Autodesk Interactive |
- _Color (Color)
- _MainTex (Albedo)
- _Cutoff (Alpha Cutoff)
- _Glossiness (Roughness)
- _SpecGlossMap (Roughness Map)
- _Metallic (Metallic)
- _MetallicGlossMap (Metallic)
- _SpecularHighlights (Specular Highlights)
- _GlossyReflections (Glossy Reflections)
- _BumpScale (Scale)
- _BumpMap (Normal Map)
- _Parallax (Height Scale)
- _ParallaxMap (Height Map)
- _OcclusionStrength (Strength)
- _OcclusionMap (Occlusion)
- _EmissionColor (Color)
- _EmissionMap (Emission)
- _DetailMask (Detail Mask)
- _DetailAlbedoMap (Detail Albedo x2)
- _DetailNormalMapScale (Scale)
- _DetailNormalMap (Normal Map)
- _UVSec (UV Set for secondary textures)
- _Mode (__mode)
- _SrcBlend (__src)
- _DstBlend (__dst)
- _ZWrite (__zw)
Custom/AlphaParticle |
- _Color (Color)
- _Cutoff (Alpha Cutoff)
- _MainTex (Albedo (RGB))
- _Glossiness (Smoothness)
- _Metallic (Metallic)
- _BumpMap (Normal)
- _BumpScale (Normal power)
Custom/Blob |
- _Color (Color)
- _MainTex (Albedo (RGB))
- _Glossiness (Smoothness)
- _Metallic (Metallic)
- _BumpScale (Normal scale)
- _BumpMap (Normal Map)
- _FlowSpeedAll (Flow speed all)
- _FlowMaskTex (FlowMask)
- _FlowSpeedY (Flow speed)
- _FlowTexture (Flow texture)
- _FlowColor (Flow color)
- _EmissiveColor (Emissive)
- _SSS (SSS)
Custom/Bonemass |
- _Color (Color)
- _MainTex (Albedo (RGB))
- _Glossiness (Smoothness)
- _Metallic (Metallic)
- _DiffuseMovement (Diffuse movement)
- _BumpScale (Normal scale)
- _BumpMap (Normal Map)
- _FlowMaskAlpha (Flow mask alpha)
- _FlowSpeedY (Flow speed)
- _FlowTexture (Flow texture)
- _FlowBumpMap (Flow bump)
- _FlowBumpScale (Flow Normal scale)
- _FlowColor (Flow color)
- _FlowGlossiness (Flow Smoothness)
- _EmissiveColor (Emissive)
- _SSS (SSS)
- _RippleDistance (Noise distance)
- _RippleFreq (Noise freq)
- _RippleSpeed (Noise speed)
Custom/Clouds |
- _Color (Color)
- _MainTex (Albedo (RGB))
- _Normal (Normalmap)
- _NormalPower (NormalPower)
- _LightNormalFactor (Light normal factor)
- _Glossiness (Smoothness)
- _Metallic (Metallic)
- _FogAmount (Fog amount)
- _UVScale (Scale)
- _Opacity (Opacity)
- _Speed (Speed)
- _Darkening (Darkening)
- _Rain (Rain)
- _RainFogAmount (Rain fog amount)
- _RainUVScale (Rain Scale)
- _RainOpacity (Rain Opacity)
- _RainSpeed (Rain Speed)
- _RainDarkening (Rain Darkening)
- _RainColor (Rain Color)
- _RainTex (Rain tex (RGB))
- _RainNormal (Rain Normalmap)
- _RainNormalPower (NormalPower)
- _ZFadeDistance (Soft particle fade distance)
- _CameraFadeDistanceMin (Camera fade distance min)
- _CameraFadeDistanceMax (Camera fade distance max)
- _RefractionNormal (Refraction normal)
- _RefractionScale (Refraction scale)
- _RefractionIntensity (Refraction intensity)
- _RefractionSpeed (Refraction speed)
- _FaceDir (Face Dir)
Custom/Creature |
- _MainTex (Albedo (RGB))
- _Color (Color)
- _Hue (Hue)
- _Saturation (Saturation)
- _Value (Value)
- _Cutoff (Alpha Cutoff)
- _Glossiness (Smoothness)
- _UseGlossmap (Use glossmap (Metal alpha))
- _MetallicGlossMap (Metal)
- _Metallic (Metallic)
- _MetalGloss (Metal smoothness)
- _MetalColor (Metal color)
- _EmissionMap (Emissive (RGB))
- _EmissionColor (Emissive color)
- _BumpScale (Normal strength)
- _BumpMap (Normal Map)
- _TwoSidedNormals (Twosided normals)
- _UseStyles (Use styles)
- _Style (Style)
- _StyleTex (Style texture)
- _AddRain (Add Rain)
- _Cull (Cull)
- _NoiseGlowEnabled (Enabled)
- _SnapNoiseToPixel (Snap to Pixel)
- _NoiseGlowTex (Texture)
- _NoiseGlowSize (Size)
- _NoiseGlowColor (Color)
- _NoiseGlowEdge (Edge)
Custom/Decal |
- _Color (Color)
- _MainTex (Albedo (RGB))
- _Glossiness (Smoothness)
- _Metallic (Metallic)
- _Emission (Emission)
- _NormalTex (Normal)
- _BumpScale (Normal power)
- _ZFadeDistance (Fade far)
- _ZFadeDistanceNear (Fade near)
- _FadePower (Fade power)
Custom/Distortion |
- _Color (Color)
- _MainTex (Albedo (RGB))
- _NormalTex (Normalmap)
- _Glossiness (Smoothness)
- _Metallic (Metallic)
- _NormalScale (Normal Scale)
- _RefractionIntensity (Refraction intensity)
- _WaveVel (wave vel)
- _DepthFade (depth fade)
Custom/Flow |
- _Color (Color)
- _MainTex (Albedo (RGB))
- _FoamTex (Foam)
- _FoamColor (Foam Color)
- _Glossiness (Smoothness)
- _Metallic (Metallic)
- _SpeedX (Speed X)
- _SpeedY (Speed Y)
- _FoamSpeed (Foam Speed)
- _BumpScale (Normal scale)
- _BumpMap (Normal Map)
- _DepthFade (Depth Fade)
- _FoamDepth (Foam depth)
Custom/FlowOpaque |
- _Color (Color)
- _MainTex (Albedo (RGB))
- _FoamTex (Foam)
- _FoamColor (Foam Color)
- _Glossiness (Smoothness)
- _Metallic (Metallic)
- _SpeedX (Speed X)
- _SpeedY (Speed Y)
- _FoamSpeed (Foam Speed)
- _BumpMap (Normal Map)
- _BumpScale (Normal scale)
- _EmissionMap (Emissive (RGB))
- _EmissionColor (Emissive color)
- _Cull (Cull)
Custom/Gradient Mapped Particle (Unlit) |
- _MainTex (Texture)
- _SrcBlend (Source Blend)
- _DstBlend (Destination Blend)
- _GradientChannel (Gradient Channel)
- _GradientAsAlpha (Use Gradient Channel as Alpha)
- _Cull (Cull)
- _SoftParticles (Soft Particles)
- _SoftFadeFactor (Fade Factor)
- _SoftNearFade (Near Soft)
- _CameraFadeFactor (Camera Fade Factor)
- _FejdFog (Enable Fog)
- _SkyMask (SkyMask)
Custom/Grass |
- _Color (Color)
- _MainTex (Albedo (RGB))
- _TerrainColorTex (Terrain color (RGB))
- _TerrainColorScale (Terrain color scale)
- _BumpMap (Normal Map)
- _BumpScale (Normal scale)
- _NormalHack (Normal hack)
- _TwoSidedNormals (Twosided normals)
- _EmissiveTex (Emissive (RGB))
- _EmissionColor (Emissive)
- _Glossiness (Smoothness)
- _Metallic (Metallic)
- _Cutoff (Alpha Cutoff)
- _FadeDistanceMin (FadeDistanceMin)
- _FadeDistanceMax (FadeDistanceMax)
- _Height (Height)
- _SwaySpeed (SwaySpeed)
- _SwayDistance (SwayDistance)
- _PushDistance (Push distance)
- _DistanceScale (Distance scale)
- _CamCull (Near camera cull)
Custom/Heightmap |
- _MainTex (Albedo (RGB))
- _ClearedMaskTex (ClearedMask)
- _DiffuseArrayTex (Diffuse Array)
- _NormalArrayTex (Normal Array)
- _ColorVarietyNoise (Color Variation Noise)
- _AshlandsVariationCol (Ashlands Variation Color)
- _ForestNormal (Forest normal)
- _CultivatedNormal (Cultivated normal)
- _PavedNormal (Paved road normal)
- _SnowNormal (Snow normal)
- _CliffNormal (Cliff normal)
- _MistlandsCliffNormal (Mistlands Cliff normal)
- _RockNormal (Rock normal)
- _RockGloss (Rock Smoothness)
- _SnowGloss (Snow Smoothness)
- _WaterLevel (Water level)
- _Glossiness (Smoothness)
- _Metallic (Metallic)
- _BumpScale (Normal scale)
- _UVScale (UVScale)
- _LodHideDistance (Lod hide distance)
- _IsDistantLod (Distant lod)
- _NoiseTex (Noise)
- _CurlNoise (Curl Noise)
- _Tess (Tessellation)
- _Displacement (Displacement)
Custom/icon |
- _MainTex (Texture)
- _Color (Tint)
- _Saturation (Saturation)
- _Brightness (Brightness)
- _ShadowOffsetX (ShadowOffsetX)
- _ShadowOffsetY (ShadowOffsetY)
- _ShadowIntensity (Shadow intensity)
- _PixelSize (PixelSize)
- _PixelIntensity (Pixel intensity)
- _PixelAlphaIntensity (Pixel alpha intensity)
- _StencilComp (Stencil Comparison)
- _Stencil (Stencil ID)
- _StencilOp (Stencil Operation)
- _StencilWriteMask (Stencil Write Mask)
- _StencilReadMask (Stencil Read Mask)
- _ColorMask (Color Mask)
Custom/InteriorSide |
- _MainTex (Texture)
Custom/LitGui |
- _MainTex (Texture)
- _Color (Tint)
- _Saturation (Saturation)
- _Brightness (Brightness)
- _Lighting (Lighting)
- _LightingSaturation (Lighting saturation)
- _ShadowOffsetX (ShadowOffsetX)
- _ShadowOffsetY (ShadowOffsetY)
- _ShadowIntensity (Shadow intensity)
- _PixelSize (PixelSize)
- _PixelIntensity (Pixel intensity)
- _PixelAlphaIntensity (Pixel alpha intensity)
- _StencilComp (Stencil Comparison)
- _Stencil (Stencil ID)
- _StencilOp (Stencil Operation)
- _StencilWriteMask (Stencil Write Mask)
- _StencilReadMask (Stencil Read Mask)
- _ColorMask (Color Mask)
Custom/LitParticles |
- _Color (Color)
- _MainTex (Albedo (RGB))
- _EmissionColor (Emission Color)
- _NormalTex (Normal)
- _BumpScale (Normal power)
- _LightNormalFactor (Light normal factor)
- _ZFadeDistance (Soft particle fade distance)
- _CameraFadeDistanceMin (Camera fade distance min)
- _CameraFadeDistanceMax (Camera fade distance max)
- _CameraYFadeDistance (Camera Y fade distance)
- _Billboard (Billboard)
- _SkyMask (SkyMask)
- _AlphaChannel (Alpha Channel)
- _NoiseTex (Noise)
Custom/mapshader |
- _MainTex (Texture)
- _MaskTex (Mask texture)
- _HeightTex (Height)
- _FogTex (Fog)
- _BackgroundTex (Background)
- _FogLayerTex (Fog layer)
- _MountainTex (Mountain texture)
- _ForestTex (Forest texture)
- _ForestColor (Forest color)
- _WaterTex (Water texture)
- _SpaceTex (Space texture)
- _CloudTex (Clouds texture)
- _WaterColor (Water color)
- _WaterColorDeep (Water color deep)
- _WaterColorAshlands (Ashlands Water Color)
- _WaterColorAshlandsDeep (Ashlands Deep Water Color)
- _FogColor (Fog color)
- _normalWidth (Normal width)
- _normalIntensity (Normal intensity)
- _lightDir (Light dir)
- _lightColor (Light color)
- _ambientLightColor (Ambient color)
- _lavaTex (Lava Color Mask)
- _lavaColor1 (Lava color 1)
- _lavaColor2 (Lava color 2)
- _SharedFade (Shared fade)
- _StencilComp (Stencil Comparison)
- _Stencil (Stencil ID)
- _StencilOp (Stencil Operation)
- _StencilWriteMask (Stencil Write Mask)
- _StencilReadMask (Stencil Read Mask)
- _ColorMask (Color Mask)
Custom/Mesh Flipbook Particle |
- _MainTex (Texture)
- _FlipbookFrames (Flipbook Frames)
- _ColorStrength (Color Strength)
- _Grow (Normal Grow)
Custom/Particle (Unlit) |
- _MainTex (Texture)
- _SrcBlend (Source Blend)
- _DstBlend (Destination Blend)
- _AlphaChannel (Alpha Channel)
- _Cull (Cull)
- _SkyMask (SkyMask)
- _SoftParticles (Soft Particles)
- _SoftFadeFactor (Fade Factor)
- _SoftNearFade (Near Soft)
- _CameraFadeFactor (Camera Fade Factor)
- _FejdFog (Enable Fog)
Custom/ParticleDecal |
- _Color (Color)
- _MainTex (Albedo (RGB))
- _Glossiness (Smoothness)
- _Metallic (Metallic)
- _NormalTex (Normal)
- _BumpScale (Normal power)
- _ZFadeDistance (Fade far)
- _ZFadeDistanceNear (Fade near)
- _FadePower (Fade power)
Custom/Piece |
- _Color (Color)
- _Cutoff (Alpha Cutoff)
- _MainTex (Albedo (RGB))
- _MetallicTex (Metallic)
- _Metallic (Metallic)
- _MetallicAlphaGloss (Metal smoothness)
- _MetalColor (Metal color)
- _BumpMap (Normal Map)
- _BumpScale (Normal intensity)
- _TriplanarMap (Use triplanar mapping)
- _TriplanarLocalPos (Triplanar local pos)
- _TriplanarScale (Triplanar scale)
- _Glossiness (Smoothness)
- _EmissionMap (Emissive (RGB))
- _EmissionColor (Emissive)
- _RippleDistance (Noise distance)
- _RippleFreq (Noise freq)
- _ValueNoise (ValueNoise)
- _ValueNoiseVertex (Value noise per vertex)
- _TwoSidedNormals (Twosided normals)
- _Cull (Cull)
- _AddRain (Add Rain)
- _MoveableObject (Non-Static Object)
- _NoiseTex (Noise)
Custom/Player |
- _Cutoff (Alpha Cutoff)
- _MainTex (Skin (RGB))
- _SkinBumpMap (Skin bumpMap)
- _SkinColor (Skin color)
- _ChestTex (Chest (RGB))
- _ChestBumpMap (Chest bumpMap)
- _ChestMetal (Chest metal)
- _LegsTex (Legs (RGB))
- _LegsBumpMap (Legs bumpMap)
- _LegsMetal (Legs metal)
- _BumpScale (Normal scale)
- _Glossiness (Smoothness)
- _MetalGlossiness (Metal gloss)
Custom/Rug |
- _Color (Color)
- _MainTex (Albedo (RGB))
- _Glossiness (Smoothness)
- _Metallic (Metallic)
- _BumpMap (Normal Map)
- _BumpScale (Normal intensity)
- _EmissionColor (Emissive)
- _ZFadeDistance (Fade far)
- _ZFadeDistanceNear (Fade near)
- _Cutoff (Alpha Cutoff)
- _ZWrite (ZWrite)
Custom/ShadowBlob |
- _Color (Color)
- _MainTex (Albedo (RGB))
- _Glossiness (Smoothness)
- _Metallic (Metallic)
- _BumpMap (Normal Map)
- _BumpScale (Normal intensity)
- _ZFadeDistance (Soft particle fade distance)
Custom/SkyboxProcedural |
- _SunDisk (Sun)
- _SunSize (Sun Size)
- _SunSizeConvergence (Sun Size Convergence)
- _MoonTex (Moon texture)
- _MoonTexScale (Moon Tex scale)
- _MoonSize (Moon Size)
- _MoonColor (Moon Tint)
- _AtmosphereThickness (Atmosphere Thickness)
- _SkyTint (Sky Tint)
- _GroundColor (Ground)
- _Exposure (Exposure)
- _StarFieldTex (Starfield cubemap (HDR))
- _StarExposure (Star exposure)
- _FogHeightMin (Fog height min)
- _FogHeightMax (Fog height max)
Custom/SkyObject |
- _Color (Color)
- _MainTex (Albedo (RGB))
- _Glossiness (Smoothness)
- _Metallic (Metallic)
- _BumpScale (Normal scale)
- _BumpMap (Normal Map)
- _RefractionNormal (Refraction normal)
- _RefractionScale (Refraction scale)
- _RefractionIntensity (Refraction intensity)
- _RefractionSpeed (Refraction speed)
- _FogAmount (Fog)
- _Speed (Speed)
Custom/StaticRock |
- _MainTex (Albedo (RGB))
- _Color (Color)
- _GlossMap (Glossmap (RGB))
- _UseGlossMap (Use glossmap)
- _Glossiness (Smoothness)
- _MetalTex (Metal)
- _Metallic (Metallic)
- _MetalGloss (Metal smoothness)
- _MossTex (Moss (RGB))
- _MossAlpha (Moss alpha)
- _MossBlend (Moss texture blend)
- _MossColor (Moss Cclor)
- _MossGloss (Moss gloss)
- _MossNormal (MossNormal)
- _MossTransition (MossTransition)
- _EmissiveTex (Emissive (RGB))
- _EmissionColor (Emissive color)
- _BumpScale (Normal strength)
- _BumpMap (Normal Map)
- _WaterlineOffset (Waterline offset)
- _TriplanarMap (Use triplanar mapping)
- _TriplanarScale (Triplanar scale)
- _AddSnow (Add Snow)
- _AddRain (Add Rain)
- _RippleDistance (Noise distance)
- _RippleFreq (Noise freq)
Custom/Tar |
- _Color (Color)
- _MainTex (Albedo (RGB))
- _Glossiness (Smoothness)
- _Metallic (Metallic)
- _BumpScale (Normal scale)
- _BumpMap (Normal Map)
- _DepthFade (Depth Fade)
- _RippleDistance (Noise distance)
- _RippleFreq (Noise freq)
- _RippleSpeed (Noise speed)
Custom/Trilinearmap |
- _Color (Color)
- _MainTex (Albedo (RGB))
- _Glossiness (Smoothness)
- _UVScale (UV scale)
- _MetallicTex (Metal map)
- _Metallic (Metallic)
- _MetalGloss (Metal gloss)
- _BumpScale (Normal strength)
- _BumpMap (Normal Map)
- _RippleDistance (Noise distance)
- _RippleFreq (Noise freq)
Custom/UI/CaptionArrow |
- _MainTex (Sprite Texture)
- _MaskTex (Mask)
- _MaskChannel (Mask Channel)
- _Color (Tint)
- _CaptionDistance (Distance)
- _StencilComp (Stencil Comparison)
- _Stencil (Stencil ID)
- _StencilOp (Stencil Operation)
- _StencilWriteMask (Stencil Write Mask)
- _StencilReadMask (Stencil Read Mask)
- _ColorMask (Color Mask)
- _UseUIAlphaClip (Use Alpha Clip)
Custom/UI_BGBlur |
- _MainTex (Albedo (RGB))
- _Color (Tint)
- _Size (Size)
Custom/Vegetation |
- _MainTex (Albedo (RGB))
- _Color (Color)
- _Glossiness (Smoothness)
- _Metallic (Metallic)
- _Cutoff (Alpha Cutoff)
- _BumpMap (Normal Map)
- _BumpScale (Normal scale)
- _TwoSidedNormals (Twosided normals)
- _SphereNormals (Spherical Normal)
- _SphereOffset (Spherical offset)
- _EmissiveTex (Emissive (RGB))
- _EmissionColor (Emissive)
- _MossTex (Moss (RGB))
- _MossAlpha (Moss alpha)
- _MossBlend (Moss texture blend)
- _MossNormal (MossNormal)
- _MossTransition (MossTransition)
- _AddSnow (Add Snow)
- _AddRain (Add Rain)
- _UV2Height (Use UV2 as Height)
- _Height (Height)
- _SwaySpeed (SwaySpeed)
- _SwayDistance (SwayDistance)
- _RippleSpeed (Ripple speed)
- _RippleDistance (Ripple distance)
- _RippleDeadzoneMin (Ripple deadzone min)
- _RippleDeadzoneMax (Ripple deadzone max)
- _PushDistance (Push distance)
- _PushClothMode (Push cloth mode)
- _CamCull (Near camera cull)
- _Cull (Cull)
Custom/Water |
- _ColorTop (Color top)
- _ColorBottom (Color bottom deep)
- _ColorBottomShallow (Color bottom shallow)
- _Glossiness (Smoothness)
- _Metallic (Metallic)
- _FoamTex (Foam)
- _FoamHighTex (Foam high)
- _RandomFoamTex (Random Foam)
- _Normal (Normalmap)
- _NormalFine (NormalFine)
- _NormalPower (NormalPower)
- _NormalScale (NormalScale)
- _WaveVel (WaveVel)
- _DepthFade (DepthFade)
- _ShoreFade (ShoreFade)
- _FoamDepth (FoamDepth)
- _FoamColor (FoamColor)
- _RefractionScale (Refraction Scale)
- _RefractionMax (Refraction Max)
- _SurfaceColor (SurfaceColor)
- _Tess (Tessellation)
- _IsLod (Is lod)
- _VisibleMaxDistance (Lod distance)
- _WaterEdge (World water edge)
- _CurlTex (Curl Noise)
- _BubbleTexture (Bubble Texture)
- _AshlandsDistance (Distance)
- _AshlandsYOffset (Y Offset)
- _AshlandsSurfaceColor (Surface Color)
- _AshlandsFoamColor (Foam Color)
- _AshlandsColorTop (Color top)
- _AshlandsColorBottom (Color bottom deep)
- _AshlandsColorBottomShallow (Color bottom shallow)
Custom/WaterBottom |
- _WaterEdge (World water edge)
Custom/WaterMask |
Custom/Yggdrasil |
- _Color (Color)
- _MainTex (Albedo (RGB))
- _Glossiness (Smoothness)
- _Metallic (Metallic)
- _Cutoff (Alpha Cutoff)
- _BumpMap (Normal Map)
- _BumpScale (Normal scale)
- _MossTex (Moss texture (RGB))
- _MossAlpha (Moss mask power)
- _MossBlend (Moss texture blend)
- _MossColor (Moss Cclor)
- _MossNormal (MossNormal)
- _MossTransition (MossTransition)
- _EmissiveTex (Emissive (RGB))
- _EmissiveMaskTex (Emissive mask (RA))
- _EmissBlend (Emissive texture blend)
- _MossEmissive (Moss emission)
- _MossEmissivePower (Moss emission power)
- _EmissiveScroll (Speed)
- _RefractionNormal (Refraction normal)
- _RefractionScale (Refraction scale)
- _RefractionIntensity (Refraction intensity)
- _RefractionSpeed (Refraction speed)
- _FogAmount (Fog)
- _FogStart (Fog start)
- _FogEnd (Fog end)
- _FogPower (Fog power)
- _TwoSidedNormals (Twosided normals)
- _Cull (Cull)
Custom/Yggdrasil_root |
- _Color (Color)
- _MainTex (Albedo (RGB))
- _Glossiness (Smoothness)
- _Metallic (Metallic)
- _Cutoff (Alpha Cutoff)
- _BumpMap (Normal Map)
- _BumpScale (Normal scale)
- _MossTex (Moss texture (RGB))
- _MossAlpha (Moss mask alpha)
- _MossBlend (Moss texture blend)
- _MossColor (Moss Cclor)
- _MossNormal (MossNormal)
- _MossTransition (MossTransition)
- _EmissiveTex (Emissive (RGB))
- _EmissiveMaskTex (Emissive mask (RA))
- _EmissBlend (Emissive texture blend)
- _EmissiveColor (Emissive color)
- _MossEmissive (Moss emission)
- _MossEmissivePower (Moss emission power)
- _EmissiveScroll (Speed)
- _RefractionNormal (Refraction normal)
- _RefractionScale (Refraction scale)
- _RefractionIntensity (Refraction intensity)
- _RefractionSpeed (Refraction speed)
- _AddSnow (Add Snow)
- _AddRain (Add Rain)
- _TwoSidedNormals (Twosided normals)
- _Cull (Cull)
GUI/Text Shader |
- _MainTex (Font Texture)
- _Color (Text Color)
Hidden/BlitCopy |
- _MainTex (Texture)
- _Color (Multiplicative color)
Hidden/BlitCopyWithDepth |
- _MainTex (Texture)
- _Color (Multiplicative color)
Hidden/CameraHeatDistort |
- _MainTex (Texture)
Hidden/CubeBlend |
- _TexA (Cubemap)
- _TexB (Cubemap)
- _value (Value)
Hidden/CubeBlur |
- _MainTex (Main)
- _Texel (Texel)
- _Level (Level)
- _Scale (Scale)
Hidden/CubeCopy |
- _MainTex (Main)
- _Level (Level)
Hidden/Dof/DepthOfFieldHdr |
- _MainTex (-)
- _FgOverlap (-)
- _LowRez (-)
Hidden/Dof/DX11Dof |
- _MainTex
- _BlurredColor
- _FgCocMask
Hidden/Internal-CombineDepthNormals |
Hidden/Internal-DeferredReflections |
- _SrcBlend
- _DstBlend
Hidden/Internal-DepthNormalsTexture |
- _MainTex
- _Cutoff
- _Color
Hidden/InternalErrorShader |
Hidden/Internal-Flare |
Hidden/Internal-GUITextureClipText |
- _MainTex (Texture)
Hidden/Internal-MotionVectors |
Hidden/Internal-ScreenSpaceShadows |
- _ShadowMapTexture
- _ODSWorldTexture
Hidden/Internal-StencilWrite |
Hidden/Post FX/Ambient Occlusion |
Hidden/Post FX/Blit |
- _MainTex (Main Texture)
Hidden/Post FX/Bloom |
- _MainTex
- _BaseTex
- _AutoExposure
Hidden/Post FX/Fog |
- _MainTex (Main Texture)
Hidden/Post FX/Lut Generator |
Hidden/Post FX/Motion Blur |
Hidden/Post FX/Temporal Anti-aliasing |
- _MainTex
Hidden/Post FX/Uber Shader |
- _MainTex (Texture)
- _AutoExposure
- _BloomTex
- _Bloom_DirtTex
- _GrainTex
- _LogLut
- _UserLut
- _Vignette_Mask
- _ChromaticAberration_Spectrum
- _DitheringTex
Hidden/RadialCutoutShader |
- _MainTex (Sprite Texture)
- _Color (Tint)
- _StencilComp (Stencil Comparison)
- _Stencil (Stencil ID)
- _StencilOp (Stencil Operation)
- _StencilWriteMask (Stencil Write Mask)
- _StencilReadMask (Stencil Read Mask)
- _Sharpness (Sharpness)
- _ColorMask (Color Mask)
- _UseUIAlphaClip (Use Alpha Clip)
Hidden/RadialSegementShader |
- _MainTex (Sprite Texture)
- _Color (Tint)
- _StencilComp (Stencil Comparison)
- _Stencil (Stencil ID)
- _StencilOp (Stencil Operation)
- _StencilWriteMask (Stencil Write Mask)
- _StencilReadMask (Stencil Read Mask)
- _Bluriness (Bluriness)
- _Offset (Offset)
- _Thickness (Thickness)
- _Segments (Segments)
- _Selected (Selected)
- _Queued (Queued)
- _SelectedColor (Selected Color)
- _Activated (Activated)
- _Hovering (Hovering)
- _QueuedColor (Queued Color)
- _UnselectedColor (Unselected Color)
- _ActivatedColor (Activated Color)
- _ColorMask (Color Mask)
- _UseUIAlphaClip (Use Alpha Clip)
Hidden/ShieldDomePass |
- _MainTex (Texture)
Hidden/SimpleClear |
- _MainTex (Base (RGB))
Hidden/SunShaftsComposite |
- _MainTex (Base)
- _ColorBuffer (Color)
- _Skybox (Skybox)
Legacy Shaders/Diffuse |
- _Color (Main Color)
- _MainTex (Base (RGB))
Legacy Shaders/Particles/Additive |
- _TintColor (Tint Color)
- _MainTex (Particle Texture)
- _InvFade (Soft Particles Factor)
Legacy Shaders/Particles/Alpha Blended |
- _TintColor (Tint Color)
- _MainTex (Particle Texture)
- _InvFade (Soft Particles Factor)
Legacy Shaders/Particles/Alpha Blended Premultiply |
- _MainTex (Particle Texture)
- _InvFade (Soft Particles Factor)
Legacy Shaders/Transparent/Diffuse |
- _Color (Main Color)
- _MainTex (Base (RGB) Trans (A))
Legacy Shaders/Transparent/VertexLit |
- _Color (Main Color)
- _SpecColor (Spec Color)
- _Emission (Emissive Color)
- _Shininess (Shininess)
- _MainTex (Base (RGB) Trans (A))
Legacy Shaders/VertexLit |
- _Color (Main Color)
- _SpecColor (Spec Color)
- _Emission (Emissive Color)
- _Shininess (Shininess)
- _MainTex (Base (RGB))
Lux Lit Particles/ Bumped |
- _Color (Color)
- _MainTex (Normal (RG) Depth (B) Alpha (A))
- _EnableAlbedo (Enable Albedo)
- _AlbedoMap ( Albedo (RGB))
- _EnableEmission (Enable Emission)
- _EmissionColor ( Emission Color)
- _EmissionMap ( Emission (RGB) Alpha (A))
- _EmissionScale ( Emission Scale)
- _EnableFlipbookBlending (Enable Flipbook Blending)
- _HelpFlip (If enabled you have to adjust the Vertex Stream.)
- _InvFade (Soft Particles Factor)
- _CamFadeDistance (Near (X) Far (Y) FarRange (Z))
- _AddLightsPerPixel (Full Per Pixel Lighting)
- _WrappedDiffuse (Wrapped Diffuse)
- _Translucency (Translucency)
- _AlphaInfluence ( Depth Influence)
- _EnableShadows (Enable directional Shadows)
- _ShadowsPerPixel ( Per Pixel Shadows)
- _ShadowExtrude ( Extrude)
- _ShadowDensity (Casted Shadows Density)
- _PerPixelAmbientLighting ( Per Pixel Ambient Lighting)
- _HelpFlip (Only check if Ambient Source is set to Gradient or Skybox.)
- _LocalAmbientLighting ( Enable Light Probes)
- _HelpFlip (If enabled you have to add the LuxParticles_LocalAmbientLighting script.)
Lux Lit Particles/ Tess Bumped |
- _Color (Color)
- _MainTex (Normal (RG) Depth (B) Alpha (A))
- _EnableAlbedo (Enable Albedo)
- _AlbedoMap ( Albedo (RGB))
- _EnableEmission (Enable Emission)
- _EmissionMap ( Emission (RGB) Alpha (A))
- _EmissionScale ( Emission Scale)
- _EnableFlipbookBlending (Enable Flipbook Blending)
- _HelpFlip (If enabled you have to adjust the Vertex Stream.)
- _InvFade (Soft Particles Factor)
- _CamFadeDistance (Near (X) Far (Y) FarRange (Z))
- _Tess (Subdivisions)
- _HelpFlip (Only use odd numbers like 3, 5, 7, ...)
- _TessRange (MinDist (X) MaxDist (Y))
- _AddLightsPerPixel (Full Per Pixel Lighting)
- _WrappedDiffuse (Wrapped Diffuse)
- _Translucency (Translucency)
- _AlphaInfluence ( Depth Influence)
- _EnableShadows (Enable directional Shadows)
- _ShadowsPerPixel ( Per Pixel Shadows)
- _ShadowExtrude ( Extrude)
- _ShadowDensity (Casted Shadows Density)
- _PerPixelAmbientLighting ( Per Pixel Ambient Lighting)
- _HelpFlip (Only check if Ambient Source is set to Gradient or Skybox.)
- _LocalAmbientLighting ( Enable Light Probes)
- _HelpFlip (If enabled you have to add the LuxParticles_LocalAmbientLighting script.)
Particles/Standard Surface2 |
- _MainTex (Albedo)
- _Color (Color)
- _Cutoff (Alpha Cutoff)
- _MetallicGlossMap (Metallic)
- _Metallic (Metallic)
- _Glossiness (Smoothness)
- _BumpScale (Scale)
- _BumpMap (Normal Map)
- _EmissionColor (Color)
- _EmissionMap (Emission)
- _DistortionStrength (Strength)
- _DistortionBlend (Blend)
- _SoftParticlesNearFadeDistance (Soft Particles Near Fade)
- _SoftParticlesFarFadeDistance (Soft Particles Far Fade)
- _CameraNearFadeDistance (Camera Near Fade)
- _CameraFarFadeDistance (Camera Far Fade)
- _Mode (__mode)
- _FlipbookMode (__flipbookmode)
- _LightingEnabled (__lightingenabled)
- _DistortionEnabled (__distortionenabled)
- _EmissionEnabled (__emissionenabled)
- _BlendOp (__blendop)
- _SrcBlend (__src)
- _DstBlend (__dst)
- _ZWrite (__zw)
- _Cull (__cull)
- _SoftParticlesEnabled (__softparticlesenabled)
- _CameraFadingEnabled (__camerafadingenabled)
- _SoftParticleFadeParams (__softparticlefadeparams)
- _CameraFadeParams (__camerafadeparams)
- _DistortionStrengthScaled (__distortionstrengthscaled)
Particles/Standard Unlit |
- _MainTex (Albedo)
- _Color (Color)
- _Cutoff (Alpha Cutoff)
- _BumpScale (Scale)
- _BumpMap (Normal Map)
- _EmissionColor (Color)
- _EmissionMap (Emission)
- _DistortionStrength (Strength)
- _DistortionBlend (Blend)
- _SoftParticlesNearFadeDistance (Soft Particles Near Fade)
- _SoftParticlesFarFadeDistance (Soft Particles Far Fade)
- _CameraNearFadeDistance (Camera Near Fade)
- _CameraFarFadeDistance (Camera Far Fade)
- _Mode (__mode)
- _ColorMode (__colormode)
- _FlipbookMode (__flipbookmode)
- _LightingEnabled (__lightingenabled)
- _DistortionEnabled (__distortionenabled)
- _EmissionEnabled (__emissionenabled)
- _BlendOp (__blendop)
- _SrcBlend (__src)
- _DstBlend (__dst)
- _ZWrite (__zw)
- _Cull (__cull)
- _SoftParticlesEnabled (__softparticlesenabled)
- _CameraFadingEnabled (__camerafadingenabled)
- _SoftParticleFadeParams (__softparticlefadeparams)
- _CameraFadeParams (__camerafadeparams)
- _ColorAddSubDiff (__coloraddsubdiff)
- _DistortionStrengthScaled (__distortionstrengthscaled)
Particles/Standard Unlit2 |
- _MainTex (Albedo)
- _Color (Color)
- _Cutoff (Alpha Cutoff)
- _BumpScale (Scale)
- _BumpMap (Normal Map)
- _EmissionColor (Color)
- _EmissionMap (Emission)
- _DistortionStrength (Strength)
- _DistortionBlend (Blend)
- _SoftParticlesNearFadeDistance (Soft Particles Near Fade)
- _SoftParticlesFarFadeDistance (Soft Particles Far Fade)
- _CameraNearFadeDistance (Camera Near Fade)
- _CameraFarFadeDistance (Camera Far Fade)
- _Mode (__mode)
- _ColorMode (__colormode)
- _FlipbookMode (__flipbookmode)
- _LightingEnabled (__lightingenabled)
- _DistortionEnabled (__distortionenabled)
- _EmissionEnabled (__emissionenabled)
- _BlendOp (__blendop)
- _SrcBlend (__src)
- _DstBlend (__dst)
- _ZWrite (__zw)
- _Cull (__cull)
- _SoftParticlesEnabled (__softparticlesenabled)
- _CameraFadingEnabled (__camerafadingenabled)
- _SoftParticleFadeParams (__softparticlefadeparams)
- _CameraFadeParams (__camerafadeparams)
- _ColorAddSubDiff (__coloraddsubdiff)
- _DistortionStrengthScaled (__distortionstrengthscaled)
Skybox/Procedural |
- _SunDisk (Sun)
- _SunSize (Sun Size)
- _SunSizeConvergence (Sun Size Convergence)
- _AtmosphereThickness (Atmosphere Thickness)
- _SkyTint (Sky Tint)
- _GroundColor (Ground)
- _Exposure (Exposure)
Sprites/Default |
- _MainTex (Sprite Texture)
- _Color (Tint)
- PixelSnap (Pixel snap)
- _RendererColor (RendererColor)
- _Flip (Flip)
- _AlphaTex (External Alpha)
- _EnableExternalAlpha (Enable External Alpha)
Sprites/Mask |
- _MainTex (Sprite Texture)
- _AlphaTex (External Alpha)
- _Cutoff (Mask alpha cutoff)
- _Color (Tint)
- _EnableExternalAlpha (Enable External Alpha)
- PixelSnap (Pixel snap)
Standard |
- _Color (Color)
- _MainTex (Albedo)
- _Cutoff (Alpha Cutoff)
- _Glossiness (Smoothness)
- _GlossMapScale (Smoothness Scale)
- _SmoothnessTextureChannel (Smoothness texture channel)
- _Metallic (Metallic)
- _MetallicGlossMap (Metallic)
- _SpecularHighlights (Specular Highlights)
- _GlossyReflections (Glossy Reflections)
- _BumpScale (Scale)
- _BumpMap (Normal Map)
- _Parallax (Height Scale)
- _ParallaxMap (Height Map)
- _OcclusionStrength (Strength)
- _OcclusionMap (Occlusion)
- _EmissionColor (Color)
- _EmissionMap (Emission)
- _DetailMask (Detail Mask)
- _DetailAlbedoMap (Detail Albedo x2)
- _DetailNormalMapScale (Scale)
- _DetailNormalMap (Normal Map)
- _UVSec (UV Set for secondary textures)
- _Mode (__mode)
- _SrcBlend (__src)
- _DstBlend (__dst)
- _ZWrite (__zw)
Standard (Specular setup) |
- _Color (Color)
- _MainTex (Albedo)
- _Cutoff (Alpha Cutoff)
- _Glossiness (Smoothness)
- _GlossMapScale (Smoothness Factor)
- _SmoothnessTextureChannel (Smoothness texture channel)
- _SpecColor (Specular)
- _SpecGlossMap (Specular)
- _SpecularHighlights (Specular Highlights)
- _GlossyReflections (Glossy Reflections)
- _BumpScale (Scale)
- _BumpMap (Normal Map)
- _Parallax (Height Scale)
- _ParallaxMap (Height Map)
- _OcclusionStrength (Strength)
- _OcclusionMap (Occlusion)
- _EmissionColor (Color)
- _EmissionMap (Emission)
- _DetailMask (Detail Mask)
- _DetailAlbedoMap (Detail Albedo x2)
- _DetailNormalMapScale (Scale)
- _DetailNormalMap (Normal Map)
- _UVSec (UV Set for secondary textures)
- _Mode (__mode)
- _SrcBlend (__src)
- _DstBlend (__dst)
- _ZWrite (__zw)
Standard TwoSided |
- _Color (Color)
- _MainTex (Albedo)
- _Cutoff (Alpha Cutoff)
- _Glossiness (Smoothness)
- _GlossMapScale (Smoothness Scale)
- _SmoothnessTextureChannel (Smoothness texture channel)
- _Metallic (Metallic)
- _MetallicGlossMap (Metallic)
- _SpecularHighlights (Specular Highlights)
- _GlossyReflections (Glossy Reflections)
- _BumpScale (Scale)
- _BumpMap (Normal Map)
- _Parallax (Height Scale)
- _ParallaxMap (Height Map)
- _OcclusionStrength (Strength)
- _OcclusionMap (Occlusion)
- _EmissionColor (Color)
- _EmissionMap (Emission)
- _DetailMask (Detail Mask)
- _DetailAlbedoMap (Detail Albedo x2)
- _DetailNormalMapScale (Scale)
- _DetailNormalMap (Normal Map)
- _UVSec (UV Set for secondary textures)
- _Mode (__mode)
- _SrcBlend (__src)
- _DstBlend (__dst)
- _ZWrite (__zw)
TextMeshPro/Distance Field |
- _FaceTex (Face Texture)
- _FaceUVSpeedX (Face UV Speed X)
- _FaceUVSpeedY (Face UV Speed Y)
- _FaceColor (Face Color)
- _FaceDilate (Face Dilate)
- _OutlineColor (Outline Color)
- _OutlineTex (Outline Texture)
- _OutlineUVSpeedX (Outline UV Speed X)
- _OutlineUVSpeedY (Outline UV Speed Y)
- _OutlineWidth (Outline Thickness)
- _OutlineSoftness (Outline Softness)
- _Bevel (Bevel)
- _BevelOffset (Bevel Offset)
- _BevelWidth (Bevel Width)
- _BevelClamp (Bevel Clamp)
- _BevelRoundness (Bevel Roundness)
- _LightAngle (Light Angle)
- _SpecularColor (Specular)
- _SpecularPower (Specular)
- _Reflectivity (Reflectivity)
- _Diffuse (Diffuse)
- _Ambient (Ambient)
- _BumpMap (Normal map)
- _BumpOutline (Bump Outline)
- _BumpFace (Bump Face)
- _ReflectFaceColor (Reflection Color)
- _ReflectOutlineColor (Reflection Color)
- _Cube (Reflection Cubemap)
- _EnvMatrixRotation (Texture Rotation)
- _UnderlayColor (Border Color)
- _UnderlayOffsetX (Border OffsetX)
- _UnderlayOffsetY (Border OffsetY)
- _UnderlayDilate (Border Dilate)
- _UnderlaySoftness (Border Softness)
- _GlowColor (Color)
- _GlowOffset (Offset)
- _GlowInner (Inner)
- _GlowOuter (Outer)
- _GlowPower (Falloff)
- _WeightNormal (Weight Normal)
- _WeightBold (Weight Bold)
- _ShaderFlags (Flags)
- _ScaleRatioA (Scale RatioA)
- _ScaleRatioB (Scale RatioB)
- _ScaleRatioC (Scale RatioC)
- _MainTex (Font Atlas)
- _TextureWidth (Texture Width)
- _TextureHeight (Texture Height)
- _GradientScale (Gradient Scale)
- _ScaleX (Scale X)
- _ScaleY (Scale Y)
- _PerspectiveFilter (Perspective Correction)
- _Sharpness (Sharpness)
- _VertexOffsetX (Vertex OffsetX)
- _VertexOffsetY (Vertex OffsetY)
- _MaskCoord (Mask Coordinates)
- _ClipRect (Clip Rect)
- _MaskSoftnessX (Mask SoftnessX)
- _MaskSoftnessY (Mask SoftnessY)
- _StencilComp (Stencil Comparison)
- _Stencil (Stencil ID)
- _StencilOp (Stencil Operation)
- _StencilWriteMask (Stencil Write Mask)
- _StencilReadMask (Stencil Read Mask)
- _CullMode (Cull Mode)
- _ColorMask (Color Mask)
TextMeshPro/Distance Field (Surface) |
- _FaceTex (Fill Texture)
- _FaceUVSpeedX (Face UV Speed X)
- _FaceUVSpeedY (Face UV Speed Y)
- _FaceColor (Fill Color)
- _FaceDilate (Face Dilate)
- _OutlineColor (Outline Color)
- _OutlineTex (Outline Texture)
- _OutlineUVSpeedX (Outline UV Speed X)
- _OutlineUVSpeedY (Outline UV Speed Y)
- _OutlineWidth (Outline Thickness)
- _OutlineSoftness (Outline Softness)
- _Bevel (Bevel)
- _BevelOffset (Bevel Offset)
- _BevelWidth (Bevel Width)
- _BevelClamp (Bevel Clamp)
- _BevelRoundness (Bevel Roundness)
- _BumpMap (Normalmap)
- _BumpOutline (Bump Outline)
- _BumpFace (Bump Face)
- _ReflectFaceColor (Face Color)
- _ReflectOutlineColor (Outline Color)
- _Cube (Reflection Cubemap)
- _EnvMatrixRotation (Texture Rotation)
- _SpecColor (Specular Color)
- _FaceShininess (Face Shininess)
- _OutlineShininess (Outline Shininess)
- _GlowColor (Color)
- _GlowOffset (Offset)
- _GlowInner (Inner)
- _GlowOuter (Outer)
- _GlowPower (Falloff)
- _WeightNormal (Weight Normal)
- _WeightBold (Weight Bold)
- _ShaderFlags (Flags)
- _ScaleRatioA (Scale RatioA)
- _ScaleRatioB (Scale RatioB)
- _ScaleRatioC (Scale RatioC)
- _MainTex (Font Atlas)
- _TextureWidth (Texture Width)
- _TextureHeight (Texture Height)
- _GradientScale (Gradient Scale)
- _ScaleX (Scale X)
- _ScaleY (Scale Y)
- _PerspectiveFilter (Perspective Correction)
- _Sharpness (Sharpness)
- _VertexOffsetX (Vertex OffsetX)
- _VertexOffsetY (Vertex OffsetY)
- _CullMode (Cull Mode)
TextMeshPro/Mobile/Distance Field |
- _FaceColor (Face Color)
- _FaceDilate (Face Dilate)
- _OutlineColor (Outline Color)
- _OutlineWidth (Outline Thickness)
- _OutlineSoftness (Outline Softness)
- _UnderlayColor (Border Color)
- _UnderlayOffsetX (Border OffsetX)
- _UnderlayOffsetY (Border OffsetY)
- _UnderlayDilate (Border Dilate)
- _UnderlaySoftness (Border Softness)
- _WeightNormal (Weight Normal)
- _WeightBold (Weight Bold)
- _ShaderFlags (Flags)
- _ScaleRatioA (Scale RatioA)
- _ScaleRatioB (Scale RatioB)
- _ScaleRatioC (Scale RatioC)
- _MainTex (Font Atlas)
- _TextureWidth (Texture Width)
- _TextureHeight (Texture Height)
- _GradientScale (Gradient Scale)
- _ScaleX (Scale X)
- _ScaleY (Scale Y)
- _PerspectiveFilter (Perspective Correction)
- _Sharpness (Sharpness)
- _VertexOffsetX (Vertex OffsetX)
- _VertexOffsetY (Vertex OffsetY)
- _ClipRect (Clip Rect)
- _MaskSoftnessX (Mask SoftnessX)
- _MaskSoftnessY (Mask SoftnessY)
- _StencilComp (Stencil Comparison)
- _Stencil (Stencil ID)
- _StencilOp (Stencil Operation)
- _StencilWriteMask (Stencil Write Mask)
- _StencilReadMask (Stencil Read Mask)
- _CullMode (Cull Mode)
- _ColorMask (Color Mask)
TextMeshPro/Sprite |
- _MainTex (Sprite Texture)
- _Color (Tint)
- _StencilComp (Stencil Comparison)
- _Stencil (Stencil ID)
- _StencilOp (Stencil Operation)
- _StencilWriteMask (Stencil Write Mask)
- _StencilReadMask (Stencil Read Mask)
- _CullMode (Cull Mode)
- _ColorMask (Color Mask)
- _ClipRect (Clip Rect)
- _UseUIAlphaClip (Use Alpha Clip)
ToonDeferredShading2017 |
- _LightTexture0
- _LightTextureB0
- _ShadowMapTexture
- _SrcBlend
- _DstBlend
UI/Default |
- _MainTex (Sprite Texture)
- _Color (Tint)
- _StencilComp (Stencil Comparison)
- _Stencil (Stencil ID)
- _StencilOp (Stencil Operation)
- _StencilWriteMask (Stencil Write Mask)
- _StencilReadMask (Stencil Read Mask)
- _ColorMask (Color Mask)
- _UseUIAlphaClip (Use Alpha Clip)
UI/Lava Indicator |
- _MainTex (Sprite Texture)
- _Color (Tint)
- _Color2 (Tint2)
- _NoiseTex (Noise)
- _VignetteStrength (Vignette Strength)
- _VignetteSmoothness (Vignette Smoothness)
- _StencilComp (Stencil Comparison)
- _Stencil (Stencil ID)
- _StencilOp (Stencil Operation)
- _StencilWriteMask (Stencil Write Mask)
- _StencilReadMask (Stencil Read Mask)
- _ColorMask (Color Mask)
- _UseUIAlphaClip (Use Alpha Clip)
UI/Unlit/Transparent |
- _MainTex (Base (RGB), Alpha (A))
- _Color (Tint)
- _StencilComp (Stencil Comparison)
- _Stencil (Stencil ID)
- _StencilOp (Stencil Operation)
- _StencilWriteMask (Stencil Write Mask)
- _StencilReadMask (Stencil Read Mask)
- _ColorMask (Color Mask)
- _UseUIAlphaClip (Use Alpha Clip)
Unlit/BeaconBeam |
- _MainTex (Texture)
- _Color (Color)
- _CentralFade (Central Fade)
- _TexSize (Texture Size)
- _TexTopEdge (Upper Tex Edge)
- _TexBtmEdge (Lower Tex Edge)
- _UpperFade (Upper Fade)
- _LowerFade (Lower Fade)
- _LightingOffset (Lighting Offset)
- _LightingStrength (Lighting Strength)
- _ScrollSpeed (Scroll Speed)
Unlit/Color |
- _Color (Main Color)
Unlit/DepthWrite |
- _MainTex (Texture)
Unlit/Invis |
- _MainTex (Texture)
Unlit/Lighting |
- _Color (Color)
- _MainTex (Texture)
Unlit/WeaponGlow |
- _MainTex (Texture)
- _CurlTex (Curl Noise)
- _CurlSize (Curl Size)
- _CurlStrength (Curl Strength)
- _VertPush (Vertex Push)
- _ScrollSpeed (Scroll Speed Y)
- _ScrollSpeedX (Scroll Speed X)
- _PixelSize (Pixel Size)
- _TexScale (Texture Scale)
- _Color (Color)
- _DomainWarp (Domain Warp)
- _EdgeFading (Edge Fades)