden en bouw je verblijf ver van de bomen. Vrees de Gehoornde en spaar zijn verwanten. |
$lore_meadows_random05 | Neem de woorden in acht van Ulf, een arme kolonist in een vreemd land. Je zult hier goede stenen en hout vinden, alles wat je nodig hebt om een huis te bouwen. Je zult een dak moeten bouwen om de regen buiten te houden. Daarna zul je muren nodig hebben om te zorgen dat het dak niet valt. Uiteindelijk zul je een deur moeten hebben, anders zal naar binnen en naar buiten gaan een stuk lastiger worden. Dit heeft Ulf zelf geleerd. Nu schrijft hij het op deze steen om anderen te helpen. Bid tot Odin voor zijn ziel. |
$lore_meadows_random06 | Ik was Astrid, een schildmaagd van het bos. Van mijn leven voor ik hier kwam weet ik niets, maar mijn arm herinnert zich mijn zwaard, en mijn ogen kunnen een pijl volgen in vlucht. Nu leidt de raaf me en vecht ik tegen grote beesten in Odins naam. |
$lore_meadows_random07 | Blue-eyed shufflers in muck, the neck are small lizards native to Valheim. Surly and mean-spirited, they will attack on sight and must be destroyed like vermin. They stay near water because the creatures of the land loathe and abhor them. Yet no creature is all bad. Their tails are delicious. |
$lore_meadows_random08 | Sisters and brothers of the shield-wall, lift up your hearts! You are the greatest warriors, chosen by the Allfather himself for your courage and valor. Now death has brought you to a land where you can remake yourselves in battle and toil, winning favor and honor from the Gods! Leave your memories to rot in Midgard along with your sins, the finest part of you is here! |
$lore_meadows_random09 | On this spot a tree fell on my head and I cursed the Gods. So I leave this stone in praise of them, that they might forgive my reckless words. |
$lore_meadows_random10 | Pause, traveler. You are well come to the last and most lawless of the Ten Worlds. In Valheim, the air is pure, the water deep and clear and the forests overflowing with bounty. Here is adventure, joy and glory for the taking! |
$lore_meadows_random11 | A full belly A full sail The weight of a spear to your hand And a song on your lips Let all the mountains crumble And the seas boil to salt One day in the sun is a life well-lived. |
$lore_mistlands_random01 | Here lie the Jotunn, most ancient of all Odin's kin and fiercest of all his adversaries. In life they were bringers of ruin but now, in death, they nurture new growth. What is living must die, and what is dead must be born again. |
$lore_mistlands_random02 | Where the air is thick with magic And the earth is quick with life, The mist breeds wonders. |
$lore_mistlands_random03 | Trust nothing in the mist. I passed through here in a group of seven people but every time we stopped to count, we counted eight. We do not know who the eighth was, but by morning they were gone. |
$lore_mistlands_random04 | The Dvergr are the descendants of the great smiths of old, delvers in the deep earth, seekers of hidden treasure. Here in Valheim they mine the bones of the Jotunn and distill eitr, the stuff of magic. If left alone, they are happy with their own plans and care little for the lives of others, but when raised they will defend themselves. |
$lore_mistlands_random05 | The raven showed me how to make a staff that set my beard on fire. I will meddle no more with such things. Weary of mist and magic, Ulf carved this stone. Now I go to find a less troublesome place. |
$lore_mistlands_random06 | Heed the words of Ulf and do not take the hats of the short ones from their heads. They have no sense of a jest and the only cure for insulting them is to kill them. Also, their hats do not fit common heads. |
$lore_mistlands_random07 | Wanderers in fog, Where do you go? Not knowing what you were, Nor seeing where you go. |
$lore_mountains_fenring | Wacht op hem in het maanlicht Nachtjager Zachtvoetige Scherptand Langzame sluiper Snelle bijter. |
$lore_mountains_fenring_label | Kennis: Fenring |
$lore_mountains_random01 | Weinigen van ons wisten de bergen te bereiken. Waar we eerst met twintig waren, zijn er nu nog twee over. Agda is stervende, en een draugenpijl heeft haar nabij haar hart doorboort. Ik zeg haar vaarwel naast deze steen, en zal haar as aan de wind geven. Daarna wend ik mijn blik tot de hoogste piek en zoek ik de Gevleugelde. Moge Odin me glorie brengen, dan wel de dood. |
$lore_mountains_random02 | Dit is een merkteken voor de plek waar ik, Ulf, voor het eerst een grootse draak heb aanschouwd, in mijn derde zomer hier in Valheim. Ze stopte hier en liet een berg mest achter met daarin de botten van een hert en een everzwijn, en de schedel van een grijze dwerg. Ik zal me voortaan verre houden van deze plek. |
$lore_mountains_random03 | Stop, reiziger, en luister. Op de hoogste pieken van Valheim is de lucht dun en breekbaar. Je zult er soms geluiden kunnen horen die van elders komen: de strijdroep van Midgard, het gebulder van een feest in Walhalla, of de gil van een Walkure die de ruimte tussen de werelden doorkruist. |
$lore_mountains_random04 | Op deze plek zag ik eens een grootse draak overvliegen, en verstopte ik me in de struiken tot ze me voorbij was. Deze steen is gekerfd door Ulf de Dappere. |
$lore_mountains_random05 | Laat degene die mij leest weten dat je op deze heuvels niet moet rusten, verre van je haard en de veiligheid van het groene bos. De beesten in deze bergen zijn wreed en ongenadig, en hongeren naar vlees; het ergste beest is de koude wind zelf. Draag dikke vachten, bouw stevige vuren, en zorg dat je de eieren van de grootse draak niet verstoord als je leven je lief is. |
$lore_mountains_random06 | Grote steden bouwen niet zichzelf Verstevig je hart, kolonist uit een vreemd land Bouw omhoog vanaf de grond |
$lore_mountains_random07 | Deze steen is hier geplaatst door mij, Astrid, in mijn zevende jaar in Valheim. Op deze plek sprak de Alvader tot mij. Ik werd wakker uit een diepe slaap en vond zijn woorden rond me op de grond, bevroren tot kiezels door de diepe kou. Toen ik ze verwarmde met mijn handen ontdooiden ze en ze gaven me dit bericht, woord voor woord. Versla de Verlatenen. Keten hun hoofden. Dan kom ik. |
$lore_mountains_random08 | When first I awoke in Valheim, I pleaded with Odin to show himself to me. Where was he? Why had he abandoned me? For many moons I braved storms and fierce beasts in search of answers. Where were the Gods? Was this to be my reward? Where was Odin? But now I know. When I pulled up the greydwarfs like weeds from a field or stamped out the surtlings like embers, I did Odin's work. And when I matched my strength against a great wyrm and smote off its head with one blow, I felt Odin's joy within me, deep and proud. We are Odin's hands, each one of us, and our worth in life is to work his will. |
$lore_mountains_random09 | Upon this spot, Otho and Bjorn fought a mighty duel to decide who has the finest beard. Now I, Bjorn, must carve this stone to say that the beard of Otho is as bright and beautiful as a corn-field in summer. May almighty Thor tear my own beard from my face if I lie. |
$lore_mountains_random10 | In Midgard of old, the armies of man pushed back the drakes from the mountains just as the Vanir threw down their mother and cast her into Valheim. But here they have recovered their strength and their numbers. The beat of their mighty wings echoes among the peaks. They are fierce and noble creatures, true foes worthy of battle. If they scorn to meet your blade, send your arrows to greet them. |
$lore_mountains_random11 | In these mountains I cannot throw a spear without hitting something that wants to kill me. But from the heights I have seen sunny plains where life will be easier. I go now to make my home there. These are the words of Ulf. |
$lore_mountains_random12 | There are friends in Valheim but you must seek them amongst your enemies. Old friends, fire-kin, moon-singers. For centuries they have hunted alongside you, now you must remind them of the old covenant between your people and theirs. Flesh is their delight and must be your offering. |
$lore_munin_ashlands_label | Ashlands awaits... |
$lore_munin_ashlands_text | Well fought warrior! My brother and I will feast well on this offering! Yet still there is work for your arm… In the Ashlands dark clouds blister the sky and the King stirs on his bed of embers. Until today you have only quarreled. Now you must prepare yourself for war… |
$lore_munin_label | Munin: Introduction |
$lore_munin_text | Kraa! Well met, wanderer… I am Munin, brother to Hugin. I bring greetings from the Allfather. His eye sees through mine, I carry his words beneath my tongue. Keep his ways and I will come to you again… |
$lore_plains_random01 | Waar geen regen valt Groeien geen gewassen Toch kan de grond zijn eigen schatten bevatten. |
$lore_plains_random02 | Als man die gewend was de sneeuw uit zijn baard te vegen, werd deze plek Ulf te heet onder de voeten. Hij kerfde deze steen en vervolgde zijn reis. |
$lore_plains_random03 | Stil je geest, reiziger. Odin spreekt tot wie luistert. Hier in dit dorre landschap leeft een van de Verlatenen. Een oude tovenaar, verwrongen van bitterheid, sleept wat nog rest van zijn gebroken lichaam het zand over. Odin zal zeker welwillend neerzien op de krijger die dit afschuwelijke wezen overwint. |
$lore_plains_random04 | In de buurt van deze plek zag ik eens een ster zich losrukken uit het nachtelijk firmament en in het zand vallen. Roodgloeiend was hij toen ik naderde, maar 's ochtends was hij alweer afgekoeld. Gezegend zwaardvlees, voedsel voor het smidsvuur, een ijzeren geschenk van de goden! |
$lore_plains_random05 | Goede vriend, leg je hand op deze steen en gedenk Harald, die hem kerfde. In Midgard verloor ik mijn leven op het slagveld, maar in Valheim kreeg ik het terug. Mijn gevecht was nog niet voorbij. In de groene weiden bevocht ik Eikthyr, het grote hert, en verloor ik een oog aan zijn hoorns. In het diepe woud gaf ik mijn schildhand aan de Oude man van het bos, en een draugenpijl drong onder mijn ribben mijn lichaam in, waar mijn vingers hem nog voelen. Op de berg bevocht ik de moederdraak; ze beet mijn been bij de knie af, waardoor ik nu altijd met een staf moet lopen. Mijn laatste gevecht nadert, dat moet wel. Als ik nu in slaap val, waar ontwaak ik dan? |
$lore_plains_random06 | In mijn droom werd ik bezocht door Odin, in de vorm van een oude man die leunde op een stok, een hoed met wijde rand op zijn hoofd. Hij vertelde me dat ik de raven moest vertrouwen die zijn woorden op hun tong dragen, en deze steen moest kerven zodat anderen zijn wil kunnen ontrafelen. We moeten de Verlatenen doden om onze plek te vinden in zijn hal in Walhalla. |
$lore_plains_random07 | Onder de grond vind je de hallen van mannen en vrouwen die lang geleden gestorven zijn, oeroude stammen die Valheim bevolkten nog voor de Alvader zijn oog op deze wereld liet vallen. Graaf diep om hun schatten te vinden, maar wees voorzichtig; sommigen weten niet dat ze dood zijn. |
$lore_plains_random08 | From the mountaintop, this plains looked peaceful and pleasant. But I have found it worse than anywhere else. I always hear the buzzing of those thrice-damned insects. My beard has turned as white as snow. I will build a boat. |
$lore_plains_random09 | What joy it is to roam abroad With the wind in your hair And a blue sky before you. And what joy it is To stand tall against your foes And speak plainly to the world. And then, what joy it is To come home from your travels And find the fire still bright in the hearth. |
$lore_plains_random10 | On these plains, only the greatest survive to read my words and heed my advice. So heed me now. Great Odin is not a loving father, kind and gentle, speaking honeyed words. Nor is he a stern liege-lord, arms banded with gold, commanding his thralls on pain of death. He did not send you here to fight his foes for love or fear of him, but because his foes are your foes. His joy and honour are yours also. You will fight and win just as he once did. Sons and daughters of Odin, rejoice! |
$lore_plains_random11 | Here on the plains you will find the dwellings of the Fuling, that ancient race who once built towers and cities to rival those of men until Odin punished them for their pride. He trampled the Fuling armies, their armor cracking like snail shells beneath his feet, and tore down their cities. Only Yagluth, the great sorcerer, would not bend or break before his fury. So Odin tore his body in half and cast the remains into Valheim, where he bled into the earth and crumbled to dust, wept over by the last of his people. Now the Fuling rule over the plains of Valheim, savage and wild with only hatred and fear in their hearts. But Yagluth is with them still, an unseen force that the Fuling shamans draw upon for their crooked magic, growing again in strength as his people spread across the world... |
$lore_plains_random12 | The lox are mighty creatures, great earth-shakers who roamed the plains of Valheim long before the Forsaken were banished to this realm. They are quick to anger and will crush any who are foolish enough to approach them unguarded, but they have known the hand of man and can be taught to love it again. |
$lore_plains_random13 | Know, traveler, that while you cannot die in the world of Valheim, yet you can cease to be reborn. Many are those who have come before you to work the will of Odin, only to find their own will failing... |
$lore_queen | We sealed the door and scattered the key. Leave her be. |
$lore_surtlings | Wie mij leest, wees je bewust van de surtlingen, en val niet ten prooi aan hun kwaad. Lang geleden werd de grootse demon Surtr verslagen en vernietigd door de Eerste Mensen, grootse krijgers waarvan jij slechts een verflauwde echo bent. Lang sloegen ze met hun zwaarden en hamers in op het lichaam van deze Surtr, waardoor zijn vurige lichaam in vele kleine delen werd gehakt. Van vuur was hij gemaakt, en vuur was hij in alle opzichten. Er kon niet worden gezegd: Hier, de hersenen van Surtr of Hier, zijn lever, want alles was Surtr. Alle fragmenten waren nog immer Surtr, alleen zwakker in hun kracht en geheugen, zonder de mogelijkheid weer heel te worden. Deze fragmenten noemen we nu surtlingen, en wie ze vindt moet ze platstampen als de laatste vonken van een vuur, of er water overheen gooien om hun vlammen tot in de wortel te smoren. Van een afstand zullen ze vuur gooien, en genieten van de angst en vernietiging die ze veroorzaken. Zelfs in zijn versnipperde oude dag zint de demon op wraak op de kinderen van de Eerste Mensen. |
$lore_surtlings_label | Kennis: Surtlingen |
$lore_swamp_random01 | Let op de woorden van de arme Ulf en bouw je huis niet naast het troebele water. Daar wachten je slechts nare dromen en een vochtig bed. Ik laat deze steen hier achter als waarschuwing en ga me nu op hoger gelegen grond vestigen. |
$lore_swamp_random02 | Blijf hier niet, reiziger, want de lucht is verpest en het water vergiftigd. Hier leven de draugen, en het wezen dat ik ongenoemd zal laten roert zich onder het oppervlak, een bittere massa van botten en zonde. Beweeg je snel en ongemerkt tot je de zon weer op je gezicht voelt. |
$lore_swamp_random03 | In dit sombere gebied vind je wellicht iets glinsterends. Oorlogsvlees, heldengoud, voortgebracht door de smidse... Glimmend ijzer voor wie het komt halen! |
$lore_swamp_random04 | Wie hier langskomt, gedenk mij. Ik, een man wiens thuis ooit de bergen van Midgard was, werd hier gebracht toen ik dacht mijn rust verdiend te hebben, en vond een hiernamaals in Valheim. Voor de grijze dwergen kwamen, waren we met zijn zevenen. Nu luistert Odin niet naar me en weigeren de zeeën mij te dragen. Snel zal deze steen het enige zijn dat nog van mij rest. |
$lore_swamp_random05 | Hoed je voor de surtlingen, sintels van een groots vuur dat lang geleden tot as vertrapt is. Ze worden in groten getale aangetrokken tot het moeras, maar hun lichtjes zijn van verre te zien. Blijf op hoger gelegen grond. |
$lore_swamp_random06 | In voorbije eeuwen bewoonden de draugen dit land, net zoals jij nu doet. Heb medelijden met hen, vastzittende tussen leven en dood in de schaduw van een wereld die hen ooit toebehoorde. Hen vernietigen is een dienst van barmhartigheid. |
$lore_swamp_random07 | Onder de mist en de modder Spreekt bot tot bot En herinnert zich het vlees.Onder de mist en de modder Spreekt bot tot bot En herinnert zich het vlees. |
$lore_swamp_random08 | For long ages, Odin's eye was turned from Valheim. Yet while the Gods ignored it, other creatures crept or fell through cracks into the forgotten world. Trolls, goblins and men found their way along these secret paths. Kingdoms rose and fell, and are buried deep beneath the ground. Walker among the dead, you tread a grave with every step. |
$lore_swamp_random09 | At this place I killed seven of the draugr and ended their long years of fighting and misery. Now who will end mine? |
$lore_swamp_random10 | I am Gudrun, no man's wife, no father's daughter. Only my name remains to me. But sometimes when I wake I feel the weight of a babe at my breast and I cry. Great Freya take pity on me. |
$lore_swamp_random11 | Fear not that the Gods have abandoned you. Valheim drifts from the world tree and the Vanir cannot come in arms to this world but still they watch from afar. Keep them ever in your mind. If your faith is strong, they may send you a sign. |
$lore_swamp_random12 | There is no death that does not bring new life. As worms feed on the battlefield, so did the great corpses of Odin's enemies bring new life to Valheim. Lesser creatures fed on their flesh, fattening themselves on the ancient magic that still clung to them. Their spirits trickled into the earth to renew the soil, or sought out new bodies for themselves. Do not scorn the dead, you who are dead yourself. |
$lore_wraith | Rust, reiziger, en denk na over de schimmen. We weten dat wanneer een krijger sterft hun ziel openbreekt en in de aarde zakt, waarmee nieuw leven wordt gevoed en zij die erna komen sterker worden. Als een krijger echter sterft zonder heldendaden verricht te hebben, zal die ziel te dun en te luchtig zijn, en zal opwaarts drijven, als damp uit de aarde. Deze lichte zielen raken soms lang genoeg verstrengeld in de takken van bomen om schimmen te vormen, verdorven schaduwen die slechts worden aangedreven door bitterheid en jaloezie. Vol wanhoop worden ze het land overgeblazen, waar ze slechts blijven om te jagen op de levenden. Als je er een ziet, dood die dan. Zie het als genade. |
$lore_wraith_label | Kennis: Schimmen |
Key M-Z | Dutch Text |
$mac_gamecenter_required_online_header | Sign in to Game Center for online features |
$mac_gamecenter_required_online_text | Valheim uses Game Center for authentication - sign in to Game Center and restart Valheim in order to use online features. |
$menu_acceptedinvite | You accepted an invite. |
$menu_addserver | Add server |
$menu_addserverfailed | Failed to add server! |
$menu_addserverfaileddnslookup | DNS lookup failed! |
$menu_addserverfailedincorrectformatting | The input is not a valid IP, URL or invite code! |
$menu_addserverfailedresolvejoincode | Couldn't resolve join code |
$menu_back | Terug |
$menu_backupcount | $1 backups |
$menu_backuprestorefailedheader | Failed to restore backup! |
$menu_backuprestorepromptheader | Restore backup? |
$menu_backuprestorepromptrecover | Deleted file $1 will be restored from $2. |
$menu_backuprestorepromptreplace | The current version of $1 will be backed up and replaced by $2. |
$menu_barber_title | Barber Station |
$menu_beard | Baard |
$menu_blondness | Blondheid |
$menu_cancel | Annuleren |
$menu_changelog | Changelog |
$menu_characterexist | Personagenaam bestaat al |
$menu_characters | Characters |
$menu_checklogfile | Please check the Player.log file for more information. |
$menu_close | Sluiten |
$menu_closemenu | Menu sluiten |
$menu_cloudsavesdisabled | You have disabled Cloud saves in your preferences. Any worlds and characters saved on the Cloud will not be visible here. Enable Cloud saves to access them again. |
$menu_cloudstoragefull | Your cloud storage is full! |
$menu_cloudstoragefullcharacterprompt | Would you like to save this character to local storage instead? |
$menu_cloudstoragefullmovingsave | To prevent data loss, save data for the current session may be moved to local storage. |
$menu_cloudstoragefulloperationfailed | This operation failed because your cloud storage is full. Please move some worlds to local storage and try again. |
$menu_cloudstoragefullworldprompt | Would you like to save this world to local storage instead? |
$menu_cloudstoragelow | Cloud storage low |
$menu_cloudstoragelownextsave | We can't guarantee future saves of your world or your character as you run low on cloud storage. Please free up some space. This can be done from 'Manage saves' in the main menu. |
$menu_cloudstorageused | Cloud storage used: $1/$2 |
$menu_collapse | Collapse |
$menu_combat | Combat |
$menu_combat_tooltip | Governs how much damage you give and take. Also governs how likely you are to encounter higher leveled enemies, and how dangerous they are. |
$menu_community | Gemeenschap |
$menu_communityserver | Communityserver |
$menu_connect | Verbinden |
$menu_connecting | Connecting |
$menu_continue | Continue |
$menu_corruptsaverestore | This world save is corrupt. Would you like to restore it from the most recent backup? |
$menu_craft_tab | CRAFT |
$menu_credits | Aftiteling |
$menu_crossplayserver | Crossplay |
$menu_customize | Customize |
$menu_death_casual_tooltip | You do not drop equipped gear, and skills are reduced a lot less than on normal mode. |
$menu_death_easy_tooltip | You drop all items, and skills are reduced less than on normal mode. |
$menu_death_hard_tooltip | Equipped items are dropped, the rest of your inventory is lost permanently, and skills are reduced faster. |
$menu_death_hardcore_tooltip | You lose all carried items and skills permanently. |
$menu_death_normal_tooltip | You drop all items, and skills are reduced normally. |
$menu_death_veryeasy_tooltip | You drop all items, and skills are reduced a lot less than on normal mode. |
$menu_deathpenalty | Death penalty |
$menu_deathpenalty_tooltip | Governs what happens when you die. |
$menu_deleted | Deleted |
$menu_deletefailedheader | Failed to delete file! |
$menu_disallowedcharactername | Can't create a character with this name |
$menu_disallowedworldname | Can't create a world with this name |
$menu_done | Klaar |
$menu_duplicatefilepromptheader | Can't move save |
$menu_duplicatefileprompttext | There's already a save with the name $1 in the destination location. |
$menu_enteripinvite | Enter IP or invite code |
$menu_entername | Naam invoeren |
$menu_enterpassword | Wachtwoord invoeren |
$menu_enterseed | Enter Seed |
$menu_events | Raid Rate |
$menu_events_tooltip | Governs how often enemies may raid your base. |
$menu_exit | Afsluiten |
$menu_exitconfirm | Spel afsluiten? |
$menu_expand | Expand |
$menu_favorite | Favorite |
$menu_feedback | Heb je bugs, coole ideeën of algemene feedback die je ons wilt laten weten? Stuur ons een bericht met deze mooie mailknop. |
$menu_female | Vrouw |
$menu_filter | Filter |
$menu_firehazards | Fire Hazards |
$menu_firehazards_tooltip | Wood can catch fire and spread throughout the whole world, not just in the Ashlands. |
$menu_friendinvite_accepted_header | Friend invite accepted |
$menu_friendinvite_accepted_text | Waiting for friend to start the game... |
$menu_friendinvite_selectcharacter_header | Accepted invite from |
$menu_friendinvite_selectcharacter_text | Please select the character you would like to use to join their game. |
$menu_friends | Vrienden |
$menu_gamepreviewpopupheader | Valheim is in Game Preview |
$menu_gamepreviewpopuptext | Some platform- or game features might not work correctly and the game might crash. |
$menu_generating | Generating... |
$menu_hair | Haar |
$menu_hairtone | Haarkleur |
$menu_invite_friends_macos | Invite Friends |
$menu_ipportorinvitecode | [IP/URL]:[port] or [6 digit invite code] |
$menu_joincode | Join code: $1 |
$menu_joincode_copied | Copied join code to clipboard! |
$menu_joindifferentserver | You're about to join a different server. |
$menu_joingame | Aansluiten bij spel |
$menu_joinip | Aanmelden met IP |
$menu_kick_player | Do you really want to kick '$1'? |
$menu_kick_player_title | Kick player? |
$menu_legacynotice | Please note that this file is currently kept in the old file structure which could cause sync conflicts and data loss. It will be moved to the Cloud on your next save. If you have disabled Cloud saves, it will be saved in the new non-synced folder. A local backup will always be kept when files are moved. |
$menu_legacynotice_worlds | If you prefer to keep the file in an un-synced local folder, use the <color=orange>Move to local button. This is mainly recommended for dedicated servers, or if you wish to play in the same world with different accounts on the same computer. If you have manually disabled Cloud it will be moved to the new un-synced local folder. |
$menu_less | Less |
$menu_loading | Laden… |
$menu_logging_in_playfab_failed_header | Could not log in to PlayFab. |
$menu_logging_in_playfab_task_header | Logging in to PlayFab... |
$menu_loginfailedtext | Failed to log in. Please make sure you are connected to the Internet. |
$menu_loginheader | Logging in to backend service... |
$menu_loginretrycountdowntext | Retrying in $1 second(s)... |
$menu_logintext | Logging in... |
$menu_loginwithplayfab_header | Log in with PlayFab |
$menu_loginwithplayfab_text | Valheim uses PlayFab to connect you with other players online. Sign in to PlayFab? This automatically creates an anonymous PlayFab account for you based on which platform you use to play on. |
$menu_logout | Afmelden |
$menu_logoutconfirm | Afmelden? |
$menu_logoutprompt | Are you sure you want to log out of the current session? |
$menu_lowdisk_block_exitanyway_header | No disk space left - Exit anyway? |
$menu_lowdisk_block_exitanyway_prompt | You do not have enough space left on the disk to save your game. Exit anyway? (Your world and character will NOT be saved!) |
$menu_lowdisk_header_block | No disk space left |
$menu_lowdisk_header_warn | Low disk space warning |
$menu_lowdisk_message_block | You do not have enough space left on the disk to save your game. Please free up disk space and try saving again. |
$menu_lowdisk_message_warn | You are running out of disk space. Your game will be saved, but please consider freeing up disk space. |
$menu_male | Man |
$menu_managesaves | Manage saves |
$menu_manualsave | Save |
$menu_manualsavetime | Last save: $1m ago |
$menu_missingmetarestore | This world save is missing its meta file. Would you like to restore it from the most recent backup? |
$menu_mod_notice | You are playing a modded version of Valheim. Please note that this may change the original game experience. If you are experiencing any issues, please first uninstall all mods before reporting it. If there has been a patch recently, some mods that previously worked may be broken until they are updated. |
$menu_modifier_casual | Casual |
$menu_modifier_casual_tooltip | In casual mode combat is a lot easier, enemies will not attack you until provoked, and there are no raids on your base. Resources are more plentiful, and you will not drop items or lose skills on death. |
$menu_modifier_custom | Custom Modifiers |
$menu_modifier_default | Reset to normal |
$menu_modifier_default_tooltip | The way Valheim is meant to be played, with the intended difficulty balance. Highly recommended for your first playthrough for the best experience. |
$menu_modifier_easy | Easy |
$menu_modifier_easy_tooltip | Combat is easier and there are fewer raids on your base. |
$menu_modifier_hammer | Hammer Mode |
$menu_modifier_hammer_tooltip | In hammer mode you can build all build pieces for free once you have discovered the recipe. There are no raids on your base, and enemies will not attack you until provoked. Other difficulty settings are normal. |
$menu_modifier_hard | Hard |
$menu_modifier_hard_tooltip | Combat is harder and monsters will raid your base more often. |
$menu_modifier_hardcore | Hardcore |
$menu_modifier_hardcore_tooltip | Combat is a lot harder and enemies will raid your base more often. When you die, all your skills and all the items you are carrying will be lost forever. You have no map and you may not use portals or exit boss dungeons while a boss is alive. |
$menu_modifier_immersive | Immersive |
$menu_modifier_immersive_tooltip | In immersive mode you have no map, and you may not use portals. You will need to use your own wits to keep track of where you are in the world! Other difficulty settings are normal. |
$menu_modifier_normal | Normal |
$menu_modifier_normal_tooltip | Normal is recommended on your first playthrough and is the most balanced overall. |
$menu_modifier_popup_text | Please note that these settings can disrupt your Valheim experience. For your first playthrough, it is highly recommended that you play with the original settings. This way you'll get to play the game as it was meant to be played. |
$menu_modifier_popup_title | Warning: World Modifiers |
$menu_modifier_veryeasy | Very Easy |
$menu_modifier_veryhard | Very Hard |
$menu_more | More |
$menu_movefailedheader | Failed to move file! |
$menu_movetocloud | Move to cloud |
$menu_movetolocal | Move to local |
$menu_muchless | Much Less |
$menu_muchmore | Much More |
$menu_name | Naam |
$menu_ndaaccept | Accepteren |
$menu_ndadecline | Weigeren |
$menu_new | Nieuw |
$menu_newcharacter | New Character |
$menu_newworld | Nieuwe wereld |
$menu_newworldalreadyexists | World already exists! |
$menu_newworldalreadyexistsmessage | A world named $1 already exists. |
$menu_no | Nee |
$menu_nobossportals | No boss portals |
$menu_nobossportals_tooltip | You will not be able to use portals or exit boss dungeons while a boss is active. |
$menu_nobuildcost | No Build Cost |
$menu_nobuildcost_tooltip | Build pieces require no materials build. You still need to discover recipes as per usual. |
$menu_nomap | No Map |
$menu_nomap_tooltip | You will not have access to the map or the minimap. This makes the game harder than intended. |
$menu_none | None |
$menu_noportals | No portals |
$menu_noportals_tooltip | You will not be able to use portals to teleport yourself across the world. |
$menu_ok | OK |
$menu_onlineprivilegetext | Your platform account settings prevent you from accessing online multiplayer. |
$menu_onlysameversion | You can only join servers running version $1. |
$menu_passivemobs | Passive enemies |
$menu_passivemobs_tooltip | Enemies won't attack until you provoke them. |
$menu_password | Wachtwoord |
$menu_passwordfieldempty | Empty |
$menu_passwordinvalid | Ongeldig wachtwoord |
$menu_passwordshort | Wachtwoord is te kort |
$menu_playerbasedevents | Player based raids |
$menu_playerbasedevents_tooltip | Raids are based on the progress of each individual player, rather than on which bosses have been killed on the server. This setting is recommended if you want the game to be slightly friendlier to players with different progress. |
$menu_players | Player list |
$menu_pleasewait | Please wait |
$menu_portals | Portals |
$menu_portals_tooltip | Changes how portals work in the game. |
$menu_presets | Presets |
$menu_privilegerequiredheader | Platform privilege required |
$menu_public | Openbaar |
$menu_recent | Recent |
$menu_reloadfailed | Failed to reload saves |
$menu_remove | Verwijderen |
$menu_removebackup | Remove backup? |
$menu_removecharacter | Personage verwijderen? |
$menu_removeserver | Remove server? |
$menu_removeworld | Wereld verwijderen? |
$menu_resettutorial | Uitleg resetten |
$menu_resettutorial_descr | Odin's ravens forgot they told you about anything! You will get every unlocked hint once again. |
$menu_resources | Resource Rate |
$menu_resources_tooltip | Governs the amount of resources you gain from the world and from enemies. |
$menu_restorebackup | Restore backup |
$menu_savefilecorrupt | The save file is corrupt! |
$menu_savesuccesfull | Save was successful! |
$menu_seed | Sleutel |
$menu_selectcharacter | Personage selecteren |
$menu_selectserver | Server selecteren |
$menu_selectworld | Wereld selecteren |
$menu_server_info | Wees je ervan bewust dat het aansluiten bij een onlineserver een risico vormt voor je personage. Het kan een goed idee zijn om een apart personage aan te maken voor online spelen, om zo het risico te verminderen dat je je kostbare bezittingen kwijtraakt. Wees je er ook van bewust dat je altijd valsspelers en griefers (trollen, maar niet het mythologische soort) kunt tegenkomen als je online speelt. Veel plezier! |
$menu_server_warning | Waarschuwing |
$menu_serveroptions | World Modifiers |
$menu_serverpassword | Serverwachtwoord |
$menu_settings | Instellingen |
$menu_sex | Geslacht |
$menu_skintone | Huidskleur |
$menu_skipcutscene | Skip Intro |
$menu_start | Starten |
$menu_startgame | Start Spel |
$menu_startserver | Server starten |
$menu_teleportall | Portal Items |
$menu_teleportall_tooltip | Allows you to bring all items with you through portals for a more casual playstyle. This will circumvent the progression and exploration of the world as it is intended. |
$menu_textcontainsbannedword | The text contains banned words |
$menu_tryagainorrestart | Please try again or restart the game if the problem persists. |
$menu_ugcwarningheader | User generated content blocked |
$menu_ugcwarningtext | Your platform privilege settings prevent you from viewing user generated content. Text from other players will be heavily filtered. |
$menu_upgrade_tab | UPGRADE |
$menu_worldnametip | Min. 5 tekens |
$menu_worlds | Worlds |
$menu_yes | Ja |
$msg_added | Toegevoegd |
$msg_alreadysynced | Er is niets nieuws te kopiëren |
$msg_bedenemiesnearby | Er zijn vijanden in de buurt |
$msg_bedneedroof | Bed heeft een dak nodig |
$msg_bednofire | Bed heeft een vuur in de buurt nodig |
$msg_bedtooexposed | Bed is te onbeschut |
$msg_bedwet | Je bent nat |
$msg_biome_found | $1 ontdekt |
$msg_blocked | Geblokkeerd |
$msg_blockedbyboss | Blocked by an evil force. |
$msg_broke | $1 is kapot |
$msg_broke_OLD | is kapot |
$msg_cantaddmore | Je kunt niet meer $1 toevoegen |
$msg_cantconsume | Je kunt dat nu niet verbruiken |
$msg_cantdrop | Je kunt dit niet achterlaten |
$msg_cantoffer | Je offer is niet beantwoord |
$msg_cantopen | Je kunt dit niet openen |
$msg_cantpickup | Je kunt dit niet oppakken |
$msg_cantremovenow | Kan nu niet worden verwijderd |
$msg_cantsleep | Je kunt nu niet slapen |
$msg_cantuseon | Je kunt $1 niet gebruiken voor $2 |
$msg_cart_incorrectposition | Not in the right position |
$msg_cart_storage | Storage |
$msg_cart_use | Use |
$msg_consumed | Verbruikt |
$msg_cookingstationtooweak | Dit kookstation is te zwak voor |
$msg_dlcrequired | DLC vereist |
$msg_doesnotneedrepair | hoeft niet te worden gerepareerd |
$msg_donthaveany | Je hebt geen |
$msg_door_needkey | Sleutel nodig: $1 |
$msg_door_usingkey | Sleutel gebruikt: $1 |
$msg_dropped | Achtergelaten |
$msg_extensionmissingstation | Moet worden geplaatst in de buurt van het bijpassende productiestation |
$msg_fireadding | $1 gaan het vuur in |
$msg_firenotburning | Het brandt niet |
$msg_fireportalalready | Portaal al geactiveerd |
$msg_fishing_catched | Gevangen |
$msg_fishing_hooked | Aan de haak |
$msg_fishing_linebroke | Lijn gebroken |
$msg_fishing_lost | Vangst verloren |
$msg_fishing_wrongbait | It's not taking the bait |
$msg_food_done | Je kunt nog best wat eten |
$msg_goodmorning | Goedemorgen |
$msg_goodnight | Slaap lekker |
$msg_harpoon_escaped | escaped |
$msg_harpoon_harpooned | harpooned |
$msg_harpoon_linebroke | Line broke |
$msg_harpoon_released | released |
$msg_harpoon_targettoofar | Target too far |
$msg_incompleteoffering | Offer niet volledig |
$msg_incompleteoffering_fader | The bells are not in place |
$msg_inuse | Iemand anders gebruikt dit |
$msg_invalidplacement | Ongeldige plaatsing |
$msg_isfull | Je bent al vol |
$msg_itsfull | Het is vol |
$msg_level | level |
$msg_mapnodata | The tafel is leeg |
$msg_mapsaved | Je legt je ontdekkingen vast op de tafel |
$msg_mapsynced | Je kopieert wat ontdekkingen van de tafel |
$msg_missingitem | Je hebt niet het juiste item |
$msg_missingrequirement | Vereiste ontbreekt |
$msg_missingstation | Vereist productiestation ontbreekt |
$msg_needcultivated | Heeft verbouwde grond nodig |
$msg_needdirt | This area can't be cultivated |
$msg_needfire | Je moet een vuur aansteken onder je kookstation |
$msg_needspace | Meer ruimte nodig |
$msg_newday | Dag $1 |
$msg_newdish | New dish |
$msg_newitem | Nieuw item |
$msg_newmaterial | Nieuw materiaal |
$msg_newpiece | Nieuw bouwstuk |
$msg_newrecipe | Nieuw productierecept |
$msg_newstation | Nieuw productiestation |
$msg_newstation_level | Nieuw stationslevel |
$msg_newtext | $1 toegevoegd aan het compendium |
$msg_newtrophy | Trofee verzameld |
$msg_nobuildzone | Een mystieke kracht in het gebied houdt je tegen |
$msg_nocookitems | You don't have any cookable items |
$msg_nocookroom | Er is geen ruimte |
$msg_nomore | Je kunt niet nog meer $1 eten |
$msg_noprocessableitems | Je hebt geen verwerkbare items |
$msg_noroom | Geen plek in inventaris |
$msg_noteleport | Een item voorkomt dat je teleporteert |
$msg_noteleportarea | Kan alleen worden gebouwd in een steencirkel |
$msg_notindungeon | Kan niet worden geplaatst in een kerker |
$msg_noturretammo | No ballista missiles |
$msg_offerdone | Je hebt een offer gebracht |
$msg_offerdone_fader | You ring the bells |
$msg_offerwrong | Er gebeurt niets |
$msg_outof | Dit heb je niet meer: |
$msg_pin_added | Kaartlocatie toegevoegd |
$msg_pin_exist | Kaartlocatie al toegevoegd |
$msg_portal_blocked | Geblokkeerd |
$msg_privatezone | De verzegeling houdt je tegen |
$msg_pvpoff | PvP-schade uitgeschakeld |
$msg_pvpon | PvP-schade ingeschakeld |
$msg_removed | Verwijderd |
$msg_repaired | $1 gerepareerd |
$msg_ship_ladder | Ladder |
$msg_skills_lowered | Vaardigheden verzwakt |
$msg_skillup | Vaardigheid verbeterd |
$msg_snapping | Snapping: |
$msg_snapping_auto | Auto |
$msg_snapping_manual | Manual |
$msg_softdeath | De goden zijn genadig |
$msg_sold | $1 verkocht voor $2 |
$msg_spawnpointset | Terugkeerpunt ingesteld |
$msg_stackall | Items stacked: |
$msg_stackall_hover | (Hold to stack) |
$msg_stackall_none | No items to stack |
$msg_stationneedroof | Productiestation heeft een dak nodig |
$msg_stationtooexposed | Station is te onbeschut |
$msg_throwinfire | Je gooit wat $1 op het vuur |
$msg_toofew | Te weinig |
$msg_toohard | Te hard |
$msg_turretotherammo | The ballista is already loaded with |
$msg_useonwhat | Waar $1 voor gebruiken? |
$msg_walk | Lopen |
$msg_wontwork | Dat werkt niet |
$msg_worldsaveblockedonserver | The server does not have enough space left on disk to save your game. |
$msg_worldsaved | Wereld opgeslagen |
$msg_worldsavedcloudstoragefull | Cloud storage full! World was moved to local storage and saved. |
$msg_worldsavewarning | World save in |
$msg_worldsavewarningonserver | The server is running out of disk space, consider clearing up space to be able to save in the future. |
$msg_wrongbiome | Can't be placed in this environment |
$msg_wrongitem | Verkeerd item |
$msg_wrongtool | Verkeerd gereedschap |
$msg_youdied | JE BENT GESTORVEN! |
$name_mistlands_bosshint | A mysterious text |
$NOT USED tutorial_stemple3_label | [NOT] USED tutorial_stemple3_label |
$NOT USED tutorial_stemple3_text | [NOT] USED tutorial_stemple3_text |
$npc_blabar | Blåbär |
$npc_bogwitch | The Bog Witch |
$npc_bogwitch_random_buy1 | Lhm! |
$npc_bogwitch_random_buy2 | Lhm gkr tlk. |
$npc_bogwitch_random_buy3 | Gkr, gkr! |
$npc_bogwitch_random_goodbye1 | Gnk. |
$npc_bogwitch_random_goodbye2 | Gnk-nk. |
$npc_bogwitch_random_goodbye3 | Nk. Ktrr! |
$npc_bogwitch_random_greet1 | Gk! |
$npc_bogwitch_random_greet2 | Kgk. |
$npc_bogwitch_random_greet3 | Krrgk. |
$npc_bogwitch_random_sell1 | Mm, lpr... |
$npc_bogwitch_random_sell2 | Lkm. |
$npc_bogwitch_random_sell3 | Kng. |
$npc_bogwitch_random_starttrade1 | Mg, lhm? |
$npc_bogwitch_random_starttrade2 | Ptl mgg. |
$npc_bogwitch_random_starttrade3 | Hk! Mg, mg. |
$npc_bogwitch_random_talk1 | Hm... |
$npc_bogwitch_random_talk2 | Mhm... |
$npc_bogwitch_random_talk3 | Ngk... |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_aggravated1 | You really shouldn't have done that! |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_aggravated2 | I'll get you for that! |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_aggravated3 | You're going down! |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_aggravated4 | I'll feed you to a bloody asksvin! |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_aggravated5 | Oh you little– |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_goodbye1 | Take care now. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_goodbye2 | Careful out there. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_goodbye3 | Until next time. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_goodbye4 | See you around. Or not. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_goodbye5 | Tettå. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_greet1 | Who goes there? |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_greet2 | A living person, huh? That's a nice change of pace. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_greet3 | Hello there. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_greet4 | Greetings. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_greet5 | Are you friend or foe? |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_private_area_alarm1 | Hey! |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_private_area_alarm2 | Stop that. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_private_area_alarm3 | Keep your hands to yourself. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_private_area_alarm4 | That's a good way to get yourself thrown into the lava. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_private_area_alarm5 | I really wouldn't do that if I were you. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk_in_faction_base1 | I should never have bet on that dice game... |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk_in_faction_base10 | I've been thinking of getting a pet. It would be nice, don't you think? |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk_in_faction_base11 | A bit of sweat is good for you, my mother always said! |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk_in_faction_base12 | Ladi dadi dadi dada. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk_in_faction_base13 | I hope the children are doing alright back home. It's been so long now since I last saw them... |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk_in_faction_base14 | When we get back home I think I'm going to pick up a new hobby. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk_in_faction_base15 | I think my boot needs mending. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk_in_faction_base16 | Ah, to feel the cool relief of mist on my face... I was a fool to leave that post behind. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk_in_faction_base17 | I wonder what discoveries tomorrow will bring. Those Whitebeards don't know what they're missing! |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk_in_faction_base18 | I could never remain stationed at just one excavation for months. Us Redbeards are meant to explore! |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk_in_faction_base19 | The Whitebeards will be jealous when they hear of our success, I'm sure! |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk_in_faction_base2 | Then again, the heat isn't too bad! |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk_in_faction_base20 | I don't care much for those smokepuff mushrooms myself. Only fit for asksvin food, really! |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk_in_faction_base3 | I saw someone run around in just their underpants and some belts, seemed nice and cool... |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk_in_faction_base4 | Those siblings had the right idea. Imagine being off on your very own business venture in a cool forest! |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk_in_faction_base5 | I wonder what we'll find out here. Surely it must be worth it. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk_in_faction_base6 | I wish I could have a nice, cool bath. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk_in_faction_base7 | What do you suppose we'll find out here? |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk_in_faction_base8 | We sure hit those charred hard yesterday, didn't we? |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk_in_faction_base9 | They used to worship the Emerald Flame in these parts. Makes you wonder what kind of patron that is... |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk1 | I think I'm going to sweat my beard off. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk10 | I could really use a mug of cold ale right now... |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk11 | When you think about it, this heat isn't worse than the heat from a good forge. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk12 | Don't forget to wipe off that sweat! Or else a morgen might smell you and decide you're its dinner. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk13 | Bloodstone, bloodstone, bloodstone, bloodstone... |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk14 | Be careful if you see a big pile of bones. It usually means one of those morgen creatures is nearby. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk15 | Those undead bastards sure hoard some pretty gemstones... |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk16 | This place is astonishing! So much land still to explore! |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk17 | It may be warm, but the discoveries we make are their own reward. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk18 | Ha! A Whitebeard would never dare to venture here. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk19 | The Whitebeards could never withstand this heat. They just don't have the stones for it! |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk2 | I was made for dwelling below ground, among the cool rocks. Not this blistering heat. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk20 | I came upon a ruin with a whole flock of asksvin yesterday! They were there to search for food, methinks. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk3 | Careful, even the water here is boiling hot. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk4 | My cousin is stationed in the lands of fog. Lucky Whitebeard... |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk5 | I wonder if there's any shade around here. Not that it'd help... |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk6 | Hm. Smells like rotten eggs. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk7 | Mind your step. My brother lost a toe to the lava a while back. |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk8 | My sister tried to tame an asksvin, you know. It bit off her hand, even though they don't even eat meat! |
$npc_dvergr_ashlands_random_talk9 | Vineberries, vineberries... I know I saw some around here... |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_aggravated1 | I'll show you what magic can do! |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_aggravated10 | Odin can't help you now! |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_aggravated11 | We warned you! |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_aggravated2 | Damn you to Hel! |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_aggravated3 | You really shouldn't have done that! |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_aggravated4 | Dvergr, to me! |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_aggravated5 | The boiled pork has been fried now, alright! |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_aggravated6 | I'll teach you not to mess with us! |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_aggravated7 | I'll send you to where the pipe bends! |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_aggravated8 | Human scum! |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_aggravated9 | To Nidhögg with you! |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_goodbye1 | Farewell. |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_goodbye2 | Always watch out for the gjall. |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_goodbye3 | Goodbye for now. |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_goodbye4 | Maybe we'll meet again, maybe not. |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_goodbye5 | Safe journey to you. |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_greet1 | You're taller than I remember. |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_greet2 | So you're the one who's been causing such a ruckus. |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_greet3 | Hi there. |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_greet4 | Is that a human? |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_greet5 | Hello. You've travelled a long way. |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_private_area_alarm1 | Hey! Be careful with that. |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_private_area_alarm2 | Cut that out! |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_private_area_alarm3 | None of that, stop it! |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_private_area_alarm4 | We're only good hosts as long as you're a good guest. |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_private_area_alarm5 | You're close to overstaying your welcome, Norseman. |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_private_area_alarm6 | Stop that! |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_private_area_alarm7 | If you do that again, you won't like what happens. |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_private_area_alarm8 | You're on thin ice. |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_talk_in_faction_base1 | I hope this mine isn't as infested as the last. |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_talk_in_faction_base10 | It's damp as a troll's armpit here, but at least it's not as painfully hot as the south. |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_talk_in_faction_base2 | I wonder if we can bring this shipment home soon. |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_talk_in_faction_base3 | We built these mines, you know? And now look at us... |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_talk_in_faction_base4 | Do you ever wonder what happened to Haldor? |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_talk_in_faction_base5 | Sometimes I wonder if the eitr is worth all of this. |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_talk_in_faction_base6 | I look forward to seeing what the fire will show me next. |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_talk_in_faction_base7 | Now where did I put that bottle...? |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_talk_in_faction_base8 | I swear we had a spare Extractor here somewhere... |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_talk_in_faction_base9 | Just a bit more of this mining, and then we can take it back to Myrkheim. |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_talk1 | I hope this mine isn't as infested as the last. |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_talk10 | Is it true that there's no magic in Midgard? |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_talk2 | I wonder if we can bring this shipment home soon. |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_talk3 | Do you ever wonder what happened to Haldor? |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_talk4 | Those seekers are not to be messed with... |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_talk5 | La-di-di, la-di-da... |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_talk6 | I remember yet, the giants of yore... |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_talk7 | We built these mines, you know? And now look at us... |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_talk8 | These pests have spread further than I feared. At this rate, all our old mines will be overtaken. |
$npc_dvergrmage_random_talk9 | It must be strange, being human. Imagine having to crawl through small spaces! |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_aggravated1 | I'll make you bleed! |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_aggravated10 | Into formation! |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_aggravated11 | You're going down! |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_aggravated2 | Kill the Norseman! |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_aggravated3 | Do you feel lucky? |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_aggravated4 | You'll regret this! |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_aggravated5 | You've planted your last turnip! |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_aggravated6 | I'll kick your arse! |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_aggravated7 | Enjoying shooting yourself in the foot, eh? I can help with that! |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_aggravated8 | So it's a fight you're after, then? |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_aggravated9 | I'll mop the floors with your guts! |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_goodbye1 | Until next time. |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_goodbye2 | Be careful out there! |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_goodbye3 | Goodbye then. |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_goodbye4 | Don't get lost. |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_goodbye5 | Keep that wisplight close, you don't want to lose it. |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_goodbye6 | Tettå |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_greet1 | Who goes there? |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_greet2 | Norseman. |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_greet3 | Greetings. |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_greet4 | Hello. |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_greet5 | Welcome. |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_greet6 | Åtett. |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_private_area_alarm1 | I wouldn't do that if I were you. |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_private_area_alarm2 | Keep your hands to yourself! |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_private_area_alarm3 | We were here first! |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_private_area_alarm4 | Hands off! |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_private_area_alarm5 | Touch that again and I'll chop your hand off. |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_private_area_alarm6 | I'm warning you! |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_private_area_alarm7 | We're not to be trifled with! |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_private_area_alarm8 | You'd best be real careful. Or things will go badly for you. |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_talk_in_faction_base1 | My knees are aching, but at least we have food and a warm fire. |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_talk_in_faction_base10 | I heard we're venturing down south again. Maybe I'll apply for the expedition this time. |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_talk_in_faction_base2 | If you work and keep tidy, Friday brings money. |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_talk_in_faction_base3 | This little fort is nothing compared to our strongholds at home... |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_talk_in_faction_base4 | When is it dinner time? I'm hungry. |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_talk_in_faction_base5 | Are we running out of ale? I think we're running out of ale... |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_talk_in_faction_base6 | Some repairs to this place wouldn't hurt. |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_talk_in_faction_base7 | I don't get why they didn't just take everything when they left the mines. Why leave the cores there? |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_talk_in_faction_base8 | Damned seekers smashed our black cores! Back into the deep then, I guess... |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_talk_in_faction_base9 | This world has changed so much since our people were here last. Imagine what it'll look like in another couple of centuries! |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_talk1 | You never know what you'll find out there in the mist. |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_talk10 | If we could come through to here, it makes you wonder what else might... |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_talk2 | Best be on your guard. |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_talk3 | What's Midgard like, then? I've only ever heard the tales. |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_talk4 | Do all humans look like you? You're so... Nevermind. |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_talk5 | It's easy to lose track of the days out here... |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_talk6 | Us dvergr watch out for our own kin. |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_talk7 | Blasted seekers! I wish they'd all just shrivel up and die. |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_talk8 | I almost got completely drained by a tick once... But dvergr don't die that easily. |
$npc_dvergrrogue_random_talk9 | It's a bit strange to think this was all once a great battlefield... |
$npc_giveitem | Give item |
$npc_giveitem_no1 | Thanks, but I don't need that. |
$npc_giveitem_no10 | NO! |
$npc_giveitem_no11 | I'm gonna have to say... no. |
$npc_giveitem_no12 | A definite no on that one. |
$npc_giveitem_no2 | Thanks but no. |
$npc_giveitem_no3 | Not sure what I'd do with that. |
$npc_giveitem_no4 | I wouldn't touch that with a ten foot iron beam. |
$npc_giveitem_no5 | Just...no. |
$npc_giveitem_no6 | That's not what I'm looking for. |
$npc_giveitem_no7 | You can do better than that. |
$npc_giveitem_no8 | I think you missunderstood my needs. |
$npc_giveitem_no9 | No, and no. |
$npc_haldor | Haldor |
$npc_haldor_buy01 | Dit zijn prachtige items, die vind je niet zomaar ergens. |
$npc_haldor_buy02 | Raak niets aan, tenzij je bereid bent ervoor te betalen. |
$npc_haldor_buy03 | Ga met je ogen na wat ik te bieden heb, maar houd je handen thuis. |
$npc_haldor_buy04 | Hier zit vast iets tussen wat je langer in leven houdt, al weet ik niet waarom je al die moeite zou doen. |
$npc_haldor_goodbye01 | Dwaal niet te ver af. Als je doodgaat, wil ik je spullen hebben. |
$npc_haldor_goodbye02 | Vort. Ik heb dingen te doen. |
$npc_haldor_goodbye03 | Vooruit met de geit. |
$npc_haldor_greeting01 | Ha! Weer zo'n door de Walkuren achtergelaten vleeshomp… |
$npc_haldor_greeting02 | Nou? |
$npc_haldor_greeting03 | Wat wil je? |
$npc_haldor_random_buy1 | Good choice! |
$npc_haldor_random_buy2 | That fits you! |
$npc_haldor_random_buy3 | It's yours. |
$npc_haldor_random_buy4 | Happy to do business with you. |
$npc_haldor_random_buy5 | Use it well. |
$npc_haldor_random_goodbye1 | Come again! |
$npc_haldor_random_goodbye2 | Bye! |
$npc_haldor_random_goodbye3 | Don't die out there. |
$npc_haldor_random_greet1 | Hi there. |
$npc_haldor_random_greet2 | Well hello there! |
$npc_haldor_random_greet3 | Welcome to my neck of the woods, as it were. |
$npc_haldor_random_greet4 | Oh! A customer! |
$npc_haldor_random_sell1 | Good deal. |
$npc_haldor_random_sell2 | Here you go. |
$npc_haldor_random_sell3 | That's worth some gold. |
$npc_haldor_random_sell4 | I'll take it. |
$npc_haldor_random_starttrade1 | Take a look at my wares. |
$npc_haldor_random_starttrade2 | Check this stuff out! |
$npc_haldor_random_starttrade3 | I'm sure I've got what you need. |
$npc_haldor_random_starttrade4 | I've got a little bit of everything. |
$npc_haldor_random_starttrade5 | My wares aren't exactly bespoke, but they'll do the job. |
$npc_haldor_random_talk1 | I'm short for a dwarf. |
$npc_haldor_random_talk2 | Radjdadaj... |
$npc_haldor_random_talk3 | I've met your kind before. |
$npc_haldor_random_talk4 | What are you looking at? Have you never seen a dwarf before? |
$npc_haldor_random_talk5 | Halstein, did you fart again? |
$npc_haldor_random_talk6 | Mining is just so boring! Fortunately I come from a family of entrepreneurs. |
$npc_haldor_random_talk7 | I don't really go in for the fancy stuff, that's my sister's area of expertise. |
$npc_haldor_sell01 | Eens zien wat je voor restjes hebt opgepakt… |
$npc_haldor_sell02 | Hmmm, wat hebben we hier? |
$npc_haldor_sell03 | Ik vraag me af of er nog mooie glimmertjes zitten in al die bagger die je me brengt… |
$npc_haldor_sell04 | Laat maar zien wat je hebt. |
$npc_haldor_smalltalk01 | We zijn hier allemaal verlaten. De goden hebben al lang geleden hun blikken afgewend van Valheim. |
$npc_haldor_smalltalk02 | Jij bent hier zeker om jacht te maken op de Verlatenen? Ik laat hen met rust en zij mij. |
$npc_haldor_smalltalk03 | Vechten, bouwen, ontdekken. Het eindigt allemaal in het graf. |
$npc_haldor_smalltalk04 | Jij bent geen haar beter dan je voorgangers, krijger. Jullie eindigen allemaal op dezelfde manier. |
$npc_haldor_smalltalk05 | De commercie is het enige dat ons onderscheidt van de beesten. |
$npc_haldor_trade01 | Ik ben hier om te handelen, niet om te kletsen. Koop je nog iets of hoe zit dat? |
$npc_haldor_trade02 | Kom, laten we tot een akkoord komen. |
$npc_haldor_trade03 | Je hebt geluk dat ik in een goede bui ben. Tijd om te onderhandelen. |
$npc_hallon | Hallon |
$npc_halstein | Halstein |
$npc_hildir | Hildir |
$npc_hildir_chest1_recieved | Yay, you found it! Now check out my wares! |
$npc_hildir_chest2_recieved | That one must have been a challenge, but you won't regret it! |
$npc_hildir_chest3_recieved | I didn't think you would manage that one. Colour me impressed! |
$npc_hildir_random_alreadyhavechest1 | You've already given me that. |
$npc_hildir_random_alreadyhavechest2 | Nice replica. It's not mine though. |
$npc_hildir_random_alreadyhavechest3 | Keep it. I have no use for that. |
$npc_hildir_random_alreadyhavechest4 | But...you already gave me this chest. Where did you get this? |
$npc_hildir_random_alreadyhavechest5 | That's...not mine. I guess someone really just likes my style, huh? |
$npc_hildir_random_anylockedchest1 | Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it. There's still more of my stuff out there though, if you have time. |
$npc_hildir_random_anylockedchest2 | You know, this place was more peaceful in the past. A lady could travel here without being robbed of all her things. |
$npc_hildir_random_anylockedchest3 | It's nice to have some of my stock back. But I really would appreciate it if I could get all of it. |
$npc_hildir_random_anylockedchest4 | It's not too much trouble, right? To find my stolen things. It's really sweet of you to help. |
$npc_hildir_random_anylockedchest5 | The big lox is Hallon and the small one is Blåbär. |
$npc_hildir_random_anylockedchest6 | She warned me it wasn't a good idea to go here... But I went anyway, and now part of my stock is rotting away in some dungeon. |
$npc_hildir_random_anylockedchest7 | There are rumours about you, you know? I wonder if they match reality. |
$npc_hildir_random_anylockedchest8 | Making progress, I hope? I have this fabric I'd love to see on you, but I'd need you to bring it back first. |
$npc_hildir_random_anylockedchest9 | It's nice that the shop isn't entirely empty anymore, at least. |
$npc_hildir_random_buy1 | Ooh, that'll look great on you! |
$npc_hildir_random_buy2 | That's one of my finest works. |
$npc_hildir_random_buy3 | Tailored just for you. |
$npc_hildir_random_buy4 | I had a lot of fun making this. |
$npc_hildir_random_buy5 | You've got good taste. |
$npc_hildir_random_goodbye1 | See you again soon, I hope! |
$npc_hildir_random_goodbye2 | Don't be a stranger. |
$npc_hildir_random_goodbye3 | I'll be here a while, in case you're in need of anything else. |
$npc_hildir_random_goodbye4 | Take care. |
$npc_hildir_random_greet1 | Welcome to my shop. It's a tad bit more elegant than my brother's. |
$npc_hildir_random_greet2 | Hi there. |
$npc_hildir_random_greet3 | You look like your wardrobe could do with a bit of an upgrade. |
$npc_hildir_random_greet4 | Well, well, girls, look what the neck dragged in. |
$npc_hildir_random_greet5 | Greetings, viking. |
$npc_hildir_random_lockedchest1 | Almost all of my wares, stolen! What use is a shop if it doesn't even have anything to sell? |
$npc_hildir_random_lockedchest2 | Don't try to open the chests yourself if you find them. Dwarven locks can't be picked, and the chests themselves could withstand an explosion... |
$npc_hildir_random_lockedchest3 | Do you know how frustrating it is to have so much hard work just... stolen from you? |
$npc_hildir_random_lockedchest4 | I'll sell you what I have at a discount, if you just get my things back to me. Like a finder's fee. |
$npc_hildir_random_lockedchest5 | Bring my chests back to me when you find them. I'll unlock them and we can do good business. |
$npc_hildir_random_lockedchest6 | Don't even think about keeping the chests to yourself, now that you know where they are. You can't open them without the right key. |
$npc_hildir_random_map1 | Most of my stuff was stolen from me. I've marked out where it was on the map, in case you'd like to help me look for it. |
$npc_hildir_random_map2 | If you'd help me get some things back, I'd be happy to do business with you. |
$npc_hildir_random_map3 | I'd go get my things back myself, but I'm not willing to risk losing anything else. Help a girl out? |
$npc_hildir_random_map4 | I got away, but my goods weren't so lucky. At least I know where it happened, whatever good that does me. |
$npc_hildir_random_map5 | That's where they ambushed me, the greedy little bastards. You wouldn't want to go after them for me, would you? |
$npc_hildir_random_sell1 | Sure, I'll take it. |
$npc_hildir_random_sell2 | Hm, I might be able to use that for something. |
$npc_hildir_random_sell3 | You know what they say, one person's trash is another one's treasure. |
$npc_hildir_random_sell4 | Why not? I'm sure I can pawn that off at some point. |
$npc_hildir_random_sell5 | Deal. |
$npc_hildir_random_starttrade1 | Take a look, why don't you? |
$npc_hildir_random_starttrade2 | I'm sure I've got something that'll tickle your fancy. |
$npc_hildir_random_starttrade3 | If you're looking for worms and eggs, you've come to the wrong shop. |
$npc_hildir_random_starttrade4 | Let me know if you find anything you like! |
$npc_hildir_random_starttrade5 | My wares are made out of the finest cloth. |
$npc_hildir_random_starttrade6 | You'll only find products of the highest quality in my shop, I assure you. |
$npc_hildir_random_talk1 | It's okay, you can pet the lox if you want. |
$npc_hildir_random_talk10 | As fun as these sojourns are, it'll be nice to get back home to my kin. |
$npc_hildir_random_talk2 | You know, this place was more peaceful in the past. A lady could travel here without being robbed of all her things. |
$npc_hildir_random_talk3 | The big lox is Hallon and the small one is Blåbär. |
$npc_hildir_random_talk4 | The wagon's off limits, sorry. A girl's gotta keep some trade secrets to herself. |
$npc_hildir_random_talk5 | There are rumours about you, you know? I wonder if they match reality. |
$npc_hildir_random_talk6 | I don't do repairs, sorry. |
$npc_hildir_random_talk7 | Hm... I'd love to tailor you a custom piece sometime. |
$npc_hildir_random_talk8 | Back in the day I thought about setting up shop here permanently. But there aren't really enough customers for that. |
$npc_hildir_random_talk9 | This place isn't too bad, all things considered. Maybe I'll bring someone else along next time. |
$npc_hugin | Hugin |
$npc_munin | Munin |
$npc_munin_ashlands_bellshard | Kraa! A sad memory lingers here... A faint echo in the air... Once these rang for joy to celebrate his passing but now he cannot bear the sound nor the reminder. If you seek to bring him give them voice once more. |
$npc_munin_ashlands_general01 | Kraa! Poor pickings here. Empty skulls scoured clean by the flames. Barely a trace of memory left… |
$npc_munin_ashlands_general02 | Well met little swordling! Look around you this is the Waste of the Emerald Flame… This is the end of all pride the fire that consumes itself… Tread carefully! |
$npc_munin_ashlands_general03 | Kraa! I bring a message from the Allfather. Honor is forged in flame. Strike hard upon the anvil spare not the steel! |
$npc_munin_ashlands_general04 | Kraahaha! A fellow carrion bird! Look at you picking over these poor dead remains… |
$npc_munin_ashlands_general05 | Hmmm... How do you yet live warrior? Perhaps you have found your element here in the furnace? Curious... |
$npc_munin_general01 | Kraa! Gegroet, reiziger... Ik ben Munin, de broer van Hugin. De Alvader groet je. Zijn oog ziet door de mijne, en ik draag op mijn tong zijn woorden met mij mee. Leef in navolging van zijn wil, dan kom ik je later weer bezoeken... |
$npc_munin_general02 | Kraa! Alle ogen zijn op je gericht. Grote ogen, kleine ogen, ogen vanboven en ogen vanonder. Zelfs de bomen hebben ogen... |
$npc_munin_general03 | Je leeft nog, krijger? Ik had gehoopt een hapje van je resten te mogen nemen, een stukje van je kadaver... Ach, de Alvader zal in ieder geval verheugd zijn. |
$npc_munin_general04 | Ben je verdwaald in de mist, krijger? Ik zie wat je ogen ooit wisten, de paden die je hebt bewandeld, en de gezichten die je ooit liefhad. Arme krijger... |
$npc_munin_general05 | Kraa! Vergeet je queeste niet, krijger! Vergeet niet waarom de Alvader je hierheen gestuurd heeft. De Verlatenen moeten worden vernietigd. Vergeet dat niet! |
$npc_munin_general06 | Je bent een goede krijger geworden! Uit goed fatsoen moet ik je vertellen dat als je doodgaat, we het erover eens zijn dat Hugin je linkeroog mag hebben als tussendoortje, en ik je rechter. Maar we wensen je verder alle goeds! |
$npc_munin_general07 | Kraa! Dien de Alvader goed, dan mag ik van hem je herinneringen teruggeven. Weet je nog wat voor leven je had voor je hier kwam? Het herinnert zich jou wel… |
$npc_munin_general08 | Ik had niet gedacht dat je nog in leven zou zijn… Maar hoed je voor trots, vriend. Slagvelden zijn mijn banket, en ik weet hoe alle grote krijgers aan hun eind komen… |
$npc_munin_general09 | Kraa! Hoor mij, want ik zal je niet langer van raadsels voorzien. Ik ben de grote Munin, de schatkamer der herinneringen. Ik zit op de linkerschouder van de Alvader, en doe in de tien werelden wat hij me opdraagt. Ik heb veel grote krijgers zien vallen en opstaan, maar jij bent een van de grootsten. Weet dat Odin zelve je in het oog houdt… |
$npc_munin_general10 | Kraa! Ik breng nieuws van de Alvader! Hij staat klaar om op jouw verzoek de grote brug te openen. Dood de Verlatenen en maak de weg vrij! |
$OLD hud_altplace | [OLD] hud_altplace |
$OLD inventory_stationlevel | [OLD] inventory_stationlevel |
$OLD inventory_stationlevelreq | [OLD] inventory_stationlevelreq |
$OLD inventory_upgrade | [OLD] inventory_upgrade |
$OLD menu_exit | [OLD] menu_exit |
$piece_ancient_pot | Ancient Pot |
$piece_armorstand | Armour Stand |
$piece_armorstand_cantattach | That item doesn't fit there |
$piece_artisan_ext1 | Artisan Press |
$piece_artisanstation | Ambachtstafel |
$piece_ashwood_archedwall | Ashwood Arched Wall |
$piece_ashwood_beam_1m | Ashwood Beam 1 m |
$piece_ashwood_beam_2m | Ashwood Beam 2 m |
$piece_ashwood_bed | Ashwood Bed |
$piece_ashwood_decowall | Ashwood Decorative Wall |
$piece_ashwood_decowall_divider | Ashwood Divider |
$piece_ashwood_decowall_tree | Ashwood Decorative Window |
$piece_ashwood_door | Ashwood Door |
$piece_ashwood_floor_1x1 | Ashwood Floor 1x1 |
$piece_ashwood_floor_2x2 | Ashwood Floor 2x2 |
$piece_ashwood_floor_deco | Ashwood Decorative Floor |
$piece_ashwood_halfwall | Ashwood Half Wall |
$piece_ashwood_pole_1m | Ashwood Pole 1 m |
$piece_ashwood_pole_2m | Ashwood Pole 2 m |
$piece_ashwood_quarterwall | Ashwood Quarter Wall |
$piece_ashwood_wall | Ashwood Wall |
$piece_ashwoodarch_big | Ashwood Arch |
$piece_ashwoodarch_bottom | Ashwood Bottom Arch |
$piece_ashwoodarch_top | Ashwood Top Arch |
$piece_ashwoodbeam26 | Ashwood Beam 26° |
$piece_ashwoodbeam45 | Ashwood Beam 45° |
$piece_ashwoodcross26 | Ashwood Roof Cross 26° |
$piece_ashwoodcross45 | Ashwood Roof Cross 45° |
$piece_ashwoodstair | Ashwood Stair |
$piece_ashwoodwallroof_26 | Ashwood Wall 26° |
$piece_ashwoodwallroof_26_upsidedown | Ashwood Wall 26° (Inverted) |
$piece_ashwoodwallroof_45 | Ashwood Wall 45° |
$piece_ashwoodwallroof_45_upsidedown | Ashwood Wall 45° (Inverted) |
$piece_asksvinskeleton | Asksvin Skeleton |
$piece_banner01 | Zwart vaandel |
$piece_banner02 | Blauw vaandel |
$piece_banner03 | Wit en rood gestreept vaandel |
$piece_banner04 | Rood vaandel |
$piece_banner05 | Groen vaandel |
$piece_banner06 | Blauw |
$piece_banner07 | Wit en blauw gestreept vaandel |
$piece_banner08 | Yellow Banner |
$piece_banner09 | Purple Banner |
$piece_banner10 | Orange Banner |
$piece_banner11 | White Banner |
$piece_barber | Barber Station |
$piece_barber_description | Helps you stay up to date with the latest viking fashion. |
$piece_bathtub | Badkuip |
$piece_bed | Bed |
$piece_bed_claim | Opeisen |
$piece_bed_currentspawn | Huidig terugkeerpunt |
$piece_bed_setspawn | Als terugkeerpunt instellen |
$piece_bed_sleep | Slapen |
$piece_bed_unclaimed | Niet-opgeëist bed |
$piece_bed02 | Drakenbed |
$piece_beehive | Bijenkorf |
$piece_beehive_area | De bijen vinden deze bioom niks |
$piece_beehive_check | Bijen checken |
$piece_beehive_extract | Oogsten |
$piece_beehive_freespace | De bijen hebben meer open ruimte nodig |
$piece_beehive_happy | De bijen zijn blij |
$piece_beehive_sleep | De bijen slapen |
$piece_bench01 | Bank |
$piece_benchlog | Zitstam |
$piece_blackforge | Black Forge |
$piece_blackforge_ext1 | Black Forge Cooler |
$piece_blackforge_ext2 | Vice |
$piece_blackforge_ext3 | Metal Cutter |
$piece_blackforge_ext4 | Gem Cutter |
$piece_blackmarble_arch | Black Marble Arch |
$piece_blackmarble_base1 | Black Marble Plinth |
$piece_blackmarble_base2 | Black Marble Wide Plinth |
$piece_blackmarble_basecorner | Black Marble Plinth Corner |
$piece_blackmarble_bench | Black Marble Bench |
$piece_blackmarble_bronze_head1 | Bronze Head 1 |
$piece_blackmarble_bronze_head2 | Bronze Head 2 |
$piece_blackmarble_column_1 | Black Marble Column Small |
$piece_blackmarble_column_2 | Black Marble Column Wide |
$piece_blackmarble_column_3 | Black Marble Column Tall |
$piece_blackmarble_equilateral_triangle_floor | Black Marble Floor Equilateral Triangle |
$piece_blackmarble_floor | Black Marble Floor |
$piece_blackmarble_floor_triangle | Black Marble Floor Triangle |
$piece_blackmarble_floor4x4 | Black Marble Floor 4x4 |
$piece_blackmarble_head_big1 | Black Marble Large Head 1 |
$piece_blackmarble_head_big2 | Black Marble Large Head 2 |
$piece_blackmarble_inverted_slope1x2 | Black Marble Slope (Inverted) |
$piece_blackmarble_out1 | Black Marble Cornice |
$piece_blackmarble_out2 | Black Marble Cornice Wide |
$piece_blackmarble_outcorner | Black Marble Cornice Corner |
$piece_blackmarble_slope1x2 | Black Marble Slope |
$piece_blackmarble_stair | Black Marble Stair |
$piece_blackmarble_stair_corner_left | Black Marble Stair Left |
$piece_blackmarble_stair_corner_right | Black Marble Stair Right |
$piece_blackmarble_table | Black Marble Table |
$piece_blackmarble_throne | Black Marble Throne |
$piece_blackmarble_tile_floor_1x1 | Black Marble Floor Tile Small |
$piece_blackmarble_tile_floor_2x2 | Black Marble Floor Tile Large |
$piece_blackmarble_tile_wall_1x1 | Black Marble Wall Tile Small |
$piece_blackmarble_tile_wall_2x2 | Black Marble Wall Tile Large |
$piece_blackmarble_tile_wall_2x4 | Black Marble Wall Tile Tall |
$piece_blackmarble_tip | Black Marble Quarter Spire |
$piece_blackmarble1x1 | Black Marble 1x1x1 |
$piece_blackmarble2x1x1 | Black Marble 2x1x1 |
$piece_blackmarble2x2_enforced | Enforced Black Marble |
$piece_blackmarble2x2x1 | Black Marble 2x2x1 |
$piece_blackmarble2x2x2 | Black Marble 2x2x2 |
$piece_blackwoodbench01 | Ashwood Bench |
$piece_blackwoodstack | Ashwood Stack |
$piece_BlackwoodStakewall | Ashwood Stakewall |
$piece_blastfurnace | Hoogoven |
$piece_bone_throne | Bone Throne |
$piece_bonestack | Bone Stack |
$piece_bonfire | Vreugdevuur |
$piece_brazierceiling01 | Hangende vuurkorf |
$piece_brazierfloor01 | Standing Brazier |
$piece_brazierfloor02 | Blue Standing Brazier |
$piece_candle | Resin Candle |
$piece_cartographytable | Cartografietafel |
$piece_catapult_legsdown | Lower legs |
$piece_catapult_legsup | Raise legs |
$piece_catapult_placeitem | Place item |
$piece_catapult_wontfit | That doesn't fit in the catapult |
$piece_cauldron | Ketel |
$piece_cauldron_ext1_spice | Kruidenrek |
$piece_cauldron_ext3_butchertable | Slachttafel |
$piece_cauldron_ext4_pans | Potten en pannen |
$piece_cauldron_ext5_mortarandpestle | Mortar and Pestle |
$piece_cauldron_ext6_rollingpins | Rolling Pins and Cutting Boards |
$piece_chair | Stoel |
$piece_charcoalkiln | Houtskoolbrander |
$piece_charredballista | Skugg |
$piece_charredchest | Charred Chest |
$piece_chest | Versterkte kist |
$piece_chestbarrel | Barrel |
$piece_chestblackmetal | Zwartmetalen kist |
$piece_chestprivate | Persoonlijke kist |
$piece_chesttreasure | Schatkist |
$piece_chestwood | Kist |
$piece_clothdoor | Red Jute Curtain |
$piece_coalpile | Berg kool |
$piece_container_empty | LEEG |
$piece_container_open | Openen |
$piece_cookingstation | Kookstation |
$piece_cookingstation_iron | IJzeren kookstation |
$piece_craftingstation | Productiestation |
$piece_crate | Crate |
$piece_crate_long | Dvergr Component Crate |
$piece_crystalwall1x1 | Kristallen muur 1x1 |
$piece_cstand_cook | Item koken |
$piece_cultivate | Cultiveren |
$piece_darkwoodarch | Duisterhouten boog |
$piece_darkwoodbeam | Duisterhouten balk 2m |
$piece_darkwoodbeam_26 | Darkwood Beam 26° |
$piece_darkwoodbeam_45 | Darkwood Beam 45° |
$piece_darkwoodbeam4 | Duisterhouten balk 4m |
$piece_darkwoodchair | Duisterhouten stoel |
$piece_darkwooddecowall | Gekerfd duisterhouten scherm |
$piece_darkwoodgate | Duisterhouten poort |
$piece_darkwoodpole | Duisterhouten paal 2m |
$piece_darkwoodpole4 | Duisterhouten paal 4m |
$piece_darkwoodraven | Ravenversiering |
$piece_darkwoodroof26 | Leien dak 26° |
$piece_darkwoodroof45 | Leien dak 45° |
$piece_darkwoodrooficorner | Leien dak binnenhoek 26° |
$piece_darkwoodrooficorner45 | Leien dak binnenhoek 45° |
$piece_darkwoodroofocorner | Leien dak buitenhoek 26° |
$piece_darkwoodroofocorner45 | Leien dak buitenhoek 45° |
$piece_darkwoodrooftop | Leien dakrand 26° |
$piece_darkwoodrooftop45 | Leien dakrand 45° |
$piece_darkwoodwolf | Wolvenversiering |
$piece_deposit_copper | Koperafzetting |
$piece_deposit_obsidian | Obsidiaanafzetting |
$piece_deposit_silver | Zilverafzetting |
$piece_deposit_silvervein | Zilveren ader |
$piece_deposit_tin | Tinafzetting |
$piece_door_close | Sluiten |
$piece_door_open | Openen |
$piece_dv_gate | Old Dvergr Gate |
$piece_dvergr_door | Dvergr Door |
$piece_dvergr_lantern | Dvergr Wall Lantern |
$piece_dvergr_lantern_pole | Dvergr Pole Lantern |
$piece_dvergr_metal_wall | Dvergr Metal Wall |
$piece_dvergr_pole | Dvergr Pole |
$piece_dvergr_sharpstakes | Dvergr Sharp Stakes |
$piece_dvergr_spiralstair | Dvergr Spiral Staircase Left |
$piece_dvergr_spiralstair_right | Dvergr Spiral Staircase Right |
$piece_dvergr_stake_wall | Dvergr Stakewall |
$piece_dvergr_woodwall | Dvergr Wall |
$piece_dvergrchest | Dvergr Treasure Chest |
$piece_eitrrefinery | Eitr Refinery |
$piece_fermenter | Vergister |
$piece_fermenter_add | Item toevoegen |
$piece_fermenter_exposed | Te onbeschut |
$piece_fermenter_fermenting | Vergisten |
$piece_fermenter_needroof | Requires a roof |
$piece_fermenter_ready | Klaar |
$piece_fermenter_tap | Tikken |
$piece_fire | Vuur |
$piece_fire_fuel | Brandstof |
$piece_firepit | Kampvuur |
$piece_firepit_iron | Iron Fire Pit |
$piece_flametal_beam | Flametal Beam |
$piece_flametal_pillar | Flametal Pillar |
$piece_flametalgate | Flametal Gate |
$piece_forge | Smidse |
$piece_forge_ext1 | Blaasbalg |
$piece_forge_ext2 | Aambeeld |
$piece_forge_ext3 | Slijpschijf |
$piece_forge_ext4 | Aambeeld (smidse) |
$piece_forge_ext5 | Koeling (smidse) |
$piece_forge_ext6 | Gereedschapsrek (smidse) |
$piece_giant_bone | Petrified Bone |
$piece_giant_brain | Soft Tissue |
$piece_giant_helmet | Ancient Armour |
$piece_giant_sword | Ancient Sword |
$piece_grausten_archmedium | Grausten Medium Arch |
$piece_grausten_archsmall | Grausten Small Arch |
$piece_grausten_beammedium | Grausten Medium Beam |
$piece_grausten_beamsmall | Grausten Small Beam |
$piece_grausten_floor1x1 | Grausten Floor 1x1 |
$piece_grausten_floor2x2 | Grausten Floor 2x2 |
$piece_grausten_floor4x4 | Grausten Floor 4x4 |
$piece_grausten_pillarmedium | Grausten Medium Pillar |
$piece_grausten_pillarsmall | Grausten Small Pillar |
$piece_grausten_pillartapered | Grausten Tapered Pillar |
$piece_grausten_pillartaperedinverted | Grausten Tapered Pillar (Inverted) |
$piece_grausten_roof45 | Grausten Roof |
$piece_grausten_roof45_arch | Grausten Arched Roof |
$piece_grausten_roof45_archcorner | Grausten Arched Roof Corner |
$piece_grausten_roof45_archcorner2 | Grausten Arched Roof Corner |
$piece_grausten_roof45_corner | Grausten Roof Corner |
$piece_grausten_roof45_corner2 | Grausten Roof Corner |
$piece_grausten_stair | Grausten Stairs |
$piece_grausten_stoneladder | Grausten Steep Stairs |
$piece_grausten_wall1x2 | Grausten Wall 1x2 |
$piece_grausten_wall2x2 | Grausten Wall 2x2 |
$piece_grausten_wall4x2 | Grausten Wall 4x2 |
$piece_grausten_wallarch | Grausten Wall Arch |
$piece_grausten_wallarchinv | Grausten Wall Arch (Inverted) |
$piece_grausten_window2x2 | Grausten Window 2x2 |
$piece_grausten_window4x2 | Grausten Window 4x2 |
$piece_graustenpile | Grausten Pile |
$piece_groundtorch | Staande ijzeren toorts |
$piece_groundtorchblue | Staande ijzeren toorts (blauwe vlam) |
$piece_groundtorchdemister | Wisp Torch |
$piece_groundtorchgreen | Staande ijzeren toorts (groene vlam) |
$piece_groundtorchwood | Staande houten toorts |
$piece_guardstone | Verzegeling |
$piece_guardstone_activate | Activeren |
$piece_guardstone_active | Actief |
$piece_guardstone_add | Inschrijven |
$piece_guardstone_additional | Toestemming |
$piece_guardstone_deactivate | Deactiveren |
$piece_guardstone_description | Straalt een magisch zegel uit over de nabije omgeving, wat voorkomt dat andere spelers er gebouwen kunnen neerzetten of deuren kunnen openen. |
$piece_guardstone_inactive | Inactief |
$piece_guardstone_owner | Eigenaar |
$piece_guardstone_remove | Uitschrijven |
$piece_hanging_cloth_blue1 | Blue Jute Drapes |
$piece_hanging_cloth_blue2 | Blue Jute Curtain |
$piece_harvest | Harvest |
$piece_hearth | Open haard |
$piece_hexagonalgate | Hexagonal Gate |
$piece_horizontal | Horizontal |
$piece_incinerator | Vernietiger |
$piece_incinerator_conversion | Thor geeft je een geschenk! |
$piece_incinerator_empty | Thor fronst naar je |
$piece_incinerator_fail | Vernietiger is in gebruik |
$piece_incinerator_success | Items vernietigd! |
$piece_ironfloor | Kooivloer 2x2 |
$piece_ironfloorSmall | Kooivloer 1x1 |
$piece_irongate | IJzeren poort |
$piece_ironwall | Kooimuur 2x2 |
$piece_ironwallSmall | Kooimuur 1x1 |
$piece_itemstand | Itemstandaard |
$piece_itemstand_attach | Item vastmaken |
$piece_itemstand_cantattach | Je kunt dit item niet vastmaken |
$piece_itemstand_missingitem | Vereist item vermist |
$piece_itemstand_take | Item pakken |
$piece_jackoturnip | Jack-o-turnip |
$piece_jute_carpet | Red Jute Carpet |
$piece_juteblue_carpet | Blue Jute Carpet |
$piece_lavalantern | Lava Lantern |
$piece_levelground | Grond vlak maken |
$piece_logbeam2 | Houten balk met bast 2m |
$piece_logbeam4 | Houten balk met bast 4m |
$piece_logpole2 | Houten paal met bast 2m |
$piece_logpole4 | Houten paal met bast 4m |
$piece_lorestone | Runensteen |
$piece_magetable | Galdr Table |
$piece_magetable_ext | Rune Table |
$piece_magetable_ext2 | Unfading Candles |
$piece_magetable_ext3 | Feathery Wreath |
$piece_maptable_hildir | Hildir's Map Table |
$piece_maptable_hildir_use | Register chest locations |
$piece_marblepile | Black Marble Pile |
$piece_maypole | Maypole |
$piece_meadcauldron | Mead Ketill |
$piece_mistletoe | Mistletoe |
$piece_mudpile | Modderige restanten |
$piece_noaccess | Geen toegang |
$piece_offerbowl_bonemass | Boiling death |
$piece_offerbowl_eikthyr | Mystisch altaar |
$piece_offerbowl_fader | Altar of The Emerald Flame |
$piece_offerbowl_hive | Hive seat |
$piece_offerbowl_makeoffer | Offer maken |
$piece_offerbowl_offeritem | Item offeren |
$piece_offerbowl_offeritem_fader | Ring the bells |
$piece_offerbowl_yagluth | Mystisch altaar |
$piece_oven | Stenen oven |
$piece_oven_additem | Item bakken |
$piece_path | Pad maken |
$piece_pavedroad | Geplaveide weg |
$piece_plant_healthy | Gezond |
$piece_plant_nospace | Heeft meer ruimte nodig om te groeien |
$piece_plant_nosun | Heeft open lucht nodig |
$piece_plant_notcultivated | Heeft verbouwde grond nodig |
$piece_plant_nowall | Needs nearby wall |
$piece_plant_toocold | Too cold |
$piece_plant_toohot | Too hot |
$piece_plant_wrongbiome | Kan niet groeien in deze omgeving |
$piece_portal | Portaal |
$piece_portal_connected | VERBONDEN |
$piece_portal_description | Verbonden met ander portaal met dezelfde of geen tag. |
$piece_portal_settag | Tag instellen |
$piece_portal_stone | Portal – Stone |
$piece_portal_stone_description | The powerful energy source lets you pass through even with the most valuable of items. |
$piece_portal_tag | Label |
$piece_portal_unconnected | NIET VERBONDEN |
$piece_pot_large_cracked | Large Clay Pot |
$piece_pot_large_green | Large Green Pot |
$piece_pot_large_red | Large Red Pot |
$piece_pot_medium_cracked | Medium Clay Pot |
$piece_pot_medium_green | Medium Green Pot |
$piece_pot_medium_red | Medium Red Pot |
$piece_pot_small_cracked | Small Clay Pot |
$piece_pot_small_green | Small Green Pot |
$piece_pot_small_red | Small Red Pot |
$piece_preptable | Food Preparation Table |
$piece_pulllever | Aan hendel trekken |
$piece_queendoor | Dvergr Vault |
$piece_raise | Grond verhogen |
$piece_readmap | Kaart lezen |
$piece_register_location | Locatie registreren |
$piece_repair | Repareren |
$piece_replant | Gras |
$piece_rug_asksvin | Asksvin Rug |
$piece_rug_deer | Hertenkleed |
$piece_rug_hare | Hare Rug |
$piece_rug_lox | Hossenkleed |
$piece_rug_straw | Straw |
$piece_rug_wolf | Wolvenkleed |
$piece_rune_read | Lezen |
$piece_sapcollector | Sap Extractor |
$piece_sapcollector_description | Extract sap from mysterious branches. |
$piece_sapcollector_draining | Extracting |
$piece_sapcollector_drainingslow | Extracting slowly |
$piece_sapcollector_extract | Collect |
$piece_sapcollector_isfull | Full |
$piece_sapcollector_notconnected | Nothing to extract |
$piece_sapling_barley | Gerst |
$piece_sapling_carrot | Wortel |
$piece_sapling_carrot_description | Plant meer wortelzaden om wortels te telen. |
$piece_sapling_flax | Vlas |
$piece_sapling_jotunpuffs | Jotun Puffs Primordia |
$piece_sapling_magecap | Magecap Primordia |
$piece_sapling_onion | Ui |
$piece_sapling_seedcarrot | Zaaiwortel |
$piece_sapling_seedcarrot_description | Plant een wortel om meer zaden te krijgen. |
$piece_sapling_seedonion | Zaai-ui |
$piece_sapling_seedonion_description | Plant uienzaden om meer zaden te krijgen. |
$piece_sapling_seedturnip | Zaairaap |
$piece_sapling_seedturnip_description | Plant een raap om meer zaden te krijgen. |
$piece_sapling_turnip | Raap |
$piece_sapling_vineash | Ashvine |
$piece_sapling_vineash_description | Needs something to cling to. |
$piece_sapling_vinegreen | Ivy |
$piece_sapling_vinegreen_description | Needs something to cling to. |
$piece_sconce | Wandverlichting |
$piece_secretdoor | Hidden Door |
$piece_sharpstakes | Scherpe staken |
$piece_shieldgenerator | Shield Generator |
$piece_shieldgenerator_add | Add bones |
$piece_shieldgenerator_charging | Charging |
$piece_shieldgenerator_description | Creates a shield to protect against weather and incoming projectiles. Fuelled by bones of any kind. |
$piece_shieldgenerator_fuelname | bones |
$piece_shieldgenerator_ready | Armed and ready |
$piece_shieldgenerator_use | Activate |
$piece_shieldgenerator_waiting | Needs fuel |
$piece_ship_ladder | Ladder |
$piece_ship_rudder | Roer gebruiken |
$piece_sign | Bord |
$piece_sign_input | Tekst invoeren |
$piece_skullpile | Pile of Skulls |
$piece_smelter | Smelterij |
$piece_smelter_add | Toevoegen |
$piece_smelter_additem | Item toevoegen |
$piece_smelter_empty | Leeg |
$piece_smelter_ready | Verwerkt |
$piece_smelter_reqroof | Heeft een dak nodig |
$piece_spinningwheel | Spinnewiel |
$piece_stakewall | Palissade |
$piece_stonearch | Stenen boog |
$piece_stonecutter | Steenhouwer |
$piece_stonefloor2x2 | Stenen vloer 2x2 |
$piece_stonefloor4x4 | Stenen vloer 4x4 |
$piece_stonepile | Stapel stenen |
$piece_stonepillar | Stenen pilaar |
$piece_stonestair | Stenen trap |
$piece_stonethrone | Stenen troon |
$piece_stonewall1x1 | Stenen muur 1x1 |
$piece_stonewall2x1 | Stenen muur 2x1 |
$piece_stonewall4x2 | Stenen muur 4x2 |
$piece_stool | Kruk |
$piece_table | Tafel |
$piece_table_oak | Lange, zware tafel |
$piece_table_round | Ronde tafel |
$piece_tarpile | Teervat |
$piece_throne01 | Raventroon |
$piece_tombstone | Hier rust |
$piece_tombstone_recovered | Teruggehaalde items |
$piece_toofar | Te ver |
$piece_trap | Trap |
$piece_trap_arm | Arm trap |
$piece_trap_armed | Armed |
$piece_trap_cooldown | Trap is not ready yet |
$piece_treasure_pile | Muntenberg |
$piece_treasure_stack | Stapel munten |
$piece_turret | Ballista |
$piece_turret_addammo | Add missile |
$piece_turret_armed | Armed and ready |
$piece_turret_description | Defensive structure that shoots missiles at anything that gets in its way. |
$piece_turret_noammo | No ammunition |
$piece_turret_target | Target: |
$piece_turret_target_everything | everything |
$piece_turret_target_set | Set target with trophy |
$piece_turret_target_set_msg | Ballista targets |
$piece_UnstableMine | Unstable Mine |
$piece_upgrade | verbetering |
$piece_use | Gebruiken |
$piece_useitem | Item gebruiken |
$piece_vegvisir | Vegvisir |
$piece_vertical | Vertical |
$piece_windmill | Windmolen |
$piece_wisplure | Wisp Fountain |
$piece_wisplure_description | Attracts wisps. They mostly come at night... mostly. |
$piece_wisplure_full | The wisps are dancing |
$piece_wisplure_light | The wisps demand darkness |
$piece_wisplure_nospace | The wisps want more open space |
$piece_wisplure_ok | The wisps are coming |
$piece_woodbeam1 | Houten balk 1m |
$piece_woodbeam2 | Houten balk 2m |
$piece_woodbeam26 | Houten balk 26° |
$piece_woodbeam45 | Houten balk 45° |
$piece_woodcorestack | Stapel kernhout |
$piece_wooddoor | Houten deur |
$piece_wooddragon | Houten drakenversiering |
$piece_woodfence | Hek van ronde palen |
$piece_woodfinestack | Stapel fijn hout |
$piece_woodfloor1x1 | Houten vloer 1x1 |
$piece_woodfloor2x2 | Houten vloer 2x2 |
$piece_woodgate | Houten poort |
$piece_woodironbeam | Houten balk met ijzer |
$piece_woodironbeam_26 | Wood Iron Beam 26° |
$piece_woodironbeam_45 | Wood Iron Beam 45° |
$piece_woodironpole | Houten paal met ijzer |
$piece_woodledge | Houten rand |
$piece_woodlog26 | Houten balk met bast 26° |
$piece_woodlog45 | Houten balk met bast 45° |
$piece_woodpole | Houten paal 1m |
$piece_woodpole2 | Houten paal 2m |
$piece_woodroof26 | Rieten dak 26° |
$piece_woodroof45 | Rieten dak 45° |
$piece_woodrooficorner | Rieten dak binnenhoek 26° |
$piece_woodrooficorner45 | Rieten dak binnenhoek 45° |
$piece_woodroofocorner | Rieten dak buitenhoek 26° |
$piece_woodroofocorner45 | Rieten dak buitenhoek 45° |
$piece_woodrooftop | Rieten dakrand 26° |
$piece_woodrooftop45 | Rieten dakrand 45° |
$piece_woodstack | Houtstapel |
$piece_woodstair | Houten trap |
$piece_woodstepladder | Houten ladder |
$piece_woodwall | Houten muur |
$piece_woodwallhalf | Houten muur half |
$piece_woodwallquarter | Houten muur 1x1 |
$piece_woodwallroof | Houten muur 26° |
$piece_woodwallroof_upsidedown | Houten muur 26° (omgedraaid) |
$piece_woodwallroof45 | Houten muur 45° |
$piece_woodwallroof45_upsidedown | Houten muur 45° (omgedraaid) |
$piece_woodwallrooftop | Houten dakkruising 26° |
$piece_woodwallrooftop45 | Houten dakkruising 45° |
$piece_woodwindowshutter | Houten luik |
$piece_workbench | Werkbank |
$piece_workbench_ext1 | Hakblok |
$piece_workbench_ext2 | Looirek |
$piece_workbench_ext3 | Dissel |
$piece_workbench_ext4 | Gereedschapsplank |
$piece_writemap | Ontdekkingen vastleggen |
$piece_yggdrasilstack | Yggdrasil Wood Stack |
$piece_yulecrown | Yule Wreath |
$piece_yulegarland | Yule Garland |
$piece_yuleklapp | Yuleklapp |
$piece_yuletree | Yule Tree |
$placeofmystery | Mysterious Location |
$playfab_couldnotloadplayfabparty_header | PlayFab could not load |
$playfab_couldnotloadplayfabparty_text_linux | It is necessary for using crossplay. Make sure you have installed the dependencies necessary for PlayFab Party on Linux, listed here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/gaming/playfab/features/multiplayer/networking/linux-specific-requirements| |
$playfab_couldnotloadplayfabparty_text_linux_steamdeck | It is necessary for using crossplay. Until a fix is available, you can use the Proton Compatibility layer on your Steam Deck to access crossplay features. |
$playfab_couldnotloadplayfabparty_text_otherplatforms | It is necessary for using crossplay. If this error persists, please report it as a bug. |
$playfab_couldnotloadplayfabparty_text_windows | It is necessary for using crossplay. This is usually because you do not have Microsoft Visual C++ redistributables installed. Download here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist| |
$prop_ancienttree | Oerboom |
$prop_ancienttreeroot | Oerwortel |
$prop_ashlandstree | Scorched Tree |
$prop_beech | Beuk |
$prop_beech_sapling | Jonge beuk |
$prop_birch | Berk |
$prop_birch_sapling | Jonge berk |
$prop_dragonsummoningbowl_name | Offeraltaar |
$prop_eggcup | Offerkom |
$prop_eldersummoningbowl_name | Oeroude kom |
$prop_eldersummoningbowl_use | Item verbranden |
$prop_fir | Spar |
$prop_fir_sapling | Jonge spar |
$prop_oak | Eik |
$prop_oak_sapling | Jonge eik |
$prop_offerbowl_makeoffer | Offer aanbieden |
$prop_pine | Den |
$prop_pine_sapling | Jonge den |
$prop_treelog | Stam |
$prop_treestump | Stronk |
$prop_yggashoot | Yggdrasil Shoot |
$radial_all | All |
$radial_armor_utility | Armor & Utilities |
$radial_back | Back |
$radial_close | Close |
$radial_consumables | Consumables |
$radial_drop | Drop |
$radial_drop_multiple | Drop Multiple |
$radial_emotes | Emotes |
$radial_half | Half |
$radial_hammer | Equip Hammer |
$radial_handitems | Hand Items |
$radial_hold | (Hold) |
$radial_hotbar | Hotbar |
$radial_interact | Use/Open |
$radial_speed_fast | Fast |
$radial_speed_medium | Medium |
$radial_speed_off | Off |
$radial_speed_slow | Slow |
$radial_weapons_tools | Weapons & Tools |
$raven_interact | Praten |
$rock_abyssalbarnacle | Abyssal Barnacle |
$rotate_build_mode | Rotate (build mode) |
$se_ashlandsmediumarmorseteffect_name | Ask's Endurance |
$se_ashlandsmediumarmorseteffect_tooltip | A lighter armour lets you move more freely, every move requiring less energy. |
$se_attackstamina | Attack stamina usage |
$se_beltstrength_start | Je voelt je sterker |
$se_beltstrength_tooltip | Verhoog de max. draagcapaciteit. |
$se_blockstamina | Block stamina usage |
$se_bonemass_name | Bottenmassa |
$se_bonemass_start | De geest van de bottenmassa leeft nu in jou. |
$se_bonemass_tooltip | Bestendigheid tegen fysieke schade. |
$se_burning_name | Verbrandend |
$se_burning_start | Je brandt een beetje |
$se_burning_tooltip | Je staat in brand! |
$se_cold_name | Koud |
$se_cold_repeat | Je hebt het koud |
$se_cold_start | Je voelt kou |
$se_cold_stop | Je wordt warmer |
$se_cold_tooltip | Minder gezondheids- en conditieherstel. |
$se_coldres_name | Koudsbestendigheid |
$se_corpserun_name | Lijkenren |
$se_corpserun_tooltip | Je kunt langer rennen en loopt aanzienlijk minder schade op door fysieke aanvallen. |
$se_cozy_name | Knus |
$se_cozy_start | Je voelt je knus |
$se_demister_start | You release the bound wisp |
$se_dodgestamina | Dodge stamina usage |
$se_eikthyr_name | Eikthyr |
$se_eikthyr_start | Je activeert de kracht van Eikthyr. |
$se_eikthyr_tooltip | Je rent en springt nu beter. |
$se_eitr | Eitr |
$se_eitrregen | Eitr regen |
$se_encumbered_name | Overbelast |
$se_encumbered_repeat | Je draagt te veel |
$se_encumbered_start | Je draagt te veel |
$se_encumbered_tooltip | Je bent te belast en kan niet rennen. |
$se_fader_name | Fader |
$se_fader_start | The Emerald Flame still burns |
$se_fader_tooltip | Increases strength and speed. |
$se_fenringseteffect_name | Fenris blessing |
$se_fenringseteffect_tooltip | The Fenris armor makes you quick on your feet so you can pass through fire, and your fists feel the power of the beast. |
$se_fire_name | Vuur |
$se_fire_tooltip | Warm door een knus vuur. |
$se_fishinghat_description | Vikings want you, fish fear you. |
$se_freezing_name | Bevriezend |
$se_freezing_repeat | Je bevriest |
$se_freezing_start | Je bevriest |
$se_freezing_stop | Je wordt warmer |
$se_freezing_tooltip | Je bent bezig te bevriezen. Geen gezondheidsherstel en beduidend minder conditieherstel. |
$se_frost_name | Vorst |
$se_frost_tooltip | Je bent onderkoeld. |
$se_frostres_name | Vorstbestendigheid |
$se_frostres_tooltip | Je bent beschermd tegen de kou. |
$se_harpooned_name | Geharpoeneerd |
$se_harpooned_tooltip | Je bent geharpoeneerd. |
$se_harvesterseteffect_name | Harvester |
$se_harvesterseteffect_tooltip | Wearing the right clothes makes the chores easier. |
$se_health | Gezondheid |
$se_healthpotionmedium_name | Gezondheidsdrank |
$se_healthpotionminor_name | Kleine gezondheidsdrank |
$se_healthregen | Gezondheidsherstel |
$se_healthupgrade_name | Gezondheidsupgrade |
$se_healthupgrade_stop | Je voelt je sterker |
$se_immobilized | Immobilized |
$se_immobilized_tooltip | You are stuck |
$se_jumpheight | Jump height |
$se_jumplength | Jump length |
$se_jumpstamina | Conditieverbruik springen |
$se_lightfooteffect_name | Lightfoot |
$se_lightning_name | Bliksem |
$se_lightning_tooltip | Bliksemschade. |
$se_mageseteffect_name | Eitr-infused |
$se_mageseteffect_tooltip | You are one with the eitr. (increased regen. + elemental magic skill) |
$se_max_carryweight | Max. draagcapaciteit |
$se_mead_name | Mede |
$se_moder_name | Moder |
$se_moder_start | Zelfs in de dood hoor je Moder nog schreeuwen. |
$se_moder_tooltip | Altijd rugwind bij het zeilen. |
$se_noisemod | Geluid |
$se_poison_name | Gif |
$se_poison_start | Je bent vergiftigd |
$se_poison_tooltip | Gifschade. |
$se_poisonres_name | Gifbestendigheid |
$se_potion_barleywine_tooltip | Je loopt minder brandschade op. |
$se_potion_bugrepellent_tooltip | The fresh scent of this potion will keep away certain unwanted companions. |
$se_potion_bzerker_tooltip | For a short while, you fight with the ferocity of a mad and frenzied creature. |
$se_potion_eitrlingering_tooltip | Eitr regeneration over time. |
$se_potion_eitrminor_tooltip | Eitr over time. |
$se_potion_frostresist_tooltip | Je bent beschermd tegen de kou. |
$se_potion_hasty_tooltip | Magic fills you, letting you move quicker than ever before. |
$se_potion_healthlingering_tooltip | Health regeneration over time. |
$se_potion_healthmajor_tooltip | Health over time. |
$se_potion_healthmedium_tooltip | Lopende teruggave gezondheid. |
$se_potion_healthminor_tooltip | Lopende teruggave gezondheid. |
$se_potion_lightfoot_tooltip | You feel lighter, almost like you could jump all the way to the branches of Yggdrasil itself. |
$se_potion_poisonresist_tooltip | Je loopt minder gifschade op. |
$se_potion_staminalingering_tooltip | Stamina regeneration over time. |
$se_potion_staminamedium_tooltip | Herstel snel conditie. |
$se_potion_staminaminor_tooltip | Herstel snel conditie. |
$se_potion_start | Je drinkt het drankje |
$se_potion_strength_tooltip | Incredible strength courses through you, but only for a time... |
$se_potion_swimmer_tooltip | Bring the power of the sea-god with you as you brave the waves. |
$se_potion_tamer_tooltip | Animals will be less reluctant to accept you into their flock. |
$se_potion_tasty_tooltip | Minder gezondheids- en conditieherstel. |
$se_potion_trollpheromones_tooltip | All is fair in love and war. |
$se_puke_name | Ziek |
$se_puke_start | Je voelt je ziek |
$se_puke_tooltip | Je voelt je niet zo lekker en kunt je eten niet binnenhouden. |
$se_queen_name | The Queen |
$se_queen_start | The Queen's power breaks free |
$se_queen_tooltip | Faster mining and increased eitr regeneration. |
$se_rested_comfort | Comfort |
$se_rested_name | Uitgerust |
$se_rested_start | Je voelt je uitgerust |
$se_rested_stop | Je voelt je niet meer uitgerust |
$se_rested_tooltip | Je voelt je uitgerust. Je gezondheids- en conditieherstel is hoger. |
$se_resting_name | Aan het rusten |
$se_resting_start | Aan het rusten |
$se_resting_tooltip | Je rust nu uit. Je gezondheids- en conditieherstel is significant hoger. |
$se_rootseteffect_name | Improved archery |
$se_rootseteffect_tooltip | The ancient roots help you focus your bow skill. |
$se_runstamina | Conditieverbruik rennen |
$se_shelter_name | Beschutting |
$se_shelter_start | Je bent beschut |
$se_shelter_stop | Je bent onbeschut |
$se_shelter_tooltip | Je bent beschut tegen het weer. |
$se_shield | Magic barrier |
$se_shield_damage | Damage absorption (based on skill): |
$se_shield_description | A magical shield that absorbs damage. |
$se_shield_ttl | Time: |
$se_slimed_name | Slimed |
$se_slowfall_name | Feather fall |
$se_slowfall_tooltip | What is gravity but an effect of entropy? |
$se_smoked_name | Verrookt |
$se_smoked_start | Je kunt niet ademen in de rook |
$se_smoked_tooltip | Rook inademen is ongezond. |
$se_sneakmod | Sluipen |
$se_sneakstamina | Sneak stamina usage |
$se_softdeath_name | Geen vaardigheidsdrain |
$se_softdeath_tooltip | Als je sterft, verlies je geen vaardigheidspunten. |
$se_spirit_name | Geest |
$se_spirit_tooltip | Extra schade tegen ondoden. |
$se_stamina | Conditie |
$se_staminapotion_name | Conditiedrank |
$se_staminaregen | Conditieherstel |
$se_staminaupgrade_name | Conditieupgrade |
$se_staminaupgrade_stop | Je voelt je sterker |
$se_swimstamina | Swim stamina usage |
$se_tared_name | Bedekt met teer |
$se_tared_start | Je bent bedekt met kleverige teer |
$se_tared_tooltip | De kleverige teer maakt je langzamer |
$se_theelder_name | De Oudere |
$se_theelder_start | De kracht van de Oudere vult je. |
$se_theelder_tooltip | Hak sneller hout. |
$se_trollseteffect_name | Sluipen |
$se_trollseteffect_tooltip | Zorgt dat je beter sluipt. |
$se_warm_name | Warm |
$se_warm_start | Je voelt je warm |
$se_warm_tooltip | Je bent warm. |
$se_wet_name | Nat |
$se_wet_repeat | Je bent nat |
$se_wet_start | Je bent nat |
$se_wet_stop | Je bent weer droog |
$se_wet_tooltip | Verlaagt je gezondheids- en conditieherstel. |
$se_windrun_name | Wind Run |
$se_windrun_tooltip | Increases run speed and greatly reduced stamina use when running with the wind. Let the wind guide you to victory! |
$se_wishbone_name | Vorkbeen |
$se_wishbone_start | Je kunt verborgen objecten voelen |
$se_wishbone_tooltip | Helpt je om verborgen dingen te vinden. Ga in de richting waar het pulseren intenser wordt. |
$se_yagluth_name | Yagluth |
$se_yagluth_start | Een kosmische krachten van Yagluth. |
$se_yagluth_tooltip | Bestendigheid tegen magische en bliksemschade. |
$settings_accessibility | Accessibility |
$settings_account | Account |
$settings_altkeys | (Alt buttons) |
$settings_altplace | Alternatieve plaatsing |
$settings_animateradial | Animate Radial |
$settings_animateradial_descr | Adds animations when opening and closing the radial, and when selecting an element. |
$settings_antialiasing | Anti-aliasing |
$settings_apply | Toepassen |
$settings_attack | Aanvallen |
$settings_audio | Geluid |
$settings_autobackup | Auto-backup history |
$settings_autobackup_descr | Choose how many historic saves will be stored for you. |
$settings_automatic | Automatic |
$settings_autopickup | Autom. oppakken aan/uit |
$settings_autorun | Autom. rennen |
$settings_autorun_descr | After triggering sprint, the character will continue sprinting until coming to a halt or running out of stamina. |
$settings_backward | Achteruit |
$settings_barber_look | Look around |
$settings_bigpicturetext | * Gamepad text input boxes and chat are only available when playing in the Big Picture Mode. |
$settings_block | Blokkeren |
$settings_bloom | Bloom |
$settings_buildcat | Bouwcategorie |
$settings_buildmenu | Bouwmenu |
$settings_buildnext | Volgend item bouwen |
$settings_buildprev | Vorig item bouwen |
$settings_ca | Chromatische aberratie |
$settings_camera_sensitivity | Camera sensitivity |
$settings_camerashake | Cameraschudding |
$settings_camerashake_descr | Adds a camera shake when the character has taken damage. |
$settings_cameratilt | Immersieve camera |
$settings_cameratilt_descr | When sailing, camera movement is affected by the waves. |
$settings_camzoom | Zoom in/out view |
$settings_camzoomin | Zoom in view |
$settings_camzoomout | Zoom out view |
$settings_chat | Chat |
$settings_close_radial | Close Radial Menu / Emote Wheel |
$settings_cloud_storage_warning | Setting the backups to a high value involves the risk of running out of storage. |
$settings_cloudsave | Cloud save |
$settings_continousmusic | Doorlopende muziek |
$settings_controller_classic | Classic |
$settings_controller_default | Console |
$settings_controls | Bediening |
$settings_crouch | Hurken |
$settings_deleteplayfab_task_header | Deleting PlayFab account... |
$settings_deleteplayfabaccount | Delete PlayFab account |
$settings_deleteplayfabaccount_failure | Could not delete PlayFab account. Reason: |
$settings_deleteplayfabaccount_ingamewarning | Can't delete PlayFab account while in a world. Please go to the main menu in order to delete your account. |
$settings_deleteplayfabaccount_not_logged_in | You are not logged in to PlayFab |
$settings_deleteplayfabaccount_success | PlayFab account deleted successfully! |
$settings_deleteplayfabaccount_text | Are you sure you want to delete your PlayFab account and all associated data? Your worlds, characters, and any User-Generated Content such as buildings will NOT be removed. You can easily create a new account next time you try to access online services inside Valheim. |
$settings_detailedparticlesystems | Detailed Particle Systems |
$settings_distantshadows | Distant shadows |
$settings_dodge | Ontwijken |
$settings_dof | Scherptediepte (DOF) |
$settings_double_tap | Double Tap |
$settings_double_tap_descr | Quickly tapping the stick towards the same element twice will interact with it. |
$settings_draw | Trekken |
$settings_fishingcast | Cast |
$settings_fishingpull | Pull |
$settings_flick_interact | Flick Interact |
$settings_flick_interact_descr | Quickly moving the stick towards an element will interact with it. |
$settings_forward | Vooruit |
$settings_fpslimit | Framerate limit |
$settings_fullscreen | Volledig scherm |
$settings_gamepadenabled | Gamepad ingeschakeld |
$settings_gameplay | Gameplay |
$settings_glyphs | Glyphs |
$settings_glyphs_ps | Alternative glyphs |
$settings_gp | Verlatenenkracht |
$settings_graphic_mode | Graphic mode |
$settings_graphics | Grafisch |
$settings_guicale_note | Minimale schermresolutie 2560x1440 |
$settings_guiscale | Interfaceschaal |
$settings_hide | Wapen verbergen/weergeven |
$settings_high | Hoog |
$settings_hotbarright | Cycle hotbar |
$settings_hotbaruse | Use hotbar item |
$settings_hoverselectspd | Hover Select Speed |
$settings_hoverselectspd_descr | How quickly an element is selected when hovering over it. Set to Off to disable hover selection. |
$settings_infinite | Oneind. |
$settings_inventory | Inventaris |
$settings_invert_camera_x | Invert camera X axis |
$settings_invert_camera_y | Invert camera Y axis |
$settings_invertcamera | Invert camera |
$settings_invertmouse | Muis omkeren |
$settings_joysens | Gevoeligheid gamepad |
$settings_jump | Springen |
$settings_keyboardmouse | Keyboard & Mouse |
$settings_langchange_community | *Communautaire vertaling |
$settings_langchange_notice | Om te veranderen van taal is het vereist om het spel opnieuw te starten. |
$settings_language | Taal |
$settings_left | Links |
$settings_legacysave | Legacy save |
$settings_lights | Deeltjeslicht |
$settings_localsave | Local save |
$settings_lod | Tekenafstand / detailniveau |
$settings_look | Look |
$settings_low | Laag |
$settings_map | Kaart |
$settings_mapzoom | Zoom in/out minimap |
$settings_mastervol | Hoofdvolume |
$settings_medium | Gemiddeld |
$settings_menu | Menu |
$settings_minimapzoomin | Zoom minimap |
$settings_misc | Diversen |
$settings_motionblur | Bewegingsonscherpte |
$settings_mousesens | Muisgevoeligheid |
$settings_move | Move |
$settings_musicvol | Muziekvolume |
$settings_native | Native |
$settings_nextsnap | Next snap point |
$settings_open_emote_wheel | Open Emote Wheel |
$settings_open_radial | Open Radial Menu |
$settings_persistentbackbtn | Persistent Back Button |
$settings_persistentbackbtn_descr | When scrolling through a radial menu with multiple pages, the top-most element will always be a back button. |
$settings_place | Place |
$settings_playfab_timed_out_header | PlayFab timed out! Make sure you are connected to the internet. |
$settings_pointlights | Puntlichten activeren |
$settings_pointlightshadows | Schaduwen puntlichten activeren |
$settings_presskey | Press a key |
$settings_prevsnap | Previous snap point |
$settings_quality_mode_balanced | Balanced |
$settings_quality_mode_balanced_description | Balanced mode compromises between performance and quality. |
$settings_quality_mode_custom | Custom |
$settings_quality_mode_customized | Customized |
$settings_quality_mode_not_supported | *Please set your device to support 120Hz graphic output. |
$settings_quality_mode_performance | Performance |
$settings_quality_mode_performance_description | Performance mode favors smooth gameplay with higher frame rate. |
$settings_quality_mode_quality | Quality |
$settings_quality_mode_quality_description | Quality mode favors the game's good looks over frame rate. |
$settings_quality_mode_very_low | Very low |
$settings_quality_mode_very_low_description | Very poor quality, but can be played on a weak system. |
$settings_quickselect | Bouwselectie met rechtermuisknop |
$settings_quickselect_descr | Enables build piece selection with the right mouse button. |
$settings_radial | Radial Menu |
$settings_radialback | Back (Radial) |
$settings_radialclose | Close (Radial) |
$settings_radialinteract | Interact (Radial) |
$settings_radialsecondaryinteract | Drop (Radial) |
$settings_reducebg | Reduce background performance |
$settings_reducebg_descr | When the game is not in focus, e.g. while minimized, it will use less resources. |
$settings_reduceflashinglights | Reduce flashing lights |
$settings_reduceflashinglights_descr | Reduces the strength of lightning effects. |
$settings_remove | Afbreken |
$settings_renderscale | Render scale |
$settings_renderscale_descr | Resolution of the game elements other than UIs. Can be used either or both to increase performance or create a more retro look. |
$settings_requirerestart | Herstart nodig |
$settings_res | Resolutie |
$settings_resetcontrols | Bediening resetten |
$settings_resok | Werkt dit naar behoren? |
$settings_right | Rechts |
$settings_rotate | Rotate |
$settings_run | Rennen |
$settings_secondaryattack | Secundaire aanval |
$settings_sfxvol | Effectvolume |
$settings_shadowquality | Schaduwkwaliteit |
$settings_shipcameratilt | Immersieve schipcamera |
$settings_show_button_hints | Show button hints |
$settings_show_button_hints_descr | Activates more tooltips informing you about controls in the menus. |
$settings_showgamepadmap | Show gamepad |
$settings_showkeyhints | Toetsenhints weergeven |
$settings_sit | Zitten |
$settings_softpart | Zachte deeltjes |
$settings_spiral_normal | Normal |
$settings_spiral_off | Off |
$settings_spiral_slight | Slight |
$settings_spiraleffect | Spiral Effect |
$settings_spiraleffect_descr | Determines instensity of the spiral effect. When scrolling through a radial menu with multiple pages, elements next to the selected one will be scaled and moved to create a spiral-staircase-like effect. If turned off, the elements will only fade in and out. OBS! Requires Animate Radial to be enabled. |
$settings_ssao | SSAO |
$settings_sunshafts | Zonnestralen |
$settings_swap_triggers | Swap triggers |
$settings_tesselation | Betegeling |
$settings_test | Testen |
$settings_toggle_attack_towards_look_direction | Attack towards look direction |
$settings_toggle_attack_towards_look_direction_tooltip | If off, attacks will instead be made in the direction the camera is facing. |
$settings_togglehud | Toggle HUD |
$settings_togglerun | Toggle sprint |
$settings_tutorialsenabled | Enable raven hints |
$settings_tutorialsenabled_descr | Odin will send his ravens to advise you in your adventures. |
$settings_unlimited | Unlimited |
$settings_use | Gebruiken |
$settings_useradial | Use Radial |
$settings_useradial_descr | Enables the use of a radial menu for inventory navigation. |
$settings_vegetation | Vegetatiekwaliteit |
$settings_veryhigh | Erg hoog |
$settings_vsync | Vsync |
$settings_walk | Lopen aan/uit |
$settings_zoomin | Inzoomen |
$settings_zoomout | Uitzoomen |
$sfx_arrow_hit | Arrow thunking |
$sfx_bird_death | Bird dying |
$sfx_crow_idle | Crow cawing |
$sfx_piercing_dmg | Weapon piercing |
$sfx_ship_impact | Ship impact |
$sfx_wishbone_closer | ringing sharper |
$sfx_wishbone_far | giving off a dull ring |
$sfx_wishbone_further | ringing with a low tone |
$sfx_wishbone_med | ringing |
$sfx_wishbone_near | ringing sharply |
$ship_ashlandocean_warning | The sizzling waters are eating through your hull, turn back! |
$ship_cargo | Cargo |
$ship_holdfast | Vasthouden |
$ship_karve | Karve |
$ship_longship | Lang schip |
$ship_longship_ashlands | Drakkar |
$ship_raft | Vlot |
$skill_axes | Bijlen |
$skill_axes_description | Schade met bijlen. |
$skill_blacksmithing | Smeden |
$skill_blocking | Blokkeren |
$skill_blocking_description | Schade geabsorbeerd door blokkering met schild of wapen. |
$skill_bloodmagic | Blood Magic |
$skill_bloodmagic_description | Damage, eitr and health drain when using blood magic. |
$skill_bows | Bogen |
$skill_bows_description | Schade met bogen. |
$skill_clubs | Knotsen |
$skill_clubs_description | Schade met knotsen. |
$skill_cooking | Koken |
$skill_cooking_description | Cooking speed, serving tray wear and chance for bonus yields. |
$skill_crafting | Crafting |
$skill_crafting_description | Crafting speed, hammer wear and building stamina use. |
$skill_crossbows | Crossbows |
$skill_crossbows_description | Accuracy and damage with crossbows. |
$skill_elementalmagic | Elemental Magic |
$skill_elementalmagic_description | Damage and eitr usage when using elemental magic. |
$skill_farming | Farming |
$skill_farming_description | Stamina use, cultivator wear, harvest radius and chance for bonus yields. |
$skill_firemagic | Vuurmagie |
$skill_firemagic_description | Schrijf iets |
$skill_fishing | Fishing |
$skill_fishing_description | Stamina drain and pull speed when fishing. |
$skill_frostmagic | Vorstmagie |
$skill_frostmagic_description | Schrijf iets |
$skill_jump | Springen |
$skill_jump_description | Springhoogte. |
$skill_knives | Messen |
$skill_knives_description | Schade met messen. |
$skill_pickaxes | Houwelen |
$skill_pickaxes_description | Schade met houwelen. |
$skill_polearms | Paalwapens |
$skill_polearms_description | Schade met paalwapens. |
$skill_ride | Rijden |
$skill_ride_description | Snelheid en conditieafname van het dier. |
$skill_run | Rennen |
$skill_run_description | Snelheid en conditieafname bij het rennen. |
$skill_shields | Schilden |
$skill_shields_description | not used. |
$skill_sneak | Sluipen |
$skill_sneak_description | Conditieafname en stiekemheid bij het sluipen. |
$skill_spears | Speren |
$skill_spears_description | Schade met speren. |
$skill_swim | Zwemmen |
$skill_swim_description | Conditieafname bij het zwemmen. |
$skill_swords | Zwaarden |
$skill_swords_description | Schade met zwaarden. |
$skill_unarmed | Ongewapend |
$skill_unarmed_description | Schade indien ongewapend. |
$skill_woodcutting | Houthakken |
$skill_woodcutting_description | Bijlschade bij het raken van bomen. |
$skill_woodworking | Houtbewerking |
$store_buy | Kopen |
$store_sell | Verkopen |
$store_topic | Winkel |
$tamed_name_01 | Your best pal |
$text_mistlands_bosshint | The gate is sealed. The key is scattered and hidden, deep in the mines, so it might never again be unsealed. The gate is sealed. |
$text_player_arrived | I have arrived! |
$tool_batteringram | Battering Ram |
$tool_cart | Kar |
$tool_catapult | Catapult |
$tutorial_altar_label | Hugin: Verlatenenaltaars |
$tutorial_altar_text | Je hebt de oproepplek van een van de Verlatenen gevonden. Maak het juiste offer bij het altaar en de Verlatene zal komen. Wees echter voorzichtig, want de Verlatenen zijn geen makkelijke prooi. Maak dus eerst een stevig wapen, trek je beste bescherming aan en eet een stevige maaltijd voor je de strijd met hen aangaat. |
$tutorial_altar_topic | Roep het beest op |
$tutorial_artisan_extension_label | Hugin: Artisan press |
$tutorial_artisan_extension_text | Now you'll be able to craft ceramic tiles, which have excellent heat insulation. You'll need them if you're to travel southwards! |
$tutorial_artisan_extension_topic | A new tool |
$tutorial_ashlandocean_label | Hugin: Boiling waters |
$tutorial_ashlandocean_text | It seems you have ventured to the boiling waters of the south. As you surely noted, this can be a deadly pursuit. To traverse these waters you will need to build something sturdier if you dont want to sleep with the fishes. |
$tutorial_ashlandocean_topic | Ahoy! |
$tutorial_ashlands_label | Hugin: Ashlands |
$tutorial_ashlands_text | You have discovered the Ashlands, the very hottest parts of the tenth world. Here, water boils without a cauldron, and anything flammable can be set alight with just a spark. Be careful! |
$tutorial_ashlands_topic | Keep a cool head! |
$tutorial_bathtub_text | Spring erin, het water is lekker warm! |
$tutorial_batteringram_label | Hugin: Battering ram |
$tutorial_batteringram_text | The enemy fortresses are built from sturdy stuff. You'll need machines like this one if you're to break through their walls. |
$tutorial_batteringram_topic | A powerful siege engine |
$tutorial_bed_label | Hugin: Maak het je gemakkelijk |
$tutorial_bed_text | Slaap 's nachts lekker in je bed, en word uitgerust en vol energie wakker. Je kunt je huis verder verbeteren door wat kisten te plaatsen waarin je items kunt opslaan. <color=yellow>Het is een goed idee om wat reserve-uitrusting te hebben, voor het geval je tijdens je avonturen iets onfortuinlijks overkomt… |
$tutorial_bed_topic | Een rustplaats voor wie moe is! |
$tutorial_bellfragment_label | Munin: Bell fragment |
$tutorial_bellfragment_topic | A fragment of the past |
$tutorial_blackforest_label | Hugin: Zwarte bos |
$tutorial_blackforest_text | Je bent het zwarte bos ingegaan. Deze plek kan erg gevaarlijk zijn voor wie niet voldoende is voorbereid. Bewijs dat je waardig bent door Eikthyr te verslaan. |
$tutorial_blackforest_topic | Ga terug! Deze plek is gevaarlijk |
$tutorial_bosstrophy_label | Hugin: Verlatenentrofee |
$tutorial_bosstrophy_text | Keer terug naar de Offerstenen met je Verlatenentrofee en bied die aan als offer, zodat de goden je toelachen. |
$tutorial_bosstrophy_topic | Gefeliciteerd, krijger! |
$tutorial_cold_label | Hugin: Kou |
$tutorial_cold_text | Als de temperatuur 's nachts daalt, of als je nat bent, zul je het koud krijgen. Dit vermindert het herstel van je conditie. Wanneer dit gebeurt, is beschutting zoeken bij een open vlam je beste optie. |
$tutorial_cold_topic | Hoed je voor de winter |
$tutorial_crypt_label | Hugin: Kerkers |
$tutorial_crypt_text | Onderaardse krochten en kerkers zijn overal in de 10e wereld te vinden. Het zijn monumenten uit het verleden, die vaak vol zitten met rijkdommen van verloren beschavingen. Denk er wel aan dat je een lichtbron meeneemt! |
$tutorial_crypt_topic | Schatten in de diepte |
$tutorial_death_label | Hugin: Dood |
$tutorial_death_text | Iedere keer dat je het leven laat, <color=yellow>vergeet je een klein deel van wat je kunt, en laat je je bezittingen vallen op de plek waar je sneuvelde. Als je nu liever thuis was geweest, stel ik voor dat je <color=yellow>een bed bouwt, waar je thuis ook mag zijn. |
$tutorial_death_topic | Je hebt een dodelijke klap opgelopen! |
$tutorial_dvergr_label | Hugin: Dvergr |
$tutorial_dvergr_text | Kra-kraaa! Stubborn fools! The Dvergr will tolerate strangers and vagrants but they are quick to anger should you upset them... Which I am sure you will manage to do sooner or later. |
$tutorial_dvergrhalls_label | Hugin: Dvergr homes |
$tutorial_dvergrhalls_text | As I am sure my lesser brother tells you, the halls beyond are very impressive... Just try not to get lost in the winding tunnels and secret passageways will you? |
$tutorial_eitr | It seems you have had a sip from an Yggdrasil branch, and I bet you found it to your liking. Those fun colored lights you may see spinning around you might not all be in your head anymore. Just don't make it a habit. There may be some long term effects that are anything but magical. |
$tutorial_eitr_label | Hugin: Eitr |
$tutorial_eitr_text | The mists permeate all that live and grow in these lands, and now it is a part of you as well. With eitr you will be able to cast all sorts of powerful spells. Try to find more eitr-infused ingredients to increase your ability. |
$tutorial_food_label | Hugin: Voedsel |
$tutorial_food_text | Je hebt een lekker hapje gevonden, eet het op om je gezondheid en conditie te verbeteren. Wees je er wel van bewust dat je straks weer honger gaat hebben, dus zorg dat je altijd wat verschillende maaltijden klaar hebt staan. |
$tutorial_food_topic | Een smakelijk hapje! |
$tutorial_food2_text | Je hebt een lekker hapje gevonden, eet het op om de honger te stillen. Sommige soorten voedsel zijn beter voor je gezondheid en indirect voor hoeveel schade je kunt blokkeren voor je wankelt, terwijl andere soorten je conditie verstevigen. Ook is er voedsel dat allebei doet! Wees je er wel van bewust dat je straks weer honger gaat hebben, dus zorg dat je altijd wat verschillende maaltijden klaar hebt staan. |
$tutorial_giants_label | Hugin: Giant remains |
$tutorial_giants_text | Kraa! Pick their bones and break their domes! |
$tutorial_guardstone_label | Hugin: Verzegeling |
$tutorial_guardstone_text | Deze verzegeling heeft een sterke aura, wat voorkomt dat andere Vikingen hier dingen kunnen bouwen. Het doet ook alle deuren onder zijn invloed op slot. |
$tutorial_guardstone_topic | Je hebt een verzegeling gebouwd |
$tutorial_haldor | Rumor has it that some traders have found themselves into the tenth world. If you find yourself in need of special commodities you might want to seek them out. One of them should be somewhere in a forest such as this. I'm terribly sorry I can't be of more help... you'll have to keep an eye out. |
$tutorial_haldor_label | Hugin: Trader Haldor |
$tutorial_haldor_topic | Well met, adventurer… |
$tutorial_hammer_label | Hugin: Hamer |
$tutorial_hammer_text | Met dit gereedschap zul je grootse huizen en stevige vestingwerken bouwen. Begin met de bouw van een <color=yellow>werkbank. Daarmee zul je weer andere dingen kunnen bouwen. |
$tutorial_hammer_topic | Je hebt een hamer gemaakt |
$tutorial_hildir | I've heard that a trader was seen in an area not unlike this one. She is an odd character indeed, but may have very special goods for sale. However, rumor has it that her stocks have been raided. She might need a helping hand, and you are starting to look fairly capable by now. |
$tutorial_hildir_label | Hugin: Trader Hildir |
$tutorial_hildir_topic | Why, hello there. |
$tutorial_hildirdungeon | I have a feeling that this place could be more challenging than one might expect. |
$tutorial_hildirdungeon_label | Mysterious Location |
$tutorial_hildirdungeon_topic | Watch your step, warrior. |
$tutorial_hoe_label | Hugin: Schoffel |
$tutorial_hoe_text | Dit gereedschap wordt gebruikt voor de landbouw en sluit perfect aan op de hamer. Gebruikt het om de grond mee om te woelen en het terrein te manipuleren. Het is makkelijker bouwen op vlakke grond! |
$tutorial_hoe_topic | Je hebt een schoffel gemaakt |
$tutorial_hunger_label | Hugin: Honger |
$tutorial_hunger_text | Voedsel verbruiken is <color=yellow>van enorm belang voor een Vikingkrijger, zelfs in het hiernamaals. Een volle buik verstevigt de gezondheid en verbetert je conditie. Voedsel kun je overal ter wereld vinden, en het overgrote deel ervan kan worden bereid met een <color=yellow>kookstation. |
$tutorial_hunger_topic | Je moet eten |
$tutorial_hunger2_text | Voedsel verorberen is <color=yellow>van enorm belang voor een Vikingkrijger, zelfs in het hiernamaals. Voedsel kun je overal ter wereld vinden, en het overgrote deel ervan kan worden bereid met een <color=yellow>kookstation. Er zijn drie soorten voedsel: voedsel dat je gezondheid verhoogt, voedsel dat je conditie verstevigt, en voedsel dat een combinatie is van de twee. Kies wat je eet op basis van wat je nodig hebt! |
$tutorial_inventory_label | Hugin: Inventaris |
$tutorial_inventory_text | De meeste items zul je zelf moeten maken. Vanwege je recente vertrek uit Midgard zul je echter de herinnering aan de ware vorm van objecten moeten terughalen. Pak dingen op, dan komt het wel weer bij je bovendrijven. Mijn mindere broer Munin heeft me verteld dat je een stenen bijl kunt maken met <color=yellow>hout en steen. |
$tutorial_inventory_topic | Inventariseer |
$tutorial_magetable_label | Hugin: Galdr table |
$tutorial_magetable_text | Trying your hand at scrying the runes are you? I'm impressed, sorcerer! Charms and conjurations will take their toll. If you wish to master the arts you must find appropriate sustenance. As it happens, the parts around here are looking ripe with all sorts of delicious new ingredients to gather. Lucky you! |
$tutorial_maptable_label | Hugin: Cartografietafel |
$tutorial_maptable_text | Met deze tafel kun je je verkenningen van de tiende wereld vastleggen. Gebruik de gereedschapskist om je voortgang vast te leggen, en kijk naar deze grote kaart om over te nemen wat anderen hebben ontdekt. |
$tutorial_maptable_topic | Je verkenning vastleggen |
$tutorial_ore_label | Hugin: Erts |
$tutorial_ore_text | Ruwe erts moet worden verfijnd in de <color=yellow>smelterij voor je ermee kunt werken in de <color=yellow>smidse. Voor de bouw van een smelterij heb je <color=yellow>surtlingkernen nodig. Zoek ernaar in de donkere plekken onder de aarde. |
$tutorial_ore_topic | Je hebt erts gevonden |
$tutorial_pickaxe_label | Hugin: Houweel |
$tutorial_pickaxe_text | Het zwarte bos is rijk aan mineralen, en je kunt er koper in de grond vinden en tin langs de kust. Ga eropuit en sla je slag! |
$tutorial_pickaxe_topic | Je hebt een houweel vervaardigd |
$tutorial_portal_label | Hugin: portalen |
$tutorial_portal_text | Portalen zijn geweldig al je snel wilt reizen tussen verschillende plekken in de wereld. Natuurlijk moet je er op die andere plek ook een bouwen en het paar dezelfde naam geven, dan zijn ze automatisch met elkaar verbonden! |
$tutorial_portal_topic | Je hebt een portaal gebouwd |
$tutorial_random1 | Kraa! |
$tutorial_random2 | Zag ik nou een woelmuis… |
$tutorial_random3 | Goed weer… |
$tutorial_random4 | Busy, warrior? I can come back later... |
$tutorial_random5 | Please come and listen. |
$tutorial_random6 | Kraa? Kaaaw! |
$tutorial_randomevent_label | Hugin: Invasies |
$tutorial_randomevent_text | Monsters zullen van tijd tot tijd je kamp belagen. Je vechtkunst alleen kan wellicht niet genoeg zijn om je de overwinning te bezorgen, dus bouw een sterke verdediging op om deze aanvallen te doorstaan. |
$tutorial_randomevent_topic | Ze komen je halen |
$tutorial_randomimp1 | Gegroet, krijger. |
$tutorial_randomimp2 | Aangenaam. |
$tutorial_randomimp3 | Ik heb nieuws. |
$tutorial_randomimp4 | I have a tale or two to tell. |
$tutorial_randomimp5 | Kraa? Kaaaw! |
$tutorial_randomimp6 | Harken! |
$tutorial_shield_label | Hugin: Schild |
$tutorial_shield_text | Een schild zorgt dat je binnenkomende schade kunt blokkeren. Doe je dat op het juiste moment, dan kan je de vijand ook <color=yellow>pareren. Maar wees voorzichtig; als je te veel slagen blokkeert, kun je <color=yellow>wankelen. Hoeveel schade je kunt blokkeren voor je wankelt, hangt af van je maximale gezondheid. Als je dus van plan bent om veel schade te blokkeren, eet dan voedsel waar je veel gezondheid van krijgt. Zwaardere schilden blokkeren meer schade maar maken je ook langzamer. |
$tutorial_shield_topic | Je hebt een schild gemaakt |
$tutorial_shieldgenerator_label | Hugin: Shield generator |
$tutorial_shieldgenerator_text | Kraa! This should keep away whatever the sky might throw at you. |
$tutorial_shieldgenerator_topic | Means of protection |
$tutorial_smelter_label | Hugin: Smelterij |
$tutorial_smelter_text | Stop je onbewerkte erts in deze oven en het smelt alle onzuiverheden weg, waardoor je een staaf geraffineerd metaal overhoudt om mee te werken in de smidse. De smelterij gebruikt <color=yellow>kool als brandstof, wat kan worden geproduceerd door het bouwen van een houtskoolbrander en daar hout in te steken. |
$tutorial_smelter_topic | Je hebt een smelterij gebouwd |
$tutorial_start_label | Hugin: Tip |
$tutorial_start_text | Begin tips: probeer dingen uit in de omgeving. Sommige voorwerpen zoals stenen, stokken en stukken vuursteen kunnen worden verzameld en gecombineerd worden om dingen te maken. Om je inventaris te openen druk je op $KEY_Inventory. |
$tutorial_start_topic | Welkom bij Valheim |
$tutorial_stemple1_label | Hugin: Welkom |
$tutorial_stemple1_text | Ik ben Hugin, en ik zal deze reis je gids zijn. De megalieten die je om je heen ziet zijn de Offerstenen. Ze stellen de Verlatenen voor, die je moet verslaan om naar Walhalla te worden verheven. |
$tutorial_stemple1_topic | Welkom in de tiende wereld, krijger |
$tutorial_stemple2_label | Hugin: Vegvisirs |
$tutorial_stemple2_text | Deze magische stenen zijn door Odin door het land verspreid om dienst te doen als wegwijzers, die je wijzen naar de rituele grond van de Verlatenen. Bij nadere inspectie zal deze de oproepplek onthullen van Eikthyr, je <color=yellow>eerste prooi. Hij is een machtig beest, dus je zult je goed moeten bewapenen voor je zelfs maar poogt hem te verslaan. |
$tutorial_stemple2_topic | Deze steen is een Vegvisir |
$tutorial_stemple4_label | Hugin: Eikthyr verslagen |
$tutorial_stemple4_text | Je hebt de kracht van Eikthyr gekregen, gebruik die in tijden van nood. Je volgende doelwit vind je in het zwarte bos. Ga erheen, verken het gebied en ontdekt de verloren schatten en hulpbronnen. De Oudere wacht op je! |
$tutorial_stemple4_topic | Odin is verheugd |
$tutorial_tissueref_label | Hugin: Eitr refinery |
$tutorial_tissueref_text | Warrior, what kind of contraption is this?! It looks dangerous... There is a grinding funnel up here, I wonder what you will put into it. |
$tutorial_weight_label | Hugin: Overbelast |
$tutorial_weight_text | Als je te veel bagage hebt, raak je overbelast, waardoor je langzamer wordt. Ook voorkomt het dat je je conditie weer terugkrijgt. |
$tutorial_weight_topic | Je moet niet zo veel willen meenemen! |
$tutorial_wishbone_label | Hugin: Vorkbeen |
$tutorial_wishbone_text | Het lijkt erop dat een van de vele beenderen in de buik van dat levende ossuarium een vorkbeen was. Dit been bevat krachtige magie die je kan leiden naar dingen die in de aarde verborgen zitten. Het kan zilveraders ontdekken, maar je ook leiden naar begraven schatten… |
$tutorial_wishbone_topic | Bottenmassa heeft een geschenk voor je achtergelaten |
$tutorial_wispattractor_label | Hugin: Wisp fountain |
$tutorial_wispattractor_text | A strange edifice indeed. I wonder what it will attract. Let us just perch here for a while and see what happens... Warrior, I am bored. Besides, it is not my job to babysit the likes of you long into the night... Just be vigilant and I'm sure you will be rewarded. |
$tutorial_workbench_label | Hugin: Werkbank |
$tutorial_workbench_text | De werkbank geeft je de mogelijkheid om <color=yellow>complexe items te maken, en geeft je tevens toegang tot veel meer <color=yellow>gebouwstukken die je met de hamer kunt bouwen. |
$tutorial_workbench_topic | Je hebt een werkbank gemaakt |
$tutorial_yggroot_label | Hugin: Yggdrasil roots |
$tutorial_yggroot_text | Kraa! Although severed from the trunk, I can see that magic still lingers in the roots of the old ash. Needless to say, no weapon of your design will be able to break the bark. You need something better, fashioned by more capable hands. |
$wolf_statue | Fenris Shrine |
$xbox_error_crossplayprivilege | Your platform privilege settings prevent you from playing on servers that allow crossplay with other platforms. |
$xbox_menu_resolve_privilege | Resolve privilege issue? |
$xbox_settings_controller_layout | Controller layout |
$xbox_settings_gamepad | Controller |
$xbox_settings_joysens | Controller sensitivity |